
Great Health. Generation to Generation.
You are scheduled to have a surgical procedure at Garden City Hospital. • You must call the Pre-Registration department at 734-458-4408 with your insurance information at least one week prior to your scheduled surgery between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. • After you have pre-registered, you will receive a call from a nurse in the Pre-Admission Testing department. Please be ready to give your medical history along with any surgeries or medications you are now taking (over-the-counter or herbal medications) along with the dosages. The nurse will go over pre-surgery instructions, including what medications that you can take the day of surgery, if any, what you should wear, and when you should stop eating or drinking.
• If you need tests before your surgery or need to come in to see the nurse, an appointment will be scheduled at this time. If you cannot keep this appointment or need to change the time, it is very important that you call • Your final call will be from one of the nurses in the Pre-Op Department. The nurse will call you the day before your surgery between 1 and 4 p.m. and will go over your pre-surgery instructions with you.
Before Your Surgery
• Stop taking Aspirin and all Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications (NSAIDS), such as Advil, Aleve, Motrin,
Naprosyn and Ibuprofen, for 7 days prior to surgery unless otherwise directed.
• Please let the Pre-Admission Testing Department know if you have a latex allergy by calling 734-458-3378.
• If you are going home after your surgery, please arrange to have a driver stay with you the whole time you are
at the hospital. If you are going to be staying overnight or are being admitted, the driver does not have to stay.
• Nothing to eat or drink (including gum or mints) and no smoking after midnight the day of your surgery.
• No alcohol for 48 hours prior to surgery.
• Dress casual in loose-fitting clothing. Do not wear make-up, lotion, body powder, jewelry, contact lenses or body piercings.
• Please do not bring valuables with you. DO BRING A PICTURE I.D.
The Day of Your Surgery
• You will arrive at the hospital about two (2) hours prior to your surgery. This is so we can have enough time to get you
ready, and if we need to do any other tests, we can do them at this time. Your family will be able to stay with you until
you go to the Operating Room.
• When you arrive, please come through the Main Entrance of the hospital. Keep to the right of the Information Desk
and you will walk into the Surgery Center waiting area. There is a marble reception desk on the left, across from the
windows, where you will sign in. After you sign in, please take a seat. You will be called shortly and taken back to get
ready for your surgery.
After Your Surgery
• You will recover from your procedure in our Post-Op area, also known as the “PACU” or “Recovery Room,” for about
one hour. When you are ready to be discharged home, your family member will be called to come sit with you and
a nurse will go over your discharge instructions. If you are staying in the hospital, you will go to one of the nursing
units after about one hour. In some cases, it may take longer.
• A nurse from the Surgery Department will call you the day after your surgery. Please remember that a responsible
person needs to stay with you for the first 24 hours after your surgery.
We look forward to making your surgical experience a safe and comfortable one. If you have any questions regarding your
surgery, please call us:
Pre-Registration: 734-458-4408
Pre-Admission Testing: 734-458-3378 Pre-Op: 734-458-3392

Source: http://gch.live.biznetis.net/upload/docs/9503_Pt.%20Surgery%20Letter.pdf

Bundesgesetzblatt teil 1; nr. 3

Bundesgesetzblatt Ausgegeben zu Bonn am 24. Januar 2003 Dieser Ausgabe des Bundesgesetzblatts sind für die Abonnenten das Titelblatt für den Band 3 des Jahrgangs 2002 des Bundesgesetz-blatts Teil I und die Sachverzeichnisse für den Jahrgang 2002 des Bundesgesetzblatts Teil I und Teil II beigelegt. Die Neuauflage des Fundstellennachweises A (Bundesrecht ohne völkerrechtliche Vereinbaru

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