50 einfache dinge, die sie über das altern wissen sollten

50 einfache Dinge, die Sie über das Altern wissen sollten
Cem Ekmekcioglu
Literaturhinweise (sortiert nach Zitierung im Text)
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Source: http://www.ekmekcioglu.at/50+Dinge+Altern-Literatur.pdf?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1250763201&sr=8-3)

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March 2002 Specific-IgE tests may indicate asthma risk SYNOPSIS and the possibility of prevention 795 infants (aged 1–2 years) with atopic dermatitis (AD) receivedplacebo or cetirizine for 18 months. This report from the ETAC study group shows that specific-IgE screeningof infants with AD indicates those who are at risk of developing asthma. 566 of these children were followed fo


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