Microsoft word - ggs_enrolment application form master updated 041113.docx

Student Information

PROPOSED ENTRY to Geraldton Grammar School
Year Level (eg. Year 3) Year (eg. 2009)
If enrolling for Pre-Kindergarten, do you intend to remain for Kindergarten? Yes No Office Use Only Copy Supplied (please initial) The school is not registered to accept students who do not have permanent residency or an appropriate visa status.

Office Use Only Copy Supplied (please initial) For persons of both Aboriginal and
Is the student of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? Torres Strait Islander origin, mark both
Yes boxes


Immunisation – Has your child been immunised against the following? Please circle
Note: If you circled ‘Yes’ on any of the above options, please provide a copy of your immunisation documents.
GERALDTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL PO Box 76, Geraldton PO, WA 6531 Street Address: 134 George Road, Geraldton Phone: 9965 7800 Email: [email protected] Web: CRICOS 02468C CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 of 8
Does your child take medication? (Please include relevant details which might affect your child’s wellbeing at school) Medication
Please circle
Does your child suffer any allergic reactions? (If yes, please specify where applicable). Please Circle
Relevant Details and Procedures
Does your child suffer from or has he/she ever had? (Please include relevant details which might affect your child’s wellbeing at school) Condition
Please Circle
Specific Requirements
Please circle
a. Are there any medical/physical needs that your child requires to operate effectively in the school? If Yes, please specify. b. Are there any individual educational needs that your child requires to operate effectively in the school? If Yes, please specify. c. Has your child ever received Guidance or Counselling? If Yes please supply copies of any such assessments when notified of GERALDTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL PO Box 76, Geraldton PO, WA 6531 Street Address: 134 George Road, Geraldton Phone: 9965 7800 Email: [email protected] Web: CRICOS 02468C CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 of 8
Other Children in the Family
Please list other brothers/sisters now or previously enrolled at Geraldton Grammar School. Surname:
Given Name/s:
Date of Birth
Year Level & House
Given Name/s:
Date of Birth
Year Level & House
Please note: a separate application form must be submitted for each child wishing to be enrolled at Geraldton Grammar School.
Confidential Family Information

The pastoral care of students is one of the school’s greatest concerns. Additional family and personal details will assist the school in caring for your
Child lives with: (please circle which is appropriate)

Are separate copies of school reports required for each parent?

ACCESS RESTRICTIONS (eg. Sole custody, court orders, etc – please attach written validation
Please specify where applicable.

FATHER/PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN’S PARTICULARS (If not father, please indicate legal relationship)
Title: (Mr/Dr)
MOTHER/PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN’S PARTICULARS (If not mother, please indicate legal relationship) Title: (Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr)

INFORMATION may be made available to Commonwealth and State agencies pursuant to obligations under the ESOS
Act 2000 and the National Code.
GERALDTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL PO Box 76, Geraldton PO, WA 6531 Street Address: 134 George Road, Geraldton Phone: 9965 7800 Email: [email protected] Web: CRICOS 02468C CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 of 8
Emergency Contact Details

Please note: The school will always endeavour to make contact with a parent/guardian in the first instance. Please nominate 2 alternate contacts
should you be unavailable.
Contact 1: relationship to child (eg grandparent, friend, neighbour)

Contact 2: relationship to child (eg grandparent, friend, neighbour)
Financial Information
Please supply name, address and contact details of all person(s) responsible (and their %) for payment of fees.
Please note: the person/persons responsible for fee payment must also sign the agreement
at the bottom of this page.

Parent/Guardian/Other 1.
Responsible for % of fees

Parent/Guardian/Other 2.
Responsible for % of fees

I/We declare responsibility for full payment of GGS school fees for this enrolled child as outlined above:
Person 1:
______________________________________________ Date: __________________________ ______________________________________________ Date: __________________________ GERALDTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL PO Box 76, Geraldton PO, WA 6531 Street Address: 134 George Road, Geraldton Phone: 9965 7800 Email: [email protected] Web: CRICOS 02468C CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 of 8
MCEETYA Reporting Requirements
(For Australian Government data collection only – not for school use)
In addition to the previous information, the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) requires the completion of the
following data.
Does the student or their mother/guardian or their father/guardian speak a language other than English at home? Yes No
If Yes, please indicate language(s) below. If No, please go to next question. Note: if more than one language, please indicate the one that is spoken
What is the highest year of primary or secondary schooling completed by the parents/guardians? (For persons who have never attended school, please mark year 9 or equivalent or below) Mark 1 box ONLY in each column
Mother/Parent 1/Guardian 1
Father/Parent 2/Guardian 2
What is the level of the highest qualification the parents/guardians have completed? Mark 1 box ONLY in each column
Mother/Parent 1/Guardian 1
Father/Parent 2/Guardian 2
Certificate 1 to IV (including trade certificate) Please select the appropriate parental occupation group from the categories listed below. • If the person is not currently in paid work but has held a job in the last 12 months or has retired in the last 12 months, please use the person’s last If the person has not been in paid work in the last 12 months, enter the numeral ‘8’ in the box. Occupational Group Number
What is the occupation group of the mother/parent 1/guardian 1? i.e 1, 2, 3 or 4 What is the occupation group of the father/parent 1/guardian 1? i.e 1, 2, 3 or 4
Note: An explanation of the parental occupation categories is on Page 6.
GERALDTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL PO Box 76, Geraldton PO, WA 6531 Street Address: 134 George Road, Geraldton Phone: 9965 7800 Email: [email protected] Web: CRICOS 02468C CONFIDENTIAL Page 5 of 8

GROUP 1: Senior Management in large business organisation, Government administration and Defence and
qualified professionals.
Senior Executive/Manager/Department Head
in industry, commerce, media or other large organisations.
Public Service Manager (Section Head or above), Regional Director, health/education/police/fire services administrator.
Other Administrators School Principal, Faculty Head/Dean, library/museum/gallery Director, Research Facility Director.
Defence Forces Commissioned Officer.
Professionals generally have degree or higher qualification and experience in applying this knowledge to design develop or operate complex systems;
identify, treat and advise on problems; and teach others.
Health, Education, Law, Social Welfare, Engineering, Science, Computing professional.
Business Management consultant, business analyst, accountant, auditor, policy analyst, actuary, valuer.
Air/Sea transport aircraft/ship’s captain/officer/pilot, flight officer, flying instructor, air traffic controller.

GROUP 2: Other business managers, arts/media/sportsperson and associate professionals

Owner/manager of farm, construction, import/export, wholesale, manufacturing, transport, real estate business.
Specialist manager finance/engineering/production/personnel/industrial relations/sales/marketing.
Financial services manager bank branch manager, finance/investment/insurance broker, credit/loan officer.
Retail sales/service manager shop, petrol station, restaurant, club, hotel/motel, cinema, theatre, agency.
Arts/media/sports musician, actor, dancer, painter, potter, sculptor, journalist, author, media presenter, photographer, designer, illustrator, proof
reader, sportsman/woman, coach, trainer, sports official.
Associate professionals generally have diploma/technical qualifications and support managers and professionals.
Health, Education, Law, Social Welfare, Engineering, Science, Computing technician/associate professional.
Business/administration recruitment/employment/industrial relations/training officer, marketing/advertising specialist, market research analyst,
technical sales representative, retail buyer, office/project manager.
Defence Forces senior Non-Commissioned Officer.

GROUP 3: Tradesmen/women, clerks and skilled office, sales and service staff

Tradesmen/women generally have completed a 4 year Trade Certificate, usually by apprenticeship. ALL tradesmen/women are included in this group.
Clerks bookkeeper, bank/PO clerk, statistical/actuarial clerk, accounting/claims/audit clerk, payroll clerk, recording/registry filing clerk, betting clerk,
stores/inventory, customs agent, customer services clerk, admissions clerk.
Skilled office, sales and service staff.
Office secretary, personal assistant, desktop publishing operator, switchboard operator.
Sales company sales representative, auctioneer, insurance agent/assessor/loss adjuster, market researcher.
Service aged/disabled/refuge/child care worker, nanny, meter reader, parking inspector/postal worker, courier, travel agent, tour guide, flight
attendant, fitness instructor, casino dealer/supervisor.

GROUP 4 Machine operators, hospitality staff, assistants, labourers and related workers

Drivers, mobile plant, production/processing machiner and other machine operators.
Hospitality staff hotel service supervisor, receptionist, waiter, bar attendant, kitchenhand, porter, housekeeper.
Office assistants, sales assistants and other assistants.
Office typist, word processing/data entry/business machine operator, receptionist, office assistant.
Sales sales assistant, motor vehicle/caravan/parts salesperson, checkout operator, cashier, bus/train conductor, ticket seller, service station attendant,
car rental desk staff, street vendor, telemarketer, shelf stacker.
Assistant/aide trades’ assistant, school/teacher’s aide, dental assistant, veterinary nurse, nursing assistant, museum/gallery attendant, usher, home
helper, salon assistant, animal attendant.
Labourers and related workers.
Defence Forces ranks below senior NCO not included above.
Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishing, mining worker farm overseer, shearer, wool/hide classer, farm hand, horse trainer, nurseryperson,
greenkeeper, gardener, tree surgeon, forestry/logging worker, miner, seafarer/fishing hand.
Other worker labourer, factory hand, storeperson, guard, cleaner, caretaker, laundry worker, trolley collector, car park attendant, crossing supervisor.
GERALDTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL PO Box 76, Geraldton PO, WA 6531 Street Address: 134 George Road, Geraldton Phone: 9965 7800 Email: [email protected] Web: CRICOS 02468C CONFIDENTIAL Page 6 of 8
The Privacy Act 1988 as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 requires that the fol owing be brought to your attention before While my child is in years 7-12 they I/We give permission for them to be given 1- completing this form – please read this information. Completion and lodgement 2 paracetamol tablets from the office when requested. of this form is taken as your acknowledgement and acceptance of the information I/We wil be notified if the office staff think my child is seeking an excessive 1. Geraldton Grammar School col ects personal information, including sensitive information about students and parents or guardians, before and P&F COMMUNICATION
during the course of a student’s enrolment at the School. The primary purpose of col ecting this information is to enable the School to provide schooling for I/We agree for Geraldton Grammar School to release to the GGS Parents & Friends Association my/our email address/es for communication and 2. Some of the information we col ect is to satisfy the School’s legal obligations, particularly to enable the School to discharge its duty of care. COMMUNICATION AND PROMOTION
3. Certain laws governing or relating to the operation of schools require that certain information is col ected. These include Public Health and Child I/We agree for Geraldton Grammar School to use images of the above named child for communication and promotional purposes, eg newsletters, electronic 4. The School, from time to time, discloses personal and sensitive information to others, in respect to students attending the School, for administrative and educational purposes. This may include to other schools, government departments, medical practitioners and people providing services to the School, including specialist visiting teachers and sports coaches. I/We agree for Geraldton Grammar School to use images of the above named child for communication and promotional purposes, eg newsletters, electronic ENROLMENT POLICY
Application of admission is open to al families and children who agree to accept the School’s rules and expectations. Preference in enrolment wil be given to If Yes or No is not ticked on any of the above, it wil be assumed that
children from families who are actively involved in the Anglican Church or in other Christian churches and to the brothers and sisters of children who have ***********************************************************************
Parental assistance across a wide range of activities is essential to the proper Acceptance of an Application for Enrolment by Geraldton Grammar School does functioning of Geraldton Grammar School. Assistance wil be needed in a variety not constitute an enrolment or an agreement to offer a place to a student. Offers of areas including canteen, working bees and fundraising. The talents of parents wil of places wil be made subject to an interview and the provision of such be utilised as far as possible in whatever areas they are offered. While acknowledging that parents are in various situations with regard to the time they can make available to the School, a positive commitment to provide some assistance is required if an offered place is accepted. BOTH PARENTS/GUARDIANS MUST SIGN THE
I/We hereby apply for the above-named child to be
enrolled at Geraldton Grammar School:
I/We have read and retained a copy of the Enrolment procedures and Fees and I/We agree staff wil seek medical advice and/or attention in the case of Charges and have agreed to support and co-operate with the School Authorities emergency and I/We agree to pay any expenses incurred for medical treatment in al matters contained therein. I/We agree to support the policies and rules of the School and I / we undertake that ten (10) school weeks’ notice in writing wil be given before the removal of a student and acknowledge that one (1) term’s tuition fees may be charged in lieu of notice. Only 1 hospital for emergency care Geraldton Regional Hospital.
I/We understand that al parents are required to pay in advance at the time of making application for enrolment a Registration Fee of $55 per student (including GST), which is not refundable. I/We agree to be solely/jointly responsible for the payment of al fees and charges. If Geraldton Grammar School considers it relevant, I/we agree to the School obtaining a Commercial Credit Report from a Credit Reporting Agency. It is the policy of the school to contact a student’s previous school to obtain information when necessary. Signature of Father/Guardian:_________________________ Signature of Mother/Guardian:_________________________ GERALDTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL PO Box 76, Geraldton PO, WA 6531 Street Address: 134 George Road, Geraldton Phone: 9965 7800 Email: [email protected] Web: CRICOS 02468C CONFIDENTIAL Page 7 of 8
Registration Fee ($55 inc GST)
Endowment Acceptance Fee
Student Information Updated MAZE and WALNA or similar GERALDTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL PO Box 76, Geraldton PO, WA 6531 Street Address: 134 George Road, Geraldton Phone: 9965 7800 Email: [email protected] Web: CRICOS 02468C CONFIDENTIAL Page 8 of 8


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