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ACT REGISTRATION: The postmark deadline for the regular registration for the
April 10 ACT is March 5. This test will not be administered at STHS. The school code
for STHS is 410700. Application packets and practice booklets are available in the high
school guidance office. The basic fee is $32.00 and the optional writing fee is $15.00.
Students who eat free or reduced price lunch are eligible to receive a fee waiver for the
regular administration test fee. See Mrs. Rodgers in the guidance office for the fee
waiver. Register online at
SAT REGISTRATION: The postmark deadline for regular registration for the March
13 SAT is February 4. The test will not be administered at STHS. You should
successfully complete Algebra II before attempting the SAT. The basic fee is $45.00.
You must take the writing test each time you take the SAT. The basic fee includes the
writing test. Students who eat free or reduced price lunch are eligible to receive a fee
waiver for the regular administration test fee. See Mrs. Rodgers in the guidance office
for the fee waiver. Register online at Application packets are
available from the guidance office. The school code is 410700.
The South Carolina Association of Counties is pleased to announce its annual Board of
Directors Scholarship Program. This program awards one $2,500 scholarship on an
annual basis to a graduating high school senior who is a resident of a county chosen by
lot by the Association. Since Edgefield County was selected in the draw, this year’s
scholarship will be awarded to an Edgefield County
student. The applicant must be
planning to attend a South Carolina college/university or two-year technical college in the
fall. The scholarship check will be sent directly to the school which the applicant has
been accepted. The awarding of the scholarship will be based on the accuracy and
completeness of the application, the handwritten essay, grades, school activities,
community involvement, and need as it relates to the receipt of other scholarship awards
may be considered. Applications must be postmarked no later that March 15. See Mrs.
Herlong for an application.
J. P. COATES / SCACT SCHOLARSHIP: The S. C. Education Association-Retired
administers the J. P. Coates / SCACT Scholarship Fund. The scholarship is awarded
annually and is designed to encourage promising young people to prepare for and pursue
careers in education at an accredited four-year college or university in South Carolina.
Applicants must have maintained a good high school academic record and maintain a 3.0
GPA while attending a South Carolina college or university, demonstrate leadership
abilities, and have financial need. The scholarship is $1,000 per year, renewable for a
total of $4,000. Applications must be postmarked by March 15. Applications are
available from Mrs. Herlong.
DOLPHIN SCHOLARSHIP: The Dolphin Scholarships are awarded to children and
stepchildren of members of the U.S. Navy who are serving or have served in the
Submarine Force. The selection is determined by: 1) academic proficiency, 2) financial
need, 3) commitment and excellence in school and community activities. The
scholarship may be awarded for a total of four years. Complete eligibility rules and
applications are available at
Program provides financial support to people living with epilepsy and to the family
members/caregivers who contribute to their success. The awards are based on academic
and personal achievement. In 2009, 20 $5,000 scholarships were given to people living
with epilepsy and 10 $5,000 scholarships were given to family members/caregivers of
people living with epilepsy. The application deadline is April 23. Apply online at
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Scholarships – January 25
Sam Walton Community Scholarships – January 29
Harry Hampton Scholarship – January 31
James O. Thomason Scholarship – January 31
Wallace F. Pate Scholarship – January 31
American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship – January 31
Burger King Scholarships – February 1
Milliken and Company Scholarship – February 1
William Gregg Scholarships – February 2
Archibald Rutledge Scholarship – February 5
KFC Colonel’s Scholarship – February 10
SC Law Enforcement Officers’ Foundation Scholarship – February 12
James F. Byrnes Scholarship – February 15
Watson-Brown Foundation Scholarships – February 15
Dr. Seuss’ ‘Oh, the Places You’ll Go’ Scholarship – February 15
National Commission for Cooperative Education Co-op Scholarships – February 15
AXA Achievement Community Scholarship – February 15
Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarships – February 16
Aiken Electric Cooperative Touchstone Energy Scholarship – March 1
Aiken Electric Cooperative Trustee Scholarship – March 1
SCIRA Student Scholarship – March 1
SAMMY Awards – March 5
Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship – March 31
SC Athletic Coaches Association Scholarship – April 1
Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship – July 31



EZZX`ªhd8o #J^[;Wi_[ijMWoje?cfhel[OekhC[ceho 9edj[dji A memorable story How to read this book How your memory works Here, there and everywhere Numerical Systems Tips for memorising effectively Listen carefully; I shall say this only once Memo for general knowledge and in school Speed-studying: How to pass exams in two days Memo everyday Birthday

Microsoft word - sesion-10

SESIÓN 10 UNIDAD: TEJIDO NERVIOSO. . I.- OBJETIVOS DE LA SESIÓN: Al término de la sesión, los alumnos deberán ser capaces de: • Definir el concepto de tejido nervioso, como un tejido altamente especializado, reconociendo su importancia y sus divisiones. • Analizar y clasificar las neurona, como unidad morfológica del tejido nervioso, sus características, organización inte

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