Microsoft word - sampleihp.doc

Sample Individualized Healthcare Plan using Standardized Language

Medical Diagnosis: Spina bifida; neurogenic bowel and bladder; hydrocephalus with right
ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
Assessment Data: Nonambulatory, 6 year-old requiring clean intermittent catheterization five times per
day (two times at school), interested in helping with procedure but unable to do independently because of
poor fine motor skills. On medication to promote dryness between catheterizations. Had frequent urinary
tract infections over the summer. Prone to constipation. Latex allergy.
Nursing Diagnosis #1 Altered urinary elimination related to neurogenic bladder secondary to spina
bifida. (1.3.2 NANDA)
Student Outcome Goals:
will remain dry between catheterizations 50% of the time during the school year. will begin to participate in intermittent catheterization program during the school year by recording amount of urine obtained with each catheterization and setting up supplies. 3. will have decreased number of urinary tract infections during the school year.
Outcome: Urinary Continence (2F-0502 NOC)
catheterizations Sets up supplies for catheterization
Interventions: Urinary catheterization: Intermittent (1B-0582 NIC)
•Catheterize _______ at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm in health office (see attached procedure) (Associate at •Assist ______ in setting up the supplies at each cathterization, as appropriate. •Administer Ditropan at 2:00 pm (Nurse) •Review signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection with student every month (Nurse) •Document amount of urine obtained at each catheterization in student's log (Associate/Nurse)) •Document if wet or dry before catheterizing (Associate/Nurse) •Report any changes in urine volume or wet/dry status to parent/physician (Nurse) •Report signs/symptoms of urinary tract infection to parent/physician (Nurse) •Check catheterization supplies and need for more/new supplies daily (Associate/Nurse) Delegation (6a-7650 NIC) Activities: •Teach associate to do catheterization procedure at the beginning of school year (Nurse) •Review procedure with associate every two months (Nurse) •Teach associate the signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection (Nurse) Multidisciplinary Care Conference (6b-8020 NIC) Activities: •Report to IHP and IEP teams at scheduled meetings (Nurse) •Report any changes or problems to team members as appropriate (Nurse) •Report to parents, health care providers regularly (Nurse) •Review progress toward attainment of student outcome goals regularly (Nurse) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nursing Diagnosis #2: Risk for impaired skin integrity ( NANDA)
Student Outcome Goal:
will remain free of stage II skin breakdown during the school year.
Outcome: Tissue Integrity: Skin and Mucous Membranes (2L-1101 NOC)
Compromised Compromised Compromised Compromised Compromised
Intervention: Skin Surveillance (2L-3590 NIC)
•Check skin for breakdown with each catheterization (Associate/Nurse) •Teach associate signs of skin breakdown (Nurse) •Report any signs of skin breakdown to parent/physician (Nurse)
Nursing Diagnosis #3: Risk for constipation secondary to neurogenic bowel ( NANDA)
Student Outcome Goals:
will have a soft bowel movement at least every 2 days during the school year. will record bowel movements at school on log during the school year.
Outcome: Bowel Elimination (2F-0501 NOC)
Compromised Compromised Compromised Compromised Compromised bowel movement every two days Records bowel movements in log
Interventions: Bowel Management (1B-0430 NIC)
•Assist to sit on the toilet and use abdominal muscles to "push" for bowel movement after each •Document bowel movements: time, size and consistency on student's record (Associate) •Report any change in bowel pattern to parent/physician (Nurse) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nursing diagnosis #4: Latex Allergy ( NANDA)
Student Outcome Goals:
will avoid allergic reaction to latex during the school year will be able to identify signs/symptoms of allergic reaction 3. ____ know when and how to use Epi-pen

Immune Hypersensitivity Control (2H-0701 NOC)

Knowledge: Treatment Regime (4S-1813 NOC)
responsibilities for emergency
situations (use of Epi-pen)

Latex Precautions (4V-6570 NIC)
•Monitor daily if has epi-pen in back pack (Associate) •Assist to get a medical alert bracelet at beginning of school year (Nurse) •Review with ____every two months the signs of latex allergy and anaphylactic reaction (Nurse) •Teach how to use epi-pen in case of emergency at beginning of school year (Nurse) Delegation (6a-7650 NIC) Activities: •Teach associate and teacher signs of latex allergy and anaphylactic reaction at beginning of school •Teach associate and teacher the need for non-latex products for catheterization and in the classroom at beginning of school year (see attached list of latex items) (Nurse) •Teach associate and teacher how to use epi-pen in case of emergency at beginning of school year •Report any signs of skin reaction to nurse immediately (Associate/Teacher) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Denehy, J., & Poulton, S. (1999). The use of standardized language in individualized healthcare plans. Journal of School Nursing, 15(1), 38-45.


Microsoft word - alice.doc

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