Study Group on Skin & Allergic Disorders
Research Committee, Dalmatian Club of America
what is referred to as the “Dalmatian Bronzing Syndrome”? Does the “Dalmatian
Skin & Allergic Disorders is that all-too-
Bronzing Syndrome” really exist as a
diagnostic entity? The answers to most of
to by fanciers as “Dal crud.” I will discuss
this topic specifically as it relates to dogs
being actively campaigned in conformation
sequence leaving the question of cause for
the light of your life has a flawless coat
while running in the backyard at home and
even tolerate a flea or two. He is groomed
(“folliculitis”) occurs, we see secondary
infection (”superficial pyoderma”) by
appearing, usually on the top of the dog’s
Staphylococcus intermedius, which is
become very itchy (pruritic). A significant
proportion of these lesions, interestingly,
may not itch but still progress as follows.
follicle that oozes a bit of serum, which
may be noticed only as it dries in the form
• Hair loss (”alopecia”) is a result of
occurs at the site of each bump. Eventually
folliculitis stopping the growth of hair;
white hairs take on a pinkish-bronze cast at
your hopes and vision of the judge nodding
The final and lasting result of all this is the
What is the cause (etiology) of this skin
“bronzed” appearance of the coat. The
importantly, how can we prevent it? Is this
and little can be done to whiten a coat so
Skin & Coat Disorders in Dalmatians / THE SPOTTER / Fall 1995 Issue
just as frequently in colored coats, but is
• climatic differences between home and
do the hive-like reactions occur in the first
• occlusion of pores in the skin by special
1) ALLERGY. A large majority of Dalma-tians
It has been suggested that the non-itching
exhibiting these signs are allergic. Many
scientific surveys statistically list our
related to these environmental conditions
ly represented allergic purebreds, based on
repeatedly positive skin tests to assorted
reactions (“allergens“). These allergens
may be inhaled as in the case of airborne
that flea and inhalant allergies in dogs are
pollens, molds, etc.; ingested as with food
hereditary. Certainly the best preventative
allergens; injected as with flea saliva; or
medicine is to eliminate affected dogs from
merely contacted as with local irritants
establishing lines with consistently good
2) STRESS. Add to allergy the physiol-ogical
stress associated with travel, excite-ment,
visibly affected dogs who exhibit chronic-
baiting!). Biologically, stress is associated
with an increase in production of steroid
There is less agreement, on the other hand,
allergies in dogs. As guardians of the Dal-
for general good health as carefully as we
“barrier function” of normal canine skin.
accomplished coat-nirvana in our breeding
programs, a little forethought and care may
3) HUMIDITY AND HEAT. Veterinary
disaster. A quick review of the situation
allows us to enumerate potential problems
significant factors in the onset of these hive-
Skin & Coat Disorders in Dalmatians / THE SPOTTER / Fall 1995 Issue
part of long-term nutritional support.
cases, for its entire life. Fatty acids may not
entirely prevent episodes of “the crud”, but
they allow the skin to function optimally
allergic dogs to act synergistically with
initial reaction to offending allergens. In
several studies, dogs receiving both fatty
infection than did those receiving either
generally proven effective and safe with no
For the last few years veterinary dermatol-
For breeders, this translates to a prevention
supplementation (Derm Caps, EFA Caps, OM Caps, etc.) for those dogs shown to be
Medicine), myself, other practitioners and
modulators, anti-inflammatory agents, and
prior to an anticipated allergic challenge
histamine therapy and continue it until you
beneficial side effects include optimum hair
Like Professor Weiss’ suggestions, I usually
Although debate continues as to the ideal
maleate (Chlor-Trimeton), 12 mg., two to
three times daily. This is an inexpensive
should contain a combination of vegetable
antihistamine available without a prescrip-
and fish oils. Recent data suggests these
tion that tends to produce less drowsiness
supplements should be administered at two
than many other antihistamines. (For those
receive their antihistamine, wait until after
will develop diarrhea if given doses higher
showing to dose them. Duration of activity
is short, so this effect should be inapparent
important note: the effects of fatty acid
Individual response to specific antihista-
mines is variable so do not despair if your
Skin & Coat Disorders in Dalmatians / THE SPOTTER / Fall 1995 Issue
diphenhydramine (Benadryl), clemastine
(Tavist), and hydroxyzine (Atarax).
Systemic antibiotics are always indicated in
The rest of the prevention protocol involves
cases of folliculitis. Unfortunately, skin
needs to be treated for three to four weeks
even in uncomplicated cases. If response is
antibiotic therapy, reevaluation of the anti-
• Use hypoallergenic shampoos, alternat-
biotic being used is warranted. Antibiotics
against Staphylococcus intermedius. Both
response by bacteria to antibiotics, vary
regionally but appropriate choices include:
extensive trial and error to identify.
clavulanic acid. It is vitally important that
as opposed to Rollover.
academic and referral centers is compatible
with published statistics of allergic dogs:
disorders, seborrhea, Staphylococcal hyper-
sensitivity or rarely, immunocompromise.
• approximately 10% have food allergies
I mentioned this “syndrome” earlier when
If your dog begins to “bump up” despite
your best efforts or in lieu of preventative
hairs by serum pigments called porphyrins.
The bronzed Dal typically appears to have
couple of show circuits. Topical treatment
along the topline often including the head.
with benzoyl peroxide (Oxydex, Pyoben) or
Close examination of the hair shafts reveals
chlorhexidine shampoos (Chlorhexiderm, Nolvasan) act to cleanse the skin, removing
Early reports attempted to link this staining
superficial bacteria. Under these circum-
including urinary urate crystals, dietary
Skin & Coat Disorders in Dalmatians / THE SPOTTER / Fall 1995 Issue
allergies, protein intolerance, demodecosis,
collection of disorders, the “Dalmatian
Dermatologists are skeptical that this is a
syndrome definitely associated with these
other maladies or unique to Dalmatians.
Most believe instead that it is the natural
result of follicular inflammation described
Despite this skepticism in the veterinary
Copyright Dalmatian Club of America, Inc., 1995. All rights reserved.
the “red hair syndrome” of many breeds.
This is a problem reported more frequently
in Europe than the United States but closely
parallels what has been referred to as the
“Dalmatian Bronzing Syndrome” here.
Researchers will be studying the structure
of hair shafts by electron microscopy.
Raptor Fact Sheet: ELIMINATE RATS and MICE, NOT WILDLIFE! Rats and mice are not good house guests. They will eat practically anything, and their excreta contaminates what they leave behind. They can spread diseases and other pests (such as fleas) which can affect both humans and animals, and they cause tremendous damage to houses and property. Commonly used anticoagulant rodenticides, however
credits available for this article — see page 88. Special Report Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets Philip J tuso, MD; Mohamed h ismail, MD; Benjamin P ha, MD; carole Bartolotto, Ma, RD daily; and atorvastatin, 20 mg daily. He Abstract The objective of this article is to present to physicians an update on plant-based diets. daily; glipizide, 5 mg daily; and 10 units