From a customer prospective Interim Carrier Pre Selection (ICPS) is no different to IndirectAccess (IA) service).
CPS Information and Documentation can be found at the Oftel website:
Product Description 1. Outline of Service
Interim Carrier Pre-Selection (ICPS) is an interim service whereby BT customers will
be able to have Carrier Pre-Selection capabilities in advance of the full UK PCPS Service. An implementation date of 1 April 2000 has been identified for this interim solution. ICPS isthe means by which a BT customer can be provided with CPS, prior to phase 1 of thepermanent solution launched in December 2000. From that date the Interim solution will runin parallel with the permanent solution until the introduction of Phase 2 of PCPS, scheduledfor launch in December 2001. At that date, the Interim solution will become obsolete with nonew validation requests being raised in respect of diallers installed after the introduction ofphase 2 of PCPS. After ICPS becomes obsolete customers may keep their diallers for IndirectAccess (IA).
Carrier Pre-Selection is an EU Requirement, with a scheduled date of implementation
of 1st January 2000 throughout the European Union. The UK requested derogation in October1998, indicating that BT would not be in a position to launch CPS until December 2000. TheCommission indicated that a delay until the 1st April 2000 would be acceptable. This interimsolution is UK’s response to this EU decision.
A solution utilising equipment variously known as Autodiallers has been identified as
the most appropriate means of providing the interim solution in the required time scales. Inthis document such equipment will be referred to as “diallers”.
CPS is a service whereby a customer can choose to route specific types of calls via
their selected Operator(s) without the need of dialling a pre-fix (e.g. 1xxx) before the diallednumber. In addition the customer will have the ability to override their CPS choice on a call-by-call basis, either reselecting BT (by dialling access code 1280) or by dialling an IndirectAccess (IA) code (e.g. 1xxx) which would route calls via a third operator. In both cases thecustomer will dial the destination number after the code. The Specification for this interimsolution includes:
International Calls to be carried by a nominated ICPS operator (Option 1).
National Calls to be carried by nominated ICPS operator (Option 2).
All Calls to be carried by nominated ICPS operator(Option 3).
National & International Calls to be carried by the same ICPS operator (Option 4).
The classes of calls in (i –iv) above are defined by BT call tariff.
This Interim solution will be made available to those BT (PSTN & ISDN) access
customers requesting the service. Multi-line customers are included, however FeatureNet(VPN) customers are excluded from the Interim solution. Page 2 of 6
BT Social Telephony Customers (LUS, LOC & In Contact customers) are excludedfrom having ICPS for Regulatory reasons. If a customer with a BT Social Telephonyservice wishes to take ICPS, they must first ask for the Social Telephony service to beremoved. If they become, or remain a BT Social Telephony customer they become orremain ineligible for ICPS. 2. Market and Regulatory Needs Addressed.
This interim solution is being developed to meet BT statutory and regulatoryobligations to provide CPS in the UK. ICPS is to be available by the 1st April 2000.
In order to meet BT’s obligations, the full service surround and fulfilment capabilitiesnecessary to support this interim solution need to be made available, and to work at asufficiently robust level to meet projected customer forecasts provided by the UK OLOcommunity. This will require all operators involved with ICPS to support the agreedIndustry Processes.
In order to launch ICPS, Operators must provide 3 months rolling validation requestforecasts, 3 months in advance on the 3rd Thursday of each month. These forms can beobtained from BT's Interconnect website ( (see section 3.4)
3. Key Features & availability.
The service should be available nationally to all BT access customers (of the categoriesshown in section 1.6) (including imported customers) who request ICPS service duringthe period this service is available. Customers on all BT exchange types (exceptFeatureNet customers) will be able to obtain the ICPS service.
An ICPS customer will be able to make calls to all numbers, and for those calls in thecategories (listed in 1.4) which the customer has chosen to route via their chosenoperator.
All customers will be able to use the call-by-call override facility to temporarilyoverride their ICPS choice.
Validation forecasts from the UK ICPSOs expecting to use this capability have beenreceived, and will continue to be required on a monthly basis, on the third Thursday ofeach month. A template of the forecast document can be obtained from BT's Website(
A BT customer with ICPS will be billed by their ICPS Operator for any calls routed viatheir network. The Customer will also receive a BT bill for line rental, service rental,any associated facility charges (e.g. Ring Back) and for any calls made via the BTnetwork.
There are a number of services, which cannot co-exist with ICPS. See section onCustomer and Service Management. 4. Network Implementation and Delivery.
The interim solution is to be made available using diallers. These diallers will beprovided by the ICPSOs. Any fulfilment issues associated with the diallers are thesole responsibility of the ICPSO(s) involved. These include the ICPSO enquiringwhether the customer is a BT Social Telephony customer, and whether the diallerprovided meets the minimum specification which supports ICPS. For Multi-linecustomers, it is the responsibility of the ICPSO to ensure with the customer that alladditional network activity, i.e. NTTA has been provided to support the inclusion of themulti-line dialler. Page 3 of 6
There are no BT switch network developments required to support this ICPS diallersolution.
A Front End System will be used for the delivery of validation requests between theICPSOs and BT
5. Technology Dependencies.
The diallers will connect calls using existing network single stage Indirect Accessfunctionality. The requesting ICPSO must have an IA code and existing IA servicewith BT. (Both of which can be obtained subject to the normal implementation timescales).
The diallers should conform, at least, to the minimum agreed Technical Specificationof Diallers for inclusion in ICPS. (See Oftel website)
The ICPSO will be responsible for ensuring the dialler is configured to the correctICPS option(s). BT will be responsible for validating the ICPSO “validation request ”within a specified agreed time scale (between 2 & 25 working days for automatic andup to 40 days for manual). BT will advise the ICPSO of any invalid order requests.
The diallers must support any code and number changes and work during any periodsof, and withdrawal of, parallel running.
The diallers must be capable of working with any Calling Line Identity (CLI)renumbering, or Access Code review.
The single line diallers should be customer installable within the customer’s premisesfrom which they wish to make ICPS calls. Separate arrangements will be required forany hardwired phones, or extensions. (This is the responsibility of the ICPSO). Multi-line diallers will need a separate arrangement and again fulfilment will be theresponsibility of the ICPSO.
The Diallers must support other network to CPE (customer premise equipment)signalling protocols and vice versa where needed (e.g. Recall, start of charge indicator,Line reversal).
ICPS will not be invoked on type A short codes e.g. 999, 112, or type C operatorspecific codes.
Managed and Public payphones are to be excluded from this service (however RentersCoin boxes are applicable).
5.10 Indirect Access (IA; 1xxx, including 1280) override codes must work in the correct
6. Customer & Service Management.
For the agreed Industry process for ICPS see the Interim CPS Process document (Oftelwebsite). The role of BT is to validate requests from an ICPSO. This validationactivity will be done “off-line” and BT will advise the ICPSO whether the request isvalid, or invalid, within the industry agreed time scale (i.e. between 2 & 25 workingdays for automatic and up to 40 days for manual).
If the request is valid, BT will place the appropriate Product Code for that ICPS optionon the customer's CSS record for that CLI. If invalid, the request will be not consideredto be ICPS.
The request from the ICPSO will include the following information (to be agreed)
Page 4 of 6 The OLO identification code (LOPID)Confirmation that the ICPSO has customer agreement for compatible ICPS service asadvised in this request
Further fields are specified in the BT/OLO Interface Technical Specification. 6.3
The ICPSO will complete the request and submit it to the ICPS front-end system. BTwill validate each submitted request and inform the ICPSO of the result.
Requests from each ICPSO will be numbered sequentially by the ICPS front-endsystem. Each request will be date stamped.
Customers or services, which will result in an "invalid" result, are:
Response Code 1 BT Social Telephony Customer (including Light User Scheme
(LUS), Limited Outgoing Calling (LOC) and In Contact Customers
Response Code 2 Incorrect type of customer - BT Retail Access Customers or BT
Calls & Access Customers (if the ICPSO has wrongly classifiedthem - this is to ensure that the ICPSO has authority from thecorrect party)
Response Code 3 Invalid CLI or Incompatible Line Type - Featurenet (VPN)
customers, Incoming only lines (including Call Sign), and managedand public payphones (with the exception of renters coin boxes)
Response Code 4 Change of customer number at same address (existing ICPS
Response Code 5 Change of customer address with no change of customer number
Response Code 6 Exceeds Maximum permitted Operator Churn
Response Code 7 CLI has permanent CPS (PCPS in place before ICPS dialler
installation date. Note: BT will not reject a validation request wherethe ICPS dialler was in place before PCPS).
Response Code 8 Service out of date. (CPS National after 12/12)
Response Code 9 Invalid number of lines claimed. The number of lines claimed for
the detailed multiline dialler detailed is greater than the actual linesinstalled at the customers site.
Response Codes 10 –15 Reserved for future use
If a validation request fails any of the above, the appropriate request will be declaredinvalid for ICPS with one of the aforementioned Response Codes.
The ICPSO will be advised whether provision is valid, or invalid. If the notification isdeemed valid, one of four ICPS product codes will be added to the CSS record of thecustomer in question.
An ICPSO has the right to discontinue service with a customer (e.g. for non payment). BT has a Universal Service Obligation and is obliged to accept the customer for the callcategories in question. Page 5 of 6
BT may limit their service to or cut off a customer, for example due to non-payment. Ifthey are an ICPS customer the ICPS service will be affected, but BT are not obliged toinform the ICPSO. 7. Dialler Provision Process
The ICPSO will be responsible for all aspects of dialler provision, service cessation &recovery, as appropriate.
Any dialler provided must conform to the Industry agreed minimum TechnicalSpecification of Diallers for inclusion in ICPS.
The ICPSO will be responsible for ensuring the dialler is configured to the correctICPS Option.
From a cost recovery perspective, the BT customer is deemed not to have ICPS untilthere is a positive validation. External Independent Audit Function.
The ICPS service includes an external audit function. The audit function checksinclude:
The BT customer has a dialler provided that is compliant at the date of
That BT carries out validation within the agreed timescales (2-25 days for
Separate ICPS Audit RFI & SOR Tender and Audit Functional Specificationdocuments detail the ICPS Audit. Page 6 of 6
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