We would like to introduce you to our Patient Participation
The patients had many suggestions for the practice to
Bob Moodie – Chair Julie Fowler – Secretary Patient education Ann Steele – Practice Manager Free parking Sue Rookyard – Practice Representative A bigger waiting Ruth Brown – Practice Representative Minor Surgery & Minor Injury Service Jacqueline Smythe X-ray & Ultrasound Brian Johnson Chiropody Janet Summers Counselling Pat Wilby More doctors Brian Hoskins Andrew Malster
Unfortunately The Health Centre is confined by space
Jill Atkins
which means they will be unable to offer free patient
Sally Handousah
parking or increase the size of the waiting room, at this
time. We also have no space to include an x-ray and
We set up our PPG in April 2011 and we meet every two
ultrasound department at the Health Centre. We are
unable to employ more doctors for the same reasons.
The group was formed to enable the patients registered at
The Well Being Team hold clinics here and patients are
the practice to have a voice and a medium for them to
able to self refer to this service, or be referred by the GP.
pass their thoughts and suggestions into the practice. The
PPG has already undertaken a patient survey. They
There is already Chiropody, Physiotherapy, Speech
attended the practice on a rotational basis to collect the
Therapy, Health Visitors, District Nurses, Occupational
opinions of the patients regarding the service provided by
Therapy, and a Dietician at the Health Centre. Some of
the GPs, Nurses and Administration Teams. The patients
were also asked for suggestions for future services.
We would like to point out that the GPs and nurses here
keen to hear patients ideas about how to improve patient
will always see a minor injury, i.e. a patient who has an
accident that is not life threatening, who is able to get to
the surgery, and, in fact, we do see many each week. The
The PPG plan to develop the Patient Survey, and spend
GPs also perform a variety of Minor Surgical procedures,
another week later in the year, collecting patient views and
comments. We appreciate your time and input.
cryotherapy PPG REPORT joint injections(for pain, where appropriate), cauterisations
There is a full PPG report on the practice website
Aspirations (of cysts, etc) Excisions WHAT WE HAVE DONE SO FAR
Placed a Suggestion Box at the reception desk Placed posters ‘What Nurses Do’ in the waiting Held 6 diabetes education sessions, with a specialist nurse, for patients with diabetes Have asthma education session booked, with a specialist nurse, in January for patients with asthma Organising Warfarin education session, with specialist nurse, for patients taking Warfarin FUTURE PLANS FOR OUR PPG We have an enthusiastic group who will continue to meet every two months. Whilst the practice is unable to action all suggestions made by patients, the doctors are very
Auszug: ZL-Studie zu Biodose Becherblister-System Das Becherblister-System Biodose wurde Anfang 2011 auf dem deutschen Markt platziert. Kurz nach der Einführung wurde das Zentral aboratorium deutscher Apotheker mit der Durchführung zweier wissenschaftlicher Studien beauftragt, um die Qualität des Biodose Medikations-Management-Systems unter Beweis zu stel en. Die beiden Studien umfassten auf d
C’est en patience que se conçoit l’ébranlement du monde. * Cet article a été donné en conférence lors du Symposium « Mani », à Renova, Bilthoven, Hollande, le 7 mai 2005, et publié en hollandais par la Rozekruis Pers, Haarlem, dans les Actes du Colloque (septembre 2005). Introduction : Lorsqu’on parle aujourd’hui de manichéisme, on songe rarement à cet homme except