Microsoft word - potentially inappropriate medications in the elderly 07_08.doc

Potentially Inappropriate Medications in the Elderly
Medications with Severity Rating of High1,2
Prescribing Concern2
Possible Alternatives
Amitriptyline (Elavil®)
• Has strong anticholinergic and sedating Consider an antidepressant agent with less sedation and Amitriptyline/ chlordiazepoxide
fewer anticholinergic effects (Pamelor® (g), Norpramin® (g), (Limbitrol®, Limbitrol DS®)
• Rarely the antidepressant of choice in elderly • Cause more side effects than most other Avoid use in the elderly, except when used to control Barbiturates (except phenobarbital)
sedative or hypnotic drugs in the elderly • These anti-anxiety agents have a long half-life in If a benzodiazepine is necessary, consider a smaller dose of Chlordiazepoxide (Librium®)
a short or intermediate-acting agent (Ativan® <3mg (g), Diazepam (Valium®)
• May cause prolonged sedation and increase the Serax® <60mg (g), Xanax® <2mg (g), Restoril® <15mg (g), • Has a prolonged half-life in the elderly • Can cause prolonged and serious hypoglycemia Consider a second generation sulfonylurea (Glucotrol® (g), Chlorpropamide (Diabinese®)
• May also cause syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) • Gastrointestinal antispasmodic agents are highly Dicyclomine (Bentyl®)
Hyosycamine (Levsin®, Levsinex®)
• Generally produce substantial toxic effects in the Avoid gastrointestinal antispasmodics in the elderly, Belladonna alkaloids (Donnatal®)
Clidinium-chlordiazepoxide (Librax®)
• Effectiveness at doses tolerated by the elderly is Use the smallest dose possible if the use of Benadryl® is Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®)
• The most potent negative inotrope of all the When appropriate, other antiarrhythmic drugs should be Disopyramide (Norpace®, Norpace CR®)
• May induce heart failure in the elderly • Has strong anticholinergic and sedating Consider an antidepressant with less sedation and fewer Doxepin (Sinequan®)
anticholinergic effects (Pamelor® (g), Norpramin® (g), • Rarely the antidepressant of choice in the elderly Celexa® (g), Lexapro®3). Medication
Prescribing Concern2
Possible Alternatives
Consider safer alternatives (Celexa (g)®, Lexapro®3, Fluoxetine (Prozac®) daily
• May produce excessive CNS stimulation, sleep • Has an extremely long half-life in the elderly If a benzodiazepine is necessary, consider a medium- or Flurazepam (Dalmane®)
short-acting benzodiazepine (Restoril® <15mg (g), Halcion® May cause prolonged sedation and increase the • Causes the most CNS adverse events of all the Indomethacin (Indocin®, Indocin SR®)
available nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents Avoid use in the elderly, safer alternatives exist. • May cause renal failure and/or hypertension • May cause confusion Meperidine (Demerol®)
• Not an effective oral analgesic in doses Avoid use in the elderly, morphine is the preferred agent. Meprobamate (Equanil®, Miltown®)
• If used for prolonged periods of time, the drug Methocarbamol (Robaxin®)
Chlorzoxazone (Parafon Forte DSC)

• Most muscle relaxants and antispasmodics are Orphenadrine (Norflex)
Avoid use of any skeletal muscle relaxants in the elderly. Carisoprodol (Soma®)
• Can cause anticholinergic adverse events, Metaxalone (Skelaxin®)
Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril®)
• May cause bradycardia and exacerbate Consider an alternative treatment for hypertension (a Methyldopa (Aldomet®, Aldoril®)
• Causes a higher incidence of confusion, Pentazocine (Talwin compound®,
Consider other moderate pain relievers (acetaminophen or hallucinations and other CNS side effects than Talacen®, Talwin NX®)
• Offers few analgesic advantages over Propoxyphene (Darvon®)
Consider other moderate pain relievers (acetaminophen or Propoxyphene/acetaminophen
• May cause prolonged sedation and increase the (Darvocet®)
Consider alternative antiplatelet agents (aspirin, or Plavix® if Ticlopidine (Ticlid®)
• Not much better than aspirin in clot prevention • Least effective of all antiemetic drugs Consider safer alternatives (Compazine® <10mg (g), Trimethobenzamide (Tigan®)
• Causes the most extrapyramidal side effects of 1 Potentially Inappropriate Medications in the Elderly- alternative medications. Approved by BCBSM/BCN Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee April 15, 2004. 3 BCN requires step therapy for use of Lexapro.


Summary of research on 'party pills' containing bzp

Drug Foundation summary of recent research on ‘party pills’ containing BZP February 2007 This paper summarises recent research findings on BZP/party pills, and outlines the current legislative status of BZP. It is being made available to assist organisations or people wanting to make submissions on the proposal to reclassify BZP and its analogues. Please note that these are the Drug Foundati


M. Votava · M. Krsˇiak · J. Podhorná · K.A. Miczek Alprazolam withdrawal and tolerance measured in the social conflict test in mice Abstract Rationale: It is difficult to assess withdrawal locomotion while aggression tended to be increased. from benzodiazepines, and preclinical assessment of be- Conclusions: Tolerance to the alprazolam effects on ag-haviour during social conflict

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