Kansas department of social and rehabilitation services

Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services
Behavioral Health
Community Support Medication Program (CSMP) POLICY
The funds available are a payment resource of last resort and will be distributed on a first come,
first served basis to persons who reside in a Kansas community and are in need of an atypical anti-
psychotic and/or anti-depressant medication, Depakote, Lamictal, or Prolixin for treatment of their
mental illness and would be at risk for hospitalization without the support of these medications.
Consideration of generic forms of medication and alternative funding sources are expected.

A. Eligibility
To qualify, a person must meet the following criteria:
1. Individuals must meet criteria for serious mental illness (SMI) or serious emotional
disturbance (SED) and clinically require an atypical anti-psychotic and/or anti-depressant
2. Individuals would be at risk for inpatient psychiatric services, institutionalization,
homelessness (or out of home placement for children), and/or intervention by law enforcement in
the absence of the clinically required prescribed medication.
3. Individuals must meet the financial criteria evidenced by:
eligible for Medicaid but currently on a spenddown; or at or below 200% of current criteria for poverty level guidelines (see attached), lack private medical insurance covering these medications and have been denied for acceptance into an indigent drug program; or ineligible for Medicaid for reasons other than income, lack private medical insurance covering these medications and have been denied for acceptance into an indigent program; or Special circumstances requiring approval through the KDADS Behavioral
Health Community Support Medication Program manager.

Applications for the Indigent Drug Programs can be obtained by calling these numbers:
B. Disbursement of funds
The referring provider is expected to provide documentation that the person meets all eligibility
1. Authorization: The State Mental Health Hospital (SMHH) designee (Larned, Osawatomie,
Rainbow), the Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) designee and other entities as approved
by KDADS CSMP Program Manager will have the authority to notify Prescription Network to
add or remove clients on this program. Authorized persons will complete and sign enrollment
and termination forms and fax them to Prescription Network at 785-228-3951. Referrals and
terminations from physicians not associated with the CMHC or SMHH may be authorized
with approval of the KDADS Behavioral Health Community Support Manager.

2. The enrollment period for the program is two (2) months or 60 days. Persons needing
continued support from this program beyond the first two (2) month period will require
approval from KDADS/BH Community Support Medication Manager.
An individual will
automatically be terminated from the CSMP after the first 60 day enrollment period unless a new
application form, along with a letter including the following information is provided to the
KDADS/BH Community Support Medication Manager:
current status of applications for other payment sources. 3. Providers must agree to document the monitoring of care given as required by the pharmaceutical manufacturer’s protocol and standards for best practice. 4. Referring providers will monitor for both continued clinical and financial eligibility. Individuals who have a medication change, obtain medical insurance coverage for medication, obtain Medicaid or become otherwise able to pay financially will no longer meet the eligibility criteria for the CSMP. In these cases, a termination form must be sent to Prescription Network.

Source: http://www.kansasbehavioralhealthservices.org/Document/medicationprogramprocedures_52013.pdf


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