Microsoft word - annual rho chi chapter report_2010_rev

Annual Chapter Report Outline
Please complete your Annual Chapter Report and submit to the National Office via
e-mail ([email protected]) by May 15.
Date of report submission: May 15, 2011

Name of School/College: Howard University
Chapter name and region: Beta Sigma, Region II (East Coast).

Delegate who attended the Rho Chi Annual Meeting: Ronald Scott (President)

Past year’s officers and e-mail addresses:
2010-2011 Officers: President:
Vice President:
Jasmine Carpenter [email protected]
New officers and e-mail addresses for next academic year:
2011-2012 Officers: President:
Vice President:
Samantha McCullough [email protected] Treasurer:
Chapter advisor’s name and e-mail address: Chapter Advisor:

The Beta Sigma Chapter of The Rho Chi Honor Society is located within the Nation’s capital in Washington, DC. The chapter was established as the 66th chapter of the Honor Society on May 27, 1960 with a chartering class of six students and five faculty members. Currently, the chapter has 36 Pharm.D. degree student members and 21 faculty members. Thirteen of these student members will be a part of the 2011 graduating class. The Rho Chi Society
National Office Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (919) 843-9001
Fax: (919) 962-0644
The Rho Chi Society
Annual Chapter Report
Meeting Date and
Action Steps
Members: 12
- Prilosec training and community service 11/17/2010
Members: 12
Clothing to be donated to From Streetz to Skillz Social Services of DC 02/01/2010
- Eligible students voted on – 11 candidates Members: 12
Members: 12
Members: 23
- Tutor assignments - Pharmaceutics - Pharm Chemistry and Therapeutics - Faculty ticket sales - Inductee dues collections and ticket sales - Inductee biosketch 04/12/2011
Members: 23
- 2011-2012 Executive Officers - Outgoing officer reports to be completed Members: 16
The Rho Chi Society
National Office Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (919) 843-9001
Fax: (919) 962-0644
The Rho Chi Society
Annual Chapter Report
Strategic Planning
The main focus of the year was to take the chapter, which had been relatively dormant in the past few years and reactivate it through activities through several disciplines. The goals for the year were set on three premises: Professional development, community outreach and recreational involvement. The aim of professional development is to foster intellectual development of the members, other students and prospective applicants to the profession of pharmacy. Community outreach was the second, which would develop the members on a holistic level, elevating them beyond simply academic involvement. The final goal is recreational involvement, stressing the importance of an occasional momentary escape from the rigors of the curriculum while still enforcing the academic importance. Each of the above are further discussed through the chapter activities.

New Activity: On Campus Book Registry

This year, the Rho Chi Society, Beta Sigma Chapter got off to a quick start with the opening of a book registry for the school of pharmacy. Upperclassmen were
allowed to list their books for sale at much more reasonable prices than those available
through the bookstore and even online with the convenience of being able to meet face
to face. Many first year students took advantage of this opportunity to obtain the books
needed for their first semester here at Howard University as well as meet some
welcome faces of those who came before them.
New Activity: Introducing Rho Chi to a New Pharmacy Program

Also occurring before school started, Rho Chi was represented at a student organization day at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore on August 10, 2010. The
current class is the School of Pharmacy’s inaugural class and as such, the school of
pharmacy does not have any student organizations present. The student leaders from
the Howard University School of Pharmacy traveled to the Eastern Shore campus in
Princess Anne, MD to present information about their organizations to the new students.
Rho Chi was represented, although the school will not be eligible to open a chapter until
it is fully accredited, to instill the importance of strong academics so that upon
graduation, they would be eligible to apply to open a chapter.

Ongoing Activity: AIDS Walk DC

The chapter participated in the AIDS Walk of DC on October 2, 2010. Six members participated in the 5km walk or run which would provide funding to the Whitman-Walker Clinic of Washington DC. Close to $800,000 was raised that day by over 10,000 participants. The members of Rho Chi present were joined by several other members of the school of pharmacy. Rho Chi member Benjamin Guerra was the first to finish from the school of pharmacy with a time just over 24 minutes. The Rho Chi Society
National Office Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (919) 843-9001
Fax: (919) 962-0644
The Rho Chi Society
Annual Chapter Report
New Activity: Heartburn Awareness Drive

Professional development projects being implemented this year which will be made available to the school of pharmacy as a whole, not just the members of Rho Chi.
The fall semester project was a project in expanding our education in heartburn
treatments that are available over-the-counter. A representative from Proctor & Gamble
came to the school of pharmacy to host a short seminar on the correct use of Prilosec
as an over the counter treatment for heartburn and other gastric diseases. Additionally,
she taught the importance of treatment as a method to prevent development of
duodenal cancer and important counseling points on the medication. Students who
were in attendance then took the knowledge gained from the informational session into
the community to increase awareness of the gravity of the disease if left untreated and
the proper use of over-the-counter acid reducers. On October 9, 2010 and November
16, 2010, members of the Rho Chi Society, along with other pharmacy students present
for the educational session, set up a heartburn awareness table at the Chinatown Metro
station in Washington, DC. This station services approximately 4500 riders and the
students spoke to easily over 200 people on each day. The students distributed
heartburn education brochures, along with Prilosec samples and coupons provided by
Proctor & Gamble.

New Activity: Undergraduate Pre-Pharmacy Outreach Project

The members of the Beta Sigma Chapter also answered the call to assist in the development of those who are going to follow their path. The first project of student
development was an outreach to the pre-pharmacy club on campus. Rho Chi began a
one-on-one mentoring program with the members of the pre-pharmacy club. The
primary goal of the program is to prepare the undergraduate students for the application
and matriculation process into the pharmacy program. By reaching out to the students
at an early time, they would be better suited candidates for admission into the school of
pharmacy. Additionally, the process of applications is an often daunting and
discouraging task in itself and, having a mentor to guide them through would only
encourage the students to complete their applications early and have them peer-
reviewed prior to admission. Also, a short lecture series was designed for the
undergraduate students which would stress the importance of certain concepts in
pharmacy math, physiology and chemistry. This is done in hopes of establishing the
need for a deep understanding of these concepts to excel.

New Activity: Peer Tutoring

A tutorial program was also established to assist students of the pharmacy school who were either struggling with their classes or simply sought a deeper understanding of the material. The members who volunteered time as a tutor met with the faculty in order to identify core concepts necessary for understanding the topics. These concepts were then communicated to the students through first a structured lecture in a group setting to be followed up with additional individual tutoring sessions. Over forty first and second year pharmacy students participated and benefitted from the program. The Rho Chi Society
National Office Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (919) 843-9001
Fax: (919) 962-0644
The Rho Chi Society
Annual Chapter Report

New Activity: Winter Clothing and Blanket Drive

The community outreach project for the semester was a clothing and blanket drive to provide warmth and food to those in need, especially in the cold of DC. Instead of attempting to collect clothing from students within the school, who already do not have much to spare as it, members of the Rho Chi society contacted several dry cleaner services in the area for donations of unclaimed jackets and blankets. The largest donation came from Clothes Call Cleaning Services of Crofton, MD. Overall, close to 100 jackets and 45 blankets were collected. The donation was delivered to the From Streetz to Skills Social Services, which operates out of Trinity Church in Washington, DC on December 3, 2010. This was just days before a cold spell hit this city with temperatures reaching below 20oF. The organization specializes in activity programs for teens and care for women and children in need. They also provide services to men and women who seek to return to the work force by providing clean clothing. Below is the text of the thank you letter from the organization. Dear Ronald & the Howard U. Pharmacy Students, Words cannot express our thanks to you all, for such an outstanding, One Warm Coat drive this is one of the best ones we have ever had, last year some High School Students had a drive, too I would say you two groups were the best in my four years of the coat collection drives. The ONE WARM COAT/ONE WARM HEART COAT DRIVE cannot thank you enough for the excellent condition, that the coats and the blankets were in. Everyone on your team is to be commended for all of their hard work. I hope the Howard University School of Pharmacy is proud of your community work, because your donation will keep many people warm this winter. Bless you all, please keep in touch, I work with inner-city youth in South East, at a Youth Center they need so much help over there especially mentoring. Peace, Blessings, and a very Happy Holiday. Ella McCall Haygan-Social Worker/MSW

New Activity: While Others May Eat Basket Donation
With the holidays approaching, the student chapter of ASHP sponsored a food drive. Funds were collected and baskets were assembled for families in need. Baskets would contain a full holiday meal including sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes with gravy, beans and beverages. With each basket donated, the SOME organization would include a roasted chicken. The Rho Chi society raised money to sponsor a basket donation. Ongoing Activity: NBC4 Washington, DC Health Fair

The 2011 year started off quickly in the area of community outreach with a number of third and fourth year members attending and assisting at the NBC4 Health fair at the Washington Convention Center on January 15, 2011. The members in attendance were broken up between two separate booths where they received training The Rho Chi Society
National Office Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (919) 843-9001
Fax: (919) 962-0644
The Rho Chi Society
Annual Chapter Report
in both areas. The first was the Sickle Cell Fingerstick and Trait Screening booth run by
the Howard University Hospital. Students were trained in administering the test and
counseling points to cover with a patient after the test, for both positive and negative
patients. The second opportunity taken by the members was an HIV Information booth
also run by the Howard University Hospital. The main focus of the booth was the
education of patients to alleviate the stigma associated with HIV and AIDS, specifically
in children who contracted HIV by vertical transmission at birth. Educational media
such as handouts or booklets were used to bring in visitors while a majority of the
information was communicated verbally by the students once contact was made.
Ongoing Activity: Annual Rho Chi Spelling Bee

Also hosted by Rho Chi were two annual recreational events. The first was the Annual Rho Chi Spelling Bee. Twenty contestants entered the spelling
bee on Friday, February 25, 2011. They were asked to spell the generic names
of drugs in front of a large crowd of spectators. The event was judged by faculty
members Dr. Anthony Wutoh and Dr. Frederic Lomardo. The event lasted 9
rounds leaving only one contestant standing. This year, the winner was second
year, Richmond Muraguri, Rho Chi Inductee at the time. Richmond also won in
the Spelling Bee of 2010, making him a two-time champion. Second place was
awarded to Samantha McCullough and third place was awarded to Michelle
Ongoing Activity: Rho Chi Olympics
The second annual event is the Rho Chi Olympics. This is an opportunity for the students of the pharmacy school to come together in the recreation hall and decompress prior to finals. The Olympics this year were held on April 27, 2011. The winner of the bowling tournament was the chapter Vice President, Kellee James. She scored a total of 162 points. Second place was awarded to third year Ammanuel Nigusse with a score of 131 points and third place was awarded to Ronald Scott with a score of 129. The ping-pong tournament was dominated by Chibuzor Okoro. The winner of the pool tournament was Claude Manjo. New Activity: Classroom Cleanup

The final event of the year was one which would serve our direct community within the School of Pharmacy. During the year, due to a lack of staffing, the auxiliary pharmacy school classroom located in the school of medicine went without a cleaning staff. The use throughout the year took its toll on the room. On May 1st, the members, with supplies donated by the Office of the Dean, gave the room a thorough cleaning at the end of the last class held for the year. The walls, floor and seats were cleaned and all desks which had worked themselves loose during the last few years were tightened. The room was given a refreshing feel. The Rho Chi Society
National Office Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (919) 843-9001
Fax: (919) 962-0644
The Rho Chi Society
Annual Chapter Report
Financial/ Budgeting:

The financial budget was established based on the budget of the previous year. The major source of funding has been through collection of dues from faculty and
student members but also some funding is made available through the Office of Student
Activities on campus. Unfortunately, as the year ended, it became apparent that the
funding promised this year through the office of student activities would actually not be
paid out this year due to university-wide budget gaps so that accounts for a gap in the
budget. Some funding also comes through donations made by alumni. The major
financial costs to the chapter are the initiation banquet, sponsorship of a delegate to the
annual conference and recreational events.
Initiation Function:
Initiation of new members into the Beta Sigma Chapter took place on April 1st, 2011 at 6pm in the Faculty Restaurant of the Armour J. Blackburn University Center of
Howard University. Eleven new members were inducted and initiated into the
organization. The banquet ceremony was attended by both faculty and student
members of the chapter were present as well as the parents and guests of the initiates.
The ceremony included a speech delivered by keynote speaker Dr. Wallene Bullard,
Howard University School of Pharmacy Alumni and current president of the Alumni
Looking back at the year in activities of the chapter as a whole and the development of the chapter members is definitely a positive feeling. Coming into this year, the role of Rho Chi in the School of Pharmacy was not a significantly large role outside of being the intellectual leaders. The activities of the year were extremely effective in providing direct opportunities to students who had previously not participated in many extracurricular activities. These activities gave provision or both professional development through training programs but also personal development in professional interactions with people. These activities not only solidified knowledge learned through didactics but also enforced the knowledge by applying it to members of the community. Within the school of pharmacy, the tutoring program was a great success and acknowledged by both the faculty and the students. In classes where some students were in danger of failing, the tutorials served at the correct time to ensure that the class achieved a 100% pass rate. Further, through community service programs such as the warm clothing drive, our members were given the opportunity to step outside of the academic realm and develop social skills that would only be available through practice. Overall, the year has been successful in increasing greatly the number of members that participated in events as well as the sheer number of events. The greatest success, however, was the reestablishment of Rho Chi on campus as an active and positive organization to seek membership in. Prepared by: Barbara Matike, Rho Chi Beta Sigma Chapter Secretary, 2010-2011 Submitted by: Ronald Scott, Rho Chi Beta Sigma Chapter President, 2010-2011 The Rho Chi Society
National Office Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (919) 843-9001
Fax: (919) 962-0644
The Rho Chi Society
Annual Chapter Report

Most Improved Chapter Award
Some chapters have been relatively inactive in past years, but current students/advisors have made great strides to increase the activities/projects of their chapter. Therefore, Rho Chi has instituted a new designation for a chapter award – the “Most Improved Chapter Award.” If you would like to be considered for a “Most Improved Chapter Award,” please indicate your significant improvement(s) below. Name of School/College: Howard University, School of Pharmacy Chapter name and region: Beta Sigma Chapter, Region II (East Coast) Name of Chapter Advisor: Emmanuel O. Akala, RPh, PhD The Rho Chi Society
National Office Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (919) 843-9001
Fax: (919) 962-0644


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