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Caring For Those Who Serve
1201 Davis Street Evanston, Illinois 60201-4118 2010 Medco Pharmacy Fixed Co-Payment Plan 1 — FX 1

Administered by Medco: 1-800-841-2806
Plan Feature
Retail Pharmacy Benefit
Medco by Mail (Mail-Order) Benefit
Annual Deductible
Annual Out-of-Pocket (OOP)
Maximum1, 2
Generic Drugs (Tier 1)
Preferred Brand-Name Drugs  $15 co-payment after the deductible
Non-Preferred Brand-Name
Drugs (Tier 3)
Prescription Non-Sedating
Antihistamine Drugs (e.g.,
Zyrtec, Allegra and Clarinex)
Retail Refill Allowance (RRA) Participants will be allowed to obtain three fills of maintenance medication at the
retail pharmacy. For all subsequent fills at the retail pharmacy, participants will be responsible for paying 100% of the discounted cost. For maximum benefits, refills for most maintenance medications will require fulfillment through the Medco by Mail Pharmacy Program.
1 Excludes charges applied toward the retail pharmacy deductible, co-payments for non-preferred brand-name drugs and additional
costs incurred when a brand-name drug is chosen but a generic version is available. 2 There is one Annual Out-of-Pocket (OOP) Maximum that includes charges incurred through the retail pharmacy and Medco by Mail
Additional Information
The patient is required to pay the generic co-payment plus the difference in cost between the generic and brand-name drug
when the brand-name drug is chosen but a generic version is available. The additional cost does not apply to the annual
out-of-pocket maximum.
Some medications may be covered by your benefit plan only for certain uses or in certain quantities. For example, a
medication may not be covered when it is used for cosmetic purposes or a quantity may be limited to certain amounts
over certain time periods. Contact Medco at 1-800-841-2806 if you have any questions.
If you purchase a prescription without using your card, you will need to complete a Prescription Drug Reimbursement
Claim Form
. You can obtain the form by visiting or by dialing 1-800-841-2806 to speak to a customer
service representative. Prescriptions purchased at a non-participating pharmacy are processed as out of network and may
be subject to a higher co-payment reimbursement rate. Any difference between the amount submitted (retail cost) and the
amount approved is not reimbursable. The reimbursement rate is also determined after the deductible and co-payments are
This summary highlights some of the features of this benefit plan. The summary is for illustrative purposes only and is subject to change at any time. The controlling terms and conditions of the benefit plan are contained in the Plan Document, the Summary Plan Description and the HealthFlex Benefit Booklet (collectively, the “Documents”) maintained by the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits. If there are any conflicts between this summary and the terms of the Documents, the terms of the Documents


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