(Note All mineral and vitamin research was done Purification Rundown Series 4
THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWNREPLACES THE SWEAT PROGRAM (This data is released as a record of researches and resultsnoted. It cannot be construed as a recommendation of medicaltreatment or medication and it is undertaken by anyone on hisown responsibility.) The basic bulletin on the Purification Rundown (HCOB 6 Feb. 78RB, Purif RD S e r i e s 1 , T H E P U R I F I C A T I O N R U N D O W N R E P L A C E S T H E S W E A TPROGRAM) contains, as a record of researches and results, the approximate dailyamounts of the various vitamins and minerals on which most persons are started onthe rundown.
These beginning dosages are listed below: 100 mg (or less, depending uponindividual tolerance at the start).
approximately 250-1000 mg, depending upon individualtolerance.
containing the same amounts of B2 and B6.
at least one glass daily, and a multi-mineral tablet containing a balanced combination of multi-minerals.
Vitamin B Complex: The vitamin B-complex tablet that was used in the originalPurification Rundown research was one which contained: all in a base of lecithin, parsley, rice bran, watercress and alfalfa.
The same tablet or one with similar content is still used very successfully in delivering the Purification Rundown.
(Special Note on Niacinamide: The majority of vitamin B-complex tablets on themarket include niacinamide in small amounts, which is the substance invented bysomeone to keep an individual from turning on a niacin flush. Therefore, as such,niacinamide is worthless. The likelihood is that this amount of niacinamide in a B-complex tablet acts only upon the niacin content in that specific tablet to eliminateany flush caused by its own niacin content. Results from the piloting of the rundown,where plenty of niacin flush was experienced on different dosages of niacin itself [incombination with the flanking vitamins and minerals], indicate that the inclusion ofniacinamide in the B complex had little if any effect upon the flush that resulted fromthe additional dosages of niacin taken. However, where a B-complex tablet can befound that includes niacin rather than niacinamide, that would be the preferable tabletto use. It is also possible to have a B-complex tablet especially made up that includesactual niacin, INSTEAD OF niacinamide, in amounts equal to the Bl and B6 amounts,particularly if one is ordering it in fairly large amounts. Note: Where a B-complextablet that includes niacin is used, this adds that much more to the daily niacin intakeand this must be taken into consideration when increasing niacin and B-complexdosages.) Mineral Tablet: The multi-mineral tablet used contains the following mineral amountsper each 9 tablets. In other words, one tablet would provide only l/g of the followingmineral amounts: 2 mg copper45 mg potassium (protein complex).225 mg iodine (kelp).
In the tablet used, the minerals, except the potassium and the iodine, are “chelated”* (bonded with) super amino acids* in a base of selenium, yeast, DNA,RNA, ginseng, alfalfa leaf flour, parsley, watercress and cabbage.
*chelation: is taken from a Greek word meaning “claw.” It is a process by which minerals are held, as
if by a claw, by amino acids. This bonding of a mineral with an amino acid exists in nature as a
necessary step for the mineral to be absorbed and used by the body. Thus, with this step already
provided, the mineral is more easily absorbed and used.
*amino acids: to define them very simply, are basic organic compounds which are essential to the
body’s breakdown and absorption of foods.
In the original Purification Rundown research, multi-mineral dosages were started at 1 to 2 tablets daily. Then, as the niacin and other vitamins were increased inproportion to each other, the mineral dosages were increased accordingly inincrements of 2 to 3 tablets, 4 to 5 tablets and 5 to 6 tablets.
The tables below provide the most current research data on approximately how the vitamins and minerals have been increased, in ratio, when the niacin was increasedas the person progressed on the rundown.
The dosages in these tables show the variations of individual tolerances encountered and the ranges of increase which have proven most effective in themajority of cases.
This table shows proportionate vitamin increases at various stages of the MINERAL TABLE
The following table shows the approximate mineral amounts which appear to give best results at the various stages of vitamin increase.
(All figures in milligrams except those for Cal-Mag) (Note: The number of mineral tablets to be taken would depend upon the strength ofthe particular tablet used. The importance is that one gets the necessary amounts ofthe minerals. It has been found that large tablets may not be as easily broken downand absorbed into the body as smaller tablets may be. Thus, one might not get thesame amount of minerals from a large tablet as from several smaller tablets eventhough the large tablet might contain the same amount of minerals.) HOW TO READ THE TABLES
As a clarification, first of all, the figures on these tables designating points of increase (stages l, 2, 3, 4 and 5) do NOT refer to the first, second, third, fourth andfifth days of the rundown. They refer to approximate “stages” of vitamin and mineralincrease (in relation to the niacin increase) that an individual goes through on therundown.
On the vitamin table, under stage 1, the first figure given for each vitamin shows the usual starting dosage of that vitamin used for most individuals. The range thenshown under stage l indicates how these starting dosages may be increased within afew days or within a week or so, depending upon the niacin reaction the person isexperiencing.
On the mineral table. under stage 1, the first column of figures (reading downward) gives the usual starting mineral dosages for most individuals. The rangeunder stage 1 shows the possible rate of mineral increase during this first phase of therundown.
The same applies to the increments shown at stages 2, 3, 4 and 5 on both tables.
Person A starts the rundown on 100 mg of niacin plus the other beginning increments of vitamins, per the vitamin table. His beginning increments of minerals,per the mineral table, are approximately: calcium 500 mg; magnesium 250 mg; iron18 mg; zinc 15 mg; manganese 4 mg; copper 2 mg; potassium 45 mg and iodine .225mg.
He continues with these daily dosages until the niacin effects have diminished— in his case this occurs on, let us say, the third day of the rundown. At that point hisniacin dosage is increased to 200 mg daily, with the other daily vitamins and mineralsincreased proportionately, and he continues on those dosages until the niacin effectshave diminished. Progressing in this way, by the seventh day of the rundown hisvitamin and mineral dosages have been increased up to the levels given in stage 2 ofthe tables. After the ninth day, his vitamins and minerals may have been increased allthe way up to stage 3 as shown on the tables. And he continues in this way all the wayup through the levels of dosages at stage 5.
This varies from one individual to the next.
Person B, for example, starts on 100 mg of niacin and the accompanying vitamin and mineral dosages, and may then require a week or more to work up to thelevels of vitamin and mineral dosages shown at stage 2. He may then move rapidlythrough stage 2, take another week to move through stage 3 and actually complete therundown at some point on stage 4.
There is no rote pattern to be followed. It is totally a matter of standardly applying the data given as to when the niacin should be increased. (Ref: HCOB 6 Feb.
78RB, Rev. 21.4.83, Purif RD Series 1, THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWNREPLACES THE SWEAT PROGRAM) That is the factor that may vary widely fromone individual to the next.
The tables above, however, show the guidelines which were followed, per the most recent research, for increasing the vitamin and mineral incrementsproportionately at the times the niacin was increased.
It should be stressed here that individual tolerances were and always must be taken into consideration in each case. Quantities of vitamin C especially would needto be carefully increased according to the person’s tolerance of it, as too much vitaminC can result in stomach upsets or diarrhea for some people.
Additionally, vitamins and minerals should NOT be taken on an empty stomach, as they could cause stomach burn. They should be taken after meals or, if takenbetween meals, with yogurt.
Most multiple mineral formulas include the major mineral elements required by the body but not all of the trace minerals.
“Trace” minerals are those minerals which have been found essential to maintaining life, even though they are found in the body in very small—i.e., “trace”—amounts.
The main trace minerals currently include cobalt, copper, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, selenium and chromium. Tin was also added as an essential tracemineral as late as 1970.
Nutritional researchists are the first to admit that the work in this field is very far from complete, and there will undoubtedly be other trace minerals added to the list assuch research is continued.
Currently, also, there are fairly wide differences of opinion among nutritionists as to the minimum daily requirements of the various minerals and especially the traceminerals.
Minerals are found in a wide variety of foods. Natural foods, undamaged by processing, are the best sources of minerals as they exist in unprocessed foods in thecombinations in which they are most effective. But minerals can also be lacking infoods grown in mineral-depleted soil. Additionally, of course, there is no one foodthat supplies them all.
Therefore, it may be necessary to use more than one type of multi-mineral tablet to ensure one is getting all of the minerals, including the trace minerals, that arerequired by the body.
Note: These vitamin and mineral tables do not include any additional vitamins or minerals which might be needed in cases of specific deficiencies an individualmight have. Any such particular deficiency would need to be determined by a medicaldoctor and remedied with the additional vitamin or mineral dosages recommended.
Four of the more informative books on the subject of nutritional vitamins and minerals are the following by Adelle Davis: Let’s Get Well, Let’s Eat Right to KeepFit, Let’s Cook It Right and Let’s Have Healthy Children. The additional research data released in this issue is not to be construed as a recommendation of medical treatment or medication. It is given here as a record offood supplements in the form of nutritional vitamins and minerals which appeared tobe effective in the piloting and development of the Purification Rundown.
Compilation assisted byLRH Technical Researchand Compilations


Genetic risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis differ in caucasian and korean populations

Vol. 60, No. 2, February 2009, pp 364–371© 2009, American College of RheumatologyGenetic Risk Factors for Rheumatoid ArthritisDiffer in Caucasian and Korean PopulationsHye-Soon Lee,1 Benjamin D. Korman,2 Julie M. Le,2 Daniel L. Kastner,2 Elaine F. Remmers,2 Objective. Recent studies have identified a num- in Caucasian patients with RA contributed significantly ber of novel rheuma

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