Bellevue University Tobacco Free FAQ’s

Q: What does a tobacco-free campus mean? What areas of campus does this entail?
The use of tobacco is prohibited within the university campus.
This includes all buildings, parking structures, campus walkways, and university-owned
vehicles. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, vendors and other visitors to all
university property. Prohibited tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes,
electronic cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, bidis, hookah, snuff, snus, and other non-
combustible tobacco products.
Q: Smoking tobacco is legal. So why are my rights being taken away?
Although you have the legal right to purchase tobacco products, Bellevue University has the
legal and ethical right and responsibility to make and implement decisions that positively affect
the health and wellbeing of all students, faculty, staff, vendors, and other visitors. It is true that
smoking is still a legal product/activity; however, the courts have ruled that the rights of smokers
do not supersede the rights of non-smokers to avoid breathing second-hand smoke. Medical
research has shown (and the U.S. Surgeon General has affirmed) that there is no safe level of
exposure to second-hand smoke, a class A carcinogen.
Q: Can I smoke in my personal car?
At this time Bellevue University chooses not to enforce the tobacco free policy in private
vehicles provided that users make a reasonable effort to contain smoke and smoking materials
inside the vehicle (e.g.,keeping windows closed).
Q: Have other colleges transitioned to tobacco-free campuses?
Yes, according to a May 2011 article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, the American
Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation estimates that more than 500 campuses have adopted no-
smoking policies. We believe this number will continue to increase in the coming years, as one
state has already banned smoking on the campuses of all institutions of higher education
statewide and another has banned smoking on the campuses of all public colleges and
universities statewide.
Q: Do I have to quit smoking?
No, the university cannot compel you to quit using tobacco, but you cannot use tobacco on
university property. For those who do choose to quit, information regarding cessation programs
and resources will be made available prior to and continuing throughout the implementation date.
Q: How does Bellevue University’s employee health insurance assist with cessation?
Under Bellevue’s plan FDA approved prescription drugs and over-the-counter nicotine
addiction drugs and deterrents are covered at 100%. If an out of network pharmacy is used, a
25% penalty would apply.
*Prescription Covered Medications for Tobacco Cessation are:
Bupropion sr
Nicotine patches Nicotrol inhaler Nicotrol Ns Zyban g *Over the Counter Covered Medications for Tobacco Cessation are:
Nicoderm CQ
Nicotine patches
Nicotine gum
Nicotine polacril ex
Nicotine transdermal system
*A prescription is required to be presented at the pharmacy to obtain any of these benefits.
Generic brand medications will be provided unless the doctor specifies otherwise on the
prescription by coding the medication as DAW 1.

Q: Whom should I contact if I have questions about the Tobacco Free Policy?
For employees: All concerns and questions regarding the policy should be directed to Human
Resources at 402-557-7344or via e-mail at [email protected].


Idoneita alla donazione

Idoneità oppure esclusione temporanea o permanente. Questo documento è puramente informativo, sarà cura del dottore prima della donazione di convalidare l’idoneità al prelievo. Soggiorni all’Estero. • Soggiorno nel Regno Unito tra il 1980 e il 1996 per più di sei mesi cumulativi – Esclusione • Trasfusione di sangue nel Regno Unito dopo il 1980 - Esclusione Permanente.

REKLISTAN 2010 75 rEKommENdErAd FySISK AKtIvItEt vId ArtroS, LåNGvArIG SmÄrtA uNS och FIbromyALGI ArtroS Träningen bör inledningsvis ske som anpassad träning under ledning av sjukgymnast. Styrketräning kompletterad med rörlighet, balans och koordinationsfrämjande träning bör vara individuellt avpassad och ske 3 gånger/v. Konditionsfrämjande träning av mått-lig intensi

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