We describe two extensions of CLP( ), motivated by an application to model-
based diagnosis of active analog lters. The rst extension addresses the problem of
rounding errors in CLP( ). We represent eals with oating-point intervals which
are computed by outward rounding. The second extension increases the expressive-
ness of linear CLP( ). Constants in linear expressions can now be intervals, which
enables reasoning with imprecise model parameters (tolerances). Bounds (
) for individual variables are computed by the linear optimization via modi ed
Simplex. Both extensions are implemented in a CLP shell | an adaptation of SIC-
Stus Prolog, which allows for easy and fast developments and modi cations of CLP
1 IntroductionThe motivation for this work was the idea to use CLP( ) for the simulation and diagnosis
of analog circuits. First experiments Mozetic et al., 1991] showed that CLP( ) has some
advantages over classical simulation tools (like SPICE or Micro-CAP) since the same model
can be used for both, simulation and diagnosis. CLP( ) can locate potential soft faults, i.e.,
parameter values (resistors, capacitors) deviating from nominal values. Recently Novak
et al., 1993] this was combined with the design-for-test (DFT) methodology Soma, 1990]
in order to be able to distinguish between previously indistinguishable faults. The idea of
the DFT methodology is to introduce MOS switches into a circuit in order to increase its
Experiments with the simulation and diagnosis of analog circuits very soon revealed
the oating-point problems of CLP( ). A potential solution of using CLP( ) instead of
CLP( ) is not practical. In our particular experiments CLP( ) turned out to be 100 times
slower then CLP( ) and needed considerably more space. What we tried next, and what
we describe in this paper, is to extend CLP( ) by real intervals.
Real intervals were already incorporated in CLP languages, e.g., in BNR Prolog
Older and Vellino, 1990, Older and Vellino, 1992] and in ICLP( ) Lee and van Emden,
1992]. The main motivation there is the control of rounding errors, and the ability to
resolve nonlinear constraints. The mechanism for doing this is a new type of variables
called an interval. A variable is initialized to an interval which subsequently narrows as
more constraints on the variable are imposed. The constraint satisfaction mechanism for
narrowing is based on local constraint propagation. It is non-symbolic and resembles a
classical iterative numerical approximation technique.
In contrast, existing CLP( ) Ja ar and Michaylov, 1987] implementations are limited
to systems of linear (in)equations and use symbolic (in)equation solving techniques. Here,
variables which gure in inequalities can be interpreted as intervals. Their bounds (sup
and inf) are not explicit, but can be computed by the Simplex optimization.
We introduce an extension to CLP( ) where generalized constants can be used. A
generalized constant is an ordered pair of oating-point numbers, de ning the lower and
upper bound of an interval which contains the original constant. These intervals are not
narrowed during the computation | their ranges, however, have an e ect on the variables.
Originally ground variables might become just constrained (bound between sup and inf),
and originally constrained variables might get looser bounds. The motivation for having
The representation of eals by oating-point intervals in order to cure the rounding
problems. These generalized constants cannot be speci ed by the user | they are
introduced by the low level numerical evaluator as a result of outward rounding. The increased expressive power of linear CLP( ) by retaining the advantages of
symbolic techniques. In this case, the generalized constants are introduced by the
user in order to model parameter tolerances.
2 Outward roundingThe CLP shell Holzbaur, 1992] we are using for our experiments is an extension of SICStus
Prolog Carlsson and Widen, 1991]. Various CLP instances themselves are implemented in
Prolog and coded in a rather modular fashion. This coding discipline, together with the
relative ease of applying partial evaluation to declarative programs, makes it possible to
replace the numeric evaluator which works at the bottom of every CLP(
tion. In fact, our CLP( ) and CLP( ) implementations share 99% of the code. The only
di erence besides some special case analyses that stem from the nite precision of oating-
point numbers, is the numeric evaluator which computes with oating-point numbers in
the case of CLP( ), and with normalized rational numbers in the case of CLP( ).
We implemented an outward rounding evaluator which returns a pair of oating-point
numbers for each arithmetic expression involving (simple of generalized) constants. The
pair encloses the actual results of the computation as tight as possible within the space of
(hardware) representable oating-point numbers.
Although this evaluator is speci ed as a Prolog predicate, there is no call overhead
during the execution of the resulting system, because we unfold references to the evaluator
predicate. This is such a simple instance of partial evaluation, that we have no need for
the power of a general partial evaluator. This leads us to unfolding e ciency | which
is no issue after all because this process only takes place once when the CLP system is
3 Generalized constantsReplacing scalars, i.e., constants and coe cients in linear equations, by pairs of constants
denoting lower and upper bound, allows one to model additional properties of parameters
such as tolerances. This can be modelled directly in CLP( ). Take, for example, the
Assume that and are generalized constants with given bounds:
Each factor with a generalized coe cient can be replaced by a fresh variable and two
A generalized coe cient requires a case analysis (2 or 3). This can be executed directly by
CLP( ) (through backtracking), but the complexity is of course exponential in the number
We propose a two pass solution. In the rst pass, mean values of generalized constants
are taken, yielding ground or (in general) constrained solutions for the variables:
In the second pass, these mean solutions are used to resolve the cases (2 or 3), and looser
bounds on the original variables are computed. This two-pass technique is e ectively
realized by the freeze mechanism Carlsson and Widen, 1991], by delaying (2, 3) on X1
until it is su ciently constrained. The technique is sound but incomplete. In general, a
solution to the system of linear equations with generalized constants yields a set of bounds
(interpreted as intervals) for each variable. The proposed technique nds just one interval,
expanded around the ground solution, computed in the rst pass from the mean values.
The question arises: \Why shouldn't one use the low level outward rounding evaluator
to deal with all generalized constants (needed internallyand introduced by the user) ?" The
evaluator works under the assumption that terms submitted for evaluation are independent,
even when several represent the same constant. This is the well know `variable (constant)
identity' problem. As a consequence, the tightness of the computed bounds is suboptimal.
Therefore, to make these identities explicit, fresh variables with associated inequalities are
4 An exampleWe illustrate various interval handling techniques by a simple example of two resistors in a
series (Figure 1). Both resistors and given voltages have tolerances. The goal is to compute
the voltage and current ranges at the node between the resistors.
Figure 1: Two resistors with tolerances in a series.
The following CLP( ) program speci es the circuit:
of generalized constants, and is bound between lower and upper bounds of generalized
constants. The following code speci es the assignment of a generalized constant to a
variable, and the multiplication of a generalized constant by a variable:
The multiplicationof a generalized constant to a variable is delayed until is ground. This
reduces backtracking, but misses some solutions. The correct (but less e cient) de nition
of the bounds predicate should test the sign of instead of .
The rst query illustrates how the outward rounding is used to compute the mean
solution, i.e., and are computed from the mean values of generalized constants. Instead
of a single oating-point number, the result is a pair of oating-point numbers which
I = 0.00083333333333333328, 0.0008333333333333335],
V = 11.249999999999999, 11.250000000000002]
The same mechanism applied to the actual generalized constants (instead of their mean
values) yields a naive block, i.e., an interval in two dimensions. However, due to the `con-
stant identity' problem the block contains a considerable number of impossible solutions
I = ( 11,14] { 8,12])/( 1000,2000] + 1000,2000]),
I = {0.00050000000000000001, 0.0030000000000000001],
V = 4.9999999999999992, 15.000000000000002]
Figure 2: Interval ranges for the two resistors example.
If we consider the generalized constants then the actual solution polyhedron is deter-
mined by a set of inequalities. Through backtracking, CLP( ) returns two solutions,
It is convenient to represent the polyhedron by the smallest block which contains it. In
CLP( ) this can be done by computing inf and sup of each variable involved:
The proposed two pass technique (with mean values and freeze) computes in the rst
pass the mean solutions, and in the second pass the block around the mean solution (Fig-
0, in the missed block) is not computed, since there
5 DiscussionFrom the CLP( ) solver's point of view the proposed technique amounts to an additional
workload because of the two inequalities added for each constant or coe cient being gen-
eralized. While we are pleased with the additional modelling power of our system, we are
not satis ed with the overall performance. Our current explanation is the following.
We decide the satis ability of systems of inequalities by an incremental version of the
Simplex Dantzig, 1963] algorithm. The current version does not take advantage of special
properties of the submitted inequalities.
One such property is the dimension (= number of variables) of the inequalities. There
are variants of the Simplex algorithm which perform the costly basis transformations only
for equations in more than one variable, i.e., simple upper and lower bounds on variables
are treated specially (bounded variable linear programs Murty, 1976]). Note that this
restriction on the syntactical form of inequalities is local in the sense that it does not
restrict the number of variables in the other inequalities of a system. This is in contrast
to the global restrictions imposed by TVPI algorithms Cohen and Megiddo, 1991].
Special treatment of inequalities of low dimension also facilitates the detection of re-
dundant inequalities. For simple bounds this is an evaluable test, for inequalities in more
dimensions one can (sometimes)detect syntactic redundancy by sorting Lassez et al., 1989]
or hashing Pugh, 1991]. In general, however, one has to run linear optimization programs
Therefore we plan to incorporate specializations for inequalities of low dimension into
the decision algorithm for inequalities.
AcknowledgementsThe authors acknowledge the support of the Austrian "Fonds zur Forderung der wis-
senschaftlichen Forschung" under grant P9426-PHY. Austrian Research Institute for Arti-
cial Intelligence is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research.
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