Piyarat Govitraponga,U, Jaturaporn Chagkutipa, Wanpen
a Neuro-Beha¨ioural Biology Center, Institute of Science and Technology for Research and De¨elopment, Mahidol Uni¨ersity,Salaya, Nakornpathom 73170, Thailand
bDepartment of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Srinakarinwirot Uni¨ersity, Bangkok, Thailand
c Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn Uni¨ersity, Bangkok, Thailand
Received 17 August 1999; received in revised form 5 April 2000; accepted 16 June 2000
It has been suggested that abnormal function of the serotonergic system may be implicated in the pathophysiology
of schizophrenia. In order to examine the role of this system in schizophrenia, we have determined 5-HT
on human platelets of 20 control subjects and 37 schizophrenic patients by using w3 x
data showed that the maximum number Ž B
receptors for schizophrenic patients without neuroleptic
therapy was significantly higher than that for control subjects. The B
of schizophrenic patients on butyrophenone, phenothiazine, benzisoxazole and thioxanthene therapies were signifi-cantly lower than those obtained from the drug-free group, but were comparable to control values. The effect ofvarious medication periods on platelet 5-HT
receptors was also examined. We found that after 2᎐4 weeks, 1᎐4
months, 4᎐12 months and more than 1 year of neuroleptic treatments, the B
when compared with values in the drug-free group. The present results indicate that treatment with various types ofneuroleptics decreases the hypersensitivity of platelet 5-HT
receptors. Significant clinical improvements occurred
in all types of neuroleptic-treated groups and for all different treatment durations in this study. The precisemechanisms of how neuroleptics achieve their therapeutic effects still need to be further delineated. ᮊ 2000 ElsevierScience Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
receptor; Schizophrenia; Neuroleptics; Platelet
U Corresponding author. Fax: q662-9310472. E-mail address: [email protected] ŽP.
0165-1781r00r$ - see front matter ᮊ 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 1 7 8 1 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 1 9 1 - 8
P. Go¨itrapong et al. r Psychiatry Research 96 (1. Introduction
cleotide 120. These data suggest that the regula-tion of 5-HT
Schizophrenia is one of the most important
the same in both platelets and brain. A cDNA
forms of psychiatric illness, but its cause remains
encoding the human platelet 5-HT uptake site
mysterious. Among the various hypotheses put
has been isolated and sequenced. It has been
forth to account for the etiology of schizophrenia,
demonstrated that the human platelet 5-HT up-
the neurochemical imbalance hypothesis has re-
take site is identical to the human brain 5-HT
cently gained marked acceptance ŽAshton,
The search for an underlying neurochemical dis-
order has gone on, despite so-far unsuccessful
take sites in platelets and brain suggests that the
attempts to discover specific biochemical abnor-
study of serotonergic dysfunction in platelets is a
malities in schizophrenic patients, the hope being
useful model for such dysfunctions in the brain.
that a biochemical understanding of the mecha-
This study attempts to investigate the pharma-
nism would provide the basis for a rational drug
treatment. In fact, the biochemical theories have
blood platelets and their relevance to the
come mainly from analysis of the actions of drugs
pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Knowledge is
found by chance to be effective, rather than vice
sought in this study to better understand the role
of serotonin in schizophrenia, which may then be
used as a basis to select the most appropriate
neuroleptic drugs for schizophrenic patients.
throughout the central nervous system. The roleof 5-HT in schizophrenia is still unclear. A rapidlygrowing body of data suggests that serotonergic
2. Materials and methods
dysfunction may be involved in the pathophysi-ology of schizophrenia, and that pharmacological
agents for this illness have their therapeutic ef-fects mediated through a serotonergic mechanism
was purchased from Amersham International
similarities between blood platelets and central
5-HT synaptosomes, and because of data showing
All other chemicals used were of the purest
that virtually all 5-HT in blood is associated with
commercially available grade, purchased mainly
the platelets, platelets have been widely used as a
from E. Merck ŽDarmstadt, Germany. and Sigma
minimally invasive means of studying 5-HT in the
containing the drugs were freshly prepared for
tion, platelets offer a suitable peripheral source
subjects because pharmacological properties of
Schizophrenic patients diagnosed according to
DSM-IV criteria ŽAmerican Psychiatric Associa-
tion, 1994 from the Psychiatric Clinic, Wachira
the brain are under the same genetic control
and Phra Mongkutklao Hospitals were studied
after having given informed consent. This study
was approved by the Mahidol University Ethics
Committee and performed in accordance with
sequence is identical to that reported for human
ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Declara-
tion of Helsinki. Complete medical and family
P. Go¨itrapong et al. r Psychiatry Research 96 (
histories were obtained from the patients and
The membrane pellets were resuspended in 15 ml
informants when available. Behavioral ratings
of ice-cold 50 mM Tris᎐HCl buffer, pH 7.5 Žcon-
were completed with the Brief Psychiatric Rating
taining: 120 mM NaCl; 5 mM KCl; 2 mM CaCl ;
and 1 mM MgCl . and homogenized for 15 s with
patients Ž6 males and 3 females. received butyro-
phenones Žhaloperidol, haloperidol decanoate or
bromperidol , 10 Ž5 males and 5 females. received
formed by the addition of 400 l platelet mem-
phenothiazines Žtrifluoperazine, chlorpromazine,
brane suspension Žto give a final protein concen-
fluphenazine or perphenazine., 7 Ž3 males and 4
contained 50 l incubation buffer either with or
6 Ž4 males and 2 females. received thioxanthenes
without 100 M ketanserin in the buffer. The
Ž cis-flupenthixol, cis-flupenthixol decanoate. The
reactions were started by adding 50 l of
H spiperone to give a final concentration of
patients who had never received any neuroleptic
0.2᎐10 nM in a final incubation volume of 0.5 ml.
drug before blood sampling. All patients had not
made any recent suicide attempt. Healthy adults
ing agent to define non-specific binding. The as-
were recruited as a control group. They had no
say mixtures were incubated at 37ЊC for 30 min,
history of neurological or psychiatric illness, in-
during which time binding equilibrium was
cluding no serious or infectious diseases such as
reached. The reaction was terminated by rapidly
HIVrAIDS or hepatitis, they were drug-free, and
filtering the reaction mixture through Whatman
they were matched with the schizophrenic patients
GFrC filters under vacuum. The filters were
washed twice with 3 ml of ice-cold 50 mMTris᎐HCl buffer ŽpH
2.3. Platelet membrane preparation
and receptor-bound radioactivity trapped on thefilters was counted in 5 ml of scintillation fluid
containing Triton X-100rtoluene base flour Ž
tal vein with a 21-gauge needle into plastic sy-
ringes and transferred to plastic centrifuge tubes
counting efficiency for tritium was approximately
containing 0.38% Žfinal concentration. sodium
citrate as the anticoagulant. Platelet-rich plasma
PRP was obtained by centrifugation at 200 =g
for 20 min. PRP was isolated and mixed with half
of its original volume of ice-cold 50 mM Tris᎐HClŽpH
7.5 and homogenized for 15 s with a poly-
Saturation curves were analyzed by using the
nonlinear least-squared regression analysis com-
suspension was centrifuged at 40 000 =g for 20
puter program, LIGAND ŽMunson and Robard,
min at 4ЊC in a refrigerated centrifuge ŽDoupont,
1980 . The dissociation equilibrium constant Ž K .
Sorvall RC 26 plus. The supernatant was de-
and the maximum number of binding sites Ž B
canted and the membrane pellet was resuspended
were obtained. The data are expressed as mean "
S.D. derived from n experiments indicated and
homogenized and centrifuged at 40 000 =g for 20
were analyzed by ANOVA, and then statistical
min. The final pellet was kept frozen at y80ЊC
evaluation of the results was performed by using
the Tukey᎐Kramer multiple comparison test. 2.6. Determination of platelet protein
The binding assays were carried out according
The concentration of protein in the platelet
to a technique modified from Biegon et al. Ž
membranes was determined by the method of
P. Go¨itrapong et al. r Psychiatry Research 96 (
patients were auditory hallucinations, signs of
delusion, and incoherence or mutism. 3. Results patients with different neuroleptic medications3.1. General features of schizophrenic patients
Analysis of the saturation data was carried out
using the non-linear least squares regression
The mean ages of control, unmedicated, buty-
analysis program, LIGAND. The results gathered
rophenone-, phenothiazine-, benzisoxazole- and
from this computer-assisted analysis were consis-
thioxanthene-treated groups were 31.7"2.2, 24.8
tent with the presence of only one binding site on
"2.3, 32.7"3.5, 33.7"3.6, 33.4"4.8 and 28.2"
the platelets of control subjects and schizophrenic
2.9 years, respectively. The mean durations of
patients. The present data were comparable to
illness for the unmedicated, butyrophenone,
our previous report ŽGovitrapong et al.,
phenothiazine, benzisoxazole and thioxanthene
groups were 3.1 "1.5, 9.9"2.8, 5.20"1.1, 9.9"
ing to platelets of normal control subjects and
1.9 and 4.8"1.2 years, respectively. The mean
durations of treatment on butyrophenones,
patients are shown in Table 1. The data indicated
phenothiazines, benzisoxazoles and thioxanthenes
significantly Žt s3.35, P-
were 10.7"12.9, 5.2"8.7, 3.1"3.7 and 8.6"9.6
H spiperone binding to the blood platelets of
months, respectively. The mean ages of patients
schizophrenic patients without neuroleptic ther-
taking drugs for 2᎐4 weeks, 1᎐4 months, 4᎐12
apy, compared with normal control subjects
months and more than 1 year were 28.7"4.1,
Ž347.3 " 118.6 and 214.4" 74.0 fmolrmg protein,
30.1"2.5, 39.7"4.7 and 31.3"5.8 years, respec-
tively. The number of patients on butyrophenone,
patients on butyrophenone, phenothiazine, ben-
phenothiazine, benzisoxazole and thioxanthene
zisoxazole or thioxanthene medications Ž154.5"
medications in the 2᎐4-week group was 1, 0, 1
56.5, 173.4"44.4, 172.7"78.4 and 178"54.8
and 4, respectively; in the 1᎐4-month group, it
fmolrmg protein, respectively. were significantly
was 3, 7, 4 and 1, respectively; in the 4᎐12-month
lower than those in the untreated group; how-
group, it was 2, 2, 2 and 0, respectively; and in the
ever, they were comparable to values in the con-
more than one year group, it was 3, 1, 0 and 0,
respectively. The main clinical features of the
various treatment groups, including and excluding
receptors in schizophrenic patients with different types of neuroleptic treatments
values were analyzed by comparing the B
values: Ži. between treatment groups including controls, treatment
effect: F s6.383, d.f.s5, P-0.001; Žii. between treatment groups excluding controls, treatment effect: F s8.032, d.f.s4,P -0.001; Žiii. between gender: F s1.594, d.f.s1, Ps0.212; and Ž .
iv between age: F s0.802, d.f.s5, Ps0.554. P. Go¨itrapong et al. r Psychiatry Research 96 (
Fig. 1. Distribution of individual and mean "S.D. B
H spiperone binding to blood platelets of: Ž .
5 , benzizoxazole-treated group; and Ž .
control subjects, the treatment effect showed a
tions of neuroleptic medications are shown in
significant difference Ž F s6.383, d.f.s5, P-
Table 2. After 2᎐4 weeks of neuroleptic therapy,
0.001, and F s8.032, d.f.s4, P-0.001, respec-
was significantly decreased Žt s2.76, P-
with gender indicated no significant difference
when compared with the drug-free group Ž347.3
"118.6 fmolrmg protein.; however, this value
was comparable to that of the control group
groups with age, indicated no significant differ-
Ž214.7 " 74.0 fmolrmg protein. The B
ence Ž F s0.802, d.f.s5, Ps
group was further decreased significantly Žt s5.0,
patients, as well as in the normal control subjects,
group. The degree of decrease in B
highest in the 4᎐12-month group Ž121.6"59.6
significantly altered in any group in this study.
fmolrmg protein., and this value was significantlydecreased Žt s2.797, P-
with the control group. After 1 year of neurolep-
patients with different durations of neuroleptic
fmolrmg protein. was significantly decreased Žt s2.09, P -
group; however, it was comparable to the control
binding to platelets of normal control subjects
and schizophrenic patients with different dura-
values between various durations of medication
P. Go¨itrapong et al. r Psychiatry Research 96 (
receptors in schizophrenic patients with different durations of neuroleptic treatments
values were analyzed by comparing the B
values between various duration of treatment groups as
including control subjects, duration of treatment effect: F s7.813, d.f.s5, P-0.001; and Žii. excluding control subjects, duration oftreatment effect: F s10.433, d.f.s4, P-0.001.
groups including and excluding the control group,
ent types of neuroleptics or among different dura-
the duration of treatment showed a significant
difference Ž F s7.813, d.f.s5, P-0.001, and F
s10.433, d.f.s4, P-0.001, respectively. Thedistribution
4. Discussion
patients in different duration of treatment groups,
as well as in the normal control subjects, is illus-
trated in Fig. 2. As is evident in the statisticalanalysis
H spiperone binding in schizophrenic patients
The present data show that the maximum num-
related to duration of medication, there was no
higher in the blood platelets of unmedicated
schizophrenic patients compared with normalcontrol subjects. These results were compatible
3.4. The beha¨ioral rating in schizophrenic patients
with several previous reports. For example,Pandey et al. Ž
The mean "S.D. behavioral rating scores by
w125IxLSD binding to 5-HT receptors in platelets
BPRS in the unmedicated group and in the buty-
of unmedicated schizophrenic patients was sig-
rophenone-, phenothiazine-, benzisoxazole- and
nificantly higher than that in normal control sub-
thioxanthene-treated groups were 37.2"6.3, 12.4
jects, and that there was no significant difference
"3.1, 13.6"2.8, 14.9"4.9 and 15.6"4.6, re-
spectively. The scores from the four neuroleptic-
and normal control subjects. An increase of 5-HT2
treated groups were significantly Ž P -
than in the unmedicated group. The mean "S.D.
BPRS scores in 2᎐4-week, 1᎐4-month, 4᎐12-
month and more than 1-year medications were
found both in schizophrenic patients who had
17.0" 3.5, 14.4"3.3, 12.0"1.8 and 10.5"4.1,
made suicide attempts and in non-suicidal
respectively. They were significantly Ž P -
schizophrenic patients compared with normal
lower than in the unmedicated group. Significant
control subjects. Postmortem studies also indi-
clinical improvements occurred in all types of
neuroleptic-treated groups and for all different
ing in unmedicated chronic schizophrenic patients
durations of treatments in this study. However,
who had been drug-free for 1 year before death
there was no significant difference among differ-
P. Go¨itrapong et al. r Psychiatry Research 96 (
quantitative receptor autoradiography, reported
role in cell signaling, and the observed changes
may reflect an abnormality in signal transduction
labeled 5-HT receptors in the temporal and pos-
mediated through the 5-HT -receptor event.
terior cingulate, frontal and parietal cortices, theventral putamen, nucleus accumbens and hip-
pocampus. In contrast, 5-HT receptors in post-
patients with different classes of neuroleptic
mortem brains of unmedicated schizophrenic
patients were decreased in the reports of Bennettet al. Ž
ceptors in schizophrenic patients under different
neuroleptic Žbutyrophenone, phenothiazine, ben-
zisoxazole and thioxanthene. treatments were sig-
Data supporting receptor hypersensitivity in
nificantly reduced when compared with the
schizophrenic patients may also be obtained from
unmedicated group. These values were compara-
ble to those in normal control subjects.
Our results are in agreement with several pre-
platelets from schizophrenic patients contained a
vious studies. For example, there was no differ-
significantly increased amount of PIP compared
with controls. The agonist-stimulated hydrolysis
frontal cortex found in medicated schizophrenic
of PIP in platelets from the schizophrenic group
patients ŽMackay et al., 1978; Owen et al., 1981;
was also significantly greater than that in platelets
Reynolds et al., 1983; Mita et al., 1986; Laruelle
from the control group. PIP plays an important
et al., 1991 . Pandey et al. 1993 examined the
Fig. 2. Distribution of individual and mean "S.D. B
H spiperone binding to blood platelets of: Ž .
schizophrenic patients without neuroleptic treatment; Ž .
schizophrenic patients with 2᎐4-week neuroleptic treatment; Ž .
schizophrenic patients with 1᎐4-month neuroleptic treatment; Ž .
5 schizophrenic patients with 4᎐12-month neuroleptic treatment;
6 schizophrenic patients with more than 1-year neuroleptic treatment. P. Go¨itrapong et al. r Psychiatry Research 96 (
effect of treatment with neuroleptics on platelet
in patients after receiving neuroleptics. Taken
together, it is reasonable to assume that agents
ment with haloperidol nor treatment with thio-
that are thought to decrease 5-HT function have
thixine caused a significant change in platelet
shown antipsychotic effects, particularly when po-
tent 5-HT antagonists have been used.
ing. However, both fluphenazine and trifluopera-
The pharmacological activities of haloperidol
zine significantly increased the B
and other typical neuroleptics have long been
binding without any significant change in K
considered to depend upon the blockade of D
dopamine receptors, whereas the ‘atypical’ neu-
platelet 5-HT receptor numbers in schizophrenic
roleptics show a higher occupancy of 5-HT
patients who had been treated with depot pheno-
receptors. Two recent studies ŽKapur, 1998;
thiazine for long periods, but not in patients who
were receiving non-phenothiazine neuroleptics. It
has been reported that chronic treatment with
F setoperone found that both clozapine and
high doses of chlorpromazine blocked the 5-HT2A
haloperidol, causes down-regulation of 5-HT re-
receptor, suggesting that the distinct clinical pro-
ceptors in rat brain ŽPeroutka and Snyder, 1980;
files of both drugs were unrelated to 5-HT2A
blockade itself. The present finding suggests that
1989 reported in a study on the effect of acute
haloperidol might affect the serotonergic system
treatment with seven atypical and four typical
as well. In addition, elucidating the interactions
between several neurotransmitter systems might
cerebral cortex, that clozapine, fluperlapine,
lead to a significantly better understanding of the
RMI-81582 and setoperone decreased the density
psychopathologic mechanisms in schizophrenia.
one did not. Loxapine decreased the B
chlorpromazine and cis-flupenthixol had no effectŽMeltzer et al.,
reported that 5-HT receptor binding in human
various durations of neuroleptic treatment was
brain was decreased, when compared with that in
also performed. Different groups of schizophrenic
control subjects. This occurred in both patients
patients who had been under neuroleptic treat-
who were receiving neuroleptic medication at the
ment for 2᎐4 weeks, 1᎐4 months, 4᎐12 months
time of death and in those who had not had such
and more than 1 year were studied. The results
treatment for at least 2 months prior to death.
ceived neuroleptic drugs for every treatment pe-
who were treated with haloperidol in our study
riod, when compared with drug-free patients. Af-
were markedly reduced when compared with the
unmedicated group, and slightly reduced when
numbers declined to normal control levels. Fur-
compared with normal control subjects. The pres-
ent data are comparable to those reported by
4᎐12-month period, was further reduced to a
level that was significantly lower than normal
control subjects. However, after more than 1 year
brains of schizophrenic patients might be due to
previous neuroleptic exposure. The reduction in
restored close to control levels again. Presumably,
agents that are thought to decrease 5-HT func-
effect of neuroleptic treatment that induced a
tions have shown antipsychotic effects, and then
decrease in the receptor numbers to control lev-
the therapeutic efficacy was reached within a
els. Concomitantly, an improvement was observed
P. Go¨itrapong et al. r Psychiatry Research 96 (
Obviously, the presumed dysfunction of each
Mongkutklao Hospital and the staff at Psychiatric
neurotransmitter system should be considered in
Clinic, Wachira Hospital and Phra Mongkutklao
relation to the dynamic interactions among the
Hospital for their help. This research was sup-
systems rather than as independent processes.
ported in part by a Mahidol University Research
Optimal pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia might
Grant and a Dr Chantana Sukwaj Research Grant.
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Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust FEBRUARY 2003 While interacting with the masses, he would keep a very simple approach, never making a show of his achievements, knowledge, neither make a deliberate attempt to make himself feel humble to the people. He would be his true self. Rather than displaying his own talents he would try and bring out the talents of those around him. With his
DIÁLOGO EUROPEO SOBREGOBERNANZA METROPOLITANAViernes 17 de abril de 9.30 a 13.00 h. Salón de Actos de EMASESA metropolitana. C/ Escuelas PíasViernes 17 de abril de 9.30 a 13.00 h. Salón de Actos de EMASESA metropolitana. C/ Escuelas Pías. Venue: EMASESA headquarter. C/ Escuelas Pías, 1. Representantes de las ciudades de Lille, Florencia, Cracovia, Brno, Enindhoven,Representat