
How to Assess Your Personal Dietary Needs
• Check only one box in each of the four columns.
Step 1: Complete this Survey
• Set aside about 20 minutes when you will not be interrupted • Check the box that most closely applies to you the
or distracted to complete this survey.
• There are no right or wrong, good or bad answers, and Step 2: Use the Results and Recommendations Summary
you do not need to show your score to anyone else. To • Get a copy of the Dietary Needs Assessment Results & get the most accurate results, please make sure you are Recommendations from your Mannatech Associate or at as candid and honest as possible in your responses.
www.mannatech.com in the Products/Shop area.
Don’t “overthink” your answers.
• After you have totaled your score and learned your body type • Take as much time as you need and read all statements (S, Sx, P, Px or B), refer to the page in the Results &
carefully since they are carefully worded, and some may Recommendations brochure that explains typical traits for people in your group and your most nutritious meal choices.
• If none of the first three boxes in any row apply to you, Step 3: Get More Information
• Go to the Products/Shop area at www.mannatech.com and
• When you have finished, please follow the directions to access the Dietary Needs Assessment for more detailed nutritional guidelines for your body type and more information • Please consider completing this survey with a friend
that will help you achieve and maintain optimal health.
or loved one who knows you best. You’ll have fun
learning more about yourself and you’re sure to get
the most objective results.

like caffeine or somethingsimilar to give me enoughenergy to keep up the pace Ineed.
normal, but I often feel cold
and I may feel cold when
without regard to weight gainor health issues, I would oftenchoose salty snacks like chipsor popcorn.
These may be minor or major,chronic or periodic.
supplement my diet to keepup my endurance.
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It never takes me more than
sugar. Or I have occasional
between 1-5 pm unless I usecaffeine or something similarfor an energy boost.
to 30 minutes after eatingcarbohydrates—especiallyrefined carbohydrates.
I am never hungry between
I am sometimes hungry
up. Or I have frequent mood
before I feel satisfied or full. Or
there are certain foods that I
can’t seem to get enough of.
jittery, and I don’t need coffeeor tea in the morning.
alertness in the afternoonsunless I eat or drink somethingthat perks me up, such ascoffee, tea, cola, candy orpastry.
weight. And/or I have difficulty
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females in my family have awaistline that is not more than35 inches.
evenly distributed throughoutmy body.
always get hungry againwithin an hour.
I love to exercise. Or I just
it, but if I miss it, it doesn’tbreak my heart.
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and sometimes get angry, butabout the same as everyoneelse.
some people must live by thebook, but I can work in eitherenvironment.
comfortable with anoccasional surprise.
If you scored the highest
If you scored the highest
If you scored the highest
number in this column, you
number in this column, you
number in this column, you
are a Type S (sympathetic
are a Type P
are a Type B (balanced
with parasympathetic and
(parasympathetic with
sympathetic and
balanced influences).
sympathetic and balanced
parasympathetic influences).
If you checked 25 or more
If you checked 25 or more
Note: there are fewer choices
boxes in this column, you
boxes in this column, you
in the B column because we
are a Type Sx (extreme
are a Type Px (extreme
are not attempting to
ascertain two types.
Follow the diet
Follow the diet
Follow the diet
recommendation for your
recommendation for your
recommendation for your
body type and take
body type and take
body type and take
GlycoLEAN® Catalyst.
NOTE: It would be rare to find someone who represented 100% of the traits of one type—both physically and psychologically—because we are all genetically andbiochemically unique. Even within a family that has the same genetic parents, offspring has differently colored eyes, hair, skin and even blood types from one oftheir parents and their siblings. It is not unusual for someone to be one type physically and another type psychologically. With this in mind, this survey is designedonly to give you some basic direction in both diet selection and choosing your daily supplements.
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Source: http://www.omnihealth.biz/Dietary%20Needs%20Assessment%20Survey.pdf

Guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis.doc

Adopted by NZDA Board March 2003 CODE OF PRACTICE ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS FOR DENTAL TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PROSTHETIC JOINT REPLACEMENTS 1. INTRODUCTION Prosthetic replacement of large joints such as the hip, knee, elbow and shoulder is an increasingly common and highly successful orthopaedic surgical procedure. Haematogenous infection of a prosthetic joint replacement is a devas


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