GENERIC MEDICINES Market/ IP / LEGAL & REGULATORY ISSUES A one-day seminar to be conducted at your offices Topics to be covered include:
Understanding the European Generic marketplace Patents and how they affect generics Data Exclusivity DCP and European Regulatory System Key aspects of European legislation With Peter Wittner, Interpharm Consultancy, London INTRODUCTION It is often difficult for those involved in marketing generic medicines to understand the complicated legal and regulatory environment in which EU generic companies operate. Similarly, regulatory people themselves are often unsure how the legal and Intellectual Property framework can influence their own work.
The aim of this seminar is to shed some light on the commercial and legal background to the European generic industry and to provide an understanding of how it affects all parts of the business. Misunderstanding the various factors that influence the time and speed of registration can lead to regulatory delays with a knock-on effect on launch dates for new products. This can, in turn, lead to undesirable commercial delays, which might have an impact on a company’s competitive position. BENEFITS TO YOU Attending this seminar will give you:-
• An overview of the generic market, the major players and how the market works
• A better understanding of the new Directive 2004/27/EC and the changes that it has
introduced to marketing generics in Europe
• An overview of IP issues and their importance to the generics industry
• An opportunity to gain an appreciation of how European legal and IP issues affect
• Awareness of the potential impact of the legislation on the commercial side of the
• A clearer insight into and how the regulatory side does not exist in isolation from the
commercial side but has a direct impact on it and the interplay between the two areas
• A brief look at how the US environment differs from Europe
Marketing and sales personnel looking at European opportunities who want a better
Regulatory personnel who want to have a better understanding of commercial aspects Production personnel manufacturing products for the European markets Directors of non-European generic companies who want to understand how the
Branded companies that want to obtain a better understanding of how the generic
Anyone involved with European business
COMMENTS FROM PREVIOUS PARTICIPANTS “Interesting, informative and enjoyable.” “Very comprehensive overview of this area” COURSE LEADER Peter Wittner has been in the pharmaceutical industry for 30 years of which the second half has been mainly in the area of generics. He worked for the former Evans Medical and then Norton Pharmaceuticals (now part of IVAX) where he was responsible for European Sales & Marketing. After leaving Norton, Peter set up his own consultancy in 1993 and operated independently until 1996 when he joined the Indian company Ranbaxy to set up the infrastructure of their new UK subsidiary. After spending two years with them, he returned to his consultancy work and has spent the last 12 years providing consultancy and training services, specialising in the field of generics PROGRAMME COVERS THE FOLLOWING TOPICS
1- Understand the Generic marketplace
How big are the markets in Europe and Worldwide?
Increasing industry consolidation – Europe and the US
Forthcoming patent expiries and future opportunities
How Europeans see the challenge from Asia
How generics companies are moving up market
2- Key aspects of European legislation and their implications
Harmonisation of Data Exclusivity – what is 8+2+1?
Bolar Clause – what impact will it have?
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Generic definition and its hidden significance
3- Patents and how they affect generics
Example – Atorvastatin – extensions and disputes
4- Data Exclusivity and its impact on generics
How does it differ from patent exclusivity?
5- The DCP and European Regulatory Systems For further details and to arrange dates contact: Page 3 of 3
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DIRECÇÃO DE SERVIÇOS DO IVA Subdirectores-Gerais Directores de Serviços N.º Identificação Fiscal (NIF): 770004407 Assunto: 1. No Diário da República nº 123, Série I, Suplemento de 27 de Junho de 2008, foi publicada a Lei n.º 26-A/2008, de 27 de Junho, que altera as redacções da alínea c) do n.º 1 e do n.º 3 do artigo 18º e do artigo 49º, ambos do Código do IVA