Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. ( Beximco Pharma) belongs to Beximco Group, the largest privat va e sector industr ial conglomerat e in Bangladesh. The company is a leading man uf u act urer of pharmaceut icals - bot h finished formulat ions and Act ive Pharmaceut ical I ngredient s ( APIs). The st at e-of-t he-art man uf u act uring facilit ili ies of t he company are cert ified by major global regulat ory bodies, and t oda y y Beximco Pharma is a leading export er of pharmaceut icals in t he cou ntr v ng a global fo ot o print in 45 45 cou ntr ies. The company has more t han 2,500 employees un its own distribution channe nn l nationwide, and its products are trusted by physicians and patients Achievements
produces more than 200 generics available in more
In the domestic market, Beximco Pharma ranks
Since the company launched its own brand in 1983,
than 400 different dosage forms and strengths, and
second among more than 200 pharmaceutical
Beximco Pharma has remained one of the fastest
many of them are leaders in their respective
companies. In 2009, the company achieved annual
growing pharmaceutical companies in the country;
therapeutic categories; notable among them are
sales turnover of BDT 4.9 billion with an impressive
particularly it grew phenomenally during the 80s
Napa®, Neoceptin R®, Neofloxin®, Atova®,
growth of more than 21%, outperforming the
and 90s owing to its outstanding product quality
Amdocal®, Bextram®, Filmet®, Frenxit®, Tofen®,
industry growth rate, which stood at 17%. Being
and acceptability to the doctors. With its range of
Decomit® and Azmasol®. In line with the
one of the largest exporters of pharmaceuticals in
innovative products and professional services to the
country's commitment towards Montreal Protocol,
the country, the company has growing presence in
doctors' community, the company built its unique
Beximco Pharma became the first company to
45 countries across Africa, Latin America, Asia,
brand positioning as "trend setter" in Bangladesh
launch CFC free HFA metered dose inhalers in
Middle East and Central America. Besides major
pharmaceutical industry. The company led the
Bangladesh market in 2006 and now has the widest
retail outlets, Beximco Pharma's products are being
industry to diversify into API in the early 90s, and
range of non CFC MDI products to support asthma
supplied to renowned hospitals and institutions like
explored the immense opportunities in overseas
and COPD patients even when CFC propellant is
Raffles Hospital, Healthway Medical Group and, K K
markets for locally manufactured medicines. Today,
Women & Children Hospital in Singapore, MEDS
Beximco Pharma is one of the largest exporters of
and Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) in Kenya,
pharmaceuticals in the country and it has received
In the bulk drug or API, Beximco Pharma's API
Asthma Drug Facility (ADF) of France, and
National Export Trophy "Gold" for a record 3 times
portfolio includes paracetamol, amoxicillin,
CENABLAST in Chile. The company has taken
for its outstanding achievement in export. Beximco
ampicillin, cloxacillin, flucloxacillin and the company
aggressive expansion program to cater to the
Pharma still remains the only company in
has taken up major expansion program to produce
growing demand from domestic as well as overseas
Bangladesh to receive regulatory approvals from
markets. It has made significant investment in
building capabilities, both infrastructure and human
Administration (TGA), Australia and Gulf Central
Recent developments
resources, to capitalize on the generic drug
Committee for Drug Registration (for GCC
"We are happy with the progress achieved in the
opportunities in the developed markets like EU and
member states) for its manufacturing facilities.
first half of 2010 and our achievement during the
US. Generic drug capabilities, competitive cost
Approvals from UK MHRA, EMEA and USFDA are
period reinforces our focus on different strategic
advantages, and the manufacturing platform,
under process for its Oral Solid Dosage and
priorities which would enable us to deliver broader
benchmarked to global standards, have rendered
Metered Dose Inhaler facilities. The company has
range of medicines for our patients and greater
the company ideally positioned to eye into the
the unique distinction of being the only Bangladeshi
value for the shareholders" - as the Managing
highly promising contract manufacturing markets for
company to get listed on AIM of London Stock
Director of the company was speaking. Rightly so.
affordable generics. Currently, the company has
The Company was awarded Superbrands for the
GlaxoSmithKline for producing Metered Dose
The company produces formulations spanning key
The company delivered strong performance during
therapeutic areas which include anti-infectives,
the first half of the year 2010 with an impressive
Company's main manufacturing site at Tongi,
gastro-intestinal, cardio-vascular, anti-diabetic,
28% growth over the corresponding period of
Dhaka, is spread over an area of 20 acres which
NSAIDs, respiratory, CNS etc, and its products are
2009. This performance was largely driven by
houses a number of self-contained production units
available in almost all types of dosage forms e.g.
strong growth of key brands, as well as excellent
including oral solids, metered dose inhalers,
tablets, capsules, syrup/suspension, suppositories,
response with 28 new products launched during
intravenous fluids, liquids, ointments, creams,
ointments, eye drops, injectables, intravenous fluids,
suppositories, ophthalmic drops, injectables,
metered dose inhalers, nebulizer solutions etc.
registered over 50 generic formulations for
BPL is the first company in Bangladesh to introduce
launching in the current year which will significantly
ARV drugs for HIV/AIDS patients. The company
Beximco Pharma continues to invest in expanding
the way the company is doing business and is
Whenever a physician looks for 'sure shot' in a
capacities to capitalize on the opportunities in
always guided by strong ethical values. Each year, a
critical case, they prefer Beximco Pharma brands
global generic markets. All the five lines, including
substantial amount of our earning is ploughed back
the remaining three, of our USFDA standard Oral
into social causes, so that the society gets benefited
while the company continues to grow. The
Things you didn't know
commissioned in this period and our new MDI
company donates large quantities of medicines to
facility is now ready and awaiting commissioning.
the underserved and the victims of natural disasters
The new state-of-the-art oral solid dosage facility,
Our ability to maintain sustained growth in
- medicines for the victims of earthquake in
designed and built according to the guidelines of
challenging environment is consistent with our goal
Pakistan, tsunami in Sri Lanka, and cyclone SIDR in
USFDA, consists of five lines with an installed
Bangladesh are a few worth mentioning. Since
annual capacity to produce four billion tablets on a
2005, Beximco Pharma has been supplying ARV
In recent times, the company has taken up projects
drugs through a leading local bank for treating the
to introduce several exciting drug delivery systems
HIV/AIDS patients in Bangladesh. These ARV drugs
Beximco Pharma's manufacturing facilities are
to enrich its product portfolio. Besides, the
are distributed through NGOs working for the
accredited by global regulatory authorities, including
company is always keen to improve on its reverse
HIV/AIDS patients. Responding to the pandemic
TGA Australia, Gulf Central Committee for Drug
engineering capabilities in formulation development
Avian as well as recent Swine Flu, BPL donated
Registration (for GCC member states) and
and to further strengthen the API capabilities to
large quantities of oseltamivir capsule, Oseflu®, to
become more competitive in global marketplace.
the Government of Bangladesh as well as different
reputed organizations including ICDDR,B. Oseflu®
Beximco Pharma is the largest manufacturer of
In 2006, Beximco Pharma listed itself among the
capsule was also supplied to the government of
metered dose inhaler, and the only company in
very few companies in the world who proactively
Myanmar as a part of our CSR initiatives.
converted CFC based formulations to ozone
manufacturing of its major brand Ventolin®.
friendly HFA Inhalers in compliance with the
Brand value
Montreal Protocol. The company is now the single
Beximco Pharma's core values of putting the
Beximco Pharma is the leading exporter of
largest producer of MDIs in Bangladesh, and the
"quality" first and upholding the innovation in
pharmaceuticals and received 'Export Gold Trophy'
only company in Asia to contract manufacture
execution has pushed the company forward to
GSK's Ventolin® inhaler. The MDI facility has been
achieve its unique brand positioning in the
designed and installed with the technical
customers' mind. Because of its long history of
Beximco Pharma is the only company in Bangladesh
collaboration from Pamasol, having an annual
working with MNCs at different times, the concept
which got listed on prestigious London Stock
production capacity of 4 million canisters, which will
of 'quality' became ingrained in everything Beximco
be increased until it is expanded to produce 20
Pharma does. Today, Beximco Pharma's brands are
synonymous with the term quality and add unique
Beximco Pharma supplies antiretroviral (ARV)
brand value to the customers' mind. After country's
medication for AIDS patients in Bangladesh at cost
liberation war, Beximco Pharma was the first
price so that HIV positive patients do not run short
Owing to its deep-rooted culture of nurturing
company to be recognized by physicians to be of
of their essential medications at any time. It also has
innovation, Beximco Pharma has always adopted
multinational standard. Beximco Pharma's Napa®
got registration of 30 more ARV drugs so that
different ways from contemporary marketing and
AIDS patients always have an option even after
promotional practices to communicate product
Parapyrol® that was considered to be the most
development of resistance to specific generic.
offerings. The company has aggressive marketing
powerful brand at that time. Neoceptin R®, the
and sales strategy for promoting its products to
ranitidine brand of Beximco Pharma, became the
Beximco Pharma has been running its philanthropic
physicians nationwide. It has its own distribution
mark of quality in the market outplaying Zantac® of
activities for the last 13 years through 'Fazlur
network and its current sales force of more than
GSK. For the first time, physicians found confidence
Rahman Foundation', named after the father of the
1,500 dynamic individuals is driven by company's
in prescribing the antibiotics of a local company, i.e.
owners of Beximco Group. This offers medical
commitment towards providing quality medicines
Neofloxin®, Tycil®, Cephalen®, Filmet® became
treatment and diagnostic support to the patients at
ensuring 'a healthier tomorrow' for all. The
very popular antibiotics among them. Finally, huge
a nominal cost and also offers scholarships to
company provides high quality academic services to
acceptance of Azmasol® inhaler of Beximco over
meritorious children of its employees.
the physicians in the form of product information,
GSK's global brand Ventolin® was the recognition
journal publications, reprints, books and through
of the physicians' trust and confidence on Beximco
Sponsored major international events in sports like
organizing scientific seminars and symposia on a
Pharma brands even with a very hi-tech dosage
SA Games and SAF Football to promote sports in
regular basis. It also sponsors and organizes major
the country, besides being sponsors of the National
health campaigns to promote awareness. Beximco
Pharma has also a track record of collaborative
Today, Beximco Pharma is still recognized by
research with renowned research organizations.
physicians for its 'quality' as well as expertise in
Commitment to the society is an integral part of
manufacturing technology-driven products.
1976 1980 2006 2007
also diversified into Exchange (LSE) through
First and only Bangladeshi company to receive GMP Clearance from Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australia, and Gulf Central
Committee for Drug Registration (GCC), Executive Board of the Health Ministers' Council for GCC states. Entered into a Long Term
Arrangement (LTA) with the Global Supply Division (Copenhagen, Denmark) of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), to supply
metered dose inhaler products. Technology transfer agreement with Roche to produce anti-AIDS drug Saquinavir.
Tel.: + 264 61 225 817 Fax: + 264 61 249 872 Email: [email protected] Web: NTB Registration: TFA 00005 Entry formalities / Visa requirements in Mozambique It is generally recommended that travelers obtain visas prior to travelling to Mozambique. Only South Africans do not require a visa to go on holiday in Mozambique. T
R O M A N I A JUDETUL MURES COMUNA BREAZA CONSILIUL LOCAL PROCES VERBAL incheiat azi 19.05.2009 cu ocazia sedintei ordinare a consiliului local La sedinta au participat toti consilierii, sedinta fiind declarata statutara. Toti membrii consiliului local, au fost anuntati de data, ora, ordinea de zi si locul de desfasurare a sedintei in termenele prevazute de lege. D-na secret