Incidence of early pseudo-progression in a cohort of malignant glioma patients treated with chemoirradiation with temozolomide
Incidence of Early Pseudo-progression in a Cohortof Malignant Glioma Patients Treated WithChemoirradiation With Temozolomide
BACKGROUND. Radiotherapy (RT) plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide
(TMZ) is now the standard of care for patients with newly diagnosed glioblas-
toma. The occurrence of pseudo-progression directly after RT is a recognized
phenomenon, but to the authors’ knowledge its incidence after combined RT/
TMZ is unknown. The occurrence of early pseudo-progression was retrospectively
assessed in a cohort of malignant glioma patients treated with RT/TMZ.
METHODS. The pre-RT and post-RT brain scans from patients treated with RT/
TMZ for a malignant glioma were reviewed. Scans were made before the start of
RT, 4 weeks after the end of RT, and every 3 months thereafter. In addition, infor-
1 Department of Neuro-Oncology/Neurology, Eras-
mation was collected regarding clinical signs and symptoms, dexamethasone
mus MC/Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotter-
RESULTS. Eighty-five patients were identified. In 36 patients (42%) the first follow-
2 Department of Radiology, Erasmus MC/Daniel
up scan 4 weeks after the end of RT indicated disease progression. Of these 36
den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, The Nether-
patients, 18 (50%) were diagnosed with pseudo-progression. None of the patients
received additional treatment other than TMZ. Six of 18 patients with pseudo-pro-
3 Department of Radiotherapy, Erasmus MC/
gression and 12 of the 18 patients with real tumor progression developed new clini-
Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Rotterdam, The
cal signs and symptoms during RT or in the first 4 weeks thereafter.
CONCLUSIONS. Up to 50% of malignant glioma patients treated with RT/TMZ and
4 Department of Radiotherapy, University Medical
progression immediately after RT develop pseudo-progression. The current study
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
data support the idea to continue TMZ in the case of progressive lesions immedi-
ately after RT/TMZ. Surgery should be considered in symptomatic cases. The
inclusion of patients with progressive lesions developing directly after chemora-
diation in studies regarding recurrent gliomas will lead to an overestimation of
the results. Cancer 2008;113:405–10. Ó 2008 American Cancer Society.
Dr. van den Bent has acted as a paid consultant
KEYWORDS: glioblastoma, glioma, temozolomide, radiotherapy, chemoirradiation,
for Schering-Plough and is also a member of the
The first 2 authors contributed equally to thiswork.
Radiotherapy (RT) and concomitant temozolomide (TMZ) fol-
lowed by adjuvant TMZ has become the standard of care for
patients with glioblastomas since the European and Canadian ran-
Dr. Brandsma’s current address: Department of
domized trial was published in 2005.1 Despite the improved out-
Neuro-oncology, Netherlands Cancer Institute,
come with combined modality treatment, the overall outcome of
this disease remains dismal, with many patients progressing earlyafter RT or during adjuvant TMZ chemotherapy. In recent years, we
Address for reprints: Walter Taal, MD, Departmentof Neuro-Oncology/Neurology, Erasmus MC/Daniel
and other clinicians observed the occurrence of progressive mag-
den Hoed Cancer Center, Groene Hilledijk 301,
netic resonance imaging (MRI) lesions immediately after the end
3075 EA Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Fax: (011)
of concurrent chemoirradiation with TMZ (RT/TMZ), with spon-
31-10-4391031; E-mail: [email protected]
taneous improvement without further treatment other than adju-
Received December 11, 2007; revision received
vant TMZ. In an earlier study, this phenomenon of early pseudo-
February 18, 2008; accepted March 4, 2008.
progression was investigated in 32 patients with a malignant glioma
DOI 10.1002/cncr.23562Published online 16 May 2008 in Wiley InterScience (
who received RT only.2 In that study, 3 of 9 patients
(33%) with a progressive lesion immediately after RT
Characteristics at Baseline of 85 Patients With Malignant
demonstrated a stabilized or improved lesion during at
Glioma Treated With Radiotherapy Plus Concomitantand Adjuvant Temozolomide
least 6 months on subsequent scans, without addi-tional treatment. To our knowledge, the incidence of
early pseudo-progression in malignant glioma patients
treated with RT/TMZ is unknown, nor is it known
whether this is clinically symptomatic. (At the time of
publication, Brandes et al have since published data
regarding the incidence of pseudo-regression and the
correlation with the MGMT promoter methylation sta-
tus in glioblastoma patients.3) We investigated the inci-
Complete or partial resection vs biopsy, %
dence of early pseudo-progression and its clinical
WHO indicates World Health Organization.
features by reviewing a cohort of patients with newlydiagnosed malignant gliomas who were treated withRT plus concomitant and adjuvant TMZ.
Early disease progression was defined as progres-
sion (25% increase) noted on the MRI scan 4 weeksafter RT and concomitant TMZ, with or without neu-
rologic deterioration, and on a stable or higher dose
For this study, all malignant glioma patients treated
of dexamethasone. Real early progression was scored
between 2000 and July 2006 with RT/TMZ in the
if the patient with early progression developed addi-
Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center in Rotterdam, The
Netherlands, were reviewed. Furthermore, all patients
6 months. Pseudo-early progression was scored if the
who participated in the European Organization for
patient with early progression 1) had at least a 50%
Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 22981
decrease in the enhancing lesion during further fol-
study and received chemoirradiation at the Univer-
low-up, while remaining neurologically stable and on
sity Medical Center Utrecht in Utrecht, The Nether-
a stable or decreasing dose of dexamethasone (a
‘partial response’ according to the criteria of Macdo-
excluded. Treatment was comprised of fractionated
nald et al.4) or 2) remained clinically and radiologi-
irradiation at a dose of 2.0 grays (Gy) per fraction
cally stable with a stable or decreased dosage of
given once daily on weekdays over a period of
steroids for at least 6 months after RT/TMZ without
6 weeks to a total dose of 60 Gy and concomitant
any further treatment other than adjuvant cycles of
TMZ (75 mg/m2/day on all days), followed after 4
TMZ. Clinical features of the patients with real early
weeks by 6, 28-day cycles of adjuvant TMZ (Day 1–5
progression and pseudo-early progression were com-
every 28 days, at a dose of 150–200 mg/m2/day).
pared. Kaplan–Meier survival curves were used to an-
None of the patients received other treatment, such
as gliadel or a focal radiotherapy boost.
progression and pseudo-early progression.
Clinical records were reviewed concerning the
type of surgery performed, histology, radiation field,
Eighty-five patients were treated with RT plus concomi-
dose, and survival. Per treatment protocol, brain ima-
tant and adjuvant TMZ. The majority of the patients had
ging was performed before RT (median interval of
a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Table 1 summarizes
14 days between the brain scan and the initiation of
the demographic and clinical features of these patients.
RT), 4 weeks after the end of RT (median interval of
In 39 patients, the pre-RT/TMZ scan was a computed
30 days between the end of the RT/concomitant
tomography (CT) scan; in the other 46 patients, MRI
TMZ), and thereafter every 3 months. Two independ-
was used. All follow-up scans were MRI scans.
ent reviewers reviewed all brain scans (HGdB and
Thirty-six of the 85 patients (42%; 95% confi-
WT). The evaluation was based on precontrast and
dence interval [95% CI], 31.5–52.5%) were identified
postcontrast images and primarily on the changes in
as having early progression on the first follow-up
the contrast-enhancing area. In the case of disagree-
scan 4 weeks after RT and concomitant TMZ com-
ment, the scans were jointly re-evaluated. The
pared with the pre-RT imaging (Table 2). Thirty-one
response criteria developed by Macdonald et al.4 were
of the 68 patients (45%; 95% CI, 33.2–56.8%) with a
used to quantify all changes in the enhancing lesions
GBM and 5 of the 17 patients (29%; 95% CI, 7.4–
on the scan, clinical status, and dexamethasone dose.
50.6%) with an anaplastic glioma had early disease
Pseudo-progression in Glioma Patients/Taal et al.
progression. In only 1 patient could the decreaseddose of dexamethasone explain the observed pro-gression noted on the MRI scan (Patient 17). Threepatients did not continue with adjuvant TMZbecause of neurologic deterioration (Patients 22, 31,and 34). All of the remaining patients continued withadjuvant TMZ.
Eighteen of 36 patients (50%; 95% CI, 33.7–
66.3%) with early disease progression were diagnosedwith pseudo-early progression. Pseudo–early progres-sion was noted in 15 of the 31 patients (48%; 95% CI,30.4–65.6%) with a GBM and in 3 of the 5 patients(60%; 95% CI, 17.0–100%) with an anaplastic glioma. In 17 of the 36 patients with early disease progres-sion, the enhancing lesion on subsequent MRI scansstabilized for at least 6 months (Patients 4, 5, 11, 13,14, and 15), decreased (Patients 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16,and 18) (Fig. 1), or disappeared completely (Patients1, 10, and 17). Because these 17 patients were alsoclinically stable or improved and were receiving astable or decreasing dose of dexamethasone, theywere scored as having pseudo-early progression. Oneof the 36 patients with early progression underwenta re-resection 3 months after RT and concomitantTMZ because of further deterioration; at surgery,only necrosis was found (Patient 3). The patient con-
FIGURE 1. Patient 8 was a 50-year-old female who was diagnosed with a
tinued with 3 more cycles of adjuvant TMZ and
right temporal glioblastoma. Debulking surgery was followed by radiotherapy
remained stable for another 15 months.
and concomitant temozolomide (RT/TMZ). Compared with (A) the pre-RT/TMZ
To investigate whether the percentage of patients
scan, the (B) scan of the brain taken 4 weeks after RT/TMZ demonstrated
with pseudo-early progression was artificially high
disease progression within the area of gadolinium uptake. The patient
because of the use of a CT scan rather than an MRI
remained clinically stable and was receiving a stable dose of dexametha-
scan before RT, we separately analyzed the patients
sone. She continued with 3 cycles of adjuvant TMZ and the dexamethasone
diagnosed with early disease progression who had
dose was gradually lowered and withdrawn. (C) The magnetic resonance
been evaluated with MRI scans both before and after
imaging (MRI) scan taken 3 months after RT/TMZ was unchanged and she
RT. In this group, 8 of 17 patients (47%) were subse-
received another 3 cycles of TMZ. (D) The MRI scans taken 6 months and 9
quently diagnosed with pseudo-early progression
months, respectively, after RT/TMZ demonstrated a diminishing lesion. The
compared with 10 of 19 patients (53%) who had a
patient developed disease progression 12 months after RT/TMZ.
The individual charts of the patients with
pseudo-early progression were re-examined for other
pseudo–early progression (Table 2; P 5 .313, chi-
explanations of disease remission, but none were
square) The volume of the radiation field was not
found. In particular, no new treatments had been
found to be significantly different between the
patients with real early progression, pseudo-early
Neurologic deterioration was found in 6 of the
progression, and no early progression (data not
18 patients (33%) with pseudo-early progression and
shown). Pseudo–early progression was observed in 6
in 12 of the 18 patients (67%) with real early progres-
of 26 patients who underwent a biopsy (23%; 95%
sion during RT or in the first 4 weeks thereafter. The
CI, 6.8–39.2%) and in 13 of 59 patients who under-
mean age of the patients with real early progression
went a partial or complete surgical resection (22%;
was significantly higher compared with that of the
95% CI, 11.4–32.6%) The extent of surgical resection
patients with pseudo–early progression (55 years vs
could not be taken into consideration because no
46 years, respectively; P 5 .0342). The World Health
direct postoperative scans were made.
Organization (WHO) performance status was not
The survival curves of the patients with early dis-
found to be significantly different between the
ease progression (split between those with pseudo–
patients with real early progression and those with
early progression and those with real early progres-
Pseudo-progression in Glioma Patients/Taal et al.
concomitant TMZ. Fifteen of these 26 patientsunderwent surgery again and 7 of them were diag-nosed with radiation necrosis.
Although we hypothesized that pseudo–early
progression would occur more frequently after RT/concomitant TMZ compared with RT only, the inci-dence we observed (18 of 85 patients [21%]; 95% CI,12.5–29.9%) is still within the range de Wit et al.2observed after the use of RT only (3 of 32 patients[9%]; 95% CI, 20.7–19.5%). One possible explanationfor the increased awareness of the phenomenon ofpseudo–early progression could be that most GBMpatients are now treated with RT/TMZ and thereforeare more closely followed. Conversely, in cell lines,synergy between TMZ and RT has been demon-strated in MGMT promoter gene methylated tumors.7
FIGURE 2. Kaplan-Meier survival curves of malignant glioma patients trea-
It may well be that this synergistic antitumoral effect
ted with chemoirradiation with temozolomide. Survival curves of patients
causes more profound tumor necrosis and inflamma-
developing disease progression 4 weeks after radiotherapy and concomitant
tion with vascular changes, leading to a deficient
temozolomide, split into patients with further disease progression (real early
blood-brain barrier mimicking enhancing tumor on a
progression), patients who remained stable for at least 6 months or
scan. Further research will explore whether there is
improved (pseudo early progression), and patients without early disease pro-
indeed a correlation between MGMT methylation sta-
gression (no early progression), are shown.
tus and the occurrence of pseudo–early progression. (At the time of publication, Brandes et al have since
sion) and patients with no early progression are
published data regarding the incidence of pseudo-
regression and the correlation with the MGMT pro-moter methylation status in glioblastoma patients.3)The increase in radiation necrosis noted to occur if
chemotherapy is given after RT in patients with brain
In the past decades, the sporadic occurrence of early
tumors also suggests that more intensified treat-
ments cause more severe local reactions.7 This is
abnormalities immediately after RT with spontaneous
also the likely explanation for the earlier occurrence
recovery have been described.5 Since the introduc-
of radiation necrosis noted after combined chemoir-
tion of chemoirradiation with TMZ for GBM, there
radiation with TMZ.6,8 Most likely, pseudo–early pro-
has been an increasing awareness of this phenom-
enon. From our cohort of 85 patients treated with
continuum, with more severe local reactions leading
chemoirradiation with TMZ, the progressive en-
to new focal signs and symptoms and true radiation
hancement was not found to be because of tumor
progression in 18 of the 36 patients (50%) with a pro-
The precise mechanism of this early post-RT/
gressive lesion at the time of first tumor evaluation
concomitant TMZ deterioration is unknown. The
after chemoirradiation. Although the pre-RT/con-
underlying mechanism may be varied and in addi-
comitant TMZ scan was a CT scan in approximately
tion to the above-mentioned radiation-induced (and
half of these patients, it is unlikely that this influ-
perhaps vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF]
enced the results because the outcome was the same
signaling-dependent) vascular and necrotic changes,
in patients who underwent an initial MRI scan. In
tumor progression during the first part of RT and
addition, the patients with pseudo-early progression
subsequent response could also be an explanation.
were found to have a similar survival compared with
Although to our knowledge the exact nature of
patients without early progression (Fig. 2). A recent
this pseudo-early progression is unknown, these
report examining surgery performed within 6 months
observations have important consequences for trials
from RT/concomitant TMZ in patients with GBM
of recurrent malignant glioma. Of the 36 patients in
corroborated our findings regarding the frequency of
the current study with early progression (according
nontumoral increase in enhancement.6 In that study,
to the response criteria of Macdonald et al.), 3
26 of 51 GBM patients demonstrated disease progres-
achieved a complete response and 8 achieved a par-
sion within 6 months after the completion of RT/
tial response, whereas 6 fulfilled the criteria for stable
disease at 6 months. Six-month progression-free sur-
then, we advise continuing adjuvant TMZ in patients
vival (PFS) is currently considered the most valid
with early disease progression and not to include
endpoint for phase 2 studies of recurrent GBM.9 If
these patients in studies of malignant gliomas that
the presently reported patients with immediate dis-
recur within 3 months after RT/TMZ. Surgery should
ease progression would all have been entered in a
be considered in the case of patients who develop
phase 2 trial of recurrent GBM, this would have lead
early clinical signs and symptoms and a progressive
to a false-positive study result with a 6-month PFS
lesion. If mainly or only necrosis is found at the time
of surgery, treatment with TMZ should be continued.
From the clinical perspective, an important
question is how to differentiate between pseudo–early progression and real early progression immedi-ately after RT. Because of the inherent risks and inva-
siveness of a stereotactic biopsy, it is not very
Stupp R, Mason WP, van den Bent MJ, et al. Radiotherapyplus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide for glio-
attractive to obtain histologic proof of these lesions.
blastoma. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:987–996.
Moreover, it is not clear whether all cases with
de Wit MC, de Bruin HG, Eijkenboom W, Sillevis Smitt
pseudo-early progression will show only necrosis at
PA, van den Bent MJ. Immediate post-radiotherapy
biopsy because tumor cells may still be present. Clin-
changes in malignant glioma can mimic tumor progres-
ical deterioration during or within the 4 weeks after
Brandes AA, Franceschi E, Tosoni A, et al. MGMT pro-
RT/concomitant TMZ cannot be used to distinguish
moter methylation status can predict the incidence and
between these entities because clinical deterioration
outcome of pseudoprogression after concomitant radio-
was also observed in the group of patients with
chemotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients.
pseudo-early progression, although less frequently
(33% vs 67%). WHO performance score, biopsy ver-
Macdonald DR, Cascino TL, Schold SC Jr, Cairncross JG. Response criteria for phase II studies of supratentorial
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malignant glioma. J Clin Oncol. 1990;8:1277–1280.
field also cannot be used to discriminate between
Griebel M, Friedman HS, Halperin EC, et al. Reversible
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neurotoxicity following hyperfractionated radiation ther-
The median age in the group of patients with real
apy of brain stem glioma. Med Pediatr Oncol. 1991;19:
early progression was found to be higher (56 years vs
Chamberlain MC, Glantz MJ, Chalmers L, Van Horn A,
46 years), which could simply reflect the higher like-
Sloan AE. Early necrosis following concurrent Temodar
lihood of disease progression in elderly patients.
and radiotherapy in patients with glioblastoma. J Neu-
Again, this finding is also of no value in individual
patients. Furthermore, pseudo–early progression was
Chakravarti A, Erkkinen MG, Nestler U, et al. Temozolo-
also noted in 3 of 17 patients with anaplastic glioma
mide-mediated radiation enhancement in glioblastoma: areport on underlying mechanisms. Clin Cancer Res.
(17%; 95% CI, 20.9–34.9%) versus 15 of 68 GBM
patients (22%; 95% CI, 12.2–31.9%).
Ruben JD, Dally M, Bailey M, Smith R, McLean CA, Fedele
To our knowledge, to date it has been unclear
P. Cerebral radiation necrosis: incidence, outcomes, and
whether modern imaging techniques such as posi-
risk factors with emphasis on radiation parameters and
chemotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006;65:499–508.
spectroscopy, or diffusion-weighted and perfusion
Ballman KV, Buckner JC, Brown PD, et al. The relationship
imaging can be used to make a distinction, although
between 6-month progression-free survival and 12-month
some data appear to be promising.10 Patients with
overall survival end points for phase II trials in patients
real early progression have a terrible outcome asso-
with glioblastoma multiforme. Neuro Oncol. 2007;9:29–38.
ciated with continuing standard TMZ (Fig. 2); future
Zeng QS, Li CF, Liu H, Zhen JH, Feng DC. Distinctionbetween recurrent glioma and radiation injury using mag-
efforts to better identify these patients are critical so
netic resonance spectroscopy in combination with diffu-
that a potential opportunity to salvage them with an
sion-weighted imaging. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.
alternative therapeutic intervention is not lost. Until
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