Prevalence of community-associated methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus colonization in men who havesex with men
T Antoniou PharmD*†‡, R Devlin MD MHSc*†, K Gough MD MEd*†, M Mulvey PhD§, K C Katz MD MSc**,
M Zehtabchi BSc†, J Polsky MSc†, D Tilley MD‡, J Brunetta MD‡, G Arbess MD†, C Guiang MD†,
B Chang MD‡, C Kovacs MD‡, A Ghavam-Rassoul MD MHSc†, C Cavacuiti MD MHSc†, B Corneslon MD†,
*Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto; †St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto; ‡Maple Leaf Medical Clinic, Toronto, Ontario;§National Microbiology Laboratory, Winnipeg, Manitoba; **North York General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Summary: Outbreaks of skin and soft tissue infections mediated by community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (CA-MRSA) are being reported with increasing frequency among men who have sex with men (MSM). However, the potential
role of asymptomatic colonization with this organism in perpetuating these infections is unclear. The purpose of this cross-sectional
study was to determine the prevalence of colonization with CA-MRSA among a cohort of 500 MSM recruited from two inner city
clinics in Toronto, Canada. Following the provision of informed consent, subjects completed a questionnaire capturing demographic
and clinical variables, which may be associated with MRSA colonization. A nasal swab for MRSA was collected from each subject,
and instructions were provided regarding the self-collection of a rectal swab. Cultured MRSA underwent pulsed-field gel
electrophoresis and virulence testing for Panton-Valentine leukocidin gene expression. The prevalence of CA-MRSA colonization
Keywords: prevalence, methicillin resistance, Staphylococcus aureus, community-acquired infections, cross-sectional studies
protocols. In addition, as most observed infections withCA-MRSA in MSM involve the buttocks or perianal region, the
Infections attributable to strains of community-associated
possibility of widespread rectal carriage contributing to these
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) are being
infections is not understood and requires clarification. The
increasingly described among men who have sex with men
purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the preva-
(MSM).1,2 Although much of the published literature thus far
lence of CA-MRSA colonization among a large cohort of MSM
has focused on MSM who are HIV-positive, recent data
followed at two inner city family practice clinics. Outbreaks of
confirm that the spread of CA-MRSA among MSM can occur
infection with CA-MRSA in MSM had occurred in the year pre-
independently of HIV infection and may be sexually transmitted
ceding the onset of the study at both clinics, and new infections
in this population.3 Risk factors for infection with CA-MRSA
were continuing to be observed at both sites at the time of study
have been analysed in various studies of HIV-positive MSM,
and have included high-risk sexual behaviours, use of crystalmethamphetamine and recent history of sexually transmitteddisease.1,2,4
However, there are few data describing the potential role of
asymptomatic colonization in propagating the continuedspread of CA-MRSA among MSM. Such information is import-
ant to capture, as the possibility of widespread rectal or nasal
Participants were recruited from two study sites in downtown
carriage of CA-MRSA among MSM would prompt and inform
Toronto between May 2007 and August 2007. Study recruit-
the development of relevant prevention and decolonization
ment was performed four days per week (Monday –Thursday) during regular clinic hours at both sites. All eligiblepatients who self-identified as MSM and attended either clinic
Correspondence to: Dr Tony Antoniou, St Michael’s
at these times were informed about the study and invited to
Hospital, 410 Sherbourne Street, 4th floor, Toronto, Ontario,
participate by means of a study card providing the relevant
contact information of the study coordinator. On most
occasions, potential participants completed the study the
International Journal of STD & AIDS 2009; 20: 180 – 183. DOI: 10.1258/ijsa.2008.008243
Antoniou et al. CA-MRSA colonization in MSM
same day of clinic attendance. Ethical approval for the study
Fingerprints were compared with those in the national MRSA
fingerprint database. A real-time polymerase chain reactionassay was used to detect the presence of the nuc, mecA andPanton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) genes.9 SCCmec typing
Following the provision of informed consent, subjects com-pleted a questionnaire capturing demographic, clinical and
behavioural variables that may be associated with MRSA colo-nization. A nasal culture for MRSA was obtained by rotating a
Given the extent of the CA-MRSA outbreaks observed at both
sterile, moistened rayon swab into both nares, and participants
clinics, and colonization rates of 1 –30% reported in studies of
were provided with instructions for the on site self-collection of
various populations, we estimated a colonization prevalence
a rectal swab. Evidence of faecal matter (i.e. yellow or brown
of 15% in our cohort.11,12 Screening approximately 200 patients
colouration) on rectal swabs was used to confirm proper self-
would allow us to determine this proportion with a 95% confi-
collection technique. Swabs were placed in liquid Amies
dence interval of +5%. To explore the relationship between
transport medium and processed within 24 hours of collection.
CA-MRSA colonization and 12 baseline variables, a minimum
Isolates that met the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defi-
of 60 patients with positive swabs would be required.13 With
nition for community-acquired infection were defined as
a prevalence of 15%, a sample size of 500 patients was set to
CA-MRSA.5 Specifically, to be classified as CA-MRSA, cultured
identify 75 patients colonized with CA-MRSA.
isolates had to be derived from individuals with no history
All statistical analyses were performed using SAS version
of MRSA infection or colonization, no history of dialysis,
9.1 statistical software (SAS institute, Cary, NC, USA).
surgery, hospitalization or hospice/long-term care facility
Comparisons between participants who were colonized and
admission in the past year, and no permanent indwelling cath-
were not colonized with CA-MRSA were made using the
eters or percutaneous devices. Although the questionnaire was
appropriate bivariate non-parametric tests (Fisher’s Exact and
designed to capture these variables, participants from whom a
median tests for categorical and continuous variables,
positive nasal or rectal culture for MRSA was obtained were
interviewed to ensure that the CDC criteria for being acommunity-associated strain were met, and the patient chartwas reviewed to clarify vague or ambiguous information.
A total of 500 subjects were enrolled in the study, of whom298 (59.6%) were HIV-positive. Demographic characteristics of
Laboratory identification and antimicrobial
the cohort are summarized in Table 1. The median age of the
entire cohort was 43 years (interquartile range [IQR] 37, 49).
Clinical specimens were inoculated onto an MRSA Selectw
Seventy-one (14.2%) participants had received antibiotic therapy
(Bio-Rad, Hercule, CA, USA) plate, streaked for isolation of
within three months preceding the study. The median viral load
single colonies and incubated at 358C aerobically for 24 –
and CD4þ cell count of the HIV-positive participants were
48 hours. Pink colonies were confirmed as Staphylococcus
1.69 log10copies/mL (IQR 1.69, 2.83) and 420 cells/mm3 (IQR
aureus by testing for coagulase production. Screening for methi-
280, 650), respectively. A total of 181 (60.7%) HIV-positive partici-
cillin resistance was conducted using a Mueller-Hinton agar
pants had a viral load of ,50 copies/mL, and 36 (12.1%) were
plate with 4% sodium chloride and 6 mg/mL of oxacillin, incu-
receiving daily TMP-SMX for Pneumocystis jirovecii disease
bated at 358C for 24 hours. Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus isolates were confirmed as MRSA using the Vitek
Of the 500 screened patients, 8 (1.6% [95% CI: 0.6–2.6%]) had
system (BioMerieux Inc., Hazelwood) and by testing for the
MRSA cultured from either the rectum (n ¼ 2), the nares (n ¼ 3)
production of penicillin-binding protein 2a (Denka Sieken Co,
or both sites (n ¼ 3). All isolates met the predefined criteria for
being community-associated. Four of the eight patients from
Susceptibility to clindamycin, erythromycin, rifampin, van-
whom CA-MRSA was cultured were HIV-positive. The median
number of sexual partners in the three months preceding the
study was significantly higher among participants colonized
Erythromycin-inducible clindamycin resistance was assessed
with CA-MRSA relative to those who were not (7 [IQR 5, 12] vs.
with a double-disk diffusion test (D-test).6 Minimum inhibitory
2 [IQR 1, 4]; P ¼ 0.0091). There were no significant differences
concentrations (MICs) to fusidic acid and mupirocin were
observed between the groups with respect to other variables
determined using the E-test system (AB Biodisk, Solna) and
examined, including recent (i.e. within three months) treatment
interpreted in accordance with the Clinical and Laboratory
for a sexually transmitted disease (P ¼ 0.09), antibiotic use (P ¼
Standards Institute breakpoint criteria.7
0.09) and engagement in high-risk sexual behaviours (P ¼ 0.15).
Isolates were uniformly sensitive to vancomycin, rifampin,
TMP-SMX was observed in one HIV-positive participant despite
a lack of recent exposure to this agent. Clindamycin and erythro-
Cultured isolates were subtyped using pulsed-field gel electro-
mycin resistance were observed in two and 10 of the 11 isolates,
phoresis (PFGE) as previously described.8 PFGE-generated
fingerprints were digitized and analysed with BioNumerics
Based on PFGE patterns, nine of the 11 isolates were identified
Version 3.5 (Applied Maths, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium)
as strains of USA300 (CMRSA-10), and a further isolate was ident-
using a position tolerance of 1.0 and optimization of 1.0.
ified as USA400 (CMRSA-7). The remaining isolate had a PFGE
Our study adds to the existing small body of literature exam-
ining CA-MRSA colonization in MSM. In the only other study
looking at a cohort comprised exclusively of MSM, seven of
158 participants had a nasal culture that was positive for
CA-MRSA.14 Rectal carriage was not assessed by these investi-
gators. Given that five of 11 isolates of CA-MRSA in our study
were cultured from rectal swabs, future studies addressing the
question of CA-MRSA prevalence among MSM should include
collection and culture of rectal swabs, as the sole reliance on
Health-care associated risk factors in previous year
nasal swabs may underestimate the prevalence of colonization
in this population. In a separate study performed at an urban
Hospice and/or shelter (overnight or longer)
outpatient clinic, 15 of 279 (5.4%) patients had MRSA cultured
from the nares, 13 of whom were MSM. However, although the
majority of patients enrolled in the study were MSM, this was
Treated for skin infection in past 3 months
not a study performed exclusively in this population. In
Number of sexual partners in past 3 monthsÃ
addition, it is unclear what criteria were in place to ascertain
whether strains were community-derived or health-care associ-
ated.15 Finally, an additional published study examined the
prevalence of nasal MRSA colonization in 162 HIV-positive
outpatients, 144 of whom were men.16 A colonization rate of
6% was observed in this cohort, although it is unclear if these
Treated for sexually transmitted disease (other than HIV)
isolates met the definition for being community-derived, and
Our study has several strengths, including the large sample
of participants enrolled from two community clinics, use of
predefined criteria for determining whether isolates were
community-associated, molecular typing of strains and assess-
Within past 3 months, had close contact with someone who
ment of both nasal and rectal carriage. However, there are
several limitations to our study. As both clinics had experienced
outbreaks of CA-MRSA infections among MSM in the year
preceding the initiation of this study, infection control
Had been treated for skin infection with antibiotics
measures and educational initiatives directed towards the com-
ARVs ¼ antiretrovirals; TMP-SMX ¼ trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; MRSA ¼
munity may have resulted in a decreased rate of colonization
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
relative to a period preceding the identification of CA-MRSA
as a significant public health concern among this cohort. In addition, we were statistically limited in our ability toperform any multivariable regression analysis to assess the
fingerprint pattern that was not described in the national MRSA
role of healthcare-associated or demographic variables as risk
database. Ten of the 11 isolates were PVL-positive, and all were
factors for CA-MRSA colonization, given the small number of
found to carry the SCCmec type IVa gene.
patients with a positive culture. Similarly, the finding ofsignificantly more sexual contacts among participants whowere colonized may be spurious given the small number of out-comes observed and large number of comparisons drawn.
Still, this finding cannot be dismissed entirely, given prior
The prevalence of CA-MRSA nasal or rectal carriage in our
evidence identifying sex with multiple partners as a risk
cohort of MSM was 1.6%, implying that colonization with
factor for CA-MRSA skin infections in MSM. In addition, the
this organism has not occurred in this population to a signifi-
possibility of non-response bias cannot be excluded as refusal
cant extent. These findings are similar to those attained in sur-
rates and reasons for refusal were not recorded in the study.
veillance studies of other community dwelling populations and
Finally, it is possible that self-collection of rectal swabs may
are mirrored by the pooled CA-MRSA colonization prevalence
have affected the results, although patients were instructed on
of 1.3% attained by meta-analysis of studies conducted among
the proper collection technique and a study coordinator was
healthy community members.11,12 Widespread colonization
available if problems with this procedure arose. No participant
with CA-MRSA is therefore unlikely contributing to the
was required to repeat the rectal swab due to incorrect speci-
ongoing nature of the outbreaks of purulent skin and soft
tissue infections being observed in the MSM population in
In summary, we observed a low prevalence of colonization
the clinic catchment area. It is therefore more likely that new
with CA-MRSA among a large cohort of MSM seen at two
infections with CA-MRSA in our MSM clients are occurring
inner city family practice clinics. These data suggest that new
secondary to direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected
infections are not occurring as a result of widespread asympto-
person or by indirect transmission mediated by contaminated
matic nasal or rectal colonization in this community.
clothing, equipment or other fomites. The colonizing strains
In addition, our data do not support routine screening of
observed in our cohort were consistent with those most
MSM for asymptomatic carriage of CA-MRSA. Instead, strat-
egies aimed at disrupting the continual spread of this organism
within the MSM community would likely be most successful if
Antoniou et al. CA-MRSA colonization in MSM
emphasis was placed on basic infection control measures in
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. See:
venues such as bath-houses, gyms or other centres where
dhqp/ar_mrsa_ca_clinicians.html (last checked 27 March 2008)
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7 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Performance standards for
antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Sixteenth Informational Supplement
This study was funded by the AIDS Bureau, Ministry of Health
and Long Term Care, Ontario. We would like to thank Ms
8 Mulvey MR, Chui L, Ismail J, et al. Development of a Canadian standardized
Wendy Small (SMH) and the staff of the St Michael’s
protocol for subtyping methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus usingpulsed-field gel electrophoresis. J Clin Microbiol 2001;39:3481 –5
Hospital Microbiology Laboratory for their technical assistance
9 McDonald RR, Antonishyn NA, Hansen T, et al. Development of a triplex
with this study, Ms Tatjana Reko (MLM) and Ms Roberta
real-time PCR assay for detection of Panton-Valentine leukocidin toxin genes
Halpenny (MLM) for their assistance in coordinating the
in clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. J Clin Microbiol
study. We would also like to thank Ms Jennifer Campbell
10 Oliveira DC, de Lencastre H. Multiplex PCR strategy for rapid
(NML) and Mr Dave Spreitzer (NML) for molecular typing
identification of structural types and variants of the mec element in
analysis and Ms Melissa McCracken (NML) for PCR confir-
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother
mation of MRSA and PVL toxin determination.
Funding: Funded by the AIDS Bureau, Ontario Ministry of
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Dr. BASAVARAJU MANU Assistant Professor, PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NITK Surathkal (October 2009– present). Since 2008: h-index:3 and i-10 index:3 Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, NITK Surathkal (December 2007 – September 2009) Reader, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT Ma
DITADURA “Ditador” tem a etimologia no dictator romano, uma magistratura que, em caso de crise grave, concentrava os poderes das demais. Ditador refere um homem ou um cargo e ditadura sugere uma organização política estável; usaremos ambas as palavras como se designassem um regime, sem que tal uso da palavra pressuponha a “Ditadura” e “ditador” são dos termos mais usados