Human Reproduction Vol.22, No.4 pp. 912–915, 2007
Advance Access publication December 15, 2006
The preconceptual contraception paradigm: obesityand infertility
Reproductive and Maternal Medicine, Division of Developmental Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
1To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Reproductive and Maternal Medicine, Division of Developmental Medicine,University of Glasgow, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 3rd Floor, Queen Elizabeth Building, 10 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow G31 2ER, UK. Tel: þ44 141 211 4706; Fax: þ44 141 552 0873; E-mail: [email protected]
Obesity is a major health problem across the world. Recent editorials suggest that obese patients should be deniedtreatment of any kind aimed to improve ovulation rates and achieve pregnancy until they have reduced their BMI. We propose that this approach is not a resolution of the problem, but indeed may amplify the maternal and perinatalcomplications attributed to fertility centres. Obesity independent of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associatedwith anovulation, and minimal weight loss alone is an effective therapy for induction of ovulation in both obese womenand obese PCOS women. Consequently, lifestyle programmes encouraging weight loss should be considered to be anovulation induction therapy and due consideration for a potential pregnancy in an obese woman given. We proposethat women with a BMI in excess of 35 kg m2 should lose weight prior to conception—not prior to receiving infertilitytreatment. Therefore, clinicians undertaking the management of infertility in obese women should adopt measures toreduce their body mass prior to exposing them to the risks of pregnancy. We advocate that this approach should beaggressively managed including pharmacological strategies; intrinsic in this programme is the use of contraceptionand high-dose folic acid during that period of preconceptual weight reduction.
Key words: infertility/pregnancy outcomes/obesity/contraception
recent single embryo transfer debates. There is an inherent
Obesity has become a major health problem across the world.
conflict between their desire to achieve pregnancy while
In the UK, obesity affects one-fifth of the female population,
optimizing the maternal environment for fetal development.
with 18.3% of the female population in the reproductive age
Failure to appreciate and convey these risks to patients may
group (16 – 44 years) being classed as obese (Department of
amplify the maternal and perinatal complications attributed
Health, 2004). Similar rises have been observed in the pregnant
population, with one in five women booking for antenatal carebeing clinically obese (Kanagalingam et al., 2005). Therelationship between female obesity and reproductive success
Fetal risks attributable to maternal obesity
is complex. Reduction in pregnancy potential has been reported
Maternal obesity (BMI 30 kg m2) has significant detrimental
for various infertility treatment procedures, but the effect is not
impacts on fetal development with an increased risk of isolated
universal, as one study demonstrated that implantation may
fetal anomalies: anencephaly and spina bifida [OR 3.3 (95%
even be promoted by obesity. In general, deleterious effects
confidence interval (CI) 1.4 – 8.1)], spina bifida [OR 3.5 (95%
have been revealed to be modest. Furthermore, the outcome
CI 1.2 – 10.3)], exomphalos [OR 3.3 (95% CI 1.0 – 10.3)],
of pregnancy in obese women is also highly complex, as nulli-
atrial septal defect or ventricular septal defect cardiac defects
parous mothers are more profoundly affected than multiparous.
[OR 3.5 (95% CI 1.0 – 10.3)], orofacial clefts [OR 1.3
As infertility treatments are generally effected in nulliparous
(95% CI 1.11 – 1.53)] and also multiple anomalies [OR 2.0
women, observations of potential adverse outcomes related to
(95% CI 1.0 – 3.8)] (Cedergren and Kallen, 2003; 2005;
obesity should influence clinical practice in these patients. It
Watkins et al., 2003). Furthermore, the association of obesity
should be borne in mind that many women undertaking infer-
with neural tube defects is not completely abolished by folic
tility treatment are prepared to get pregnant at all costs with
acid fortification of food and it has a reduced benefit in the
little consideration of perinatal consequences, as seen in the
prevention of neural tube defects in obese women [OR 0.52
The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected]
(95% CI 0.28 – 0.96)] compared to non-obese [OR 0.32 (95%
Preterm birth can either be due to preterm labour or due to
CI 0.14 – 0.73)] (Ray et al., 2005). Accurate estimates for
elective preterm delivery. An interaction between parity and
morbid obesity are limited; however, there does appear to be
obesity has previously been noted in multiparous women not
7% increase in risk of fetal anomaly for each 1 unit incremen-
at increased risk of preterm delivery (Cnattingius et al.,
tal increase in BMI above a 25 kg m2 (Watkins et al., 2003). A
1998). Among nulliparous women, the risk of elective
potential over-estimate of risk due to termination of pregnancy
preterm birth increases with BMI: overweight [OR 1.15
has been discounted by examination of postmortem and birth
(95% CI 1.03 – 1.27)], obese [OR 1.52 (95% CI 1.31 – 1.77)]
records (Callaway et al., 2006). Maternal choice with respect
and morbidly obese [OR 2.13 (95% CI 1.75 – 2.58)], whereas
to antenatal management may also be limited, as prenatal diag-
the risk of spontaneous preterm birth decreased: overweight
nosis of congenital anomalies is reduced in obese women
[OR 0.89 (95% CI 0.82 – 0.98)], obese [OR 0.85 (95% CI
despite repeated examinations (Hendler et al., 2005) and
0.73 – 0.99)] and morbidly obese [OR 0.81 (95% CI 0.64 –
advanced ultrasound equipment (Hendler et al., 2004b), with
1.03)] (Smith et al., 2006). The net effect of obesity
10% of obese women having suboptimal four-chamber views
depends, therefore, on the balance between the increased
at 22 – 24 weeks gestation (Hendler et al., 2004a).
risk of elective preterm birth and the decreased risk of spon-
Several studies have demonstrated an increased risk of mis-
taneous preterm birth. This study demonstrated that morbidly
carriage in obese women undergoing ART, with estimates of
obese (BMI . 35) nulliparous women had a greater than
risk of fetal loss before 20 weeks gestation of 27% [OR
2-fold risk of elective preterm birth but only a 20% lower
1.71 (95% CI 1.20 – 2.43)] for obese women, increasing to
risk of spontaneous preterm birth, leading to an increased
31% if morbidly obese (BMI 35 kg m2) [OR 2.19 (95%
risk of all-cause prematurity [OR 1.34 (95% CI 1.15 – 1.56)]
CI 1.27 – 3.78)] (Wang et al., 2002). However, in spontaneous
(Smith et al., 2006). Furthermore, 40% of morbidly obese nul-
conceptions, obesity is also associated with an increased risk
liparous women who had an elective preterm delivery had a
of early miscarriage (6 – 12 weeks gestation) [OR 1.20 (95%
diagnosis of pre-eclampsia compared with only 2.6% of the
CI 1.01 – 1.46)] and recurrent miscarriage [OR 3.51 (95% CI
rest of the population (Smith et al., 2006). Therefore, the
1.03 – 12.01)] (Lashen et al., 2004). The risk of fetal death is
increase in iatrogenic preterm delivery is most likely due to
not, however, restricted to early pregnancy, as the risk of
the strong association between nulliparity, increasing BMI
late fetal death increases consistently with increasing pre-
pregnancy BMI. A series of 167 750 births from Sweden
This study also highlighted the risk of nulliparous morbidly
demonstrated that, among nulliparous women, the risk of
obese women delivering an infant of ,1000 g, which was still
fetal death after 28 weeks gestation is approximately
alive at 1 year of age [OR 3.36 (95% CI 1.89 – 5.98)] (Smith
doubled among women with a normal BMI, when compared
et al., 2006). This group of children has a 40 – 45% risk of
with lean women, tripled among those who were overweight
severe neurodevelopmental delay in childhood and, therefore,
and quadrupled among those who were obese [OR 4.3 (95%
was used as a proxy measure of severe long-term morbidity
CI 2.0 – 9.3)] (Cnattingius et al., 1998). Among parous
(Ohls et al., 2004). Other delivery-related fetal outcomes
women, the risk of fetal death is only increased in obese
have also been related to BMI: the risk of fetal distress:
women [OR 2.0 (95% CI 1.2 – 3.5)] (Cnattingius et al.,
obese [OR 1.61 (95% CI 1.53 – 1.69)], morbidly obese [OR
1998). A later study from Sweden with 805 275 women pro-
2.13 (95% CI 1.93 – 2.35)] and BMI . 40 [OR 2.52 (95% CI
vided similar estimates of risk of late fetal death for obese
2.12 – 3.58)], meconium aspiration: obese [OR 1.64 (95% CI
and morbidly obese women, but also demonstrated that 1 in
1.30 – 2.06)], morbidly obese [OR 2.87 (95% CI 2.13 – 3.85)]
121 women with a BMI . 40 had a stillbirth (Cedergren,
and BMI . 40 [OR 2.85 (95% CI 1.60–5.07)]; shoulder dystocia:
2004). These risks are startlingly high; however, they may
obese [OR 2.14 (95% CI 1.83 – 2.49)], morbidly obese [OR 2.82
be even potentially higher in obese women undergoing
(95% CI 2.1 – 3.71)] and BMI . 40 [OR 3.14 (95% CI
ART, as a meta-analysis of singleton IVF pregnancies
suggested a significance of the risk of stillbirth due to ART
These studies collectively demonstrate a strong association
as compared to spontaneous conception [OR 4.3 (95% CI
between maternal obesity in early pregnancy and a number
2.0 – 9.3)] (Jackson et al., 2004). The risk of death of the
of severe fetal complications during early and late develop-
child is not restricted to the antenatal period, with obesity
ment, delivery and the neonatal period. Increased odds ratios
having a significant impact on neonatal and infant mortality.
of rare complications describe events that remain rare.
The risk of early neonatal death (within the fist 7 days of
However, the statistical increases in the major events described
life) after adjustment for maternal age, parity smoking status
above (stillbirth, neonatal death and prolonged morbidity) are
and year of birth was [OR 1.59 (95% CI 1.25 – 2.01)] in
tangible elements. Given that the subfertile population gener-
obese women, with further increments in risk if the BMI
ally experiences poorer perinatal outcomes than the population
was .35 [OR 2.09 (95% CI 1.50 – 2.91)] or .40 [OR 3.41
as a whole, the role of obesity in infertility treatment clinics
(95% CI 2.07 – 5.63)] (Cedergren, 2004). A study of 84 701
must be considered seriously. These complications are quite
nulliparous women in Scotland showed that morbid obesity
separate from the well-established maternal complications
was associated with a significant increase in the risk of
related to obesity, in particular, the hypertensive disorders of
death within the first 28 days of life [OR 2.77 (95%
pregnancy, gestational diabetes, thromboembolism, infection
CI 1.54 – 4.99)]; however, the risk was not increased in multi-
and the anaesthetic and obstetric problems associated with
delivery and the post-partum period.
not restricted to obese women with PCOS. The issues are
The effects of weight loss, by dint of calorie restriction and/or
obesity and ovulation. The second is that metformin treatment
exercise, have been studied in a relatively small number of
of obese women with PCOS is less efficacious than that of
cases, but with reasonable agreement among the studies.
normal weight women (Fleming et al., 2002) and that in the
Weight loss, with or without exercise, results in improved
obese group, it is no more likely than weight loss itself to
insulin sensitivity and increased ovulation frequency with rela-
improve ovulation rates (Tang et al., 2006). Therefore, the
tively minor degrees of absolute weight reduction. Kiddy et al.
issue is not whether treatment with metformin should be dis-
(1992) described 11 anovulatory obese women losing .5% of
couraged, it is whether the patient should be protected from
their pretreatment weight. About 9 of these 11 showed
pregnancy during the time of weight reduction. In defence of
improvement in reproductive function, as they either conceived
metformin, it does reduce circulating androgens and hirsutism,
(5) or experienced a more regular menstrual pattern. In
and its use is associated with modest weight loss (Harborne
contrast, the group losing ,5% of their initial weight recorded
et al., 2003, 2005), with more consistent effects with the
little improvement in reproductive function. Hollman et al.
higher doses (Harborne et al., 2005). However, the effect is
(1996) reported that in 35 women undergoing a weight
time-consuming with an average of 5 kg over 8 months, with
reduction programme over 32 weeks who recorded a weight
higher doses. In contrast, more profound effects may be
loss of ,10%, there was menstrual period improvement in
achieved using weight-reducing drugs such as orlistat, which
80% and pregnancy in 29%. One study in overweight
achieved a 5% reduction in weight in 3 months compared
women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
with 1% with metformin (Jayagopal et al., 2005).
showed similar benefits of weight loss (Huber-Buchholzet al., 1999). About 18 infertile anovulatory women with
PCOS and normal glucose tolerance (BMI 27 – 45 kg m2),underwent a 6-month diet and exercise programme. The
Balen et al. (2006), somewhat arbitrarily, selected a BMI of
patients, who responded with improved ovulation frequency,
35 kg m2 as the critical point above which fertility treatment
showed an 11% reduction in central fat, whereas mean
should be withheld. However, there is substantial clinical evi-
weight loss was between 2 and 5% of starting weight over
dence to support a BMI of ,30 kg m2 from the world litera-
the programme. These data indicate that lifestyle modification,
ture. With respect to the UK population and the specific risk of
leading to improved insulin sensitivity with relatively
neonatal death and extremely low birth weight infants, the cut-
modest degrees of weight loss, commonly result in improved
off value of 35 kg m2 has supportive evidence. However, we
ovulation rates and conception. These programmes should
assert that programmes encouraging weight loss, through either
therefore be considered to be effective ovulation-induction
diet or exercise or both, should be considered to be
undertaking these measures should also be advised about contra-ception until that critical value of BMI 35 kg m2 is achieved.
Because of the associated risk of thromboembolism with com-
There is an unfortunate conflict in these situations. Although
the indicator for grade of obstetric/neonatal risk as outlined
progesterone-only contraception, potential delays in return to
is absolute BMI, the critical factor for restoring ovulation
ovulation with depot preparations and risk of pelvic inflammatory
appears to be percentage of weight lost and this may be
disease with intrauterine devices, the obvious choice during this
relatively modest. Correspondingly, a reduction in BMI from
at risk preconceptual period would be barrier methods.
40 to 38 kg m2 is likely to restore ovulation in a womanclearly at tangible obstetric/neonatal risk. Indeed, in exerciseprogrammes, insulin sensitivity can be improved with even
more modest absolute weight reduction, and ovarian function/
Women with a BMI in excess of 35 kg m2 should lose weight
fertility can be normalized by this means (Clark et al., 1998).
prior to conception—not prior to receiving infertility treatment.
Although there is substantial evidence with respect to pregnancy
Therefore, clinicians undertaking the management of infertility
that exercise can modify metabolic and vascular risk factors, it
in obese women should adopt measures to reduce their body
has yet to be determined whether exercise reduces the risk of
mass prior to exposing them to the risks of pregnancy. We
adverse perinatal outcome. This collection of evidence means
advocate that the approach should be aggressively managed
that simply advising weight loss or even putting a patient into
using strategies that may include the drugs such as metformin
a weight reduction (lifestyle modification) programme is
or orlistat. Intrinsic in this programme is the use of barrier con-
actively putting a woman into a risk-prone situation, where the
traception during that period of weight reduction. The combi-
pregnancy-specific risks are now well quantified.
nation of weight loss, contraception and high-dose folic acid
Balen et al. (2006) have proposed that obese patients with
should become the standard preconceptual care for the obese
PCOS should be denied treatment of any kind aimed to
woman. Women need to be made aware that any potential
improve ovulation rates and achieve pregnancy, including met-
delay in therapy is in the best interests of mother and baby.
formin, until they have reduced their BMI to 35 kg m2. We
In this context, we can potentially reduce the stigmatization
suggest that this position is flawed, on two grounds. The first
of asking obese women to lose weight before treatment
is that obesity and the obstetrical/neonatal consequences are
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Submitted on September 8, 2006; resubmitted on October 16, 2006; accepted
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MPhil Dissertations Name of Scholar , year of study Women’s employment and well-being 10 Gender and displacement in India with special Antara Sanyal , 2006-08 emphasis on the women displaced by Ganga Priyanka Dutta, 2006-08 Inequality in health status across population 11 The intrinsic value of education and its social sub-groups: A study of West Benga
nspired historian Jeremy Packer sees the approach to motorcycle safety found in mainstream sport and touring motorcycling media, supported by the MSF, and generally consistent with the advice of transport agencies, such as the US National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety,[14] as an ideology or and places it as only one among multiple ideologies one may hold about motorcycling risk.[15]Packer has sugg