EXELON CORP. Trailing: RELATIVE NYSE-EXC 44.20 RATIO 12.0 P/E RATIO 0.73 YLD 4.8% LINE Target Price Range TIMELINESS 4 Lowered 2/5/10 2013 2014 2015 1 Raised 6/3/05 BETA .85 (1.00 = Market) 2013-15 PROJECTIONS Ann’l Total Latest recession began 12/07 14% 7% Insider Decisions A M J J A S O N D % TOT. RETURN 1/10 Institutional Decisions VL ARITH. Hld’s(000) 430416 429342 427310
Exelon Corp. was formed on October 20, 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 VALUE LINE PUB., INC. 13-15 26.25 25.70 26.90 Revenues per sh 31.25 8.25 8.00 8.35 ‘‘Cash Flow’’ per sh 9.25 3.70 4.00 Earnings per sh A 4.25 2.10 2.10 Div’d Decl’d per sh B ■ 2.10
stockholders received one common share in
4.95 5.10 6.10 Cap’l Spending per sh 7.50 19.15 20.80 22.70 Book Value per sh C 27.25
Unicom investors exchanged each of their 638.01 642.01 646.63 662.00 664.20 666.00 670.00 661.00 658.00 660.00 662.00 664.00 Common Shs Outst’g D 640.00 common shares for .875 of an Exelon share Bold figures are Avg Ann’l P/E Ratio 13.5 Value Line Relative P/E Ratio .90 estimates Avg Ann’l Div’d Yield 3.6% 17000 17850 Revenues ($mill) 20000 CAPITAL STRUCTURE as of 9/30/09 2465 2680 Net Profit ($mill) 2800 Total Debt $13015 mill. Due in 5 Yrs $5368 mill. 36.0% 36.0% Income Tax Rate 36.0% LT Debt $11411 mill. LT Interest $628 mill. 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% AFUDC % to Net Profit 2.0%
Includes $390 mill. nonrecourse transition bonds. (LT interest earned: 6.2x)
44.0% 43.0% Long-Term Debt Ratio 42.5% Leases, Uncapitalized Annual rentals $68.0 mill. 55.5% 57.0% Common Equity Ratio 57.0% Pension Assets-12/08 $6.66 bill. 24750 26575 Total Capital ($mill) 30400 Oblig. $10.8 bill. 28475 30175 Net Plant ($mill) 36000 Pfd Stock $87.0 mill. Pfd Div’d $4.0 mill. 13.0% 11.0% 11.5% Return on Total Cap’l 10.5%
Includes $87.0 mill. in preferred securities of sub-sidiaries. 18.0% 17.5% Return on Shr. Equity 16.0% Common Stock 659,377,386 shs. 18.0% 17.5% Return on Com Equity E 16.0% MARKET CAP: $29 billion (Large Cap) 8.0% 8.5% Retained to Com Eq 8.5% ELECTRIC OPERATING STATISTICS 56% 52% All Div’ds to Net Prof 48% BUSINESS: Exelon Corporation is a holding company for Com-
mercial & industrial, 16%; other, 9%. Generating sources: nuclear,
monwealth Edison, which serves 3.8 million electric customers in Il-
74%; other, 6%; purchased, 20%. Fuel costs: 40% of revenues. ’08
linois, and PECO Energy, which serves 1.6 million electric and
deprec. rate: 6.8%. Has 19,600 employees. Chairman & CEO: John
481,000 gas customers in Pennsylvania. Markets energy in the
W. Rowe. President & COO: Christopher Crane. Inc.: PA. Address:
mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions. Electric revenue breakdown, ’08:
10 South Dearborn St., P.O. Box 805398, Chicago, IL 60680-5398.
residential, 48%; small commercial & industrial, 27%; large com-
Tel.: 312-394-7398. Internet: www.exeloncorp.com. planning
duce a partial earnings recovery in 2011. aging generating units in 2011. The The company is undertaking a nu- ANNUAL RATES Past Est’d ’06-’08
facilities, in southeastern Pennsylvania,
clear uprate program. Exelon added 70 of change (per sh) to ’13-’15
mw of capacity last year and plans to add
coal, 201 mw oil or gas). They have become
50 mw in 2010. This is part of its plan to
uneconomic to operate and would likely re-
projected cost of $4.4 billion — much less
with stricter environmental regulations.
than the cost of building a nuclear plant of
Costs associated with the retirements (in-
that size. Moreover, the company will not
Mar.31 Jun. 30 Sep. 30 Dec. 31
cluding accelerated depreciation) reduced
incur additional operating expenses. We expect no dividend increase any time soon. The payout ratio is on the high
retirements are estimated at $138 million
side for a company that gets most of its in-
4100 4200 4500 4200 17000 4300 4400 4750 4400 17850 Earnings probably EARNINGS PER SHARE A 2010. Due to conditions in the power mar-
tions. Although we aren’t projecting a divi-
Mar.31 Jun. 30 Sep. 30 Dec. 31
kets, Exelon’s hedging program for its non-
dend hike over the 3- to 5-year period, we
regulated generating assets isn’t likely to
don’t rule one out. We are projecting some
contribute nearly as much profit margin as
.90 .85 1.05 .90 3.70
it did in 2009. Nuclear fuel expense is ris-
We have lowered our sights for the 3- 1.00 .95 1.10 .95 4.00 to 5-year period. Unless conditions in QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAID B ■
plant-retirement costs from its 2010 earn-
earnings aren’t likely to attain our pre-
Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31
vious projection. At the stock’s current
price, both the yield and its 3- to 5-year to-
company’s generating assets should pro-
(A) Diluted earnings. Excludes nonrecurring EPS don’t add due to rounding. Next earnings charges. In ’08: $13.02/sh. (D) In mill., adj. for Company’s Financial Strength
gains (losses): ’01, 2¢; ’02, (18¢); ’03, ($1.06); report due late Apr. (B) Div’ds historically paid split. (E) Rate allowed on com. eq. in IL in ’08: Stock’s Price Stability
’04, 3¢; ’05, ($1.85); ’06, ($1.15); ’09, (20¢); in early Mar., June, Sept., and Dec. ■ Div’d 10.3%; earned on avg. com. eq., ’08: 25.5%. Price Growth Persistence
gains from disc. operations: ’07, 2¢; ’08, 3¢. ’08 reinvest. program avail. (C) Incl. deferred Regulatory Climate: PA, Avg.; IL, Below Avg. Earnings Predictability
2010, Value Line Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Factual material is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is provided without warranties of any kind. THE PUBLISHER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS HEREIN. This publication is strictly for subscriber’s own, non-commercial, internal use. No part
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Sensibilité médicamenteuse Colley, Berger australien, Shetland, Berger blanc suisse et autres bergers Tester la sensibilité d’un chien avant d’appliquer un traitement médicamenteux Sensibilité médicamenteuse liée au gène MDR1 Une mutation dans le gène MDR1 provoque une sensibilité à différents médicaments chez le chien. Lorsque le chien est porteur de cette mutation
Steininger neue Tab 25.2.ENDE 26.02.2008 15:43 Uhr Seite 1 Therapie der Influenzavirus -Infektion Ch. SteiningerAbteilung für Infektiologie und Tropenmedizin, Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin I, Medizinische Universität Wien Schlüsselwörter: Zusammenfassung Key-words: Einleitung Steininger neue Tab 25.2.ENDE 26.02.2008 15:43 Uhr Seite 2 Epidemische Influenza M2-Kana