Breast augmentation.pdf

Information provided is intended to inform clients of expected procedures and outcomes. However, not al patients, procedures or surgeons are the same, and information may not be applicable to al procedures. PIAC reserves the right to vary the way that a procedure is performed or which technique is used.
During breast augmentation, a breast implant is placed either under the breast tissue and over the chest muscle, or under both the chest muscle and the breast tissue. Your surgeon wil advise you on the most suitable procedure for you. This helps to increase or balance the size of the breasts, restore breast volume, or restore the shape of breasts after partial or total loss. Please note that breast augmentation cannot cor ect significantly Mild Involutional Changes (Glandular Ptosis) due to sagging or drooping breasts. In these instances, aging, multiple pregnancy, significant weight loss.
a breast lift is often necessary, which may be performed in conjunction with this procedure.
Over time, age, genetics, pregnancy, weight Al breast implants are made with a silicone based changes, sun exposure, and gravity can cause non-reactive casing but they are fil ed with either the size and shape of breasts to change. Breast silicone gel or saline. The outer silicone case may augmentation can help women who are dissatisfied be smooth, shiny, polished, or a slightly rough with the size of their breasts, or who have experienced texture. The type, style, and size of breast implants changes in the appearance of their breasts.
you choose are determined by your lifestyle, body contours, the amount of breast tissue you have, It is one of the most common plastic surgery and the cup size and appearance that you would procedures performed today, however you should like to achieve. You should talk to your doctor careful y consider whether breast augmentation about choosing the breast implant option that is is suitable for you before deciding to go ahead.
You may ask your surgeon any questions that you may have and he or she wil give you guidance We of er the most commonly used methods of and advice to make sure that your choice is incision and insertion; at the nipple, under the breast or under the armpit and it may be more than a simple case of aesthetics as to which option is chosen. Your surgeon wil advise you If you have large chest muscles and thick enough subcutaneous fat or breast tissue, the implant should be placed above the muscles in order to al ow for comfortable movement and For patients with mild to moderate breast sagging, a larger implant would be placed over the muscle but your surgeon wil evaluate and give you final opinion case by case. This enables a ful and During the consultation, you wil have to make a natural augmentation. In many occasions, breast choice and in agreement with your surgeon about lift or Nipple Areolar Complex Repositioning is recommended additional y for a bet er outcome.
2.A) under the breast tissue and over the 1) Inform your surgeon of any medication/s that you are taking (both prescription and non - prescription), any al ergies, al medical conditions (such as bronchial asthma, diabetes, hypertension, blood dyscrasias, coagulopathy, medications like Ibuprofen, al vitamins and herbs for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery to eliminate 4) type of implant content = silicone - fil ed the chance of post-operative bleeding.
3) Stop smoking for at least 2 weeks prior to surgery as this may af ect your reaction to the (anatomical), moderate or high projection anaesthetics and wil prolong your healing process 4) NO food and any liquid intake for at least When assessing the size and placement of the 6 hours prior to surgery.
implant our aim is to augment your breasts in 5) Absolutely no alcoholic beverages for at proportion with your body and to maintain a natural look. The size and placement of the 6) Make sure you do not wear any jewelries, implant chosen depends on many factors, such piercings, make up and nail polish to surgery.
as your lifestyle, your desired cup size, your breast asymmetry, desired upper breast pole ful ness, If you have a smal amount of breast tissue and want to augment as much as possible, it is recommended that a large implant is placed below the muscle, in order to prevent the feeling or appearance of the implant. There is also less chance of capsular contracture (hardening).
In some cases, prolonged hospitalization may be 11) Wearing of sports bra day and night for secondary to pain sensitivity and vomiting from 12) Underwire brassiere may be worn 6 weeks after surgery to prevent from rubbing against the 1) Drains, dressings, bandages are removed on the first or second day fol owing the surgery.
13) Breast massage is advised differently Afterwards you are free to bathe and shower depending on the surgeon or the type of implants.
Usual y it may be started on the third day 2) It is highly encouraged to start walking fol owing surgery. This is performed at least twice as soon as possible after surgery. This wil help daily, 10 to 15 minutes for each breast for 3 months.
your circulation thus reduces sweling and eliminates If sweling is noted on the first few days of massage, chances of developing clots in your leg veins.
you should stop the exercise and resume after 3) Bruising, swel ing, soreness and discomfort are not uncommon on the first few days up to 14) If you have the armpit incision Avoid a week after surgery. This wil resolve within 2 weeks.
sudden pushing of the breast upward for 3 weeks 4) Mild numbness, burning sensation and extra 15) You may be able to resume exercise and sensitivity to your nipples may be noted for a few normal physical activities within a month or two, after any residual soreness has subsided.
5) Upon discharge from the hospital you wil be given oral antibiotics, make sure you complete the ful course of antibiotic therapy. Wound dressing materials, pain and anti-swel ing medications wil Imagine that you divide your breast into four also be provided. Change the wound dressing at least twice a day. But some surgeons do not need the patient to change the dressing until the fol ow 6) Do not submerge in swimming pools, bath tubs for at least a week or while incisions are not completely closed. Smal openings in the wound serve as portal of entry for bacteria which may 7) A moist environment is inviting to some bacteria, so it is important that you keep the wound or the incision dry and stay in a cool room especially if you have the armpit incision.
8) Know the signs of infection. This includes fever (temperature over 37.8 C), pain not relieved by meds, redness, pus formation, excessive swel ing, excessive tenderness. When signs and symptoms of infection is noted, cal your doctor 9) Sutures wil be removed at least 1 week 10) Vigorous activities should be avoided for Remember to move your implant in al the four If the breast does become infected from colection quadrants using a slow steady movement.
of blood or deflated, the implant must be removed 1) Position your palms on the outer quadrants immediately. You wil need to wait for several of your breasts and press slowly inward. You can months before repeating the operation. With the feel and see the implants bulge toward the inner advent of silicone gel fil ed implant, chances of quadrants of the breast. Press and hold for 20 to 2) Press the breasts slowly outward such that Despite bleeding generally being minimal during a bulge on the outward quadrants of the breast the operation, there is a possibility that continual wil be noted. Press and hold for 20 to 30 seconds, bleeding after surgery may result in a blood clot formation which needs to be removed. This is 3) Position your palms on the lower quadrants uncommon and it is suggested you remain in of the breast and push slowly upward. Bulging of Thailand for approximately 2 weeks for your surgeon the implant on the upper quadrants of the breast to monitor your improvement after surgery. Infection should be noted. Press and hold for 20 to 30 is uncommon, but possible. Your surgeon should provide you with antibiotics prior to surgery to 4) Do the same for the downward movement. eliminate this possibility.
Implants do not cause breast cancer but may Breast augmentation increases breast size which obscure its detection. For women with silicone can enhance your self esteem and confidence.
implants an annual mammogram is advised to The procedure wil leave you with a better figure ensure that implants are not leaking, as silicone and help to balance your body proportions. For leaks out slowly unlike saline - which is easier to rupture and wil deflate fairly quickly. The new undergone a mastectomy, child birth or weight generation of cohesive gel wil not leak out easily loss, you wil notice a magnificent improvement but can have some reactions. If there is a leakage and initial scarring will gradually fade.
or break in the implant, it should be replaced.
Inform the radiology technician that you have In 2006, both Silicone and Saline implants were both approved by U.S. health of icials. Implants manufactured by Inamed and Mentor - the two leading marketers of implants - were considered According to scientific research, women with safe and ef ective for continued use.
breast implants are not at any increased risk of autoimmune or connective tissue diseases. Although some patients have claimed of complications to Since 2006, statistics show that a low number of their health due to ruptured silicone implants in silcone or saline implant recipients have experienced the past, studies have not conclusively indicated that implants bring about increased risks of any Capsular contracture occurs if the capsule or shel around the implant begins to tighten and thicken.
This wil cause the breast to feel hard and appear Tel + 66 (0) 76 249400 Fax + 66 (0) 76 210936 unnatural. This can be prevented by regular self Email massage. Should this occur, removal of the capsule is required or perhaps implant may need to be


Scarning VC Primary School Policy on Meeting the needs of children with medical conditions The policy wil be given to al parents when their child starts school, copies wil be sent out atintervals, to remind parents of this school policy and a copy is kept in the Head teacher’s of ice forinspection at any time. However, it must be emphasised that primary responsibility for a child’s

Medline abstracts:

Medline Abstracts: J Foot Ankle Surg. 2005 Mar-Apr;44(2):137-43. Evaluation of ultrasound-guided extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis. Hyer CF, Vancourt R, Block A. Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Surgery, Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Center, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Thirty patients (39 heels) were evaluated to determine the success of ultrasound-gu

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