The Treadmill Cardiolite Stress Test is a non-invasive test used to evaluate your heart muscle and blood flow from the coronary arteries. Abnormalities in cardiac rhythm (EKG) and cardiac perfusion can be detected. The test is done in three parts, and takes 3-4 hours. Appointment Date:______________________ Arrival Time:________________ Appointment Time:___________
1. Arrive and do paperwork--------------------------------
2. I.V. and 1st injection-------------------------------------
3. Wait for injection to circulate--------------------------
4. Resting imaging------------------------------------------
5. Preparation for Chemical Stress-----------------------
6. Treadmill and recovery----------------------------------
8. Break------------------------------------------------------
9. Last imaging---------------------------------------------
The imaging requires that you lay down on your back while a camera scans around your chest area. The amount of time you exercise on the treadmill depends on your overall conditioning and your age. INSTRUCTIONS
• Do not take any beta-blockers 24 hours prior to test (a list of beta-blockers is attached)
• Avoid caffeine at least 24 hours before test (coffee, decaf coffee, chocolate, tea or sodas- caffeine
• Wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes (2 piece clothing, no metal buttons or zippers on shirt
• Bring a snack with high fat content (peanut butter crackers, cheese, etc.)
DIABETIC PATIENTS ONLY If you have diabetes, please take all your diabetic medications and eat lightly at your usual time. IF YOU NEED TO CANCEL OR RESCHEDULE THIS TEST, PLEASE CALL (818) 345-5580 AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. If you have any questions regarding this test please call. 18370 Burbank Boulevard ● Suite 707 ● Tarzana, CA 91356 (818) 345-5580 ● (818) 774-0458
If you are taking any of the following medications, either in generic or brand-name form, please DO NOT take them for the 24 hours leading up to your procedure, unless specifically requested by your physician. You may resume your regular dosage upon completing the study. BETA BLOCKERS COMBINATION MEDICINES Generic name Brand name Generic name Brand name CARDIOLOGY CONSULTANTS MEDICAL GROUP
Patient Name: Last _______________________ First ___________________
Primary Physician __________________________ Please answer the following questions: 1.
Have you ever had a coronary angioplasty (PTCA) or a stent?
If yes, was it bypass surgery? ___________
Have you experienced chest pain recently?
Was the pain related to physical activity?
If yes, for how long? __________________
Do you have family members with heart disease?
Do you take medicines for high blood pressure?
If yes, what medicines? _______________________________________________
Have you been told that you have high cholesterol?
If yes, what medicines do you take? _____________________________________
Have you been told that you have asthma, emphysema or COPD?
If yes, what medicines do you take? _____________________________________
If yes, what medicines? _______________________________________________
Have you had any other imaging procedures in the past 3 days?
If yes, what procedures? ______________________________________________
What other medicines do you take? _____________________________________________
Signature__________________________________________ Date_____________________
18370 Burbank Boulevard ● Suite 707 ● Tarzana, CA 91356 (818) 345-5580 ● (818) 774-0458 CCMG - Cardiology Consultants Medical Group of the Valley, Inc. Information for Exercise Cardiac Imaging Patient Name: Last __________________ First __________________ Date: _________________ In order to determine the state of blood supply of my heart muscle and as requested by my Doctor, I will have a heart imaging procedure using maximal exercise on a treadmill as a stimulus for increasing blood flow to the heart muscle. The test which I shall undergo will be performed on a treadmill with the amount of effort increasing gradually. This increase in effort will continue until symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath or chest discomfort appear which would indicate to me to stop. My procedure will involve intravenous injection of approved radioactivity before stopping exercise, and subsequently a perfusion scan will be obtained. During the performance of the test, a Nurse Practitioner or a Registered Nurse will keep under surveillance my pulse, blood pressure and electrocardiogram, and will be available to provide immediate treatment of any complications. There exists the possibility of certain changes occurring during the test. They include abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorders of heartbeat (too rapid, too slow, or ineffective) and in very rare instances (less than one in 1,000), heart attack. Every effort will be made to minimize the potential risk by careful observation during testing. Emergency equipment and trained personnel are available to deal with any unusual situations which may arise. The study has been explained to me. I have had the opportunity to discuss my questions with the nuclear medicine staff and I believe that I have obtained a complete explanation regarding the procedure to be performed, the medications to be administered and any and all potential hazards which are thought to exist. Patient Signature: _____________________________ Date: ______________________ 18370 Burbank Boulevard ● Suite 707 ● Tarzana, CA 91356 (818) 345-5580 ● (818) 774-0458
Speaking Notes for Dawn Graham President Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. Address to the Canadian Club of Montréal Biopharmaceutical Research: Health and Wealth for All Canadians Montréal, Québec March 10, 2008 Check Against Delivery Thank you very much. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I want to begin by thanking the Canadian Club of Montréal for this kind invi
des rencontres scientifiques du vieillissement des 6, 7 et 8 novembre 2013 à Toulouse ( Dr Christine DEMAISON-BONFORT) Généralités • Pour la BPCO du sujet âgé, utiliser des sprays ( bronchodilatateurs et de corticoïdes) avec chambre d'inhalation. • Lors de l'instauration d'un traitement anti-hypertenseur, le risque de chute est très