The infinite GSM interface enables remote connectivity to the home via cellular The infinite security & home management system incorporates unique networks. Users can receive instant up-to-date messages on their mobile communication technologies for highly innovative monitoring and control of the phone, providing notification of events that have occurred within their system.
home environment. Enabling PSTN and GSM communication interfaces, the infinite For example, parents can receive an SMS message assuring them that their supports three separate accounts and telephone numbers for event reporting.
children have arrived home safely. SMS commands can be sent to the system to Additionally, the “Follow Me” feature enables the end user to receive real-time status control the heating, lighting and the rest of the users’ living environment, preparing reports from the system. Moreover, an optional broadband interface enables web the home for their impending arrival.
based monitoring and control of the system.
■ Built-in high gain microphone and speaker for Two-Way-Audio and Listen-in■ Separate codes both for central station and end user■ PSTN or GSM interface ■ Compact module mounts inside the infinite plastic housing ■ One-touch Service Call - Elderly/Children can call a pre-programmed number ■ Tri-band (900/1800/1900 MHz) engine with GPRS class 10 support at the press of a button, or end user can call the central station for assistance ■ System commands via SMS - e.g. Arm/Disarm, Home Automation on/off ■ Panic alarm can automatically open Two-Way-Audio channel ■ Central station text message event reporting (SMS SIA)■ End-user text message updates (SMS Follow Me)■ GSM signal strength meter■ Two-Way-Audio communication■ High-speed up/downloading over GSM data channel■ Cellular backup to PSTN At the press of a button, an infinite user can control a full range ofappliances around the home, either locally or from a remote location.
These features are as much about security and energy savings asthey are about convenient living.
■ Control up to 16 individual lights or appliances■ Powerline interface enclosed inside infinite plastic case - no additional ■ Operates via onboard keypad, wireless keyfobs/keypads/remote ■ Status dependent unit activation - reacts to system arm/disarm The complete security and home management system ■ Weekly scheduling for convenience and energy conservation■ Vacation mode - random activation of lights acts as a deterrent w w w . e l e c t r o n i c s - l i n e . c o m International Headquarters:
Sectec - Electronics Line France:
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T h e c o m p l e t e w i r e f r e e h o m e s e c u r i t y a n d m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m EL-2620 Wireless Keypad
infinite Interphone
EL-2603 Wireless Smoke Detector
EL-2626 Wireless Siren
■ Plugs in to infinite main board using ■ Operates in parallel with or instead of in wireless security – infinite – the management solution. Based on anencrypted FM wireless platform, theinfinite system incorporates GSM/SMS, EL-2606 Wireless Glassbreak
■ Acoustic glassbreak with superior
EL-2635 Range Extender
■ Extends the range between the control automation functionality, with no external infinite Control Panel
■ End user “hand clap” sensor verification ■ Ideal for problematic reception areas; ■ Recognizes actual pattern of breaking ■ Lithium battery powered with low current ■ Programmable output■ Hardwire zone■ Full, Part, and Perimeter arming modes– Wireless Gas Detector
EL-2645/PI Motion Sensor
■ Detects leaks of household heating or ■ 14m x 14m, 45’ x 45’ coverage (Pet ■ Built-in LCD (2 row x 16 character) with ■ Microprocessor based signal processing ■ 45 kg/100 lb Full Area Vision pet immunity ■ Custom end-user descriptors for each user, ■ Alarm stops automatically when gas level ■ Wide range of supervised FM transmitters, ■ Lithium battery powered with very low ■ Built-in sounder 85/105dB jumper selectable ■ Built-in Two-Way-Audio including one-touch EL-2600/PI Motion Sensor
■ Installer friendly utilities - transmitter signal EL-2661 Wireless Flood Detector
■ 14m x 14m, 45’ x 45’ coverage (Pet strength, smart walk test, transmitter status ■ Provides early warning of flooding or ■ 23 kg/50 lb Full Area Vision pet immunity ■ High-speed PSTN communicator supporting ■ 30-second delay to prevent false alarms ■ Selectable pulse count and LED indicator ■ Microprocessor based signal processing ■ Lithium battery powered with low current facilitate a wide range of innovative, value- ■ Available in Heavy Traffic version (EL-2605) ■ Off-site high speed remote programming ■ Lithium battery powered with very low ■ Available in 868MHz, 433MHz and 418MHz medical monitoring and more – offer users ■ Backup battery operation time complies EL-2650 Wireless Directional
EL-2640 Remote Control
EL-2614 Wireless
EL-2611 Wireless
EL-2601 Magnetic Switch /
Multi-function Keyfob
Panic Button
EL-2602 Universal Transmitter


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