Chace Avenue, Willenhall, Coventry, CV3 3AD Inspection dates
Overall effectiveness This inspection:
Requires improvement
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a school that requires improvement. It is not good because
 The quality of teaching requires improvement  Skills learnt in mathematics are not regularly in mathematics in Years 1 to 6. Work does not always match pupils’ different ability  School improvement planning lacks rigour in levels and consequently pupils do not make  Teachers do not always use challenging  Observations of lessons by school leaders questions or marking well enough to develop sometimes lack focus and do not give sufficient attention to the progress of different groups of  Additional adults do not always enable less-  The governing body’s monitoring is not
The school has the following strengths
 Attainment has risen significantly in the past  School leaders have focused well on pupils’ three years so that it is broadly in line with writing skills so that pupils are now making  The quality of provision in the Early Years  The relentless focus on improving attendance  The good behaviour of pupils has been Inspection report: St Anne's Catholic Primary School, 17–18 October 2012
Information about this inspection
 Inspectors visited 13 lessons taught by seven different teachers, and held meetings with representative members of the governing body, the local authority, staff and groups of pupils.  They observed the school’s work, and looked at policies, planning documents, assessment data  There were no responses to Parent View (the online questionnaire) during the inspection. However, inspectors took account of the results of the school’s most recent parental
Inspection team
Inspection report: St Anne's Catholic Primary School, 17–18 October 2012
Full report
Information about this school
 St Anne’s Catholic Primary is smaller than the average-sized primary school.  The proportion of pupils supported through school action is higher than the national average, as is the proportion supported at school action plus or with a statement of special educational  The proportions of pupils from minority ethnic groups and those who speak English as an additional language are both well above national averages.  The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for the pupil premium is well above the national  The school meets the government’s current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations  A breakfast club is provided for pupils by the school.
What does the school need to do to improve further?
 Raise the quality of teaching so that it is consistently good or better in mathematics by ensuring work is always matched to the ability of all pupils so that they make good or better progress in challenging questions are carefully chosen and directed to pupils of different abilities, especially the more-able, to develop their thinking skills additional adults in classrooms enable pupils, including the less-able, to work things out for themselves, providing support and challenge where appropriate marking consistently tells pupils how to improve their work and gives them opportunities to there are regular opportunities for pupils to practise their mathematical skills in other subjects.  Strengthen the effectiveness of leadership and management by ensuring that: clear analysis of the quality of mathematics leads to the identification of areas for improvement with planned actions; and that these are rigorously monitored and evaluated for observations of lessons always have a clear focus and evaluate more fully the quality of learning for different groups of pupils to inform areas of development the governing body is more closely involved with staff in monitoring the main areas for school Inspection report: St Anne's Catholic Primary School, 17–18 October 2012
Inspection judgements
The achievement of pupils
requires improvement
 The achievement of pupils requires improvement because the rate of progress in mathematics is inconsistent in Years 1 to 6. There has been some inadequate teaching in the past that has resulted in pupils underachieving. While the school has identified this and put measures in place to accelerate learning, pupils are still not making good progress in each year group.  Children make a positive start in the Early Years Foundation Stage. They arrive with skills and knowledge that are slightly below what is expected nationally, with a weakness in writing and calculation. However, the good progress they make enables them to catch up in these skills so that they are broadly average when entering Year 1. In addition they have particular strengths in their social and emotional development and their physical development.  While progress is not good in mathematics it is stronger in English. In lessons, pupils are encouraged to enjoy reading books. For example, in one lesson pupils were engaged in listening to a story and had opportunities to discuss what had happened and predict what they thought might happen next. There has also been an emphasis on the development of pupils’ writing skills which has resulted in pupils making good progress in this area.  The progress of most groups of pupils, including those with English as an additional language and those from minority ethnic backgrounds, is similar to all pupils. Disabled pupils and those with special educational needs make steady progress. For example, in a lesson where pupils were learning about money, less-able pupils were learning to recognise the different coins by looking at their colour, shape and size.  Pupils known to be eligible for additional funding through the pupil premium make expected progress. While their progress is improving in English and particularly in writing, this is not the case in mathematics. Consequently the gap in attainment between these pupils and others in the school in mathematics is not closing. To address this, the school has targeted these pupils with The quality of teaching
requires improvement
 The quality of teaching is inconsistent in Years 1 to 6, particularly in mathematics. Pupils do not always receive work that is tailored to their different ability levels and consequently not enough make good progress. For example, more-able pupils are not always challenged to think hard and they say that the work is sometimes too easy. Occasionally all pupils are given the same work to do regardless of their ability and, where this is aimed at the middle, less-able and more-able  Teaching in the Early Years Foundation Stage is good because activities do take account of children’s abilities. For example in one lesson about shape, less-able pupils were looking at squares and rectangles and more-able pupils were exploring octagons.  While disabled pupils and those with special educational needs are making expected progress, on occasion they are given too much support. This means that they become over-reliant on the additional adults and do not try to work things out for themselves.  In all lessons there are good relationships between staff and pupils. Pupils have positive attitudes towards their learning and want to please the teachers. Classrooms are generally well Inspection report: St Anne's Catholic Primary School, 17–18 October 2012
organised and in lessons pupils are told clearly what they are going to learn about. In many classes pupils have the opportunity to share ideas with each other. Interactive whiteboards are often used to engage pupils and enhance the quality of teaching. For example, in one lesson a whiteboard was used well to clarify pupils’ understanding of the difference between estimating  Pupils have good opportunities to practise their writing skills in other subjects. However, although there are some examples of the use of mathematics in other subjects, it is not consistent across the school. This means that opportunities are missed to re-visit newly learnt mathematical skills and apply them in different contexts.  Marking is very clear in telling pupils how well they have learnt a particular skill and in English there are often comments about how to improve. However, in mathematics, although they are told when they have been successful in their learning, they do not always know how to improve The behaviour and safety of pupils
 Pupils behave well and are keen to learn. The good relationships that they have with their teachers means that they want to work hard for them. They are polite and courteous when walking around the school and readily engage in conversation.  Pupils enjoy their break and lunchtimes and noticeably get on well with each other. While they say that there are occasional times when a few pupils do not behave well, they are confident that staff manage this well and so they feel safe and secure.  There is a wealth of activities for pupils to engage in during the lunch break. These are overseen by staff who enthusiastically encourage pupils to participate. These include obstacle races, hockey games and gardening activities. This all makes for a harmonious time for both pupils and adults alike. Pupils enjoy the upbeat activities and are refreshed for the afternoon’s lessons. This is an outstanding aspect of the school’s provision.  Pupils know what constitutes bullying and know how to keep themselves safe. For example they know that they should not tell other people their usernames or passwords when working on the computer.  The school’s effective ideas to encourage good attendance has meant that the proportion of pupils attending regularly has risen markedly so that it is now well above the national average. For example, the popular breakfast club ensures that pupils who arrive early receive a healthy breakfast and enjoy a range of activities ranging from drawing and writing through to a number of indoor games. A ‘walking bus’ involves members of staff collecting pupils from their homes and walking them to school. There have been no pupils who have been persistently absent for  Responses to the school’s own parental questionnaire show that nearly all parents and carers and staff agree that behaviour is good and the school keeps their children safe. The leadership and management
requires improvement
 Leaders and managers know the strengths of the school and are able to identify what needs to be improved, such as the quality of teaching and learning in mathematics. However, not enough analysis has been done to find out which areas of mathematics the pupils are struggling with. Inspection report: St Anne's Catholic Primary School, 17–18 October 2012
Consequently, the school improvement plan does not have a clear focus for actions or how these  Nevertheless, the school has focused well last year on English, and writing in particular. As a result the progress that pupils make in writing has risen and is now good.  Much has been done to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage. There are now closer links with the pre-school that runs on the school site so that children arrive better prepared for their Reception year. This is successfully built on, particularly in the development of their writing and calculation skills, ensuring that their progress  The curriculum has been developed to incorporate the interests of pupils. In particular, there is a good emphasis on the teaching of music, which is much enjoyed by pupils. There are good opportunities for pupils to practise their writing skills in other subjects but this is less strong in  The monitoring of the quality of lessons does not always have a clear focus and sometimes omits to evaluate whether pupils of different ability levels are doing as much as they can. As a result, areas for development are sometimes focused more on teaching than learning. Nevertheless performance management procedures are established and there is a link between teaching quality, standards achieved and levels of pay.  The school has worked hard to improve attendance, which is now well above the national average. This is because the two learning mentors are rigorous in following up absence and encouraging good attendance. There are rewards both for whole classes and individuals for high
The governance of the school:
Governors are very supportive of staff and are well informed by senior leaders. They have a secure knowledge of how extra money to support groups of pupils is spent and the impact this is having on their learning. They ensure that safeguarding policies and procedures meet Governors do not monitor in practical ways the main areas of development in the school The need has been identified to promote a higher profile with parents and carers so that they can monitor their views and give support.  Leaders and managers promote a positive ethos in the school that gives good support to pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Parent and carers are happy with the school and the school, in turn, offers good support to families who are in need. Inspection report: St Anne's Catholic Primary School, 17–18 October 2012
What inspection judgements mean

An outstanding school is highly effective in delivering outcomes that provide exceptionally well for all its pupils’ needs. This ensures that pupils are very well equipped for the next stage of their A good school is effective in delivering outcomes that provide well for all its pupils’ needs. Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment. A school that requires improvement is not yet a good school, but it is not inadequate. This school will receive a full inspection within 24 months from the date of this inspection. A school that has serious weaknesses is inadequate overall and requires significant improvement but leadership and management are judged to be Grade 3 or better. This school will receive regular monitoring by Ofsted inspectors. A school that requires special measures is one where the school is failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education and the school’s leaders, managers or governors have not demonstrated that they have the capacity to secure the necessary improvement in the school. This school will receive regular Inspection report: St Anne's Catholic Primary School, 17–18 October 2012
School details
Unique reference number
Local authority
Inspection number
This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Type of school
School category
Age range of pupils
Gender of pupils
Number of pupils on the school roll
Appropriate authority
Date of previous school inspection
Telephone number
Fax number
Email address
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