HealthyKids Winter 2009
Energy drinks:
• KidsHealth
A health hazard?
Popular drinks may have harmful side effects
• Keep Kids Healthy
• Mayo Clinic Children’s Health
drinks a gateway to other substances. In one study, college students who consumed energy drinks were more likely to • Get Kids Moving
later use stimulants for recreational use. Another danger is that some people mix alcohol and energy drinks, which can result in them feeling alert enough to • BAM from the Centers
The amount of caffeine found in energy drinks is considerably higher than for Disease Control
that of brewed coffee and other drinks with significant amounts of caffeine, as Information about fitness, disease prevention, body and mind Caffeinated beverage Milligrams of caffeine per serving
• American Academy of

• Colgate’s Kids World
Monster and Rockstar 160/16-ounce serving • Dole 5 a Day
Keep in mind that the U.S. Food and Drug • FDA’s Kid’s Home Page
Administration regulates the caffeine content in soft from the Food and Drug

drinks, but not in energy drinks. For colas, the FDA has set the maximum concentration of caffeine at 65 Information on health, nutrition and fitness brought to you by the East China School District, in cooperation with
the St. Clair County Health Department and the St. Clair County Regional Educational Service Agency
Healthy Kids Newsletter
Healthy eating
Fight back
Top 10 foods for
against the flu
heart health and the
nutrients they contain
• Salmon or fish oil
supplements: omega-3 fatty
• Oatmeal: soluble fiber,
• Wash hands frequently, especial y after coughing or sneezing, after using • Legumes (black beans,
• Stay away from others who are sick.
• Get enough sleep, eat nutritious foods and exercise.
• Don’t share personal items (glasses, utensils, toothbrushes or towels).
• Teach children not to touch their eyes or noses or put things in their • Flaxseed: magnesium,
• Clean objects such as phones, door knobs, etc.
• Sweet potatoes: soluble
Keep the environment healthy, too
• Almonds: monounsaturated
Because storm drains found in streets and yards lead directly to lakes and streams, four quarts of oil can form an eight-acre oil slick if dumped or spilled down a storm drain. There are several ways to decrease pol ution in the drains: • Avocados:
• Take cars to the car wash, where dirty water is treated before it gets into • Wash cars on the lawn or direct dirty water toward the lawn and away from • Broccoli: soluble fiber,
• Recycle used fluids, and never dump them down a storm drain.
• Olive oil: monounsaturated
Don’t get caught dirty handed
• Fortified whole grains:
Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of infection, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The germs carried on hands can spread illnesses such as diarrhea, colds and other more serious, sometimes even life-threatening, diseases. Proper hand washing can help people stay healthy and avoid spreading and receiving germs. • Wash all surfaces thoroughly (wrists, palms, back of hands, fingers and • Rub hands together for at least 15-20 seconds (about the time it takes to sing “Now I Know My ABCs” at a moderate tempo).
• Use a clean or disposable towel when drying hands.
• Apply hand lotion after washing to help prevent or soothe dry skin.
Winter 2009 | Page 2


MILPRIT : Mining Interval Logic Patterns with Regular Expression Constraints Sandra de Amo 1 , Arnaud Giacometti 2 , Magno Soares Santana 1 1Faculdade de Computac¸˜ao – Universidade Federal de Uberlˆandia (UFU)[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract. Most methods for temporal pattern mining assume that time is pon- tual, that is, represented by points in a stra

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BÖRSENBRIEF 24. Januar 2011 Sehr geehrte Anlegerinnen und Anleger Der besser als erwartet ausgefal ene ifo-Index hat in der vergangenen Woche gezeigt, dass die Unternehmen unseres nördlichen Nachbars vor Optimismus strotzen. Der positive Mix aus den guten Konjunkturperspektiven, der weiter grosszügigen Liquidität im Markt und des positiven Starts in die Berichtssaison dür

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