Colonoscopy/fleets prep

Colonoscopy/Halflytely Prep
208-557-7523 and ask for the doctor on call for GRAND TETON
This prep will allow your doctor to achieve the best GASTROENTEROLOGY, PA
possible diagnostic view of your colon. It will also provide the most comfort during the procedure and The day of your procedure:
Please take your mediations as prescribed the
morning of the procedure with a small sip of
In advance, purchase the Halflytely prep kit at your local pharmacy. One day before your procedure
you will need to be on a clear liquid diet.
*You will need someone to drive you
 Clear liquids are food that you can see PHONE 208-524-3800
Your colonoscopy is scheduled at:
Avoid all substances red, purple or orange COLONOSCOPY
GTSC Grand Teton Surgical Center
Your healthcare provider has determined that a  EIRMC Eastern Idaho Regional Medical
colonoscopy is necessary for further evaluation and treatment. This brochure answers questions patients ask most frequently and will help you understand the  MVH Mountain View Hospital
Suggested foods: Apple juice, herbal tea, procedure. After reading this, if you have any additional questions, please feel free to discuss them with nurse or Kool-aid, white grape juice, Jello, Gatorade Doctor: __________________________________
If you have any questions about your need for the colonoscopy, alternative tests, the cost of the procedure, Date: ____________________________________
methods of billing, or insurance coverage, do not hesitate to speak to our staff, we will be happy to assist you. Please avoid the following foods one week prior to
Time: ____________________________________
your procedure: whole grain breads and pastas,
brans, seeds, nuts, popcorn, yogurt containing fruits, *The schedule is finalized the day before your fruits, raw vegetables, beans, legumes and oatmeal. scheduled procedure and your check in time may The day before your procedure:
In the morning prepare your Halflytely solution and  The Grand Teton Surgical Center nursing staff will make every effort to contact you  At 12:00 pm take the 1 Bisacodyl tablet the day before your procedure to answer any provided in the prep kit with a 12 ounce questions and to confirm your check in time. If no one has contacted you the day before
 At 6:00 pm begin drinking the Halflytely - your procedure, please call Grand Teton
8 ounces every 10-15 minutes until gone. Surgical Center at 208-524-3800 to
confirm your check in time and for

Please drink as much liquid as comfortable up to 4
hours prior to your procedure.
The more clear
further instructions. Grand Teton
liquid you drink will help decrease cramping during Surgical Center hours are from 6:30 am
the prep process. Please be fasting 4 hours prior to
your procedure.
If you can not tolerate the prep (vomiting or no results), please call our office at 522-4000, or if it is staff will contact you the day before your after hours, please call our answering service at procedure to confirm your check in time.


Animal-Kind International Annual Report for 2012 (By Karen Menczer, Executive Director) The 2012 Annual Report is organized in line with the AKI mission: to raise visibility of the work of AKI partner organizations with the aim of connecting people, and donating funds and supplies to our partners. During 2012, AKI kept the same partner organizations as we had during 2011. We added Anim

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BEDMINSTER TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AUTHORIZATION FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS (OTC) DURING SCHOOL HOURS Student Name: _________________________________ Date of birth: _______________ Grade: __________ Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Home Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

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