Pre-P r o c e d u r e C a r e
f o r E y e b r o w s , E y e l i n e r , L i p l i n e r and/o r
F u l l L i p C o l o r
All permanent cosmetic procedures are multi-session processes. You are required to come back for at least one touch-up visit before it can be determined that your work is complete. Touch-up visits are scheduled from four to six week intervals. Be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be darker than what is expected for the final outcome. It will take time for this transition, based on how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates. While these implanted colors may initially simulate the exact color and tone desired, it will not always remain a perfect match. Injected pigments are constant, while your own skin tones will vary depending on exposure to cold, heat, sun and circulatory changes. For example, if you tan your skin and had a scar camouflaged, your surrounding skin will be darker in appearance than the treated area. Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell slightly or redden, some clients feel it best not to make any social plans immediately after any procedure. However, most clients can continue their daily schedule. Most agree, there is ‘no down time”. Wear your normal make-up and bring your lip or brow pencils to the office on the day of your consultation. For your procedure day, you can come in with your makeup applied, or if you feel comfortable a cleansed face (whatever you prefer). Any eyebrow tweezing or waxing should be done at least 48 hours prior to the procedure; electroly- sis no less than 7 days before. Do not resume any method of hair removal for at least two weeks. Any eyelash or eyebrow tinting or eyelash curling should be done no sooner than 48 hours before or two weeks after the procedure. For an eyeliner procedure, please remember to bring your glasses and not to wear your contacts that day. You can resume wearing your contacts the next day. Post procedure, for 24 hours a frozen bag of peas will provide eye comfort for eyeliner pro-cedures If you are having lip procedures and have any history of cold sores/fever blisters/herpes simplex, you will be required to contact your physician to obtain the proper prescription medication to prevent such outbreaks. Many physicians prescribe 12 capsules of 500 mg. Valtrex. These can be taken 2 times a day, two days before micro-pigmentation and four days after or as physician prescribes. This should be taken before each implantation of the lips. Post procedure : a frozen bag of peas will provide comfort and bring down swelling. Lips will be swollen 1-2 days.
For all permanent cosmetic procedures: no caffeine the morning of your procedure and no
alcohol the night before.
Five days prior please discontinue any medication containing aspirin, steroids, or any anti-
inflammatory drugs unless absolutely necessary as prescribed by your physician.
If you are pregnant or nursing we will be unable to implant permanent cosmetic at this time.
Post procedure will be given to each client on the day of their procedure.
Permanent cosmetics means that your makeup will not wash off. You will have years of per-

sonal freedom from reapplying makeup .Your permanent cosmetics may need to be re-
freshed to maintain the intensity of color you desire through the years.

Form 8


SO.S.T.E. Notiziario Organo ufficiale della Società per lo Studio delle Talassemie ed Emoglobinopatie - SO.S.T.E. Volume 3, numero 4 Aprile 2004 dine di data ma non di importanza: il III Convegno SO.S.T.E. che si terrà a Ferrara dal 14 al 16 Ottobre Cari soci, questo numero di SOSTE Notiziario è 2004 e sarà organizzato da Vincenzo De Sanctis la stato dedicato al


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