PAGE 1 OF 7 DATE OF ISSUE 31TH JULY 2012 BARMAC PTY LTD 17 MACHINERY STREET. DARRA QLD 4076 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PHONE: (07) 3280 3000 EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS NUMBER: (07) 3280 3000 Classified as hazardous by Worksafe Australia Criteria IDENTIFICATION NAME: KILLMASTER ZERO PEST STRIP OTHER NAMES: Nil USE: Insecticide UN NUMBER: N/A HAZCHEM CODE: N/A DANGEROUS GOODS CLASS: N/A SUB CLASS: N/A POISONS SCHEDULE: 6 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION/PROPERTIES APPEARANCE: Yellow Plastic Strip. FLASHPOINT ( C): N/A BOILING POINT ( C): N/A FLAMMABILITY LIMITS (%): N/A VAPOUR PRESSURE ( SOLUBILITY IN WATER (g/L): N/A SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.26 INGREDIENTS CHEMICAL ENTITY PROPORTION PAGE 2 OF 7 DATE OF ISSUE 31TH JULY 2012 BARMAC PTY LTD 17 MACHINERY STREET. DARRA QLD 4076 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PHONE: (07) 3280 3000 EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS NUMBER: (07) 3280 3000 Classified as hazardous by Worksafe Australia Criteria HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION HEALTH EFFECTS SWALLOWED: Product is moderately toxic. Product is an organophosphate pesticide and cholinesterase inhibitor. EYES: Moderate eye irritant. SKIN: Short single exposure should not result in any significant skin irritation. INHALED: Inhalation of product for prolonged periods could cause significant irritation. CHRONIC: FIRST AID SWALLOWED: If swallowed induce vomiting immediately by giving two glasses of water and touching back of throat with finger. Never give anything to an unconscious person. Contact a physician immediately. EYES: If in eyes, hold eyes open and flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor. SKIN: Immediately flush affected area with large amounts of clean water for 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Wash clothing before reuse. If skin irritation develops contact a physician immediately. INHALED: Remove patient from contaminated area. If breathing has ceased, clear the victims
airway and start mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.
PAGE 3 OF 7 DATE OF ISSUE 31TH JULY 2012 BARMAC PTY LTD 17 MACHINERY STREET. DARRA QLD 4076 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PHONE: (07) 3280 3000 EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS NUMBER: (07) 3280 3000 Classified as hazardous by Worksafe Australia Criteria ADVICE TO DOCTOR: This product contains an Organophosphate (OP) Insecticides however it is the opinion of this manufacture that based on the formulation of this product organophosphate exposure is likely to be low. Therefore the examining Physician should exercise prudent judgement in determining the causation of the patients symptoms – taking care not to overlook multiple other etiologies of the patients symptoms. If it has been established that Organophosphate poisoning has occurred the following steps are recommended.
Establish airway and oxygenation. IV Atropine sulphate is the antidote of choice. Moderately severe poisoning: use 0.4-2.0 mg/kg in adults or 0.05 mg/kg in children. Repeat every 15 minutes until atropinization is achieved. Severe poisoning may require larger doses. Cholinergic toxicity may recur as atropinization wears off: monitor patients closely. Draw blood for RBC and plasma cholinesterase. In addition, Pralidoxime (2-PAM) is indicated during the first 36 hours of poisoning. Slow IV administration (no less than 2 minutes) of 1 g/kg in adults and 20-50 mg/kg in children may be repeated in 1-2 hours if muscle weakness, twitching and or respiratory depression persist. Avoid morphine, aminophylline, phenothiazine’s, reserpine, furosemide and ethacrynic acid.
Bathe and shampoo contaminated skin and hair. If ingested, empty stomach. If victim is alert give Ipecac syrup (2 tablespoons Adults, 1 tablespoon for small children) followed by water (2 glasses adults, 1 glass for children). If systems persists such as loss of gag reflex, convulsions or unconsciousness occur before emesis, gastric lavage should be considered following intubation with a small cuffed endotracheal tube.
Taciturno por Raphaël Enthoven, 5 de agosto de 2010 Dejemos a los cobardes justificarse; el coraje se impone por si mismo, sin calculo. Es un acto realizado, una sabiduría irreflexiva. Al principio es el coraje. Contrariamente a la cobardía que tiene siempre excelentes razones, el coraje es sin precedentes,