WESTPORT WESTON HEALTH DISTRICT Received by: INFLUENZA VACCINE PERMISSION PRINT CLEARLY ________________________________________________ ________________ Age ______ Male Female Patient’s Name as it appears on your Insurance card Date of Birth ________________________________________________________________ (_____)_________________ Last 4 digits of your SS# ____________________ Method of payment: Cash _____ Check#_______ PROVIDE a copy of your Insurance card: Medicare B Aetna Anthem BC Cigna ConnectiCare Name of Primary Card Holder: _________________________________ Date of Birth : _______________ Have you ever had a flu vaccination? ……………………………………………. Yes No Have you ever had a serious reaction from a previous flu vaccination? .…. Yes No Are you sick or do you have a fever today? ……………………………………. Yes No Are you severely allergic to eggs, gentamicin, gelatin, argine or latex? …… Yes No Are you allergic to thimerosal (mercury-derived preservative)? ……………. Yes No Do you have/ had Guillain-Barre Disease? ……………………………………. Yes No FOR FLU MIST ONLY: Please answer the questions below: If you are younger than 5 years, have you had one or more episodes of wheezing in the past year?. Yes No Do you have asthma or lung disease? …………………………………………………………………
Yes No Do you have Diabetes, heart, liver, kidney, blood, or neurological disorder?. Yes No Do you have a weakened immune system because of HIV/AIDS or another disease that affects the immune system, long-term treatment with drugs such as high-dose steroids, or cancer treatment with radiation or drugs? ………………………………………………………………………….……… Yes No Have you received any other vaccinations in the past 4 weeks? …………… Yes No Are you pregnant or nursing? ……………………………………………………… Yes No Have you received any antivirals (i.e., Amantadine, Tamiflu, Relenza) in the past 48 hours? Yes No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have read, or had explained to me, the information sheet about the Influenza Vaccine. I have had a chance to ask questions which were answered to my satisfaction and I understand the benefits and risks of the vaccination. I request that the vaccine be given to me (or the person named below, for whom I am authorized to make this request). Health information may be disclosed for the following purposes: a) to bill and receive payment for the flu vaccine you have received; and/or b) to report any adverse reaction you may experience after receiving the flu vaccine. I authorize release of any medical or other information necessary to process an insurance claim. I understand that if the insurance rejects payment for this vaccination that the health district will bill me and I agree to pay the fee.
Signature of Recipient (or Parent or Guardian)
Clinic Site: ________________________________ Date Vaccinated: ___________________________ Manufacturer & Lot Number: ______________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________ Injection Site: Left Arm Right Arm Dosage (circle one): 0.25cc OR 0.5cc OR 0.2ml Intra-nasal OR High Dose Vaccinator’s Signature: ________________________________________________ INFLUENZA VACCINE PERMISSION 2013-14 (2).doc
NATURALNE IMMUNOSTYMULATORY EGZOGENNE 581Zak³ad Immunologii, Centrum Biostruktury Akademii Medycznej w WarszawieStreszczenie: Naturalne immunostymulatory egzogenne to preparaty pochodzenia bakteryjnego, rolin-nego b¹d pozyskiwane z grzybów, pobudzaj¹ce uk³ad odpornociowy. Obecne badania naukowe ukie-runkowane s¹ na poznanie dok³adnych mechanizmów ich dzia³ania oraz polepszenie i
MOHS SURGERY PRE-OP INSTRUCTIONS These instructions are to be followed before and after your surgery. Please call us if you have any questions or need further clarification. A. Aspirin Related Drugs (Stop taking 10-14 Days prior to your surgery) For a two-week period prior to and after the scheduled date of your surgery, please do not take any medication that contains aspirin or aspiri