UDC 37:63 '19 "(091)
Twin R.O.
Basic steps of higher historiographical agrarian Ukraine education in the second
half of the XX century.

This article provides an analysis of historiographical works on Higher Education of
Ukraine in the second half of the XX century. Deals with trends, patterns, approaches
to the understanding of the problems the author classified the three periods.
Systematized achievements of Soviet and modern Ukrainian historiography research
Keywords: historiography, higher agricultural education, higher education
Finding the best ways of building a modern higher agricultural education in Ukraine
is based on a combination of their own traditions with international experience in this
field. In formulating an effective model of Higher Education for its use in the present,
it is important to summarize our experience and examine in depth the development of
higher agricultural education in historical context. In regard to national
historiography faces urgent challenges of introspection own development, identifying
new sources and evaluation of existing ones.
In the Soviet era and pislyaradyanski times of the educational sphere is Ukraine
second half of XX century. accumulated considerable potential historical sources.
Existing sources reflect the diverse areas of the system of higher education in
Ukraine. However, there is a large number of sources of higher agricultural education
in Ukraine and this issue is not comprehensively analyzed by scientists in history and
graphic manner. The thesis Bilan LL [1] D. Rybchenko [2] O. Mykhailiuk [3] S.
Bilan [4] AA Kostenko [5] You can find a brief history, a graphical analysis of
papers on the problems of Higher Education of Ukraine.
The purpose of this article is historiographical analysis of scientific papers on the
history of Higher Education of Ukraine in the second half of the XX century. Identify
the characteristics of historiographical phases of the subject.
Analysis of the research, their problems, the authors use archival material and content
of scientific papers provided the basis for three historiographical periods of historical
accumulated knowledge of higher agricultural education in Ukraine in the second half
of the XX century. Scientific development education problems was inseparable from
the general trend of both Soviet and national historical science. The first period
covers the early 50's - mid 60's, the second - from the mid 60's to late 80's, the third -
began in the late 80's, has captured 90 and continues at the present stage . If the first
two periods can be distinguished rather arbitrary, given the emphasis in the content of
scientific papers and their dependence on the political situation, the third period is
characterized above all objectivity, relevance and breadth of scientific issues raised.
Set boundaries that fix one end and the beginning of the next period conditional and relative. Undoubtedly, research and development of modern Soviet and local researchers differ in intensity, methodological approaches, estimates of historical events and processes, the nature of the documentary materials. For historical research on selected problems in the Soviet period is characterized by: focusing on the positive aspects of life under socialism, quantitative and dynamic development of higher education, opposition foreign examples, highlighting features such as free of charge and free access to education, lack of national and gender restrictions suppression of negative phenomena and trends. Yet, despite significant flaws, do not completely deny the scientific value of Soviet historiography. In the historiography of this period occupy a prominent place scientific papers Galkina KT [6] GA Hatliha [7] N. Dobrovolsky [8], Ivanova GA [9] I. K. [10] E. Chutkerashvili [11]. However, their work contain virtually no scientific analysis of the Higher Agricultural Education of Ukraine, and in terms of policy in those years cited evidence to prove "a wise national policy of the Communist Party" and "progress in the development of Soviet education." In this paper, Karl Ivanovich [10] developed a typology of higher agricultural education institutions are a large number of facts and statistics. However, the author not highlighted the main legal documents adopted by the Soviet government on the problems of agrarian training in universities and did not disclose the functions of management of agricultural education, as well as the content and the main directions of their activities. GA Ivanov in his study [9] gives a large concrete material on the development of agricultural education in 1953 - 1962, extensive use of archival data. Highlights of agricultural institutions of higher education, consider completing the students of agricultural schools, training content and its compliance with manufacturing practices. In his book "Selskohozyaystvennыe vuzы USSR" [7] highlights the activities of agricultural universities, a list and description of this agricultural higher education institutions in the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR. GT Works Galkina [6] EV Chutkerashvili [11] make it possible to determine the location of agricultural education in general higher special education in the country. In scientific studies, which analyzed the activities of universities during Khrushchev's "thaw", much attention was paid to quantitative and qualitative growth of higher education, has focused attention on the social and living conditions of students. However, these works did not extend beyond the then established doctrines and therefore were deprived of critical and objective. The authors came to the conclusion that all the advances that have been made in the development of higher education belonged to the leading role of the Communist Party and party committees. The official ideology, the dominant stereotype dogmatic interpretation of the growth of the Communist Party leadership as a pattern in the way of building socialism prevented historians to objectively analyze the situation of higher education in Ukraine during the Khrushchev "thaw" [12, 13]. Most notable extent in the study of Higher School of Ukraine is in August. 1960 - end. 1980, when the authorities forced the researchers to prove "superiority of socialism", and research efforts focused on highlighting positive stories in the problems of higher education emphasis on absolute class factor, the principle of partisanship, boundless as the Communist Party in the development of higher education. Analyzed the education of students on the basis of party and government guidance, attention was drawn to teaching in higher education in the social sciences Marxism-Leninism, the history of the CPSU, scientific atheism. The authors in their writings suppressed the effects of education, not to mention the quality of the training. Zapochatkovuvaly stories about high school Ukraine employees of state and party structures, rectors and secretaries of party organizations schools. Typically, they performed at the Party Congress, in the press, where the positive terms to describe the success of teams they led, very careful talking about the problems of the university and always stressed the concern of the Party and the state of high school. Ukrainian researchers work on reform of higher education Yu Dadyenkova (Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR) [14] and G. Efimenko (Deputy Minister of Higher Education of Sciences) [15, 16], despite the ongoing ideological control of the official release, unnecessarily copied-union structure research. The preparation of agricultural personnel considered them fragmented, without a proper analysis of the situation, identifying contradictions. However, it should be noted that the studies were already on the statistical data of the USSR. B. Work Elyutina [17], where the position of official leadership analyzed the development of higher education The role of Higher Agricultural School in solving human problems of the state, the development of science and technology. Violated and reproduction problems of the teaching staff for the national economy. Content, similar to, but more volume content of the issues are work "Graduate School of Ukrainian SSR in 50 years" [18]. Scientific values anniversary edition adds that it dealt directly universities in Ukraine including agricultural profile, allowing more detail to understand the role and status of the national university education after WWII. The authors explore the difficulties of becoming higher education in Ukraine, considering peculiarities of Ukrainian higher education system in comparison with Russia, reveal key areas of higher education - teaching, research, and ideological and educational work. AT Cooper and Y. Kurnosov in his fundamental monograph [19] highlighted the work of higher education of the Republic for the period of socialist construction, showed her as a major source of intellectuals. Also revealed on improvement of university education, new methods of training in agriculture. They showed quantitative changes in higher education, no convincing argument concluded that training in the country meet the needs of scientific and technological progress, noted deficiencies Higher School of Ukraine, in particular, shortcomings in the planning of production specialists of different professions. The collective monograph "High School in the new stage / With experience of restructuring higher education in Ukraine" [20] considered the development of higher education Ukrainian SSR from 1945 - 1965 Authors of staying on the restructuring of the educational process, raising skill levels, the contribution of scientists in industry, improving ways to attract young people to study production, qualitative and quantitative changes in student groups. In his book "The Higher School Ukrainskaia SSR in the period of perestroika" [21] "Obschetehnycheskye and obschenauchnыe fakultetы on Ukraine" [22] describes the activities of universities in Khrushchev's "thaw" positively assessed the educational process and the social conditions of students. However, contemporary works, which claimed the synthesis of high school, did not go beyond the party doctrine, and were deprived of critical objectivity. Ignored such important aspects as the politicization of the educational process, its Russification, the impact of liberalization on the development of public higher education. Consolidation of higher education coverage found in the writings of V. Malanchuk, AN Novominskoho, VM Popov [23]. Authors stverd-chewed that for the national economy, it was necessary interruptions, duvaty system of higher education, to adapt it to the needs and pace of economic development. Researchers have shown that university reform was through reorganization and consolidation of existing universities. In this regard, it was found that at the Kiev Agricultural and Forestry Institute in 1954 established a multi-sectoral university - Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, composed in 1957 entered Kyiv Veterinarian Institute. Almost findings of the second half of the 1960s - mid-1980s, acquired the status of a well-established and have been widely used in a comprehensive study of the problems of higher education, and in generalizing the works that were published at this time. Thus, the "History of Ukrainian SSR peasants" [24], prepared by researchers of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences, highlighting the development of agriculture in the Republic of the underlying period gives a general quantitative data on training in higher education shows growth among senior staff and technology links people with higher special agricultural education and presents it as improving the technical and educational level of collective farmers in general. In a similar scheme serves quantitative data on professional training for agriculture and multivolume "History of Ukrainian SSR" [25] "History of the Ukrainian SSR of the economy" [26]. However, multi-dimensional works of this period come and work specifically devoted to the issue of the formation of managerial and technological parts of the material scope of the agricultural sector. At the federal level was carried out fundamental research GP Tyurina [27], and the republic did NA Lysenko [28] VS Buchanan [29]. Their work relied on the sound source base, allowing detail to show most of the ways in which the state exercised intellectualization productive sectors of the village, to quantify the changes that have occurred generally in a given production structure, comprising all categories of their employees. In addition, GP Turina and VS Buchanan and considered a component of the village of professionals, as higher agricultural school. However, they have focused only on the quantitative side of its activity, showing an example of the success of its growth in the number of graduates. These works are distinguished not only by the presence of large amount of digital data, but also a solid level of understanding of the processes under study. NA Lysenko in his works [28, 30] investigated the main lines of Personnel Policy Committee. The author emphasizes that the training of specialists for the village is the most important national objectives. At the end of the 1970s became the subject of dissertation research various aspects of public education in the USSR. Thus, the process of intellectualization material-tion of farm villages, involvement of schools, primarily reflected higher studies in VS Baba, D. Babich [31, 32]. Central to their work took coverage of someone nistychnoyi Party in training for agriculture. In 1991 began the development of an independent Ukrainian state and was approved by a new stage in the development of national historiography. This led to an active rethinking of all levels of scientific and educational space. The main features of this period were renunciation of domestic scholars of Marxist-Leninist methodology and the party-class approach to the analysis of social phenomena, the widespread use of new, closed in the Soviet times, the documents based on the desire to rethink the process of modern methods of training and development of scientific and teachers in URCR. Educational practices highlighted in the light of internal contradictions, by overcoming the Soviet dogmatic schemes eliminate myths, political and ideological stereotypes and redefining the theoretical foundations of historical knowledge. Involving scientific use new archival documents, statistical data, researchers are considering a new process of formation and development of common educational and scientific center in Ukraine. In this paper, I. carriage [33] filed description of the political and educational situation in the republic during the Khrushchev "thaw". It is shown that problem-solving training qualified personnel, recruitment of students, young professionals sharing, admission of, approval of plans for the publication of textbooks - all conducted under the supervision of authorities, centered in Moscow. In the collective monograph "History of the formation of the Ukrainian model of agriculture (from ancient times to the present)" [34] some questions of agricultural education. Staffing problems of agriculture of Ukraine O. Kadenyuk considered [35], P. and V. Panchenko Shmarchuk [36]. The book Padalka SS "Ukraine 60 - 90 years of the XX century. (Statehood in the historic plane totalitarianism independence) [37] proves the importance and the need to not only prepare new professionals for the reformed ahrovyrob-idents structures, but also training and skills development that are already working. This problem is seen against the background of a new agrarian policy of Ukraine. In this paper, Alekseev YM "Ukraine: Education and the State (1987-1997)" [38] revealed aspects of higher education in Ukraine, including Agriculture in the mid 80's - early 90-ies of XX century., That in the last period of the Soviet era and at a time when Ukraine began to develop as a sovereign and independent state. It is also important collective work "Formation and development of agricultural education and science in Ukraine (from ancient times to the present)" [39], whose research interests are focused in the field of history. The book attempts to give the first in Ukraine brief history of agricultural education, which is seen as a process consisting of several stages. In this paper, there are three stages in the development of agricultural education, covering respectively the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern (post-) period of Ukraine. The authors of this paper tried to provide accurate and impartial assessment of the role of the agricultural school in the social life of Ukraine on the background brief description of each of these stages, vyokremlyuyuchy their special features. A peculiar result of a comprehensive study of Higher Education of Ukraine is the collective work "Higher Agricultural Education of Ukraine", edited by LM Talyuty [40]. Among the authors of this work is dominated by representatives of the Higher Education, rectors, deans, heads of departments and teachers of agricultural universities. Labour revealed Authors public management approach to agricultural education, analyzed budget allocation, stop attention to the condition of formation of students and teaching staff of agricultural universities. Thus, there is reason to consider this study as a generalization of a decade experience of agricultural higher education in the context of national educational process. Important aspects of the problem revealed in the works of Jablonski "Higher Education in Ukraine at the turn of the millennium: challenges of globalization and intern-tion" [41], which highlights the new concept of agricultural education, including a brief overview of the history of agricultural higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels. Features and trends in public administration education in Ukraine exploring SV Majboroda [42, 43], A. Zhabenko [43, 44] and V. Tomashenko [44]. Question initiation of higher education to the needs of the village of material in accordance with the policy of the state government search for the most optimal performance of higher education institutions reveals in his writings AF Nikilyev [45, 46]. The book "Industrial Ukrainian intelligentsia village: the creation of social class (mid 40's - mid 60 th century." [45] the researcher highlights the role and place of higher agricultural education in rebuilding agriculture. Author shows that the system contemporary views of the party and state leadership of the country they occupy is not the first place that has found expression in a state of logistical and scientific-industrial base, low teacher salaries and stipends of students compared to other schools profiles, inadequate financing. reproduced in the material suggests that their activities are focused on training for work not directly producing collective farm, and planning, regulatory agencies, scientific and research institutions-tsi. History of agricultural universities in Ukraine has long remained neglected researchers. Works contain valuable information about the activities of individual higher education institutions providing agricultural education: National Agricultural University [47], Bilotserkivskyi State Agricultural Institute [48], Kharkov State Agrarian University [49], Lviv State Agrarian University-tion [50], Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian University [51, 52], Poltava Agricultural Institute [53] and others. It should be noted that in these works the problem of the formation and development of higher agricultural education in the second half of the twentieth century. covered fragments, mostly because it was a kind of self-examination, as did his first representatives of Ukrainian professors, teachers of the same schools, which wrote. They served a very brief history of the institution, and thus focused on the last years of his work. Thus, in the historiographical research, we have identified three periods that directly or indirectly affect the problems of agrarian higher education in Ukraine in the second half of the XX century. Definitely assess the literature of the Soviet period can not on the one hand, it is biased vision, ideological orientation and the corresponding methodology that is widely used by historians in the assessment of higher education on the other - a great amount of material, analysis of higher education in Ukraine. Since independence, published a number of substantive research papers, which mainly highlight the negative consequences of the policy of the totalitarian state in general and in relation to higher agricultural education in particular. These studies are characterized by new approaches to the evaluation of complex processes in agriculture and its scientific support. However, analysis of the historiographical problem situation shows lack of her research, that there are serious factual and theoretical gaps, lack of understanding of the state of Agrarian Development of Higher Education. These problems in national historiography has not yet been the subject of special study and holistic research, although some coverage found in the historical literature. 1. Bilan LL Establishment and Development of Higher Education in Ukraine (XIX - early XX century): Author. Thesis. candidate. ped. sciences: 13.00.01 / Zhytomyr State University. Ivan Franko. - Exactly, 2007. - 20 p. 2. Rybchenko DV Network Formation and development of agricultural education institutions in Kyiv Region XIX - early XX century: Author. Thesis. candidate. ist. sciences: 07.00.07 / DNSHB biochemistry. - K., 2004. - 20 p. 3. Mikhailyuk AI Network Formation and Development of Agricultural Education Poltava in the XIX - early XX century: Author. Thesis. candidate. ist. sciences: 07.00.07 / KNU. Taras Shevchenko. - K., 2001. - 18 p. 4. Bilal S. Agricultural Education in Ukraine: historical aspect (90s XX - beginning of XXI century).: Author. Thesis. candidate. ist. sciences: 07.00.01 / National Pedagogical University. MP Drahomanova. -, 2005. 5. AA Kostenko Formation and development of agricultural science and education at the Imperial University of St. Vladimir (1834 - 1917): Author. Thesis. candidate. ist. sciences: 07.00.07 / Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University. H.Skovoroda. - Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, 2006. 6. Galkin KT Higher Education and Preparation nauchnыh personnel in the USSR / KT Galkin. - Moscow, Soviet science, 1958. - 176 p. 7. Hatlyh GA Selskohozyaystvennыe vuzы USSR / GA Hatlyh. - Moscow: Higher School, 1965. - 368 p. 8. Dobrovolsky NS Higher School íîâîì on stage. - Sverdlovsk: Higher School, 1963. - 107 p. 9. Ivanova GA On the preparation of personnel is industrial-technical intelligentsia to sotsyalystycheskoho rural economy. - M., 1962. 10. Ivanovich KA Selskohozyaystvennoe education in the USSR / KA Ivanovich. - Moscow: Soviet Science, 1958. - 240 p. 11. Chutkerashvyly EV Development vыssheho education in the USSR. - Moscow: Higher School, 1961. - 357 p. 12. High School in the new stage / With experience of restructuring higher education in Ukraine / VI Pitov, V. M. Popov, I. S.Dzyubko. - K. Derzhpolitvydav USSR, 1961. - 239 p. 13. Kurnosov JA, Cooper AG In training and work. Training intellectuals in the Ukrainian SSR. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1964. - 343 p. 14. Dadyenkov YM Higher and Specialized Secondary Education in Ukraine / / Ukrainian Soviet culture. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1960. - 112 p. 15. Efimenko GP Higher education SSR / G. Efimenko, GA Lylytskyy, VA Bazhenov. - K.: Higher School, 1983. - 94 p. 16. Efimenko GP Higher School of the USSR. Successes, problems, Development / GP Efimenko, VM Krasnikova, AN Novomynskyy. - K.: Higher School, 1978. - 327 p. 17. Elyutin VP Higher School Society razvytoho socialism / VP Elyutin. - Moscow: Higher School, 1980. - 560 p. 18. Higher School of the USSR for 50 years (1917 - 1967) / Ed. Elyutin VP - Moscow: Higher School, 1967. - 272 p. 19. Kurnosov JA, Cooper AG In training and work. Training intellectuals in the Ukrainian SSR. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1964. - 343 p. 20. High School in the new stage / With experience of restructuring higher education in Ukraine / VI Pitov, VN Popov, I. Dzyubko. - K. Derzhpolitvydav USSR, 1961. - 239 p. 21. Pytov VI Higher School Ukrainskaia SSR in the perestroika period. - K.: Higher School, 1962. - 201 p. 22. Pytov V. Obschetehnycheskye and obschenauchnыe fakultetы to Ukraine / V. Pytov, V. Popov. - H.: Ed. Hu, 1964. - 266 p. 23. Popov VM Higher School of the USSR. Achievements and Prospects (1966 - 1970 gg.) / VM Popov, V. Malanchuk, AN Novominskyy. - K., 1971. - 210 p. 24. History of the Ukrainian SSR peasantry: In 2 t - K. Science. view, 1967. - T. 2. 25. History of the Ukrainian SSR: The 8-volumes. - K.: Science. view, 1967. - Vol.8. 26. History of the National Economy of the Ukrainian SSR: The 3 vols., 4-books. - K.: Science. view, 1987. - T. 3. - Book. 2. 27. Tyurin AP Formation of personnel specialists and orhanyzatorov kolhoznoho production. 1946 - 1958 / AP Tyurin. - M. Science, 1973. - 310 p. 28. Lysenko, NA Kommunystycheskoy party activities for the preparation of personnel for the rural economy / NA Lysenko. - Moscow: Higher School, 1983. - 141 p. 29. Petrenko V. Oh selskohozyaystvennыh the preparation of personnel for Ukraine (1946 - 1965 gg.) / VS Petrenko / / History of the USSR. - 1969. - № 4. - S. 80 - 89. 30. Lysenko, NA Role komunystycheskoy party in addressing the problem selskohozyaystvennыh personnel. (1951 - 1958 gg.) / NA Lysenko. - K.: Izd Kiev. and in 1968. - 206 p. 31. Babiy VS Guidance of party development selskohozyaystvennoho education for Ukraine (1959 - 1965 gg.): Abstract. Thesis. candidate. ist. Science. - C. 1977. 32. DI Babic Activities partyynыh organizations Ukraine on rural economy rukovodyaschymy staff (1959 - 1965 gg.): Abstract. Thesis. candidate. ist. Science. - C. 1977. 33. Stroller IV Education in Soviet Ukraine: Trans. from English. language. - Toronto: Martin, 1970. - 246 p. 34. Berenshtein LY, Kadeniuk AS, SS KOLOMYJEC and others. The history of the formation of Ukrainian model of agriculture (from ancient times to the present): In Part 3 - K. Educational and Research Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities NAU, 2003. - Part 1. - 180 p., Part 2, 3. - 244 p. 35. Kadeniuk OS Agricultural History of Ukraine: Lectures / OS Kadeniuk. - Kamenetz-Podolsk: ABC, 2005. - 300 p. 36. Panchenko, PP Agricultural History of Ukraine: textbook. for students. agricultural bookmark. Education / PP Panchenko, VA Shmarchuk. - K.: Knowledge, 2000. - 342 p. 37. Padalka SS Ukraine 60 - 90 years of the XX century. Statehood in the historic plane totalitarianism independence. - K., 2000. - 390 p. 38. Alekseev, JM Ukraine: Education and the State (1987 - 1997). - K.: Express ad, 1998. - 110 p. 39. Formation and development of agricultural education and science in Ukraine (from ancient times to the present) / DA Melnychuk, M. Prong, LY Berenshtein et al. - K: Issued. Center NAU, 2004. - 144 p. 40. Higher Agricultural Education of Ukraine / Ed. Talyuty LM - K.: SE "Zovnishtorhvydav Ukraine", 2003. - 251 p. 41. Yablonsky, VA Higher Education in Ukraine the Millennium: Challenges of globalization and internationalization / VA Yablonsky. - Kamenetz-Podolsky, "Libris", 1998. - 228 p. 42. Majboroda S. The state of higher education in Ukraine: Structure, function and trends (1917 - 1959 years) / S. Majboroda. - K.: Type of UAPA, 2000. - 305 p. 43. Majboroda SV, OV Zhabenko Trends in public policy in the development of the education sector of Ukraine (1950 - 1960 years) / / Coll. Science. works UAPA. - K.: Type of UAPA, 2001. - Issue. 2. - S. 334 - 432. 44. Tomashenko V., A. Zhabenko State educational policy in Ukraine (1961 - 1985 years) / / Bulletin of the Academy of Public Administration. - 2002. - № 2. - S. 147 - 155. 45. Nikilyev AF Production intellectuals Ukrainian village: the creation of social class (August 40th - August. 60s of XX century.) - Dnepropetrovsk: Type of Dnipropetrovsk University, 2004. - 208 p. 46. Nikilyev AF Graduate School of Agricultural Ukraine in the context of agricultural policy in the mid 1950's - 1960 / O. Nikilyev / / Ukrainian peasant. - 2006. - Issue. 10. - S. 176 - 180. 47. Dodsworth V. Essay on the History of National agrarian university: the centenary of foundation / V. Dodsworth. - K.: Agricultural Science, 1998. - 175 p. 48. Bila State Agricultural Institute: '75: past and present / VM Vasilenko et al. - K.: Vintage, 1995. - 272 p. 49. Kharkov National Agrarian University named after V. Biotechnology. 1816 - 2006: Essay / PI Kirichek, O. Golikov, ZI Gritsenko et al. - H., 2006. - 367 p. 50. Lviv State Agrarian University / V. Snitynskyy, VM Boyarchuck, G. Cherevko etc. V. Snitynskyy (Chapter m. Color.) - L.: LDAU, 2006. - 432 p. 51. History of the Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian University. '75 / MT Masuk et al. - Kiev, 1997. - 150 p. 52. Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian University / Y. Beresten, AG Brothers, AP Zrazhevskaya et al., VI Shemanov (chairperson. Col.), 3rd ed., Ext. and pererobl. - D.: SIA "Enema", 2007. - 229 p. 53. Poltava Agricultural Institute: historically pace and creativity: the 75th anniversary of the founding / O. Kutsenko V. Nahayevych, VM Samorodov et al. - Poltava, 1995. - 29 p. Twin RB Basic ystoryohrafycheskye эtapы Studies vыssheho agricultural Education UKRAINE second half of the XX th century. In the article, holding ystoryohrafycheskyy analysis of labor on Higher Agricultural Education UKRAINE second half of the XX th century. Osveschenы Trends, zakonomernosty, Approaches to Understanding the problem in essence klassyfytsyrovannыh author Trejo period. Systematyzyruyutsya achievements sovetskoi and Modern historiography Ukrainskaia yssleduemoy problems. Keywords: historiography, Agrarian Higher education, vыsshye obrazovatelnыe institutions. Blyznyuk R.O. The main historiographic stages of the Ukraine's higher Agricultural Education research in the second half of the 20th century. The article analyzes historiographic works in Ukraine's higher agricultural education in the second half of the 20th century. The trends, patterns, approaches to understanding the problem, classified by the author in three periods, are explored. The achievements of Soviet and modern Ukrainian historiography concerning the investigated problem are systematized. Key words: historiography, higher agricultural education, and higher education institutions.


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