
Dear Patient,You and your doctor or midwife have decided that a prescription for some type of hormone therapy is appropriate for you. We are hearing back from patients that insurance coverage for some of these, especially brand names, is being reduced. Here are some things to know that may help you decide how you want to manage your prescriptions.
• If you have been prescribed oral estrogen such as Premarin, Enjuvia, or Estrace, there is a generic
estradiol that can be substituted. This is not chemically identical to Premarin and Enjuvia, but this usually does • If you have been prescribed oral combination estrogen and progesterone, such as Prempro, Activella or
FemHRT, there is no generic combination. However, you can use separate generic estradiol for the estrogen
and generic medroxyprogesterone for the progesterone, which would require 2 pills per day instead of one, • If you have been prescribed an estrogen gel such as Elestrin or Estrogel, there is no generic for this.
• If you have been prescribed vaginal estrogen such as Premarin cream, Estrace cream, Vagifem or
Estring, there are no generics for these. But you should realize that for most of these medications, the dose
decreases after the first 2 weeks, so in the long run you will be filling prescriptions less frequently. Switching to an oral form of estrogen will require a discussion with your doctor or midwife, as there are more risks involved with taking a medication that goes through your whole body.
• If you have been prescribed an estrogen patch such as Vivelle, Climara, or Minivelle, there is a generic
patch available. However, our experience has been that patients are almost universally dissatisfied with the generic patch as it is much thicker and bigger than these brands, and it does not stay on well. If you would like, you can try one out to see how it works for you. Using a patch for estrogen therapy is thought by many to be the safest regarding risks of blood clots and stroke, so switching to an oral generic estrogen will require a discussion with your doctor or midwife.
• If you have been prescribed a combination estrogen/progesterone patch such as ClimaraPro, there is no
Remember that for many insurances, a mail order pharmacy is an option that may make your prescriptions more affordable. You may want to look into this on your insurance carrier’s website, as well as what is covered for generics or alternative brands. Also, you may want to investigate getting your prescription filled at a different or large store pharmacy. You can always call on the phone and ask their price without having to turn in a prescription to be filled.
Ultimately, you will need to decide how much you are willing to pay out of pocket for these medications that are often prescribed to improve your quality of life.
Please do not call our office just asking for a “cheaper prescription.” This is individual and varies with insurance coverage. You will need to figure out what works for you and your plan. Then you should call our office. If a prescription change is appropriate for you, we will do that. Otherwise, you may need to schedule an appointment St. Francis Medical Center, Sisters Grove Pavillion
6011 East Woodmen Road, Ste. 305Colorado Springs, CO 80923
tel 719.884.9962 fax 719.884.9963 web ExceptionalCareForWomen.com

Source: http://exceptionalcareforwomen.com/assets/img/uploads/ECW_horm_prescrip.pdf

Aimms function reference - dialog functions

AIMMS Function Reference - Dialog FunctionsThis file contains only one chapter of the book. For a free download of thecomplete book in pdf format, please visit Aimms supports the following functions for simple interaction with the enduser. The procedure DialogAsk displays a small dialog box containing a message andtwo or three buttons. Usually these buttons are an OK and Cancel, or Yes, Noa


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