Microsoft word - internet_info_stip_englisch_200907.doc


In March 1993, German Bishops and the Central Committee of German Catholics have
established „Renovabis“ as an „action for mutual solidarity of German Catholics with people in
Central and Eastern Europe”.
Name and intention of Renovabis
The name refers to the psalm 104,30: You send forth your spirit, they are created; and you renew
the face of the earth (‘Emitte spiritum tuum, et creabuntur, et renovabis faciem terrae’).The name
demonstrates the spiritual rootage of the action of the German Catholics and the experience of the
Universal Church: We will succeed in renewing ourselves in the spirit of God.
In this spirit, trusting in the power of God, Renovabis provides assistance in self-help to renew
church and society for pastoral as well as social tasks in Central and Eastern Europe.

Why does Renovabis grant scholarships for studies?
By granting a scholarship Renovabis sees one chance of many to provide assistance in self-help in the sense mentioned above for the people in Central and Eastern Europe by further education. Who can receive a scholarship?
• Scholarships for study or education can be granted to priests, aspirants of priesthood, religious, laywomen and laymen from Central and Eastern Europe, if a recommendation of the home bishop respectively of the superior general is on hand. In principle the linguistic requirements for the studies in the respective country must be complied. • Studies in mother countries are not granted. How about the integration in local church and mother country after study?
The study and education must be associated with the objectives of Renovabis as well as with the future occupation of the scholarship holder in his/her mother country. Renovabis demands a significant written statement from the home bishop respectively from the superior general about the future occupation of the scholarship holder. Are language courses supported?
Normally language courses are only supported, if the applicant needs the foreign language for the occupation in the homeland. Language courses in preparation for a study can as a general rule not be financed. In which case a foreign exchange scholarship is granted?
Foreign exchange scholarships can be granted, if in the home country does not exist suitable training opportunities or if the aim of the study is especially supported by abroad studies. Is cost sharing expected?
Any costs of the study cannot be covered by the scholarship. The amount of the scholarship is tended by Renovabis to specified rates, which conform to the cost of living in the respective country. Are travel costs accepted?
Travel costs are not accepted by Renovabis. How can double promotion be avoided?
In order to avoid double promotion otherwise requested facilities must always be declared. Who ignores this request is excluded from granting a scholarship. Does Renovabis arrange university places and residential accommodations?
The promotion by Renovabis is only financial. Counsels about places of study, university places, study paths, residential accommodations, questions about insurance and the like cannot be given. How to file an application?
For a request for a scholarship the application form is to use. Please send us the application with the demand documents in German or English by 31st March at latest by sending it through the post. How about granting and payment modalities?
As a result of the multitude of applicants the examination beginning with 1st April might take a
period of three months. The grant of a scholarship is effected from the following winter term
based on the indicated years of study on condition of the standard period of study.
The concurrent conclusion of the Project Agreement is connected. The granting documents are
normally sent to the home bishop. Then he is responsible to inform the scholarship holder about
the grant of the scholarship and to initiate the payment.
Financial means are paid out for each academic year. At the end of each academic year a personal
detailed report, certificates, a judgement by the supervising professor, a confirmation of enrolment
for the next academic year, a financial report which comprises the entire amount transferred as
well as original receipts about 50% of the transferred amount (especially study and rental fee) are
to be supported. Furthermore for priests or for aspirants of priesthood a judgement by the principal
of the college is necessary. After termination of study part, copies of the diploma and the thesis,
and information either about the new address and about the new occupation in the home diocese
are required in addition. All documents respectively the translation of them are needed in German,
English, or Italian.
May the grant be cancelled in certain cases?
If the scholarship holder does not keep the conditions of the Project Agreement, the amount paid out will be claimed back by Renovabis. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Bibliotekarstudentens nettleksikon om litteratur og medier Av Helge Ridderstrøm (førsteamanuensis ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus) (_sjanger, _sakprosa, _skjønnlitteratur) Svært personlige, intime selvbiografiske verk. En undersjanger av selvbiografien: En selvbiografisk tekst der forfatteren går inn for å fortelle det intime, uanstendige, ulovlige osv. – “fortelle alt !”

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