1scheda dep eu

DEP (DermoElectroPoration® System) is the new Non Invasive, Stand alone powered drug-delivery system carrying Dermoelectroporation® FDA cleared as alternative to injections.
Technology to deliver Ionic drug solution into the body for medicalpurposes. As result of more than five years researches, Mattioli Dermoelectroporation®, technology is consolidated to be an incredi- ble procedure that allows the transdermal delivery of whatever sub-stance operators want, which are otherwise not absorbed into the skin because of the typology and dimension of their own molecules.
Current delivery perception protected.
Dermoelectroporation® infact, increases the skin’s permeability just
using some skin's water based channels opened by a particular
Control on homogeneous drug delivery.
controlled current delivered to the patient and allowing the sub-
100% drug protection against external agents.
stances to absobed till hypodermis and muscle membranes.
The system has been FDA approved for the “local administration of
Real time skin impedance measurement feature.
ionic drug solutions into the body for medical purposes and can be Real time transdermal delivery monitoring.
used as an alternative to injections”. DEP SYSTEM IS MADE OF THE FOLLOWING DEVICES:
to be delivered and time of treatment.
• DEP Transdermal delivery handpiece with of ionic drug solution of macromolecules • Super Precision Liquid Dispenser - Super PLD. deliverable by traditional Ionthophore-sis are now successfully deliverabledue to the new Dermoelectroporation® • Hyperhidrosys• Skin Rejuvenation treatments DEP SYSTEM FEATURES:
• Pre and post plastic surgery sessions of product with 100% protection against external agents DEP System ensures speed of action,
easier regulation of either current deliv-
Operators will enjoy the accuracy provided by the DEP System
Handpiece for any skin condition and for any length of treatment.
Patients will enjoy treatments with DEP System due to the very high
comfortable sessions. Vibration feature makes electrical pulses deliv- • No irritations, burnings or inflammations ery perception to decrease significantly and the handpice won’t allow TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
POWER SUPPLY: 9 V DC, 1A max, external
+/-1 mA, 2 mA, 3 mA, 4 mA, 5 mA, user selectable, ± 20%
BURST TIME: 10 msec.
1.700.000 dalton
Hyaluronic acid delivery
through the dermis
to hypodermis using
® Ionto System
(B&A and biopsy
courtesy of Dr. Jaggy Rao,
MD, Univ. of Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada)

DERMOELECTROPORATION® is a new named and patented proprietary tech-nology of Mattioli Engineering Labs of Florence, Italy. As result of more than fiveyears researches, Mattioli DERMOELECTROPORATION®, technology is consoli-dated to be an incredible procedure that allows the transdermal delivery of what- MATTIOLI ENGINEERING
ever substance operators want, which are otherwise not absorbed into the skin ITALIA S.P.A.
because of the typology and dimension of their own molecules. DERMOELEC- TROPORATION® infact, increases the skin’s permeability just using some skin's water based channels opened by a particular controlled current delivered to
the patient and allowing the substances to absobed till hypodermis and
muscle membranes. DERMOELECTROPORATION® allows ionic dug solutions
to penetrate down till Hypodermis and it is faster than traditional Ionthophoresis.
With DERMOELECTROPORATION® micro and macro-molecules (greater than 800 Kdalton in size, such as Hyaluronic, Vitamins, Amino acids, Heparin, Antinflammatories etc) are safely delivered into the body without either modifica- tion of the ionic drug solutions pH and Electrolysis effect of the ionic solution itself. This was not possible with traditional Ionthophoresis systems before.
DEP SYSTEM Data sheet 55003030 Mattioli Engineering Copyright - All rights reserved.

Source: http://pandor.ro/upload/DS-DEP-System-Europe-Rev-2-0.pdf


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