How To Use This Program Table of Contents: To begin, look at the Ta-
would only serve to confuse both parent and
ble of Contents. Note that this manual is di-
vided into five main sections. The first section
Each of the four subsequent sections of the
is the one you are reading now. It includes the
manual begins with an introduction. Always
Introduction, Questions & Answers About read the introduction to a new section before Teaching Reading, How To Use This Program
Phonogram Lessons: The Section II includes Instruction Schedule: The Instruction Sched-
twenty-five Phonogram Lessons (p. 25-90)
ule (pp. 13-24) guides the parent/teacher in a
that introduce the formation of letters and nu-
coordinated use of all materials. Each page of
the Instruction Schedule is divided into three
grams, vowels, consonants, and syllabication.
columns. The first column numbers the “days”
The yellow phonogram cards are used in con-
from 1-118. The term "day" is relative and
junction with these lessons. Each lesson is
should not to be interpreted as 118 consecutive
written out in great detail and is supported by
days. An average six-year-old child, working
the audiotape that provides examples of all the
at a consistent pace, should be able to com-
phonogram sounds. (About half of the mothers
plete all the material within a nine-month pe-
find this tape useful while the other half say
riod. However, it is always wise to remember
they really don’t need it.) Before presenting
that children differ in their rate of develop-
new phonograms, the parent may listen to the
ment, level of interest, and need for repetition.
audiotape and practice saying and writing the
For some children it may be necessary to di-
vide a single lesson into two or more parts,
while others will zip through two complete
Phonogram Dictation: The Section III gives
lessons at one sitting. In practical terms, this
fifteen sets of Phonogram Dictation Exercises
means that there will be a wide variation in the
(p. 91-109). These exercises begin after Les-
speed at which different children move son 4 and continue on a regular basis through-through the program. The key is to make an
out the remainder of the program. They serve
objective evaluation of your child's needs and
as a constant reminder and review of the forty-
five basic speech sounds and their written rep-
The second colnum of the Instruction Sched-
resentations. The Instruction Schedule spells
ule lists the Lesson number and concepts to be
covered that day. The third column describes
the preparation necessary for a particular Spelling Dictation: The Section IV offers lesson. The last column offers space to record
twenty exercises in Spelling Dictation (p. 110-
the child's progress. Without reference to the
146). In these exercises the child is introduced
Instruction Schedule, this program cannot be
to specialized spelling markings and spelling
used properly. Though the pace at which the
rules. For ready reference, the markings and
material is covered can easily be varied to
rules are summarized on the inside front and
meet individual circumstances, almost without
back covers of the manual. Each time the child
exception, one lesson builds on another. writes a spelling word he marks its special fea-Therefore, any variation in the sequencing
tures, e.g. long vowels, multi-letter phono-
grams and silent e’s, and repeats any applica-
ble spelling rule. This practice serves to draw
non-existent. Do not point out the errors or
repeated attention to the various patterns and
display difficulty in reading the child's work--
rules of spelling. When the child writes words
that would greatly dampen the fun. This activ-
or sentences outside the context of this pro-
ity is not a spelling test. Use the child's mis-
gram, the spelling markings are not used.
takes only as indicators of areas that require
Worksheets: The reproducible Worksheets coordinate with the Spelling Dictations to pro- Sentence Dictation: The Section V includes
vide additional repetition and reinforcement.
eighteen Sentence Dictation exercises (pp.
Their use is spelled out in the Instruction
147-161). These exercises offer practice in
capitalization, punctuation, vocabulary, oral
language expression, antonyms, homophones,
Command Cards: Beginning on Day 41 and
a review of all spelling rules encountered in
continuing through the next several days the
the spelling dictations, plus the introduction of
program suggests the use of Command Cards
(p. 162). Turn to that page now and read some
of the commands. They are nothing more than
Suggested Reading Material: Two different
simple sentences that direct the child to per-
products are suggested for use in conjunction
form some action. The vocabulary in these
with Sound Beginnings but any other reading
material of an appropriate level may be substi-
introduced thus far. Though not essential to
tuted. The Instruction Schedule indicates that
the program, the commands provide an inter-
Set One of the Primary Phonics Readers (from
esting means for the child to translate written
Educators’ Publishing Service) may be intro-
words into actions. For all children, but espe-
duced on Day 30 if the th phonogram is first
cially for boys, this is a helpful practice. I have
introduced. Set 2 may begin on day 41 and Set
used these commands with one child at a time,
3 on day 61. These readers offer ten separate
with a group of first-grade children, or with
booklets of sixteen pages each. The stories are
my own family of mixed ages. Most beginning
better than similar readers of this type, the il-
readers will not be able to silently read the
lustrations are inoffensive, the format is un-
commands and then perform the actions. They
cluttered and most public libraries have them
need to say the words out loud before compre-
on the shelf. They are also available for pur-
hension occurs. This is fine. Later in the year,
however, it would be good to return to the
Some children will be able to read an entire
commands and see if the same activity can be
16-page story in one sitting, while other chil-
accomplished silently. Another interesting dren will only be able to read two or three variation is to have the child (and any other
pages. Adjust your expectations to the child’s
friends or family members who wish to par-
ticipate) write his own commands. Children
Following Lesson 23 on Day 66 the Early
especially love to command their parents and
Reader’s Bible may be introduced. By this
siblings to do silly things. This can provide a
time, the child will have been introduced to all
strong motivation for an otherwise reluctant
but eight of the 71 basic phonograms. The
child to spend several minutes a day writing
reading level of these stories is higher than the
original sentences. A cautionary note is in or-
Primary Phonics Readers because a greater
der here. Because the child is at a beginning
array of phonograms is used in each story.
level, many of his words may be incorrectly
This requires the child to process successively
many more pieces of information. As a result, his reading speed may slow down considera-bly. This is to be expected. Reading fluency will improve with time and practice.
In spite of the many positive features of the
Early Reader's Bible, it does pose a few con- cerns that Catholic parents may wish to ad- dress. 1) Jesus is never said to be God. He is "God's Son" or "God's friend." 2) The story of the Last Supper twists the plain meaning of the text and therefore lacks a Catholic understand- ing. In it, Jesus does not command the apostles to, “Do this in memory of Me.” Instead, He makes a passive remark, “When you do this, I will be there with you.” 3) The three-letter word sin is never mentioned. In a book de- signed for first grade readers, this can only be a deliberate omission. 4) The Ten Command- ments are listed in the order Protestants know them, the First Commandment being divided into two and the last two commandments be- ing combined into one. Spelling List: Pages 163-176 offers a 2000- word spelling list. It includes all the words from the scripted lessons of Sound Beginnings plus another 1600 words that take the student through 12-grade level spelling. Spelling markings and syllable breaks are included. To the right of each word are numbers that desig- nate any spelling rules that apply to the word. The spelling rules are listed on the inside back cover of this manual. In addition to ordinary vocabulary words, the list contains words that should be part of every Catholic child’s read- ing, speaking and spelling vocabulary. Infor- mation on page 163 gives more information about how the spelling list may be used as both a teaching and a measuring tool to assess a child’s spelling ability.
Angela Bonanno, Antologia della malata felice – [email protected] edizione: dicembre 2011 – Printed in Italy In copertina: Jump , Berndt SjöstenStampa su carta ecologica proveniente da zone in silvicoltura, totalmente priva di cloro. Non contiene sbiancanti ottici, è acid free con riserva alcalina All’improvviso dal riso si fece il pianto dalle bocche
Karl Fischer Titration What is a Karl Fischer chemical reaction? I2 + 2H2 O+ SO2 -> 2HI + H2SO4 This reaction taking place in the presence of a base and a solvent. (a typical solvent could be methanol, and a base imidazole) How does the Karl Fischer determination work? A chemical reaction takes place between Iodine (I) and water (W) with the reactants being in a 1 to 1