Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II - United Kingdom (UK)
Rust-Oleum Netherlands BV, PO. Box 138, NL-4700 AC Roosendaal, The NetherlandsNV Martin Mathys, Kolenbergstraat 23, B-3545 Zelem, Belgium
: Rust-Oleum: +31(0)165-593636; Fax +31(0)165-593600
Martin Mathys: +32(0)13-460200; Fax +32(0)13-460201
: Base for 2-component paint. Floorcoating.
2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONThe product is classified as dangerous according to Directive 1999/45/EC and its amendments.
: May cause sensitization by skin contact.
: Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic
3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSSubstances presenting a health or environmental hazard within the meaning of the Dangerous Substances Directive 67/548/EEC.
methyl 1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl sebacate
See Section 16 for the full text of the R-phrases declaredabove.
There are no additional ingredients present which, within the current knowledge of the supplier and in theconcentrations applicable, are classified as hazardous to health or the environment and hence require reporting in thissection.
[1] Substance classified with a health or environmental hazard
[2] Substance with a workplace exposure limit
Occupational exposure limits, if available, are listed in Section 8.
: In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Never give anything
by mouth to an unconscious person. If unconscious, place in recovery position and seekmedical advice.
: Remove to fresh air. Keep person warm and at rest. If not breathing, if breathing is irregular or
if respiratory arrest occurs, provide artificial respiration or oxygen by trained personnel.
: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water or use
recognized skin cleanser. Do NOT use solvents or thinners.
: Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately flush eyes with running water for at
least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids open. Seek immediate medical attention.
: If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. Keep person
warm and at rest. Do not induce vomiting.
5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESExtinguishing media
: Recommended: alcohol-resistant foam, CO2, powders, water spray.
: Fire will produce dense black smoke. Exposure to decomposition products may cause a health
hazard. Appropriate breathing apparatus may be required. Cool closed containers exposed to fire with water. Do not release runoff from fire to drains orwatercourses.
: Decomposition products may include the following materials:
carbon dioxidecarbon monoxidenitrogen oxidessulfur oxidesmetal oxide/oxides
: Exclude sources of ignition and ventilate the area. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Refer to
protective measures listed in sections 7 and 8.
: Contain and collect spillage with non-combustible, absorbent material e.g. sand, earth,
vermiculite or diatomaceous earth and place in container for disposal according to localregulations (see section 13). Preferably clean with a detergent. Avoid using solvents.
Note: see section 8 for personal protective equipment and section 13 for waste disposal.
: Prevent the creation of flammable or explosive concentrations of vapors in air and avoid vapor
concentrations higher than the occupational exposure limits. In addition, the product should only be used in areas from which all naked lights and othersources of ignition have been excluded. Electrical equipment should be protected to theappropriate standard. To dissipate static electricity during transfer, ground drum and connect to receiving containerwith bonding strap. Operators should wear antistatic footwear and clothing and floors shouldbe of the conducting type. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. No sparking tools should be used. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid the inhalation of dust, particulates, spray or mistarising from the application of this preparation. Avoid inhalation of dust from sanding. Eating, drinking and smoking should be prohibited in areas where this material is handled,stored and processed. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8). Never use pressure to empty. Container is not a pressure vessel. Always keep in containers made from the same material as the original one. Comply with the health and safety at work laws. Information on fire and explosion protectionVapors are heavier than air and may spread along floors. Vapors may form explosive mixtureswith air.
: Store in accordance with local regulations.
Notes on joint storageKeep away from: oxidizing agents, strong alkalis, strong acids. Additional information on storage conditionsObserve label precautions. Store in a dry, cool and well-ventilated area. Keep away from heatand direct sunlight. Keep away from sources of ignition. No smoking. Prevent unauthorizedaccess. Containers that have been opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright toprevent leakage.
: Provide adequate ventilation. Where reasonably practicable, this should be achieved by the
use of local exhaust ventilation and good general extraction. If these are not sufficient tomaintain concentrations of particulates and solvent vapors below the OEL, suitable respiratoryprotection must be worn.
EH40/2005 WELs (United Kingdom (UK), 10/2007). TWA: 125 mg/m³, (trimethylbenzene (25 ppm)) 8 hour(s).
: No special ventilation requirements. Good general ventilation should be sufficient to control
worker exposure to airborne contaminants. If this product contains ingredients with exposurelimits, use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keepworker exposure below any recommended or statutory limits.
: Wash hands, forearms and face thoroughly after handling chemical products, before eating,
smoking and using the lavatory and at the end of the working period. Appropriate techniquesshould be used to remove potentially contaminated clothing. Contaminated work clothingshould not be allowed out of the workplace. Wash contaminated clothing before reusing. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are close to the workstation location.
: Use a properly fitted, air-purifying or air-fed respirator complying with an approved standard if a
risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Respirator selection must be based on known oranticipated exposure levels, the hazards of the product and the safe working limits of theselected respirator.
: Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be worn at
all times when handling chemical products if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Barrier creams may help to protect the exposed areas of the skin but should not be applied once exposure has occurred. The user must check that the final choice of type of glove selected for handling this product is the most appropriate andtakes into account the particular conditions of use, as included in the user's risk assessment.
: Safety eyewear complying with an approved standard should be used when a risk assessment
indicates this is necessary to avoid exposure to liquid splashes, mists or dusts.
: Personal protective equipment for the body should be selected based on the task being
performed and the risks involved and should be approved by a specialist before handling thisproduct.
: Emissions from ventilation or work process equipment should be checked to ensure they
comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. In some cases, fumescrubbers, filters or engineering modifications to the process equipment will be necessary toreduce emissions to acceptable levels.
10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStable under recommended storage and handling conditions (see section 7).
Hazardous decomposition products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, smoke, oxides of nitrogen.
Keep away from the following materials to prevent strong exothermic reactions: oxidizing agents, strong alkalis, strong acids.
11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONThere are no data available on the preparation itself. The preparation has been assessed following the conventional method of theDangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC and classified for toxicological hazards accordingly. See sections 3 and 15 for details.
Exposure to component solvent vapor concentrations in excess of the stated occupational exposure limit may result in adverse healtheffects such as mucous membrane and respiratory system irritation and adverse effects on the kidneys, liver and central nervoussystem. Symptoms and signs include headache, dizziness, fatigue, muscular weakness, drowsiness and, in extreme cases, loss ofconsciousness. Solvents may cause some of the above effects by absorption through the skin. Repeated or prolonged contact with the preparationmay cause removal of natural fat from the skin, resulting in non-allergic contact dermatitis and absorption through the skin. If splashed in the eyes, the liquid may cause irritation and reversible damage. Ingestion may cause nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. This takes into account, where known, delayed and immediate effects and also chronic effects of components from short-term andlong-term exposure by oral, inhalation and dermal routes of exposure and eye contact.
Contains bis(4-(1,2-bis(ethoxycarbonyl)ethylamino)-3-methylcyclohexyl)methane, tetraethylN,N’-(methylenedicyclohexane-4,1-diyl)bis-dl-aspartate, bis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl) sebacate, methyl 1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl sebacate, Pine, ext. Mayproduce an allergic reaction.
methyl 1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl sebacate
methyl 1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl sebacate
12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONThere are no data available on the preparation itself. Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses.
The preparation has been assessed following the conventional method of the Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC andis classified for eco-toxicological properties accordingly. See sections 2 and 15 for details.
Fish - Rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss)
Fish - Eastern mudminnow - Umbra pygmaea - 3 to 5 cm
Fish - Fathead minnow - Pimephales promelas
Fish - Rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss)
Fish - Bluegill sunfish (lepomis macrochirus)
Fish - Rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss)
Fish - Bluegill sunfish (lepomis macrochirus)
Daphnia - Water flea - Daphnia magna - <24 hours
Fish - Bluegill - Lepomis macrochirus - Juvenile (Fledgling,
Fish - Rainbow trout,donaldson trout - Oncorhynchus mykiss -
Juvenile (Fledgling, Hatchling, Weanling)
12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcological information
methyl 1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl sebacate
diyl)bis-dl-aspartatehydrocarbons, aromatic, C9
methyl 1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidyl sebacate
13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDo not allow to enter drains or watercourses. Dispose of according to all federal, state and local applicable regulations.
: The European Waste Catalogue classification of this product, when disposed of as waste, is:
08 01 11* waste paint and varnish containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances. If this product is mixed with other wastes, this code may no longer apply. If mixed with otherwastes, the appropriate code should be assigned. For further information, contact your localwaste authority.
14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONTransport within user’s premises: always transport in closed containers that are upright and secure. Ensure that personstransporting the product know what to do in the event of an accident or spillage.
: The product is classified and labelled for supply in accordance with the Directive 1999/45/EC
: R43- May cause sensitization by skin contact.
R52/53- Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquaticenvironment.
S37- Wear suitable gloves. S61- Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/safety data sheet.
: bis(4-(1,2-bis(ethoxycarbonyl)ethylamino)-3-methylcyclohexyl)methane
: IIA/j. Two-pack reactive performance coatings for specific end use such as floors. EU limit
values: 550g/l (2007) 500g/l (2010.)This product contains a maximum of 72 g/l VOC.
: The information contained in this safety data sheet does not constitute the user’s own
assessment of workplace risks, as required by other health and safety legislation. Theprovisions of the national health and safety at work regulations apply to the use of this productat work.
R65- Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed. R37- Irritating to respiratory system. R38- Irritating to skin. R36/38- Irritating to eyes and skin. R43- May cause sensitization by skin contact. R66- Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. R67- Vapors may cause drowsiness and dizziness. R50/53- Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquaticenvironment. R51/53- Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquaticenvironment. R52/53- Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquaticenvironment.
The information in this Safety Data Sheet is required pursuant to EU Directive 91/155/EEC and its amendments.
Indicates information that has changed from previously issued version.
The information in this SDS is based on the present state of our knowledge and on current laws. The product is not to be usedfor purposes other than those specified under section 1 without first obtaining written handling instructions. It is always theresponsibility of the user to take all necessary steps to fulfill the demands set out in the local rules and legislation. Theinformation in this SDS is meant to be a description of the safety requirements for our product. It is not to be considered aguarantee of the product's properties. Copyright by Rust-Oleum Netherlands B.V. / Martin Mathys B.V.
Ejercicio 1: Después de escuchar la grabación, conteste a las preguntas siguientes: a) ¿A cuántas pruebas deben someterse los aspirantes al puesto? b) ¿ Cuándo va a ser el reconocimiento médico? c) ¿Cuál es la primera prueba que debe realizar una candidata que se llama Mari Carmen Gil? Ejercicio 2: Ponga en los huecos una sola palabra requerida por el sentido, una de las palabras de a
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