F e a t u r e d P o e t Joel E. Chace Selected Poems: 3 4 6 7 9 14 18 19 29 31 34 44 47
“Pork” is from the electronic chapbook The City on the Hill, from 2River View“Cheers: Freaking in Tongues” is from the electronic chapbook The Reason Why I Cannot
“Maggnummappuss” is from the print chapbook maggnummappuss from Rick Lupert of
“in the kingdom of the American Way” is from the poetic sequence polydickspoke her products from Big Bridge
“curriculee curricula” is from the electronic chapbook curriculee curricula from Potes and
“heisenberg” and “uncertainty principle” are from the full-length print collection UncertainRelations, from Birch Brook Press.
Selections from “o-d-e” are from the print poetic sequence “o-d-e,” forthcoming from
“even” and “godhead” are from the print chapbook Greatest Hits, forthcoming from Pudding
“levee” is from the electronic poetic sequence levee from 2River View
“petal file” and “a decorative hermit” are from the print chapbook to the thief, forthcoming
2000 Joel E. Chace WE WE WE ALL THE WAY! in his speeches in his columns in his homes
2000 Joel E. Chace Cheers: Freaking in Tongues 2000 Joel E. Chace 2000 Joel E. Chace Maggnummappuss
It loves the dark It loves the dank It shatters a world like a little glass tank
It’s layered pied It’s growin’ horns!
licks the puss of festering dreams comesat night comes where it will
It’s comin’ to the City on the Hill!
2000 Joel E. Chace in the kingdom of the American Way
it’s people you know and theyall have this glow about em
lappin til I get pretty damnlost and pretty damn drawed in drawed
the biggest fuckin circle of em allhe’s done up in chinos rayon pretty
up from nothin from bout the tiniest ever
good and worked up hell one sideta other’a that hall they’re screamin
2000 Joel E. Chace
foggy cuz it’s soundin like they’re shoutin
so I kinda slip away out back the hallset down by a big ole dumpster and try
to sort things out but it’s mighty steamy
and I’m hearin HALIBUT STEW and picturin
he’s a chef in some shit-hole restaurantand he’s holdin a tree-size meat cleaver
and lookin at an almost whale on a carvin board
the floor Fatty though he’s feisty dives
flail away so the fish is floppin circlesand Fatty rolls his saucer eyes throws down
hands course the fish just keeps squirtin
the kitchen door so it’s Fatty and the fish
and all of us are sittin inthe dark laughin like crazy hell
2000 Joel E. Chace curriculee curricula
catch the dazzle of distant streams stone buildings on a hill
gray heads in black gowns the whirpool illusion itall was there where we could never speak or know the truth
I write you at this long awaited first opportunity to explain my disappearance from the Academy know that I was seized by two men who came upon me silently and swiftly between the dining car and coach I was told at the point of their revolvers
since all are brutish in their knowledge since
the hearts of the wise are in the houseof mourning since the hearts of fools
he went to the midnight bovine grasslands calledutopia he lived among those bulks blacker
than midnight of the plains they call perfection he
stared into amber cattle-eyes little oceans little
depositories of emptiness prison houses of patience
they took me on to New York then to Boston 2000 Joel E. Chace where they made me ship as a cattleman I left Boston on March the 25th a Sunday and arrived in Liverpool Friday a week they left me there till yesterday then forced me on to London which we reached today at 6 a.m. by rail
seeing the palace apartment enveloped in flames
he who’d drunk many hogsheads of strong wine knew
he must take matters into his ownhands though afterwards palace-pissing protests
provoked protective policies and he missed
his wife and kids which caused him many laminations
all through last summer we were annoyed by chickens on the campus lawn around the powerhouse where they scratched away manure from all the beds a number of people are of the opinion these fowle come from your warehouse if these birds are yours is there no way you can keep them from our grounds I don’t want to adopt strenuous methods my wish you see is perfectly natural and it is not a pleasant thing to shoot
since the faculty are legion since the sacred
iliad is no more than a duststorm of apish
kings and peoples since tis well to besilly in season to invite folly to our
2000 Joel E. Chace 10 despite the hour they quit the train severely inebriated having spent all night sampling potent liquors immediately upon the London station platform they commenced to quarrel and fell into the Thames and drowned and so it was I separated from them for the first time since I’d left the Schoolfor Long Vacation what their object was I never did discover nor ever now will do
money don’t treat don’t tilt your chair inthe dining room class room or
that you must pay your share of generalbreakage as well as your own individual breakage
adapted learned returned against his will
to native soil where now he ambles heavily
nostrils well stopped with rue speaking againhis native tongue with bovine inflections amusing
those who hear those who have never journeyed
I understand the chickens belong to you last summer again we were greatly disturbed by their running over our truck path scratching manure away from peonies grapevines trees is there no way you can keep them from our campus it is just as unpleasant for me to write about 2000 Joel E. Chace 11 this matter as it is for you to receive this letter my wish is perfectly natural it is not a pleasant thing to shoot the chickens
dancing in the prison parking lot he throwshis head back and howls at the moonstreaked
doing in there come down and graduate with us
you in there you in there buddy boyoh yeah I’m here come up and
they left me with sufficient funds to make my way back to Liverpool the Tunoman that ship that brought me hither sails tomorrow morning and so I can return to Boston from there I’ll shift to New Haven where I have many a friend it must be evident I write this ingreat haste so cannot give particulars now aside from having suffered their rough treatment I am extremely grieved at your great trouble I shall be glad to make amends for whatever difficulties I have caused although I could not help it as you will understand this is a bitter disappointment having interfered to your dear wife and the good faculty
since recitations are compulsory since the fools
are changed as the moon since faculty are
2000 Joel E. Chace 12
legion since the wise are fixed as the sun since no
diplomas shall be granted until allbills are paid since stars are what our eyes
madness and folly since our souls are black derbysworn for holidays since we must leave
2000 Joel E. Chace 13 heisenberg
quite shy and sensitive hisparents fostered a constant
later photo of the two boyswith their father as he
in some copies of the print makeshim seem partially
system itself “because it’sclear everything is so that
2000 Joel E. Chace 14
spent most of his timewith the Youth Movement his
to culture Germanmusic poetry song always
and moral behavior inter-actions with women rarely
the intermediate stages of thisprocess occur in less
billionth of a second and arenot observable
he would slip out lateat night to beer halls where
2000 Joel E. Chace 15
to derive the resolvingpower of the interfer-
telescope and the microscopewhen an angry Wien
still lost Wien sawno reason to pass the young
head underlined afterthat a little h that
2000 Joel E. Chace 16
“Jewish physics” he becamethe trail blazer of German
the University of Berlin 1942“think of the time after the cat-
efforts go toward killingoff and suitably
2000 Joel E. Chace 17 uncertainty principle
purple and the waves littleboxes the scatterings you
the whole matter waltz andgrass or gas or
flowers washing overgender exposure only when
window uncertain split infini-tives functioning not
the competition everything sothat you can claim
trons overflowing spectralshores virtually the
green the line notthe living subtitles after
2000 Joel E. Chace 18
from o-d-e 2000 Joel E. Chace 19 2000 Joel E. Chace 20 2000 Joel E. Chace 21 2000 Joel E. Chace 22 2000 Joel E. Chace 23 2000 Joel E. Chace 24 2000 Joel E. Chace 25 2000 Joel E. Chace 26 2000 Joel E. Chace 27 2000 Joel E. Chace 28
odd how on canvasses the arrows piercing his flesh have come
for those not much filled with love and courage zing-rays
pass on through flatten spread poor adherences
unsoundable maws from toed edges membranes out
2000 Joel E. Chace 29 2000 Joel E. Chace 30
above a mountain called Two-Top in Pennsylvania
the high inverted triangle of November raincloud
2000 Joel E. Chace 31
liquid rippled fire spreading close as blood
as if a spackler horizons wide had scraped all along
that whole stretch and the voice of legion had said
2000 Joel E. Chace 32 2000 Joel E. Chace 33 2000 Joel E. Chace 34 2000 Joel E. Chace 35 2000 Joel E. Chace 36 2000 Joel E. Chace 37 2000 Joel E. Chace 38 2000 Joel E. Chace 39 2000 Joel E. Chace 40 2000 Joel E. Chace 41 2000 Joel E. Chace 42 2000 Joel E. Chace 43 petal file
under mind the matter lies deeper remembrance
doctor’s yard he holding the needle lies
little indians the good doctor telling us we were
2000 Joel E. Chace 44 2000 Joel E. Chace 45 2000 Joel E. Chace 46 a decorative hermit
they said not too deep nottoo chill after all it’s our
flanks enlighten uswith darkness prick us with
all that’s the stuff oldweedy say your lines and
you’re a couple of hundredyears old keep in mind
on trawl old troll for pro-fundities chilled like
dreamed though hiredto hide myself loudly with
nication in the arbors yetthe leaves need raking from
2000 Joel E. Chace 47
for me the oracular tuft where Ipark my bought buttocks
there he’ll swear thenswear we live within
2000 Joel E. Chace 48
paid not to dream so onmy own time I’ve dreamed
can recognize the night-beastI’ve kept at bay
they will waken the coldestwinter morning and will be
will strew it with theirsmiles then live forever
2000 Joel E. Chace 49
Bent Christensen · Karen Folmar · Marianne Steen Larsen · Chr. Gorm Tortzen Babelstårnet Langt de fleste fremmedord stammer fra latin og græsk. Grunden er,som nævnt i I.2.3 , at disse to sprog lige siden antikken har været viden- skabens sprog og er blevet talt og skrevet af videnskabsmænd helt op tilnutiden. Græsk og latin leverer den dag i dag nye ord til nye begreberinden fo
Optical Interferometers E N CYC LO PE D IA O F A S T R O N O MY AN D A S T R O PHYS I C S Optical Interferometers Optical INTERFEROMETERS are astronomical instrumentsdesigned to provide higher angular resolving power thanis possible with a conventional optical telescope or, inother words, the capacity to measure smaller angles andto discern finer details in an image. The ability of a telesc