Abilene-Taylor County Public Health District Advisory Board August 21, 2012 The Advisory Board met on August 21, 2012 in the Community Services Conference Room and present were the following: Robert Hawley, D.D.S.; Shane Price; Peter Norton, M.D.; Tom Perini; James McCoy, R.Ph.; Zane Travis, M.D.; Leslie Andrews; Larry Johnson; Barry Camarillo; Kay Durilla, R.N.; Henry Loza;Wayne Rose; and Mary K. Fair, who acted as secretary. Absent were: Randy Williams; Nancy Jennings; Charlotte Lambert and Annette Lerma. Visitors in attendance: Kelley Messer and Laura Holcomb. Item I - Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 1:01 pm by Dr. Hawley. Item II – Review and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting – A motion was made by Mr. Perini and seconded by Dr. Norton to approve the May 21, 2012 meeting minutes as written. All approved. Item III - Review and Discussion of Health Alert Network Changes – Barry Camarillo – Background information on the Health Alert Network (HAN)—started in 1999 by the State of Texas and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to establish communication among public health (state and local) across the United States. In 2000 the Abilene-Taylor County Public Health District received equipment and internet connection for the HAN. There have been many changes through the years; secure communication between CDC, State and Local health departments; distance learning with satellite dishes; one way broadcasts from the CDC; surveillance for communicable diseases; and technology assistance. As of August 1, 2012 the State provided internet connectivity ended and the Health District had to migrate the HAN users temporarily to another internet provider/network until additional funds are available after September 2012. The original value of equipment was $60,000 in 2000 and the replacement equipment in 2012 is valued at $230,000. The Health District has received grants from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to replace older equipment, provide secure/encryption software and internet connectivity. Item IV - Review and Discussion of Immunization Program Activities – Kay Durilla – In January 2012 the Texas Vaccine for Children (VFC) program had changes in who is eligible to receive the State provided vaccines. A child with private insurance that covers immunizations is no longer eligible to receive the VFC vaccines. The Health District purchased childhood vaccines to be paid for by the parents and it is up to the parents to get reimbursement from their insurance company as the Health District is not currently set up to bill insurance companies. We do provide a form to the parent with the necessary information to file a claim with their insurance company. The vaccines for 4 to 6 year olds cost approximately $300 to $400 and the cost for 7th graders is approximately $245. All physicians who receive VFC vaccines have to follow the same guidelines and some have purchased the private vaccines. Most family practice physicians do not have the private childhood vaccines and they send their patients to the Health District. Item V – Review and Discussion of Communicable Diseases and Influenza Activities – Larry Johnson – There have been over 500 cases of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Texas with Dallas/Fort Worth having 262 cases and 16 deaths. There have been no confirmed cases of WNV in Abilene but San Angelo has had two cases. Mr. Johnson provided to each Board Member a copy of the DSHS July 27, 2012 Press Release – DSHS Urges Precautions to Reduce West Nile Exposure; a copy of the City of Abilene August 8, 2012 Press Release – Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus in Abilene; and a copy of DSHS West Nile Virus Fact Sheet (copies are with the original minutes). Wayne Rose, Epidemiologist, noticed an increase in Salmonella cases reported to the Health District and as part of his investigation he called in the City of Abilene’s Environmental Health (EH) Department who in turn inspected a private club as that seemed to be the source of the illnesses. Out of 64 cases in Abilene 35 have association with the suspected source location. The Health District tested the employees and treated the ones that were positive. On August 3, 2012 a letter was faxed out to Abilene area physicians providing information about increase in Salmonella cases in Abilene and treatment options available (a copy is with the original minutes). Usually we have 2 to 3 cases a month – can be associated with uncooked foods or contaminated foods and also in day cares. There is a new strain of influenza A, “H3N2v”and a CDC handout titled Information on Influenza A (H3N2) Variant Viruses (“H3N2v”) was provided and a copy is with the original minutes. There have been 225 plus cases associated with people working with swine but no human-to-human transmission reported but it does have the potential to change to human-to-human transmission. The current influenza vaccine does not contain this strain and the quick flu test will not detect it but it is responding to antivirals such as Tamiflu. It is important to wash your hands, have no food in areas with swine and limit your exposure to swine. Additional communicable diseases -- Hanta virus is from mice droppings and there have been 1 or 2 cases in Taylor County in the past; hose down any areas before cleaning to reduce the amount of dust. Anthrax from dead animals in Texas and is treated with antibiotics. E. coli from contaminated foods and there have been cases in Texas from out of state food sources. Item V - Adjourn – The next regularly scheduled meeting is November 20, 2012. No further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 pm.
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Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research, 2012, 1(2): 91-97 QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF SOME BRANDS OF PIROXICAM CAPSULES Igboasoiyi A.C.*, Eseyin O.A., Oladimeji H.O., and Akpan R.J. Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo . *Author for correspondence; E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +23480332