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Fort Worth, TX 76132 Phone (817) 529-6200 Post-Op Instructions for Neck Operations


Please schedule an appointment to be seen in the office.
We are unable to refill your medications on weekends or after hours.
We do not refill painkillers over the phone. For prescription refills, please call during
office hours:


Patients who have received general anesthesia may experience nausea and
occasionally, vomiting. It is therefore preferable to eat a bland light meal or a liquid diet
on the first day after the surgery. Regular diet may be resumed the next day. Also, pain
pills may cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach. It is preferable to take those pills
with a piece of toast or some food.
Activity and Wound Care
Elevate the head as much as possible. Sit in a recliner or use two or three pillows when
sleeping. Head elevation reduces bruising and swelling. Occasionally, you may notice
that the bruises or swelling have migrated to other places (usually lower regions). You
may have a dressing or your wound may be exposed.

Wounds sealed with Dermabond acrylic coating:
Your wound may be sealed with a coat of clear acrylic compound called
Dermabond. This protects the wound and allows you to take a shower without
covering it. Do not apply antibiotic ointment over this acrylic coat; it will peal off
by itself in 10 - 15 days.

For exposed wounds:
If your wound is not sealed with acrylic (Dermabond), keep the exposed wound dry.
Avoid showers. You may take a bath with lukewarm (not hot) water. If accidentally,
water reaches the wound, dry it immediately with a clean towel. Make sure you have
someone with you in the house in case you feel drowsy or fainty from taking pain killers.
Clean the wound once a day. This is best done with a cotton swab dipped in 3%
hydrogen peroxide. If you have not received a prescription for antibiotic ointment, use
over-the-counter triple antibiotic. Apply a scanty amount on the suture line. At times,
you may not see the sutures because they have been placed inside the wound. On
other occasions, there may be metallic staples instead of sutures. Occasionally, a thin
film of clear adhesive is placed over the wound to protect it and allow you to take a
Wounds with dressings or drains:
In rare instances, you may have a dressing or a drain. Unless specifically instructed,
do not remove them. Avoid showers and keep the dressing dry. Some dressings may
be sutured to the skin. Do not attempt to remove them. Drainage is expected for two to
three days after surgery. Just kink the drain tubing, before detaching the bulb and
emptying it. By kinking the tubing, you prevent air and old drainage from being sucked
back into the wound.
An antibiotic is usually prescribed for seven to ten days following the surgery. You may
also receive a prescription for painkillers in the form of codeine or hydrocodone. These
products cause somnolence, drowsiness and constipation. Occasionally, Phenergan
suppositories may be necessary for nausea or vomiting.



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