head, facial abnormalities, problems swallowing and weakness
Most people have never heard of GME, meningitis or any other
can be seen. This does not leave out much in the way of
form of central nervous system inflammation until they have a
neurological symptoms. The main clinical symptoms in dogs
dog with progressive neurological disease. At Wear Referrals we
with meningitis are neck pain, fever and depression. These
see patients with GME or meningitis on a weekly basis and they
patients tend to be mainly young (<1 year) large breed dogs. The
are therefore one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases of
Beagle is a smaller breed dog in which meningitis is frequently
the central nervous system in dogs. We understand how
diagnosed. Some dog can suffer from poly-arthritis (inflamed
stressful it can be for owners when they hear that their beloved
joints) at the same time as suffering from meningitis (Akita’s,
pet has been diagnosed with GME or meningitis. This information
sheet provides a summary of these conditions in an
There are different subtypes of GME: focal (limited to one location
The general process of inflammation involves the infiltration of
in the nervous system), disseminated or multifocal (involving
normal tissues by cells of the immune system. These cells are like
many locations in the nervous system) and ophthalmic (involving
the armed police of the body. They go to the area where they are
the optic nerve/eye). A patient may have more than one type
called and release destructive biochemicals with the goal of
at the same time. There are some breed specific encephalitis
obliterating an area of invasion by infectious organisms or of
types like necrotising encephalitis in the Yorkshire Terrier and
dead or diseased tissues. We do not exactly know why GME
and meningitis occur but they are thought to have an
immune-mediated background. It is important to note that
The focal type of GME typically can have a slower onset (months)
both GME and meningitis are generally not infectious diseases in
while the disseminated form is more rapid (sometimes days to a
contrast to meningitis in humans where they tend to be viral or
few weeks). Obviously, the disseminated form has a larger variety
of signs within the same patient. The ophthalmic form most
commonly shows up as sudden, generally permanent blindness.
Granulomatous inflammation involves infiltration by cells called
It can affect one or both eyes. The disseminated form has a
"mononuclear cells." These cells normally engulf and destroy
particularly poor prognosis; in one (relatively old) study the
debris. In GME, these cells form cuffs around the blood vessels of
median survival time after diagnosis was 8 days, a testament to
the brain and spinal cord (mostly in the white matter). The cuffs
the rapid progression, seriousness and severity of this condition.
join at adjacent vessels forming actual masses/nodules. GME can
affect all areas of the brain, the spinal cord and the membranes
that surround them. In meningitis patients we see predominantly
The diagnosis is made based on the patient’s history, breed, age,
neutrophilic cells in the spinal fluid and these cells are located
the clinical examination, bloods tests, urine analysis, radiographs,
MRI and spinal fluid analysis. Blood panels and urinalysis form the
foundation of evaluation and determination of what medication
can be used, and what other body systems must be considered.
The classical patient with GME is a young to middle-aged small
breed dog (terrier) of either gender although any dog can be
Radiographs are taken in patients with neck pain to look for
affected. What sort of neurological signs are seen depend totally
obvious bony and soft tissue changes. Magnetic Resonance
on what area of the nervous system is involved. Seizures, neck
Imaging (MRI) (please see MRI download) is the golden standard
pain, drunken gait, walking in circles, blindness, listlessness, tilted
in neuro-imaging and it is indicated in almost every patient with
5-11 Tenters Street, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 7ADT: 01388 602707 | F: 01388 605660 | [email protected] |
suspected brain or spinal cord disease. Tapping of the
GME: Immune-suppression with corticosteroids combined with
cerebrospinal fluid (spinal tap) is necessary to confirm the
drugs as Cytarabine, Cyclosporine or Azathioprine) are for a period
diagnosis of GME and meningitis. Both MRI and spinal taps require
of at least six to twelve months. It is unusual for a patient with
general anaesthetic. Prior administration of steroid (prednisolone)
GME to be able to fully discontinue medication. The prognosis
medication may reduce the cells found in the tap and must be
with this combination treatment is vastly better compared to
taken into account when interpreting the results of the spinal fluid
analysis. In patients with meningitis we often see diffuse swelling
of the grey matter on MRI. In patients with GME the grey matter,
If seizures have been a manifestation of GME, either disseminated
the white matter, the meningi and the spinal cord can be affected.
or focal, anti-epileptic medication will be used to control the
seizures. Ophthalmic GME also uses oral corticosteroids for
A full diagnostic work-up also helps in ruling out other conditions
therapy but may also employ topical ones. If glaucoma results
that might present in a similar way but require different
from GME then therapy for this is necessary. Again, therapy for
treatments. Examples of other causes include viral encephalitis,
this result of GME is addressed in a standard way; no specific GME
parasitic encephalitis, fungal encephalitis, strokes and
tumours. Some dogs with inflammatory disease of the
central nervous system will also have inflammation of their joints
Our treatment protocol is as follows; Prednisolone long term starting at a high dose which can gradu-
MRI is able to image the brain in such detail that it is considered
nearly a confirming test for GME and meningitis when combined
with spinal fluid analysis. CT (CAT scanning) is significantly less
Cytarabine (cytosine arabinose) injections for two days every
sensitive in diagnosing these conditions and CT scans can
three weeks. Cytarabine is a strong chemotherapy drug and
frequently give false negative results. The only way to confirm
specifically suppresses white blood cells).
GME or meningitis with 100% certainty is by biopsy though,
obviously, diagnostics do not get any more invasive than brain
Cyclosporin is used is a third drug where there is a recurrence of
surgery. For this reason, 100% confirmation is normally only
the GME whilst the patient is on Prednisolone and Cytarabine or
where the side effects of these two drug are to severe.
TREATMENT Bloods tests should be taken regularly to check liver, kidney and
The immune system needs to be much suppressed in both
patients with GME and in patients with meningitis. Therefore,
immune-suppressive drugs are the mainstay in treating these
The main side effects of medication are the classic steroid side
patients. It is important to note that most patients will
effects (increased appetite, increased thirst) and side effects
inflammatory CNS disease will require to be hospitalised for 2-7
related to the strong suppression of the immune system by the
days as they need intensive veterinary care.
combination therapy. Signs of this are vomiting, diarrhoea,
Meningitis: Immune-suppression with corticosteroids (such as
prenisolone) is the choice of therapy for meningitis. Once the
disease is controlled, one may begin to gradually drop the
As mentioned above, the prognosis for patient with GME can be
steroid dose until the minimum dose required to control the
poor. However, it is our experience that some patients will survive
disease is reached. Most dogs need to be treated for about six
more than two years once they have been stabilised during the
months. A second drug is added to the medication in dogs with
first few weeks on medication. The prognosis in patients with
5-11 Tenters Street, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 7ADT: 01388 602707 | F: 01388 605660 | [email protected] |
Oogappels 1. Rita, gespeeld door Els Dottermans, is dolgelukkig als Dennis, haar 26-jarige zwakbegaafde zoon vrijkomt. Hij heeft een gevangenisstraf uitgezeten voor de aanranding van een minderjarige. Naast Veerle Baetens, als de moeder van het slachtoffer, spelen ook Tom Van Dijck en Damiaan De Schrijver een rol in de film “Dennis van Rita.” Wie regisseerde deze prent? 2. Alle planten