depletion. In the absence of restraint, oversight or collective
governance, people and societies do a poor job balancing short-term consumption with the needs of the collective good. People
The Ginseng Game is designed to teach the principles generally
and societies tend to over emphasize short term benefits and
associated with the tragedy of the commons and specifically with competition in industries susceptible to resource depletion. The game explicitly uses competitive forces to encourage groups to THE PROBLEM OF SHORT TERM THINKING escalate commitment to short term profits while visually
People and organizations do a poor job balancing short-term
conveying resource depletion. Student teams must use the
and long-term needs and desires. We tend to over emphasize
available information, “out of the box” critical thinking,
short term gains at the expense of long term needs. Over
problem solving, coordination, and cooperation to achieve the
harvesting is a historic problem that has caused problems in both
objective of long term industry sustainability. The game and
the fishing and timer industries. The short term gains produced
debriefing can be run in a single class session. It can be
by over fishing or clear cut timber harvesting emphasize the
delivered with or without computer presentation (game incentives inherent in the tragedy of the commons. Many other
computations must be performed with the game’s MS Excel
problems of short term thinking can be explained using the
spreadsheet). The instructor calculates industry harvest and team performance data with an excel spreadsheet and may
Historically, human societies have caused (Diamond, 1997)
display that information with or without the aid of a presentation
and continue to cause the extinctions of many animal species.
The extinction of such species as the Flores Cave Rat, the Desert
Rat-kangaroo, the Dodo Bird, the Labrador Duck, the Passenger
Pigeon, and many others (IUCN, 2008) speak to the human
propensity to put short interests ahead of long term
The phenomena of short term thinking and profit taking is a
considerations. If there are economic benefits to be gained,
problem that plagues many industries to the detriment of
individuals and businesses may act in ways to gain those
customers, businesses and society. There are many examples.
benefits even if environmental damage occurs. The benefits are
The tendency to mismanage natural resources preceded failures
generally private, short-term, and significant, while the costs
in the timber and fishing industries. The management of animal
accrue to society and are long-term and smaller in effect to those
populations and the environment are two areas where small short
who gained the benefit. Additional examples occur in business.
term benefits drive behavior that ignores large long term costs.
The desirability of strip mining is strongly offset by the
In the last decade, failures in corporate governance, fraudulent
ecological damage borne by the rest of society yet mining
accounting, and most recently the failure to think about society’s
companies would still engage in the practice if it wasn’t for
long-term well being in financial markets highlight the need to
strong governmental regulation. The fact that strip mining
teach business students the perils of putting short term profits
occurred at all is because the economic gains to mining
companies were significant and the social costs of ecological
damage were borne by the local community after the mining
The tragedy of the commons exists when individuals derive
In the last two decades, the phenomena of short term profit
personal benefit from collectively owned resources that are
taking is reflected in the collapse of the mortgage and banking
subject to depletability and those individuals act to secure that
industries. (Steverman & Bogoslaw, 2008) This failure occurred
benefit at the expense of the common good. The lack of explicit
because speculators wrote and sold mortgage contracts that were
private ownership sets up conditions where each individual has
lucrative to them but risky to mortgagees. Successful
an incentive to consume as much of the resources as possible in
speculators exited the industry long before the financial collapse
order to maximize their individual situation, even if at the
by selling the mortgages to established mortgage brokers who
expense of the collective good. (Coase, 1937, 1960) Without
later suffered when mortgagees could no longer make payments.
some form of restraint, oversight, or collective governance, this
Each of these problems reflects the problem of short-term
results in a race to consume the resources and eventual resource
thinking and the lack of attention to sustainability. This game is
312 | Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Volume 36, 2009
intended to teach students about competition in industries
commercial enterprises as taught in colleges of business) and
susceptible to a fixation on short term thinking and characterized
industry sustainability (an explicit goal). If students perceive
by the potential for resource depletion.
conflicting goals, the instructor could ask probing questions to
help the students explore industry preserving alternatives.
Students will be provided the players manual in advance of
This game is based on Fish Banks Ltd, 1990, by Dennis
the game and instructed to become familiar with the game when
Meadows (Meadows, 1990). The author’s experience with Fish
Banks is that every student group exterminates the fish
population and destroys the long term profitability of the
The sequence of activities is as follows:
industry. The Ginseng Game is intended to provide a similar
1. Form Teams - Form the class into 4-8 teams of 4-5
industry situation but with a greater likelihood that the students
players each. To ensure some measure of group
will recognize the problems associated with resource
activity, discussion, argument, decision making, and
depleteability and take corrective action before long term
consensus, the groups should have a minimum of 3
profitability is destroyed. This is the first iteration of this game
players. To prevent the free rider problem, team size
and the game has not yet been tested in the classroom.
should not exceed 6 players. 4-5 teams seem optimum,
while managing 6-8 is more difficult administratively.
2. Each team will make planning decisions in advance of
1. Students will learn to identify the characteristics of
each harvesting season. These decisions will be: 1)
industries susceptible to resource depletion and be able to
how many new trainees to hire for the season, how
much capacity to add for the season, and to develop a
2. Students will learn to identify market and industry
harvesting strategy for 5-10 year old ginseng.
incentives that encourage short term thinking and a fixation
3. At the end of each season, the instructor will provide
the harvesting results based on a computerized model of
3. Students will experience the competitive pressures of short
term profit taking in an industry susceptible to resource
4. Students will play the game for up 7 seasons. At the
depletion and either, a) learn to act proactively or reactively
instructor’s discretion, students may be asked to
to prevent industry demise, or b) experience the failure so
provide seasonal plans for several sequential rounds.
5. There are two ways to end the game. In the first
version, the instructor will preannounce a specific
round in which the game will end. This will be referred
Instructional objective: To teach problem solving skills
to as the “game with a distinct ending.” In the second
associated with competition in industries with depletable
version, the instructor will preannounce the last round
in which teams will produce a harvesting plan but that
Game objectives: To teach students to engage in strategic
this final plan will be carried forward into future rounds.
conduct that ensures industry sustainability and long term
This will be referred to as the “continuing game.” In
profitability, and to understand the problems associated with
this case, team performance will be extrapolated for
a fixation on short term thinking and profitability.
several additional rounds and the effect of those plans
Target audience: Graduate and undergraduate students.
A comparison of the differences produced by the two
Number of players: 4-6 teams of 2-5 people per team.
different game endings, listed in 5 above, will illustrated how the
Materials required: Players handbook (Appendix 2), Game
different incentive act on managerial decision making. Based on
software, Plastic graduated container with beads past use of similar games, many student groups allow the
representing stock of wild ginseng, company worksheets
competitive format of the game to drive decision making.
(included at end of Players Handbook), pencils or pens, each
Surpassing rival teams becomes the de facto objective to the
detriment of the games true objective of long term industry
Equipment/room setup required: The instructor will require the
use of a computer with Microsoft Excel. Game data can be
As an instructor, there is a strong tendency to want to save
displayed using an electronic presentation system, a dry
the students from failure. This game is just as likely to teach
students through success as it is to teach through failure. The
instructor is admonished to allow students to make their own
choices and fail if their choices are deficient. Even if students
From the student’s perspective, the object of the game is to
destroy the market for Ginseng, they can be made to learn from
ensure long term sustainable profitability of the WV Wild
Ginseng industry. This objective should be stated at the
beginning of play and reiterated if students ask during the game.
From the instructor’s perspective, the object of the game is
Wolfe and Byrne observe that the most important part of a
to allow students to deal with the apparently conflicting
game specifically, and experiential learning in general, is the
objectives of profit maximization (the implicit goal of debriefing (Wolfe & Byrne, 1975). The debriefing is the place 313 | Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Volume 36, 2009
to create the learning linkages between thinking and doing.
Games are generally fun. They involve an objective, action, and
results. They are remembered. If the instructor can help the
Coase Ronald, 1937. The nature of the firm. Econometrica,
student create a linkage between the game and theory, the
student will retain the theoretical information long term. It is
Coase, Ronald, 1960. The problem of social cost. Journal of
necessary for the instructor to help the student create the linkage,
as opposed to telling the student about the relevance of the
Diamond, Jared, 1997. Guns Germs and Steel: The Fates of
game, in order for the student to apply it in the future. Even if
Human Societies. W. W. Norton and Company, London,
students fail, there is value in learning why and how they failed.
Failure is painful and humiliating. Students will remember it.
Hardin, Garrett, 1968. The Tragedy of the Commons. Science,
Failure teaches students the causes of failure and how to avoid it
IUCN, 2008. International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Meadows, Dennis, 1990. Fishbanks Ltd. Laboratory for
The Theoretical Model that underlies the game is the
Interactive Learning, Institute for Policy and Social Science
same resource depletion model as is used in other games such as
the Fish Banks (Meadows, 1990). The Tragedy of the Commons
Steverman, Ben, & David Bogoslaw2008. The Financial Crisis
(Hardin, 1968) is the general phenomena that describes why
Blame Game. Business Week, October 18, 2008
individuals act contrary to the public good. In addition to
Wolfe, Douglas E. & Eugene T. Byrne, 1975. Research on
various games that illustrate the tragedy of the commons, the
Experiential Learning: Enhancing the Process. Business
instructor can use the specific example of the prisoners dilemma
Games and Experiential Learning in Action, 2: 325-336.
or more general examples provided by economic game theory.
The data related to both ginseng and the market for ginseng are
largely accurate with minor generalizations for ease of game
play. Data was extracted from the following sources:
This game is intended to provide students with a more
visual representation of the stock of renewable resources upon which an industry in dependent. It is hoped that the visual cues
will inspire students to be more aware of the nature of depletable
resources and that this awareness will engage their problem
solving abilities so they come up with alternatives that allow
them to achieve the games objective of long term industry
Ginseng is a slow growing herbaceous perennial plant with
a large fleshy root that resembles a small parsnip. It is found in
both Asia and North America in mountainous temperate zones.
1. In this game, did you cause the extermination of wild
Ginseng requires dense shade and good drainage on hillsides. It
ginseng in West Virginia? If so, why? What incentives
does not grow well in flat areas. It can be cultivated but
encouraged you to do so? What incentive acted to restrain
generally takes 5 or more years to reach maturity which reduces
you from short term profit taking? If you left the industry in
its desirability as a crop plant. Ginseng is also considered a high
a sustainable condition, how did you overcome the
risk because it is highly susceptible to mice, wild turkey, molds,
slugs, fungi, rot, and theft. Ginseng can live up to 80 years.
2. When did you realize that this game was not solely a game
Roots generally grow significantly in mature plants reaching
lengths of 4-6 inches. The ginseng root is highly valued for its
3. What was the role of industry cooperation in the game?
4. What was the role of regulatory oversight or other outside
Ginseng is believed to have distinctive medical and curative
effects and is highly valued by those who practice homeopathic
5. What are the general conditions under which industries will
medicine. Various studies have attempted to validate the
beneficial effects of ginseng on sexual potency and libido,
6. Provide examples of industries susceptible to resource
longevity, diabetes, influenza, and cancer. Controlled scientific
studies of the medical efficacy of ginseng are rare and those that
7. How can industries be protected from resource depletion
exist are of questionable scientific accuracy. Despite this lack of
proof, ginseng has been a staple in oriental medicine for
8. Given the lessons learned from the game and examples in
centuries and is growing in worldwide popularity.
the real world, is industry self-regulation a viable method
Ginseng has been known in China for over 5000 years and
used as a cure-all for 3000 years. In traditional Chinese
9. Given the lessons learned from the game and examples in
medicine, Asian ginseng is viewed has having Yang and the
the real world, is government regulation a viable method for
North American ginseng is viewed as having Yin. Beneficial
effects are optimized when combined in the proper proportions.
10. What other solutions might exist to prevent resource
This creates a demand for ginseng from both regions. Most
North American ginseng is produced in Canada in Ontario and
British Columbia and in the USA in Wisconsin.
314 | Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Volume 36, 2009 Ginseng Harvesting Efficiency Employee Efficiency (Kg/year) Ginseng Density
Wild ginseng is ginseng that is not planted or cultivated but
instead found growing wild wherever pollinated seeds take root.
While there are a significant number of independent
Woods grown ginseng is ginseng that is planted from seed and
harvesters of wild ginseng, your company is one of only a few
left to grow wild in the woods. Wild ginseng is believed to have
commercial operations operating in West Virginia. You
greater beneficial properties than cultivated ginseng. Wild
currently have 10 employees who are experienced harvesters.
ginseng is becoming quite rare due very high demand, over
Each employee is capable of finding and processing 40 Kg of
harvesting, and dwindling supply. Market values for dried wild
ginseng each season. You have a processing, drying and storage
ginseng can exceed $1000 per kilogram. The market value for
facility with a seasonal capacity of 600 Kg of ginseng each year.
woods grown ginseng is slightly lower than wild ginseng. In
You cannot take in more than 600 kg without purchasing and
North America, both wild ginseng and woods grown ginseng are
found in Maine, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West
Ginseng plants reproduce after reaching 4 years old.
The annual ginseng harvest depends on the number of
The red berries that form on mature plants each produce two
trained workers engaged in harvesting operations and their
seeds. These berries must undergo two seasons before seed
harvesting efficiency. Harvesting efficiency is determined by
germination can occur. Ginseng farmers germinate berries by
factors such as the density of wild ginseng, ginseng
burying them in sand for one full year before replanting in soil
reproduction, the amount of time ginseng is left to grow, the
suitable for ginseng growing. Younger plants produce fewer
occurrence of blight and other ginseng diseases, and the weather.
berries while older plants produce many more. Continuous
harvesting of 5 year old wild ginseng has a detrimental effect on
the ginseng population because of a reduction in the number of
Dried wild ginseng sells for about $800/kg. Dried woods-
the older plants that produce larger quantities of berries.
cultivated ginseng sells for about $500/kg. Dried cultivated
ginseng sells for about $50/kg. The price per kilogram of
ginseng is determined by an auction market made up of national
Ginseng has been harvested in West Virginia for over 200
and international ginseng buyers. Since the total amount of
years. Ginseng grows wild on public and private lands of West
ginseng produced by West Virginia is a small percentage of the
Virginia. Harvesting on public lands in state parks, state forests,
global total, West Virginian production has little effect on global
and nature areas is illegal but is legal on other public lands.
Harvesting on private land is permitted with the owner’s written
It is illegal to harvest ginseng plants that are less than five
permission. Harvesting is legal from 1 September to 30
years old. The age of ginseng plants can be estimated from the
November. Only plants that are 5 years old, identified by having
number of leaf prongs, the number of berries, and the size of the
3 leaf prongs, and older are permitted for harvesting. Harvesters
plant. Five year old ginseng is identified by having at least three
are required to replant the seeds from ginseng plants in the spot
leaf prongs and ten year old ginseng is identified by having four
where harvested. Ginseng must be either 1) sold to a registered
ginseng dealer by 31 March of each year following its harvest,
The dried weight of ginseng roots increase, by almost 50%
or 2) certified by the WV Department of Forestry by obtaining a
per year. Since older plants have substantially larger roots it
weight receipt which must be kept with the ginseng. It is illegal
potentially desirable to delay harvesting as long as possible.
to possess ginseng between 31 March and 31 August without a
This delay is problematic because mature ginseng can be
weight receipt. Steep fines and prison time are the typical
harvested by any company. A mature year-old-plant passed up
punishment for violating ginseng harvesting regulations. These
by one company may be harvested later that season or in the
regulations are intended to allow regeneration of wild ginseng.
next by another company. Another problem is that older ginseng
is more susceptible to molds, fungi, and specific diseases. The
315 | Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Volume 36, 2009 Ginseng Replenishment Regeneration Carrying Capacity (%)
older plants can more easily transmit diseases to younger plants,
Your company may reduce its labor force at any time by
For these reasons, harvesters may pass up some mature
terminating harvesters. These employees may seek employment
ginseng that is over five years old but they rarely pass up ten
at a rival ginseng business anytime within a year and be hired as
year-old-plants. Harvesting plans generally call for the
a fully trained harvester. These employees are free agents and
collection of a specific percentage of ginseng roots of various
may cause several rival businesses to offer a one-time hiring
ages; e.g. A plan might call for the collection of 50% of five
bonus for the privilege of hiring them. You may not lay off a
year-old-plants, 60% of 6 year-old-plants, 70% of 7 year-old-
trainee or harvester in their first year of employment.
plants, etc. This type of plan leaves some older ginseng to be
harvested in future years. It also leave open the possibility that
rivals might harvest in the same areas and clean out all the
Whether trained or not, you spend $20,000/year on your
ginseng leaving you no older plant for the future
employees in the form of wages and equipment.
If you have a positive bank balance at the end of the season,
Ginseng processing, storage, and drying requires specialized
the bank will pay you interest equal to 10% of your bank
equipment. This equipment may be homemade or manufactured
to order. Each 100 kg/year capacity manufactured unit requires
a recurring annual expense of $5000/year. Each 100 kg/year
capacity homemade unit requires a recurring annual expense of
The total annual revenue for your company is your total
$8000/year. This equipment may be traded with other ginseng
harvest in kilograms multiplied by $1000 plus the interest
If you have a negative bank balance at the end of the season,
You start the game with 10 trained employees. Your trained
the bank will charge you interest equal to 15% of your bank
employees are capable of harvesting 40 Kg of ginseng per
season. Trained employees know how to identify wild ginseng,
are knowledgeable of the locations where ginseng can be found,
and can determine the rough age of ginseng so that immature
The total annual expenses for your company are the sum of
plants are left unmolested or that mature plants can be left to
labor costs, new capacity purchases, recurring capacity costs,
It takes a full year of one-on-one training under the direct
supervision of a trained harvester to become competent at
Your profits are equal to your Revenues minus your
ginseng harvesting, processing, and drying. During the training
Expenses. At the end of each season your Cumulative Bank
period a trainee provides negligible additional capacity over the
Balance and Annual Profit will be compared with the other
trained harvester. The one-on-one nature of the training means
that your company may never hire more trainees than it has
New employees require a year to become independently
productive. During their first year, new employees work
316 | Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Volume 36, 2009
alongside an experienced employee, learning where to find
7. At the beginning of the season, send workers out to
ginseng, how to determine ginseng’s age, how to properly
harvest ginseng and replant the seeds, and how to prepare
8. At the end of the season, your instructor will provide
ginseng for market. During this year they must be paid. On
balance, new employees do some work but distract from the
9. Reconcile your annual revenues and expenses to
experienced worker by the same amount, resulting in virtually
determine your end of season bank balance.
no net gain in harvesting capacity. It is in an employee’s second
and subsequent years that they start contributing to the ginseng
For computational purposes, financial transactions will be as
At the beginning of each year, the company must determine
the number of new employees they will train in the upcoming
1. Start the year with your bank balance carried from the
year. These new hires sign a contract that guarantees them
employment during the training period and for at least one
2. Pay for new homemade capacity intended for this
additional year. Once trained, all harvesters have roughly the
3. Calculate the financial effect of equipment trades.
5. Your instructor will provide you with the results of the
You need to determine how much, if any, new ginseng
6. Calculate revenue from the sale of ginseng harvest.
processing capacity you intend to add each year. This
7. Pay for new manufactured capacity ordered for next
equipment may be homemade or manufactured to order. One
local provider of manufactured equipment can produce highly
8. Calculate interest revenue or expenses based on end of
effective units for far less than you can make them. Each
manufactured unit with a 100 kg/year capacity initially costs
$20,000 to order. Homemade units can be made for about
$30,000. Each manufactured unit of equipment must be ordered
one year in advance to provide time for the manufacturer to
build the equipment, ship it to the buyer, and set it up.
The following sources were used to design the game. The
Homemade equipment can be made and used during the current
data related to both ginseng and the market for ginseng are
largely accurate with minor generalizations for ease of game
Because older ginseng grows to a larger size and therefore
Carroll, Chip & Dave Apsley, 2008. Growing American
earns significantly more revenue when sold, you can set
Ginseng in Ohio: An Introduction. . Accessed 2 Nov 2008.
harvesting goals which your harvesters will implement. You can
specify the percentages of 5-10 year old ginseng that your
Ginseng Season 2006. Accessed 2 Nov 2008.
harvesters will collect. If you specify a harvesting target for six
year old ginseng of 60%, that effectively means your harvesters
Harding’s Ginseng Farm, 2008. Company website. 11 Sep
will collect about 60% of the six year old ginseng they find and
leave 40% for future seasons. You will specify harvesting
targets for ginseng in the rang fro 5-10 years old. It is unusual to
Redorbit, 2005. Feds' Ginseng Report Could Reduce Harvest.
find ginseng older than 10 years old, so your harvesting target
for 10 year old ginseng is effectively 100%.
Scott, John A., Jr., Sam Rogers, and David Cooke, 1995.
1. Lay off workers from previous season.
Woods-Grown Ginseng. Jun 1995. Accessed 2 Nov 2008.
3. Chose the number of new harvesters to hire.
Wikipedia, 2008. Ginseng. Accessed 2 Nov 2008.
5. Chose the amount of new capacity to purchase or build
WV Division of Forestry, 2001. Ginseng digging season runs
from Sept. 1 through Nov. 30. Accessed 2 Nov 2008.
6. Determine your harvesting plan for the upcoming
317 | Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Volume 36, 2009 APPENDIX B, PAGE 1 of 2 Company Name: THE GINSENG GAME COMPANY WORKSHEET Preseason Season 1 EXPENSES Expenses PLANNING
New Manufactured Capacity (Kg) purchased
318 | Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Volume 36, 2009 APPENDIX B, PAGE 2 of 2 Company Name: THE GINSENG GAME COMPANY WORKSHEET Season 10 Season 11 Season 12 Season 13 Season 14 Season 15 Total Revenue ($USD) EXPENSES Total Expenses ($USD) PLANNING 319 | Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Volume 36, 2009
Protecting Academic Integrity: Student Assessment In The Online Environment
Pedagogical Shift: Teaching Report Writing For Accountants Online
Increasing Student Learning In An Investment Management Course Through The Innovative Use Of Experiential Learning Pedagogy
A Moral Development Unit For Business Courses
Dividing Up Grandma’s Things: A Multifaceted Exercise In Critical Thinking
Application Of Haekel’s Thesis To ABSEL Development
Linking Stories With On-Line Threaded Discussions For Critical Thinking In Management Curriculum
Why Have We Neglected Vicarious Experiential Learning?
A Triadic Multi-Disciplinary Approach To Enhancing The Efficacy Of Experiential Learning
Movement Toward Increased Student Roles In The Design Of Experiential Exercises
Ready-Mix Concrete Company: An Experiential Exercise In Management Theory
Using Portfolio Theory In A General Management Simulation
An Experimental Analysis Of Advertising Strategies And Advertising
The Relationship Between Goal Orientation And Simulation Performance With Attitude Change And Perceived Learning
Beyond The Profitable-Product Death Spiral: Managing Product Mix In An Environment Of Constrained Resources
Online Marketing Control With The Strategic Business Unit Analysis Package
Creating Decision Support Systems In Business Simulation Games
The Use Of Computer-Assisted, Interactive Role-Play Simulation In China
Asia Marketing: An International Business Game
An Empirical Test Of “Behavioral Immersion” In Experiential Learning
Existing And Emerging Business Simulation-Game Design Movements
Computerized Business Simulations: A Systems Dynamics Process
Evaluating Business Plans In A Simulation Environment
Teaching Software Development By Means Of A Classroom Game: The Software Development Game
Group Decision Experiments Using Business Game - Problem Solving With Conflict
Luna: A Role Play Game For Learning Incoterms 2000
Entrepreneurship: A Game Of Risk And Reward Phase I -- The Search For Opportunity
Learning Inhibitors In Business Simulations And Games
New Version Of An Old Simulation Helps Build A Perfect Capstone Course
Project Competitor: A Simulation Game For Project Management With 2 Models And 2 Modes
Mitigating The Winner’s Curse In The Auction Market Of A Computer-Assisted Business Gaming Simulation
Evaluation Of Collaborative Filtering By Agent-Based Simulation Considering Market Environment
Marketing Simulation Game Decision Making Experience And Its Impact On Indecisiveness Among Introductory Marketing Students
Individual And Organizational Learning In A Top Management Game
In Pursuit Of Stockholder Value: Reinforcing Core Concepts In A Business Strategy Simulation With A “Shadow” Stock Market Competition
The Simplicity Paradox: Another Look At Complexity In Design Of Simulations And Experiential Exercises
In Search Of The Ethnocentric Consumer: Experiencing “Laddering” Research In International Advertising
The Paradise Islands Revisited: Trouble In Paradise
Developing And Assessing Student Information Literacy Competency
Do First Mover Advantages Exist In Competitive Board Games: The Importance Of Zugzwang
The Natural Debriefing Approach: A Case In A Simple Business Game Pursued For Perfect Communications
New Product Development Simulation
Dominance In On Line Business Games Competitions
Cooperative Business Game With Framing Effect
Experiential Exercises In The Online Environment
Enhancing Web-Based Simulations With Game Elements For Increased Engagement
Experience Business Using a Simple Business Simulation
PROGRAMA DE FORMAÇÃO CONTÍNUA EM MATEMÁTICA PARA PROFESSORES DO 2º CICLO - ESE DE CASTELO BRANCO A importância do cálculo mental torna-se evidente no dia-a-dia de cada um, quanto mais não seja, se pretendermos fazer compras ou efectuar as mais diversificadas relações entre gran-dezas e/ou equivalências que dispensam, por comodidade, o cálculo escrito. O próprio domínio do
Revisión Cefalea asociada al uso, abuso y retirada de ciertas sustancias S. ABILLEIRA CASTELLS Determinadas cefaleas pueden desencadenarse, em-Headache can sometimes be triggered or producedpeorar o modificarse con el uso de diferentes sus-by acute or chronic exposure to different substancestancias, entre las que destacan analgésicos y antimi-as well as from their withdrawal. Some