WILD GINSENG: Regulations and Guidelines for Sustainable Harvest Wild Ginseng Harvesting
and selling it may obtain a free license. Licenses for
Wildlife Refuges and Federal Waterfowl Production
digging on others’ land, with the owners’ permission,
Areas are also closed to ginseng harvest. Rules for
Recognizing that commercial demands may cause
cost $15.75 per harvest season for Wisconsin resi-
collecting on county or municipal lands will vary.
overharvesting of ginseng, Wisconsin law regulates
dents and $30.75 for non-residents. Tribal members
Check with the managers of these areas. Ginseng
the harvest, sale and purchase of wild ginseng in the
do not need a state harvester’s license to harvest gin-
may only be harvested on Indian Reservations by
state. In order to promote the most sustainable har-
tribal members under that tribe’s conservation rules.
vesting practices, international trade agreements per-mit U.S. export of wild ginseng only from those states
Harvesters must have a valid harvester’s license in
How to Harvest Wild Ginseng
that can annually show that harvest and export are
their possession at the time of harvest and sale, and
not harming the wild ginseng resource. This brochure
must show the license to conservation wardens upon
Before digging wild ginseng, look over the area to
covers the main points of Wisconsin wild ginseng
request and to wild ginseng dealers when selling the
see how much is present. Leave all young plants
regulations (s. 29.611 Wisconsin statutes and Ad-
ginseng. Harvester’s licenses and wild ginseng regu-
and several of the mature plants, as they are needed
ministrative Rules Chapter NR 28) and provides
to produce seeds for future years. Harvest only
guidelines for harvesting and replanting ginseng to
mature plants with at least three, preferably more,
The License Section, Wisconsin Department of
‘prongs’or leaves (each usually having 5 leaflets)
Natural Resources, 101 Webster St., P.O. Box 7921,
and a flowering/fruiting stalk. It is recommended
Madison, WI 53707 (608-266-2621) and at most
What is Wild Ginseng?
that only four-prong individuals be harvested in
DNR field stations and service centers.
order to protect the ginseng population from over-
Wild ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) is defined as
harvesting. It is prohibited to dig plants with only
ginseng that is not grown or nurtured by a person. When and Where to Harvest
two leaves, or plants that have not produced a
This includes all wild simulated ginseng, from wild
The wild ginseng harvest season is September 1
flowering/fruiting stalk. Their roots are generally
or cultivated seeds, planted in a wild forest habitat
through November 1. Ginseng may not be legally
smaller and of lesser value. It usually takes six to
and not tended in any way prior to harvest.
dug, nor green roots sold, outside of this period. This
ten years for a wild ginseng plant to produce mar-
The regulations do not apply to cultivated or woods-
season is set to maximize the chances that seed will
ketable roots and seeds. Federal regulations pro-
grown ginseng that has been watered, weeded, fer-
be ripe when harvested statewide. Early harvest may
hibit exporting roots under five years old. Most
tilized or cared for in some way. They are both regu-
also result in lower quality dried roots. Wild gin-
dealers will refuse to buy young roots.
lated by the Department of Agriculture under
seng legally harvested within the harvest season may
The age of a plant may be determined by count-
s.94.50. Registration for growers & certificates of
be sold to licensed dealers from September 1 to
ing the stem scars on the ‘neck’ of the root. Plants
origin for exporters of cultivated and woods-grown
under ten years or with roots smaller than your
ginseng from Wisconsin are available from the Wis-
If you want to dig ginseng on land you do not own,
thumb can be replanted nearby. Such roots may
consin Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer
be sure to obtain permission from the owner. Per-
double in size in only a few years. When harvest-
Protection, 2811 Agriculture Dr. Box 8911, Madi-
sons hunting ginseng on private land without per-
ing you must keep the stems with the roots until
mission are violating trespassing laws, which can re-
you return home to provide proof of at least three
sult in their arrest and prosecution. It is no longer
Who May Harvest Wild Ginseng
leaves and a fruiting stalk. (Note -it is not neces-
necessary for landowners to post their land to pre-
sary that the stems stay attached to the roots.)
Ginseng harvest licenses are required for anyone sell-
Seeds must be planted in the area of the parent
ing their harvest or digging on land they do not own.
plant. Squeeze the seeds from the red berries and
It is prohibited to harvest wild ginseng on any lands
Landowners who dig wild ginseng on their own land
plant at least 12 inches from where the plant was
owned or administered by the State of Wisconsin.
and do not sell it are exempt from needing a
harvested, six inches apart and 1 1/2 inches deep
The National Forests, National Parks, National
harvester’s license. Those digging on their own land
in loosely mulched soil. Cover with leaf litter. Wild Ginseng Dealers
Any person who buys at least 8 ounces of wild gin-seng in Wisconsin for the purpose of resale is con-
sidered a dealer and is required to have a WisconsinDealer’s License. Paid employees or family membersof a licensed dealer who are working at the primary
place of business for that dealer will be covered by
For more information contact: Regulations and Guidelines for Sustainable Harvest
All dealer’s licenses are valid July 1 to June 30. Threeclasses of resident dealer’s licenses allow dealers to
choose the license that best fits their needs:
Class A ($100)—for transactions up to 100 pounds Class B ($500)—for transactions up to 1000 pounds Class C ($1000)—for unlimited amounts of trans- actions
Non-residents may purchase a non-residentdealer’s license ($1000) for unlimited amounts oftransactions.
Dealer’s licenses are available from the DNR Licens-ing Section, 101 S. Webster St., P.O. Box 7921,Madison, WI 53707 (608-266-2621).
Dealers may purchase Wisconsin wild ginseng onlyfrom licensed harvesters or licensed dealers andshould record the seller’s name, address and licensenumber on purchase receipts issued by the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources. Records must be kept
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources provides equal opportu-
of each transaction (purchase and sales) by the deal-
nity in its employment, programs, services and functions under an Affirma-tive Action Plan. If you have any questions, please write to Equal Opportu-
ers who report them annually on forms provided by
nity Office, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240.
the Department. State certification by the DNR is
This publication is available in alternate format (large print, Braille, audio
required for all of the wild ginseng leaving the state.
tape, etc.) upon request. Call 608-266-7012 for more information.
Dealers are responsible for arranging for certifica-tion with DNR staff. Dealers are also responsiblefor ensuring that all roots sold for export as wildginseng are indeed wild, are five years or older and
Practice selective, sustainable harvesting
were legally harvested. Shipments with underage or
by leaving many intact plants behind,
cultivated roots will be refused at the port of export
and planting the seeds of the plants
and returned to the dealer for removal of roots thatcannot be legally exported. you do remove. This will help insure that there will be valuable wild ginseng PUB-ER-005 2001 to harvest in the years ahead.
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SCHOOL 1977 SCHOOL 2007 Scenario: Jack goes duck hunting before school, pulls into school parking lot with a shotgun in the gun rack Vice principal comes over, looks at Jack's School goes into lockdown, the Feds and ATF are called, shotgun, goes to his car and gets his own Jack is hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors are called in to assist traumati