5. Fromm E. The Art of Loving. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
oral hypoglycaemic agents. As most of our patients
are relatively old, their control is generally loose toprevent hypoglycaemic complications. Unexpected Life-Threatening Drug Interaction:
Often, the classic side-effects of appetite sup-
Hypoglycaemia secondary to Anti-Helicobacter
pression, nausea and vomiting due to the high dos-
pylori Therapy
age of antibiotics were neglected, with most physi-
cians stressed on compliance for successful eradi-cation to prevent recurrence. Unfortunately, the
Ulcer syndrome and diabetes are both common
combination of hypoglycaemic agents with mark-
in elderly people in Hong Kong. Detection of the
edly reduced calorie intake can result in danger-
causative agent Helicobacter pylori(Hp)1 is essen-
ous hypoglycaemia. As most of upper endoscopy
tial for better cure of peptic ulcer. Unfortunately,
was done as out patients in Hong Kong, some of
we faced a patient suffering from dangerous
the hypoglycaemic complications may be missed.
hypoglycaemia secondary to oral hypoglycaemic
Elderly people living alone will be particularly vul-
agents and Helicobacter Pylori eradication combi-
Although glibenclamide should be avoided in
A 78-year-old gentleman was admitted to hos-
elderly diabetic patients due to its long half life, it
pital for diabetic control, he was maintained on
is still one of the most commonly prescribed
glibenclamide 10mg om, 5mg noon and metformin
sulphonylureas, especially in the government gen-
1g tds, as his sugar control improved after admis-
eral out patient clinics. We hope that our experi-
sion by better dietary restriction, with fasting/2hr
ence will alert our colleagues to avoid glibenclamide
haemoglucostix 8.1 and 11.5 mmol/l respectively.
in elderly diabetics, particularly the prescription of
As he was found to be anaemic with haemoglobin
of 9.8g/dl and iron saturation of 9% only, upper
To conclude, all diabetic patients offered Hp
endoscopy was performed which showed multiple
eradication therapy should be warned of the po-
duodenal ulcers with positive rapid urease test. So
tential side effects, with similar information dis-
one week course of amoxycillin 1g bd, omeprazole
patched to the relatives. Physicians should be pre-
20 mg bd, and clarithromycin 500mg bd was
pared to reduce the dose of hypoglycaemic drugs
s t a r t e d . I n s u b s e q u e n t t w o d a y s , h i s
at least temporarily when prescribing drugs that
haemoglucostix was progressively lower requiring
may suppress the appetite of patients.
reduction in dosage of glibenclamide until on day3 post-endoscopy, his haemoglucostix was 0.9-1
mmol/l which persisted for one day despite all dia-
Dr. Yu-Tak Hung, MBChB, FHKCP
betic drugs were stopped, with confirmed blood glu-
cose value as low as 1.6 mmol/l only. On direct
Dr. Kin Wong, LMCHK
questioning, he was found to have omitted meals
because of poor appetite, which was attributed to
Dr. Edmund Chow, MBBS, FRACP
the triple therapy. His diabetic drugs were slowly
re-introduced and the original dosage resumed five
Department of Medicine, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital.Shatin Pass Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Address Correspondence to: Dr. Y.T. Hung
Ulcer syndrome is common worldwide and has
been related to Helicobacter pylori infection1. As a
1. Tytgat GNJ, et al. Campylobacter pylori and its role in peptic ulcer
result its detection indicates the need for eradica-
disease. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 1990;19:183-196.
tion therapy2. At present, the commonly prescribed
2. Consensus Statement, Medical treatment of peptic ulcer disease.
drugs are triple therapy of omeprazole, amoxycillin
JAMA 1996;275:8:622-627.
and clarithromycin for one week, which is gener-
3. Yousfi MM, et al. Metronidazole, omeprazole and clarithromycin:
an effective combination therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection.
ally well tolerated except causing some nausea3. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1995;9:209-212.
Diabetes mellitus is also common in our ageing
and affluent society, most of them being non-insu-lin-dependent diabetes on dietary restriction and
Permission granted for electronic reproduction in Hong Kong Medicine Online. Single copy may be made for the purpose of research, training or private study, and NOT for commercial distribution.
Journal of the Hong Kong Geriatrics Society • Vol. 8 No.1 Dec. 1997
ter. They were all invited to come to our hospitalfor factor XII screening. One of her daughters re-
fused to come, while the blood tests of other familymembers did not show evidence of factor XII defi-
This is a reasonably well written paper which
makes a valid point. The main thrust of the paper
Table 1. Results of family member screening
is that anorexia is caused by triple therapy given totreat Hp and that in the presence of diabetes, this
anorexia leads on to hypoglycaemia. The main con-
clusion is that hypoglycaemic agents should be re-
viewed prior to commencing anti-Hp therapy.
The main problem with the paper is that this
aetiology of hypoglycaemia is not specific to anti-
Hp therapy and in fact could be caused by anymedication given to an elderly sick diabetic patient.
This in fact is well known and is a matter of good
(PT control 10 to 12 seconds; APTT control 27 to 37 seconds)
Also in the discussion some time should have
The APTT and PT measure the plasma intrinsic
been given to discussing whether anti-Hp therapy
and extrinsic coagulation activity respectively.
should have been given at all. Some authors be-
However, prolongation of APTT does not always in-
lieve that elderly frail patients should only be given
dicate increased bleeding tendency. Factor VIII, IX,
H2 antagonists, mainly due to the risk of
XI and von Willebrand factor (vWf) deficiencies were
pseudomembranous colitis from antibiotics but
associated with prolonged APTT and bleeding com-plications. Similar consequences were also reported
diabetes mellitus may represent another group
in patients with factor VIII, IX and von Willebrand
where this approach may be appropriate.
factor inhibitors1,2,3. Subjects with prekallikrein andHMW kininogen deficiency had neither bleeding nor
Prolonged Activated Partial Thromboplastin
thrombotic tendency. On the contrary, patients with
Time (APTT) in an 86-year-old Patient
lupus anti-coagulant syndrome had higher risksof thromboembolism despite their prolonged APTT4.
The above elderly lady was deficient in factor XIIwhich is a zymogen of a serine protease that ini-
An 86-year-old female smoker was admitted to
tiates the contact phase of intrinsic pathway of co-
a medical ward in December 1996 because of acute
agulation in vitro. It was first discovered by Ratnoff
exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
and Colopy in 1955 during a routine pre-operativescreening of John Hageman who had this plasma
ease. She was afebrile and her shortness of breath
defect5. Factor XII deficiency is inherited as an au-
improved with bronchodilators and oral antibiot-
tosomal recessive trait6. Bennett, et al, reported a
ics. Blood tests including blood gases were normal.
kindred probably inherited as an autosomal domi-
However, clotting profile was ordered by a new in-
nant characteristic7. Since neither homozygous or
tern and showed a prothrombin time (PT) of 10 sec-
heterozygous is symptomatic, the true prevalence
onds (control 10 to 12 seconds) and an activated
of the deficiency is not known. Some authors be-
partial thromboplastin time (APTT) of 53.6 seconds
lieved that factor XII deficiency is the most com-
(control 27 to 37 seconds). The clotting profile was
mon cause of isolated prolonged APTT in a non-
rechecked twice and revealed similar results (PT
bleeding subject. Heterozygotes had factor XII lev-
10.1 and 10.2 seconds; APTT 54.6 and 57 seconds).
els between 20-60% were reported with an averageof about 50%8. Homozygous subjects had virtually
The patientís APTT was completely correctable by
undetected factor XII activity (less than 1% of nor-
addition of normal plasma incubated for 2 hours
mal pooled plasma)8. It has been shown that Asians
at 37 degree Celsius. The plasma concentrations
have lower level of factor XII9. Diagnosis of factor
of relevant clotting factors were determined and the
XII deficiency is usually made by noting a prolonged
results were: factor XII 18%, factor XI 89%, factor
APTT and normal PT in an asymptomatic patient.
IX 230%, and factor VIII:C 31.8% of normal. Factor
Definitive diagnosis needs specific quantitative fac-
XII deficiency was established. No circulatory in-
hibitors were identified. She had no evidence or
The absence of haemorrhagic consequence in
history of abnormal bleeding. The patientís family
either heterozygous and homozygous factor XII de-
consisted of a son, 2 daughters and a granddaugh-
ficient subjects suggested this factor is not neces-sary for normal haemostatasis to occur in vivo. Permission granted for electronic reproduction in Hong Kong Medicine Online. Single copy may be made for the purpose of research, training or private study, and NOT for commercial distribution.
TIREOPATIA DA AMIODARONE La terapia con amiodarone viene eseguita dai cardiologi soprattutto nelle aritmie sopraventricolari, in pazienti con cardiopatia ischemica e congestizia. Le dosi terapeutiche possono essere elevate nelle forme acute nelle quali il trattamento endovena viene effettuato al fine di ottenere la cardioversione farmacologica; mentre nelle terapie di mantenimento la dose è compr
Kurzübersicht Analytik Psychopharmaka im Labor Dr. Gärtner Trizyklische Antidepressiva Wirkstoff Material Therapeutischer 1 Spiegelbestimmung insbesondere sinnvoll bei Kombination mit Spiegel ↑: CYP2D6- oder CYP1A2-Inhibitoren, z.B. Bupropion, Duloxetin, Fluoxetin, Fluvoxamin, Metoprolol, Paroxetin, Porpranolol Spiegel ↓: CYP3A4-Induktoren, z.B. Carbamazepin Spiegel �