Draft 2


Policy Statement
The Governors and Head Teacher of Rednock School accept their responsibility under the
Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and acknowledge the importance of providing
First Aid for employees, students and visitors within the School.
The Governors are committed to the Local Authority’s procedure for reporting accidents and
recognise their statutory duty to comply with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and
Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).
The provision of First Aid within the School will be in accordance with the LA’s guidance on
First Aid in Schools.

Statement of First Aid Organisation
The School’s arrangements for carrying out the policy include nine key principles:-
• Places a duty on the Governing Body to approve, implement and review the policy;
• Place individual duties on ‘Appointed’ and ‘First Aid’ employees; • To report, record and, where appropriate, investigate all accidents; • Records all occasions when First Aid is administered to employees, students and visitors; • Provide equipment and materials to carry out First Aid treatment; • Make arrangements to provide training to employees, maintain a record of that training • Establish a procedure for managing accidents in school which require First Aid treatment; • Provide information to employees on the arrangements for First Aid; • Undertake a risk assessment of the First Aid requirements of the School.

Arrangements for First Aid
Materials, Equipment and Facilities:-
The School will provide materials, equipment and facilities as set out in the DCSF ‘Guidance
on First Aid for Schools’:-
The location of First Aid kits in School are:
• First Aid Room 143 – Lower Ground Floor, Block B
• School Office Room 260 – Ground Floor, Block B • Head Teacher’s PA’s Office – Room 358 – First Floor, Block B The contents of the kits will be checked on a regular basis by an Appointed Person (Appendix 1) for First Aid. At School, the main duties of an Appointed Person will be to: • take charge when someone is injured or becomes ill; • ensure that an ambulance or other professional medical help is summoned when • administer emergency first aid appropriate to their training. Staff training on First Aid will be undertaken every three years. At School, the main duties of a First Aider (Appendix 1) are to: • give immediate help to casualties with common injuries or illnesses and those arising • where necessary, ensure that an ambulance or other professional medical help is called.
Off Site Activities
At least one First Aid kit will be taken on all off site activities along with individual student’s
medication such as inhalers, epipens, etc.
A person who has been trained in First Aid will accompany all off site visits.
Information on First Aid Arrangements
The Head Teacher will inform all employees at the School of the following:
• The arrangements for recording and reporting accidents;
• Those employees with qualifications in First Aid; • The location of First Aid kits. In addition the Head Teacher will ensure that signs are displayed throughout the School providing the following information: • Names of employees with First Aid qualifications; • Locations of First Aid boxes. All members of staff will be made aware of the School’s First Aid Policy. Accident Reporting
The Governing Body will implement the LA’s procedure for reporting:
• all accidents to employees;
• all incidents of violence and aggression The Governing Body is aware of its statutory duty under RIDDOR in respect of reporting the following to the Health and Safety Executive as it applies to employees: • an accident that involves an employee being incapacitated from work for more than three • an accident which requires admittance to hospital for in excess of 24 hours; • major injury such as fracture, amputation, dislocation of shoulder, hip, knee or spine. For non-employees and students an accident will only be reported under RIDDOR:- • where it is related to work being carried out by an employee or contractor and the accident results in death or major injury, or; • when it is an accident in School which requires immediate emergency treatment at
For each instance where the Head Teacher considers an accident to a visitor or student is
reportable under RIDDOR, the advice of the LA will be sought.
Where a student has an accident it will be reported to the LA.
All accidents to non-employees (e.g. visitors) which result in injury will be reported to the LA.
Following a serious accident to a student the School will contact parents / carers within a
reasonable period of time to enquire on the student’s recovery and to provide support.
Student Accidents – Head Injuries
The Governing Body recognises that accidents involving the student’s head can be
problematic because the injury may not be evident and the effects only become noticeable
after a period of time.
• Where emergency treatment is not required, a “Head Bump” letter (Appendix 2) will be
sent home to the child’s parents / carers; • Head Bump letters are kept in the First Aid Room located on the Lower Ground Floor.
Transport to Hospital
• The Head Teacher will, on advice from the First Aider, determine what is a reasonable
and sensible action to take in each case; • Where the injury is an emergency an ambulance will be called following which the parents / carers will be contacted; if the parent / carer is unable to attend before the
ambulance leaves, a member of staff will only accompany the student in the ambulance
if there are serious concerns;
• When hospital treatment is required but it is not an emergency, then the First Aider will contact the parents for them to take over responsibility for the child; • If parents / carers cannot be contacted then the Head Teacher may decide that the Where the Head Teacher makes arrangements for transporting a child then the following points will be observed:- • only staff cars insured to cover transport will be used; • no individual member of staff should be alone with a student in a vehicle; • the second member of staff will be present to provide supervision for the injured student. Policy Written By: Person Responsible: Office Manager Policy Date:

First Aid Policy – January 2010
Appendix 1
Appointed Persons:
Ann Poulson

First Aid Policy – January 2010
Appendix 2
Head Bump Letter
Dear Parent / Carer

Your child has received a head injury today; accidents involving a head can be problematic
because the injury may not be evident and the effects only become noticeable after a period
of time.
Should your child display any of the following symptoms we strongly advise that you seek
further medical assistance or take your child to a Casualty Department:
• vomiting;
• drowsiness – inability to stay awake; • severe or worsening headache. Do not give painkillers such as paracetamol, aspirin, etc without first consulting a doctor as this can mask symptoms of a more serious head injury. School Office Rednock School

Source: http://rednockschool.tv/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/First-Aid-in-School.pdf

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