

In finacle, all type of cash and transfer transactions can be handled through menu option
TM. User can also make ledger inquiry and other job’s .
(Transaction Maintenance).
Some concepts / Terms used in Transaction Menu ( T M )

Batch transaction
The transaction will be credited by initiating a process where user
intervention or transaction creation is not required i.e. System created

Post dated transaction
Transaction for an account where the transaction is beyond the
dated i.e. BOD Date / System date.
Value dated transaction
A transaction with transaction date as BOD date. All accounting
entries will be for BOD date but the effective date of the transaction is not
BOD/ system date. In value dated transactions , transaction date and value
date are different . It is important i.e. cash transaction can not be value

Menu option TM does not allow user to add Clearing transactions, but the
user can post/verify all type of transactions (cash , transfer & clearing) through
the menu.

Cash transaction in back date can not be entered.
The intersol transaction can be done by the user having Tenor as
Free . If user tenor is captive. He can not make Intersol transaction. Tenor of
use is defined in UPM menu option.

User are defined in Menu option UPM . IN this menu use Tenor is
also defined .
There two type of Tenor :
: User can transact across the sol.
Captive : User can not transact across the sol.
If you are captive user you can not enter intersol transaction. System will raise an error.

Stages of Transaction :

There are three stage of voucher transaction.
A- Entered state
B- Posted state
C- Verified state

Entry and posting of voucher by User ( To the extent of user Powers –
According to work class it is predefined ) ,Verification done by officer .

Entry by maker and posting done by officer. Voucher gets automatically

Exceptional Transaction:
System validates transaction base on some parameter. In finacle parameter are set at
different level i.e.
A- Scheme level
B- Service Out let ( SOL ) level
C- Data Center Level

Different type of Exception’s
System shows following exception’s .
A- Exceptions
– Permits transaction to go through.
– Permits transaction to go through with appropriate
authority level.
- System does not permit the transaction.

Type of transaction and their Short name

For cash transaction
For transfer transaction – T
NR used for Normal cash receipt
NP used for Normal cash Payment
BI Bank Induced transfer transaction
CI Customer induced transfer transaction
Modification of a transaction
Modification is possible only up to posted state.
System does not allow to modify Account_ Id. In this case user have to delete this
transaction and add the transaction again with correct Account_Id.

Instrument type – once detail is filled and pressed F4 then it becomes un modifiable.
Instrument date – once detail is filled and pressed F4 then it becomes un modifiable.

How to change wrongly entered a/c number in TM ?

We enter a/c no and transaction details, we press F4 to come to next mandatory field. In
this stage if we find that the a/c no. is wrong, the system won’t allow us to modify a/c no. In
this case , user have to delete the part tran and enter a new part tran.

The steps are as follows –
In specify option field, use up/down arrow to go to the part tran
which is to be deleted.

Specify option –
Type D (Delete Part Tran) & press F4. The system will show part
tran status as ‘ *D DELETE REQUESTED’. Now we need to enter a
new part tran with desired a/c no.
Specify Option –
Type E (Enter Entire Part Tran) and press F4. Proceed with new part
tran. Deleted part transaction does not need verification.

Proxy Transaction :

During End of Day process , System validates for any unposted or
partly posted transaction . If any such transaction found the End of
day operation can not be carried out until the transaction are
The End of Day operations are carried out by DATA BASE
ADMINISTRATOR , who may not be part of regular branch
operations . In such scenario , Data Base Administrator may have
Either postponed the End of the day process which may effect the
normal working of the branch next day Or may have to initiate
posting of such transaction as a general user.
In this situation , Data Base Administrator to continue EOD process
, will have to post such transaction to an identified different
account . If transaction is debit transaction for a customer account
that transaction will also place a lien on the original customer
account. It is called Proxy posting.
Next day , General user can look into those transaction and reverse
the proxy posted transaction .
Invoke Menu option – TM

Function –
A (Add). User can press either Tab or enter or F11 key to go to the
next field.
Tran. Id, Tran date and transaction remarks not be entered.
Type/Subtype (Mandatory) –
This field is divided into two parts.
Transaction Type
Transaction Subtype
In the first field, press F1 to get the help. Valid value’s for
Transaction Type are
C for cash ( Choose C for cash transaction )
T for transfer
L for clearing.
For the purpose cash transaction User have to enter C in the Type field. The cursor will be
move to subtype field. Again user can press F2 to get the list of valid codes. an account
needs to be credited, select NR – Normal Receipt by pressing Shift+F4. User can write NR OR
NP also as the case may be. Press F4. The system will activate the transaction block and the
cursor will be placed in the A/c No. field.

A/c No. (Mandatory)– Enter the account no.
If the a/c of the customer is with the SOL of the user who is entering the
transaction, then the user can enter short a/c no e.g. 019322, instead of entering all
14 digits i.e. 81580100009322.

If the a/c of the customer belongs to other SOL, user needs to enter all 14
digits of the
If the user knows the short name of the customer in finacle, he can enter the short
name and press F2; system will display all the accounts of the customers having
the characters Entered in their short name. Select the desired a/c no by pressing

After entering a/c no, if the user presses Control +E (Explode) in a/c no
field, system will Activate ACI (Customer Account Inquiry) menu option internally
and will display account Details in inquiry mode. Press F11 or enter or tab key. If
the user presses F4 or F11 key, system will display name of the a/c holder against
the a/c no. & a/c balance, shadow balance, available amt., & effective available amt
in the status block (right-bottom side). Also, the system will display Customer
Status, Mode of operation, GL subhead and a/c status at the left- bottom side of the
status block.

Amount (Mandatory) – Enter the amount of transaction.
The next field is type of part transaction (Mandatory), which
is default C i.e. Credit because the user is crediting the a/c
by cash/normal receipt (C/NR).
Transaction particulars (Mandatory) –
This field is free text field. The particulars entered in
this field will be printed in the Passbook/Statement of a/c.
User shall enter suitable particulars in this field. Press F4.
The system will place the cursor in the Specify Option field.
Specify Option-
Default value will be displayed as ‘E- Enter Entire Part Tran’.
Press Down Arrow Key to see other part tran. User can see
that system has automatically generated.
Debit part tran.
Please note that whenever the transaction is Cash/Normal
Receipt, system automatically generates debit part tran i.e.
Dr. - Cash in Hand in India.
Case 1 – If the user is not authorized to post the transaction

Press F10 to commit the transaction. User can see that in the left-bottom part of the
screen, system will display Tran Id, please note it. Also, system displays that how many Dr
and Cr part trans have been entered in this transaction (Entered Dr/Cr).

Note: If the system finds some abnormality in the part tran, it’ll display message
‘Warning: Exceptions Encountered’ in the status bar. To see exception in a part tran during
entry state, then in Specify Option field type ‘K – Check Part Tran’ and press F4. System will

display list of warnings/exceptions. If user wishes to accept the part tran with exceptions,
press F4.

Case 2 – If the user is authorized to post the transaction
In the Specify option field, if anything other the P is displayed, press delete key to delete the
character and type P (Post part tran). Press F4 key. System will display the status (right-
bottom side of the transaction block) as *P POSTING REQUESTED. Using Up/Down arrow
on the keyboard, go to every part tran and type P in the specify option field and press F4.
Finally press F10 to commit the transaction.
System will display that how many Dr and Cr part trans have been entered in this transaction
(Entered Dr/Cr) and how many Dr and Cr part transactions have been posted in this
transaction (Posted Dr/Cr). Please note that the number of Dr and Cr part transactions
displayed against Entered Dr/Cr should tally with the number of Dr and Cr part transactions
displayed against Posted Dr/Cr.
Invoke Menu option – TM

Function (Mandatory)
Type/Subtype (Mandatory)
In the type field enter C (Cash) and in
Subtype field enter NP (Normal Payment).
Press F4 key. The system will activate the
transaction block and the cursor will be
placed in the A/c No. field.
A/c No (Mandatory)
Enter A/c No. Press F11 (Transmit) or F4
(Accept) key.
Amount (Mandatory)
Enter the amount to be withdrawn.
The system will automatically display D (
Debit) in the part transaction type field.
Particulars (Mandatory)
Enter the transaction particulars e.g. To Self.
Inst Type (Mandatory)
There may be two scenarios –
If the Cash withdrawal is by using withdrawal slip, enter WS in the field.
This can also be selected from the list. Press F2 and go to WS (Withdrawal slip) record
using down arrow. Select WS by pressing Shift+F4.

If the Cash withdrawal is by using cheque leaf, enter CHQ in this field. This
can also be selected form the list.
Inst No. –
This field is mandatory if Inst. Type is entered as CHQ. This
field is divided into two parts. In the first part enter alpha
part of the cheque (optional) and in the second part enter
printed no. (Mandatory) of the cheque leaf. If the cheque is
already marked as stopped or destroyed, system will
display error message at the status bar as ‘Cheque Stopped’
or ‘Cheque Unusable’ respectively and will not allow to
proceed with the transaction.
Inst. Date
- This field is mandatory if Inst. Type is entered as CHQ.
Enter the cheque date. Press F4 (Accept) key. The system
will bring the cursor in the Specify Option field. System
will not accept Post dated cheque.
Case 1 – If the user who is adding the transaction is not
authorized to post the transaction
Specify Option –
Enter E option . Press F10 to commit and Note the tran id.
Case 2 – If the user who is adding the transaction is
authorized to post the transaction
Specify option
– Enter P, Press F4, the system will update the status
of the part tran as *P POSTING REQUESTED, use down/up
arrow key to go to the next / previous part tran respectively,
and press F4. After marking all the part trans as P (Posting
requested), finally Press F10 to commit. System may raise
warning/exceptions; if the user’s work class is sufficient, he
can press F4 to accept the warning/exceptions and proceed
with the posting of the part trans. Note down the tran id
created by the system.

Invoke Menu Option – TM

– A (Add)
– Leave it blank, as system generates transaction id.
Tran. Date
– Enter the date . If you wish to enter today’s date in this
field, press Control+X.
Type (Mandatory)
– Type T (Transfer)
Subtype (Mandatory)
- Press F2 for list. Select CI (Customer Induced) from the list
by pressing Shift+F4. CI (Customer Induced) subtype is
used when the request is originated from the customer. If
the transaction is originated from the Bank’s side e.g.
charges etc., user can enter BI (Bank Induced) in this field.
Now Cursor blinks in the Transaction block – User can see that on the right-top side of the
transaction block number 1 is displayed. It means that this is part tran No. 1.
A/c No. (Mandatory)
– Enter A/c No. Press F11 twice or press F4. System will
display Effective balance.
Available amt
-Shadow balance (i.e. funds in clearing) in the bottom-right
side of the screen.
Amount (Mandatory) – Enter amount. Next to this field is type of part tran i.e.
debit or credit. Enter D (Debit) or C (Credit) in this field.
Particulars (Mandatory) – Enter relevant particulars. E.g. ‘To transfer’. Please note

that, whatever user enters in this field, will be printed in the
customer’s a/c passbook/statement.
Inst Type (Mandatory) – Whenever customer’s a/c is debited through C/NP
(Cash/Normal Payment) or T/CI (Transfer/Customer Induced)
type of transactions, this field must be filled. Press F2 for
list. Select the relevant instrument type e.g. VC (Debit
Voucher) or CHQ (Personal Cheque) etc.
Inst No. –
This field is mandatory if instrument type is selected as
CHQ (Personal Cheque) etc. If select instrument is of type
VC, this field need not be filled. In the first field, enter Alpha
part (optional) of the instrument and in the next field enter
printed serial no. of the instrument (mandatory).
Inst Date
– This field is mandatory if instrument type is CHQ etc.
Press F4. The cursor will appear in ‘Specify Option’ field
with the default value as ‘E- Enter Entire Part Tran’. To enter
next part tran – Specify Option –In this field, E (Enter Entire
Part Tran) is already displayed; simply press F4 and blank
part tran block will appear on the screen.
Press F10 .When all the debit and credit part trans are
entered .
Case 1 – If the user is who is adding the transaction is not authorized to post the

Specify Option – Press F10 to commit. Please note the tran id generated by the
system . It is Displayed at the left-bottom part of the status block. System also
displays that how many Dr and Cr part trans have been entered in this transaction
against Entered Dr/Cr field.

Case 2 – If the user who is adding the transaction is authorized to post the

Specify option – Delete the field and enter P, Press F4, the system will update the
status of the part tran as *P POSTING REQUESTED, use down/up arrow key to go
to the next /previous part tran respectively, and press F4. System may raise
warning/exceptions; if the user’s work class is sufficient, he can press F4 to accept
the warning/exceptions and Proceed with the posting of the part trans. If system
raises error, the same can not be Overridden by the user.

After marking all the part trans as P (Posting requested), finally Press F10 to

Signature viewing

In the transaction block, after entering the a/c no, Press F9 to view the signature.
If the signature is not available in the finacle, the system will display a message ‘Image
Record does not exist for this Account Id’.

Case 1 – If only one signature is attached to the account
System will display the signature attached to this a/c, if it’s already uploaded and verified.User
needs to click mouse (left button) in the signature window for seeing various views of

User can press left arrow of keyboard to see inverse view; to bring the original
view of the signature user needs to press left arrow again.
User can press right arrow of the keyboard to flip the signature horizontally; to
bring the original view of the signature user needs to press right arrow again.

In the same way, user can press up arrow of the keyboard to flip the signature
Vertically; to being the original view of the signature user needs to press up arrow
The signature view also displays the account no., and any remarks as entered during
Scanning of the signature. It’s advisable that during signature scanning, Name of the Account
Holders and Mode of Operation may be entered. To exit from the signature screen, click
mouse (left button) in the signature window. Press F4 and F3.

OR Click the mouse on Transmit button (which is available next to menu option field).
Press F3. The system will come back to transaction screen.
Case 2 – If the a/c has more than one signature attached to it

An account where more than one singnature is attached , User can also view all the
signature attached to the account.

If there are 2 signatures attached to an a/c. The user can also See that 1st signature’s
image access code is DE (i.e. Deleted). User may not require to View the deleted signature. If
user is not authorized to view DE (Deleted) or IN (Inoperative) type of signatures and presses
Control +E (Explode) to view the same, system may display The message ‘Image Access

To view the next signature, bring the cursor to the next record by pressing down arrow

key. Press Control +E (Explode) to view the signature. Follow the steps to view and close the
Signature window as described in case 1 above. After viewing the signatures, press F3 to quit
from signatures list screen.

Note – User having DBA work class can authorize the users to view Deleted or Inoperative
Signatures through menu option UPM .

Invoke Menu option – TM

A. Press F11 or F4 key.
ii. Type/Subtype
C & NR (Cash/Normal Receipt). Press F4 key.
iii. A/c No.
Enter A/c No. Press F4.
iv. Amount
Enter amount of the trans. Press F4.
Enter transaction particulars e.g. By Cash. Press F4.
vi. Specify Option –
Using Delete key, delete E and enter P. Press F4, press
down arrow, the system will display debit part tran, press F4
and press F10 to commit the transaction. Note the tran Id.
Note – During posting of the transaction, system may raise warnings/exceptions/errors. If
the user is authorized to override warning and exceptions he can press F4. If any error type of
exception is raised, the same can not be overridden by the user.

Invoke Menu option – TM

User have to enter M Modify in function block for posting the transaction . Detail
procedure is given below.
Function –
M (Modify)
Tran id (Mandatory) –
Enter tran id of transaction. Press F4. The cursor will
take you to Specify Option field.
Specify Option –
Enter Type P (post) and press F4.
If the system finds some abnormality in the part tran, it’ll raise warning or exception
or Error. If the user has sufficient work class to override the warning/exception, he can press
F4 to accept the same and proceed with the posting of part tran.

User can see that the status of this part tran has been changed to ‘*P POSTING

REQUESTED’. Press Down/Up arrow to go to next/previous part tran. In ‘Specify Option’ field,
P is already there, simply Press F4 to post the part tran. Follow this step for all part trans.

Press F10 to commit.
System will display tran id and status of transaction in left-
bottom part of the status block. Ensure that number of Dr and
Cr part trans in Entered state must tally with number of Dr and
Cr part trans in Posted state.

Press F3 twice to exit from TM menu option.
The maker and checker concept is applicable in TM, which is explained as below –
If the user U1 enters the transaction and user U2 posts the same transaction, the
transaction will automatically get verified.
If the user U1 enters and posts the transaction, the transaction will remain in
posted state. User U2 needs to verify the transaction through TM, to make the
status of the transaction as Verified.

In Finacle there is maker and checker concept , The user who enters/posts the transaction
can not verify the transaction. If the same user verify the transaction the system will raise the
error ‘Not authorized to verify part tran’.

User’s other than maker of transaction shall invoke Menu Option – TM
– V (Verify)
Tran id (Mandatory) – Enter tran id of transaction. Press F4. The cursor will
appear in Specify Option field.
Specify Option
– Type V (Verify) and press F4.
User can see that the status of this part tran has been
changed to ‘*V VERIFY REQUESTED’. Press Down/Up arrow
to go to next/previous part tran. In ‘Specify Option’ field, V is
already there. Simply Press F4 to verify the part tran. In the
similar fashion all part tran are to be verified.
Press F10 to commit.
System will display tran id and status of transaction in left-
bottom part of the status block.
Press F3 to exit from TM menu option.
Finacle provides the facility to grant Temporary Over Draft to the customer. In case at the
time of debiting an account , If there is short fall or sufficient credit is not available in the
account , User can grant Temporary Over Draft to the customer . User can avail this facility
only if bank permit to do so.

User have to follow these steps :
In the function block User have to enter part tran details like a/c no, amount, part
tran type, inst. type etc, press F4 to come to Specify Option field. If the Eff. Avail. Amt is
below the amount entered in the amount field, system will display a message in the status
bar ‘Warning: Exceptions encountered’. User can see the list of exceptions encountered
at his stage by entering K (Check Part Trans) in the specify options field. If the user
enters K in specify option field and presses F4, system may display the list of exceptions.
User can press F4 or F3 on this screen as per the choice.

Case 1 - If the user is not authorized to grant TOD in the a/c
2. Specify Option
– Enter E and press F4. Enter other part trans as discussed earlier.
Case 2 – If the user is authorized to grant TOD in the a/c
Specify Option
– If the user wants to grant Instant TOD at this stage, type ‘N
Instant TOD Details’ Or User can press F2 for list . Now
select option N by pressing Shift+F4) and press F4 .
System shall bring Instant TOD Details screen. System will display
the grant date & advance amount (shortfall) to be granted as a part
of instant TOD in this transaction. System will also display Expiry
date, penalty date; user shall not modify these dates. System
automatically treats this advance type as Single (i.e. single
transaction) & advance
Clean (i.e. without security).
Permitted By (Mandatory)
– Enter finacle user id of the official who has
permitted the TOD. User can press F2 for list of
finacle users’ list.
– Free text. Press F4. The system will bring the cursor back to
specify option field. Proceed with other part trans as explained in
above para’s. After entering all the part trans, if user may want to post
the transaction.

Specify option
- enter P and press F4 to post the part tran. Using Up/down
arrow go to every part tran and repeat this step.
Press F10 to commit.
It is not necessary to enter instant TOD details during entry of the transaction , as instant
TOD can be granted while posting the transaction also.
Invoke Menu option – TM

– M (Modify)
Tran Id (Mandatory)
– Enter the tran Id. Press F4.
Specify Option
– In the normal circumstances, user may try to post
the transaction by typing P & pressing F4 in the
specify option field. In such cases where there is
insufficient balance in the account, system shall
raise the exceptions.
Press F3.
Specify Option
– To grant instant TOD, enter delete P, enter N and
press F4. Similar screen will be activated by the
system. System will display grant date, advance
amount, advance type as Single, advance category
as Clean. User shall not modify Expiry Date and
Penalty Date. User needs to enter finacle user id of
the official who has permitted the instant TOD in
Permitted by field. User may enter instant TOD
remarks in Remarks field (optional). Press F4. The
system will display the part tran and cursor will be
placed in Specify Option field.
Specify option
– Delete N and enter P. Press F4 to post the
transaction. Go to the other part trans using
up/down arrow and post them. Finally press F10 in
Specify option field to commit.


User has entered one part tran and pressed F4 . Cursor come to specify option field. Now,
if he wants to enter similar part tran, then in specify option field, type ‘C – Copy Entire Part
tran’ and press F4.

System will generate new part tran with the similar details as of the part tran at which the
user has entered C & pressed F4 in specify option field. User can modify necessary details
and can press F4 to come to specify option field.

Finacle provide the facility to verify the mass transaction. For this purpose Menu option
TV is used to mass verify transactions which are already in posted state. User can not mass
verify transactions posted by him. Enter the selection criteria of transactions to be selected
for mass verification.

– By default it it populated as P (Posted)
Select Flag
– By default Y; which means the system will mark all the
transactions displayed in selected state ( Posted ) for mass
verification. Press F4. The system will display the
transactions which have been already posted by users other
than the one who has invoked this menu. User may see *
before the transaction date which means the record is in
selected state.
User can press F10 to mass verify transactions which are in selected state.

Only User’s having DBA work class can invoke menu option DTE.
Invoke Menu option - DTE (Delete Transactions in Entered Status)

By default user’s SOL id is displayed in the sol Id field. Press F4.
System will display all the transactions which are in entered state. * Sign appears
on the left side of every tran id, which indicate that the transaction is selected for
deletion. If the user wants to deselect the transaction, he needs to press Shift+F4
to do so. System will display only those transactions in which all the part trans are
in entered state.
Finally, after selecting the desired transactions for deletion, user needs to press
F10 to commit the operation.
User can inquire/take report of deleted transactions using menu option FTI or FTR.
User need to enter D (Deleted) in tran. status field of FTI / FTR.
Users not having DBA work class can also delete transactions in entered state using
Invoke Menu option – TM

– D (Delete)
– Enter tran id of transaction which is to be deleted. Press
F4. System will allow this operation only on transaction in
which all the part trans are in entered state.
Specify option
– Press F10 to commit.
Press F3 to quit from TM.

Finacle provide the facility of Tempelate maintenance. User can create template so that it can
be used every time to avoid creation of transaction again and again through TM.
Menu option – TTM (Transaction Template Maintenance)

– Function’s are
A (Add) to create a new template
M- Modify
L-List of Templates.
Temp. Id (Mandatory) – Enter id ( User has to give particular name of this
particular’s ) to be allotted to this template. It’s a free text
field of 9 chars long.
Next field is particulars – Enter the particulars of template. It’s a free text field.
Press F4.
Type/Subtype (Mandatory)
- Enter the type of transaction similar to TM. Enter C
for cash or T for transfer. In the subtype field, enter
the subtype similar to TM e.g. NR for Normal
Receipt, NP for Normal Payment, CI for Customer
Induced, BI for Bank Induced etc. Press F4. The
cursor will appear in Specify option field.
Specify Option
– If the user wants to enter a new part tran, he needs to
enter E in this field (Which is appears by default) and press
– Enter the account no. and press F11 twice.
Enter the transactions details like amount, type of part tran
(C-Credit or D-Debit) which is Mandatory, Instrument type
etc. similar to TM. Press F4.
The cursor will appear in Specify option field.
Follow steps 6 to 8 for all the part trans.
Specify Option
- Once all the part trans are entered, user can press F10 to
commit/save the template.
Once the template is saved, user can press F3 to quit from
menu option.
Once the template is saved, it can be used any number of

Invoke Menu option – TM (Transactions Maintenance)

– C (Copy)
– Enter the template id which is already created through
menu option TTM. Press F4. The system will display 1st part
tran and cursor will be placed in Specify Option field.
Specify Option
- If user wants to modify part tran details, he can enter M in
this field select option E or P ( i.e. Entry or posting of
transaction can be done from here . Press Down arrow key
to move to next transaction , After final part tran commit the
transaction to post / verify ) and press F4 except a/c no,
user can modify all the details of the part tran.


System allows to create post dated transaction, but does not allow to post it before the
tran date as entered in PTM.
Invoke Menu option – PTM (Post Dated Transaction Maintenance)

1. Function –
A (Add) to create a new transaction.
2. Tran Date
– Enter the future date; system does not allow to enter BOD date in
this field.
Follow the steps of entering a transaction as explained in TM.
4. Specify option
– Press F10 to commit. System may allot a transaction id (starts
with SD1 ( SOL alias ) ) which may be noted by the user.
Transactions entered through PTM can be posted/verified on the
date entered in tran date field of PTM only . Posting/Verification may
be done through menu option TM.
In Finacle term Sundry & Suspense Accounts are called Office Accounts . These Office
accounts are 11 digits long. Sundry & Suspense accounts are mapped under OAP (Office
Account Pointing) scheme type i.e. originating entry in Sundry accounts shall be credit; and
debit in suspense account. While reversing the entries user shall select outstanding entries in
respective accounts only. In Finacle, any outstanding entry in OAP (scheme type) type of
accounts has to be reversed fully (partial reversal is not allowed).
Let’s take an example of granting an LFC advance to an employee who has a saving fund
account in the branch.
Menu Option - TM

Function (Mandatory)
– A (Add)
Type/Subtype (Mandatory)
– Enter T (Transfer) in the first field and BI (Bank
Induced) in the next field. Press F4.
A/c No. (Mandatory)
– If the user knows the account number of
suspense, he can enter it; otherwise, he can type
first few characters of account like SUSP and press
F2 for the list. A list of all the accounts whose
account names are starting with the characters
entered (in our example SUSP) shall appear. Using
Up/Down arrow of keyboard, go to the account
which is to be debited and press Shift+F4 to select it.
Amount (Mandatory)
– Enter the amount.
Type of Part Tran (Mandatory) – In our example we are debiting the suspense
account for granting the advance, user shall enter D
(Debit) in this field.
Particulars (Mandatory)
– Enter the relevant particulars in this field.
Value Date (Mandatory)
– System automatically displays BOD (today’s date),
if any value dated transaction is to be entered, then
the date can be changed.
– Although this field is not mandatory, but the user
shall enter reference which will help the user to
identify the outstanding entry while reversing the
same. Press F4. The cursor shall appear in Specify
option field.
Specify Option
– As in this example we are entering transfer entry,
system shall not create credit part tran automatically
and we need to enter the same. Therefore, type E
and press F4. (In case of cash / normal payment
transaction, system shall automatically create credit
part tran and therefore user need not enter it)
A blank part tran screen shall appear. Enter the
credit part tran details as discussed in Transaction
Maint. topic. (Mandatory fields while entering credit
part tran are a/c no., amount, part tran type and
particulars). After entering values in the relevant
fields, press F4. The cursor shall appear in Specify
Option field.
If the user is authorized for passing the transaction,
he can post the transaction; otherwise the user shall
press F10 to Save / Commit & note the transaction id
on the voucher and then another authorized user
shall post/verify the voucher through menu option


Let’s take an example to reverse the above entry which is outstanding in suspense a/c. In
this example we will reverse this entry to the debit of LFC A/c.
Menu option – TM

Function (Mandatory)
– A (Add)
Type/Subtype (Mandatory)
– Enter T (Transfer) in the first field and BI (Bank
Induced) in the next field. Press F4.
A/c No. (Mandatory)
– Enter the account which is to be debited / credited.
we are reversing suspense entry; we will debit the
LFC A/c (Office A/c).
Amount (Mandatory)
– Enter the amount.
Type of Part Tran (Mandatory) – we are reversing the outstanding suspense entry,
the user shall enter D (Debit) in this field.
Particulars (Mandatory)
– Enter the relevant particulars in this field.
Value Date (Mandatory)
– System automatically displays BOD (today’s date),
generally it need not be changed. If any value dated
transaction is to be entered, then the date can be
changed. Press F4.
Specify option
– Type E (Enter Entire Part Tran) and press F4. A
blank part tran screen shall appear.
– Enter the suspense/sundry account number of
which entry is to be reversed.
Enter Amount, part tran type (C for Credit and D for
Debit, wE will enter C), particulars etc. and press F4.
Minor subsidiaries screen shall appear.
The system shall display start amt & end amt equal
to the amount entered in amount field of the
voucher, which means that the system shall display
all the outstanding entries whose amounts are equal
to the amount displayed in above two fields.
we are reversing only one outstanding entry in
suspense account, the user shall press F4.
System shall display all the entries outstanding in
suspense account with the amount as displayed in
Previous screen. System may display multiple
records in the list. Using Up / Down arrow keys, user
shall locate the outstanding entry which is to be
reversed. While locating outstanding entry, user
shall meticulously check transaction date,
particulars and Ref. Num. for the entry which is to be
After locating the entry, press Shift+F4 to select the
entry for reversal. User shall ensure that the * sign
appears on extreme left hand side of the entry. Press
F4 to come back to TM.
If the user is authorized for passing the transaction,
he can post the transaction; otherwise the he shall
press F10 to Save / Commit & note the transaction id
on the voucher and then another authorized user
shall post/verify the voucher through menu option


Let’s reverse two suspense outstanding entries (one entry of Rs. 1770/- and another of
Rs. 2000/-). Let’s assume that the total outstanding amount (i.e. Rs. 3770/-) is to be debited to
customer’s / office account(s).

Menu option – TM

– A (Add)
– T (Transfer) and BI (Bank Induced).
User can use transaction type as T /CI (Customer
Induced, as the case may be) Press F4.
– we are reversing suspense entries, we need to
select suspense account. If user does not remember
remember account number of suspense, he can type
SUSP and press F2.
Select suspense account in which entries are
outstanding and are to reversed, by pressing
– Enter total amount of reversal. (in our example
Part tran type
– C (Credit).
– Enter transaction details/particulars as per
requirement. Press F4.
System shall display minor subsidiaries details .
System shall display start amt and end amt as total
of all credit (debit in case of sundry a/c reversal) part
tran amounts of account whose entries are to be
reversed (in our example - suspense a/c). User shall
change start amt to the lowest and end amt to
highest of all entries to be reversed. Press F4.
System shall display a list consisting of all
outstanding entries between the amounts as entered
in the start and end amt fields.
Using Up / Down arrow keys, user shall locate the
outstanding entries which are to be reversed. While
locating outstanding entry, user shall meticulously
check transaction date, particulars and Ref. Num. for
the entry which is to be reversed.
After locating the entry, press Shift+F4 to select the
entry for reversal. User shall ensure that the * sign
appears on extreme left hand side of the entry. Steps
11 & 12 shall be repeated for selecting appropriate
entries for reversal. User shall check that the total
amount of all entries selected for reversal shall be
equal to total amount of all credit amount (debit in
case of sundry) part trans. This status is available at
the bottom of the screen (display fields Current tran
amt & Total). Press F4 to come back to TM.
User then shall enter contra entry/entries in
customer’s / office Account(s).
If the user is authorized for passing the transaction,
he can post the transaction; otherwise the he shall
press F10 to Save / Commit & note the transaction id
on the voucher and then another authorized user
shall post/verify the voucher through menu option
TM. Alternatively, user shall enter individual credit
part trans for reversal of outstanding entries in
suspense account (in our example one for Rs.1770/-
and another for Rs.2000/-). This could be a lengthy
process if user wants to reverse more than 2/3
entries, as for every reversal entry separate part tran
for suspense outstanding entry reversal would be


User can be used to inquire about outstanding and reversed entries as per the criteria
entered by the user. Let’s take an example to see outstanding entries in Suspense account –
Others account.


SOL Set Id
– Enter the Set / Sol ID.
– Enter the Account number of the sundry/suspense
account of which user wishes to list the entries.
Start Date
– Enter the date from which onward user wishes to inquire
the entries.
- Enter the date up to which user wishes to inquire the
Start Amt
– Enter the amount above which user wishes to list the
– Enter the amount up to which user wishes to list the
If the user does not enter any values in the above 4 fields,
system shall list all the entries irrespective of dates &
amounts. Therefore, if your wishes to list all the entries, it’s
advisable that no values be entered in the above 4 fields.
– Valid values are U (Unresponded i.e. outstanding) or F
(Fully i.e. already reversed).
Depending upon the criteria, the system shall list the entries
. If no entries are found fitting in the criteria entered, the
system shall display a message ‘Query caused no records
to be retrieved’. If the user is inquiring about outstanding
entries, he can see that Reversed Amts. are zero against all
the entries listed.
- User can press Control+E (Explode) on any listed entry to
see the transaction details. The system shall automatically
bring Transaction Inquiry screen. In the specify option field,
user can press Up / Down arrow to view other part trans. In
the specify option field, user shall type Q and press F4 to
quit from the Transaction Inquiry screen.

On the basis of transaction Id and transaction date, user can inquire about the sundry /
suspense entries are reversed.
Menu Option – TM or TI (Transaction Inquiry)
– I (inquiry)
– Enter the transaction id.
Tran. Date
– If the transaction which is to be inquired was
happened in the date prior to today’s date, then user
shall enter that date. Press F4.
System shall display transaction details. Using Up /
down arrow keys go to the part tran of suspense /
sundry account.
Specify Option
– Type A (Additional Part Tran Details) and press F4.
System shall display details of sundry / suspense
entries which are reversed in the transaction being

Source: http://www.upgb.com/cbs/TRANSACTION%20MAINTENANCE.doc1.pdf

Microsoft word - cv-2.doc

Curriculum Vitae Richard L. Taylor, M.D., F.A.A.N. DATE OF BIRTH: March 23, 1949 PLACE OF BIRTH: Atlantic City, New Jersey BUSINESS ADDRESS: Taylor Medical Group 22 West Road - Suite 101 Towson, Maryland 21204-2388 Telephone 410-823-3600 Facsimile 410-823-3605 Web Site: www.taylormedicalgroup.com PROFESSION: Neurology Electroencephalography (EEG) Electrodiagno


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