
Laboratory for Medical Microbiology, University of Groningen, INTRODUCTION
(van der Waaij et al., 1971; van der Waaij, 1982) predominantly anaerobic and/or in the intestines, either following pressed, or not sensitive and largely un- and mix with it to establish in the course tentially pathogenic, are generally sensi- of several days a steady state concentra- tive and killed (van der Waaij, 1982). In which may fluctuate with serum levels.
of the antibiotic(s) that have reached the "overgrowth" (van der Waaij, 1979; Nord et al., 1984). Such high concen- trations of potentially pathogenic bacte- fer of the concentration established.
invaded (van der Waaij et al., 1972).
tive suppression of sensitive bacteria in This event is called "translocation" the oropharynx and/or the gut, either the SELECTIVE SUPPRESSION OF BOWEL FLORA
largely unaffected (van der Waaij et al., are resistant to the antibiotic used.
"selective decontamination" (Sleijfer et this condition is beneficial as it is asso- implications of antibiotic therapy for the suppressed by antibiotic therapy (van FAECAL CARRIAGE OF RESISTANT BACTERIA
cycline (Gross et al., 1982). In view of the shift in general practice prescribing testinal tract and not at the site of infec- scription of tetracyclines decreased with changes in resistance rates in relation to association of those bacteria with oppor- tract (Eickhoff, 1979) and urinary tract so that direct comparison is difficult.
increased from 19% to 48% (Burt and ence of antibiotic treatment (Watanabe, Woods, 1976). A study of an extremely studies from the sixties and early seven- ties of the faecal carriage of antibiotic resistant bacteria in normal individuals, streptomycin (Gardner et al., 1969).
teropathogenic Escherichia coli showed resistant to ampicillin and 29% to tetra- ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE IN ENTEROBACTERIACEAE FROM HEALTHY
antibiotic prescribing habits of 15 local antibiotic resistant faecal E. coli in nor- reported in 1966 (Smith and Halls, the intermediate in adults and the lowest in children of less than four years of age resistant E. coli. Approximate analysis portant factor. Linton et al. (1972) how- ever, did not mention the fact that chil- population (Leading article, 1974).
Smith and Halls found in 19 of 20 rep- riage rates of resistant strains in children resentative E. coli from healthy subjects chance of acquiring resistant strains.
ported both in the absence (Petrocheilon carriage of antibiotic resistant bacteria in of antibiotic treatment (van der Waaij et (Williams Smith, 1975; Leading article, rural non-farming families by Linton et a very long time (Hartley and Rich- mond, 1975). The explanation for the than the prevalence in children (64%).
also in a high percentage (63%) resistant of the colonization resistance associated flora in children than in adults. Whether in the Netherlands (van der Waaij et al., intestinal contents (faeces) and may vary where in this monograph, it is likely that particularly as far as ß-lactam antibiotics tivated by faecal substances (Veringa lactamases (Welling et al., 1987) in the ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE IN ENTEROBACTERIACEAE FROM HOSPITAL
surgery (Datta, 1969) was performed.
Gram-negative bacilli as well as E. coli later Shaw and co-workers (1973) pub- found amongst E. coli, resistant strains either not treated or treated with tetra- excreted ampicillin resistant E. coli and 34% tetracycline resistant E. coli. A R-PLASMID TRANSFER IN VIVO
to receive R-plasmids in vivo is ex- clusively be due to selection of resistant habitat of E. coli is the human (and ani- mal) gut. In the intestines E. coli is fer of resistance plasmids. Whilst all the riaceae genera other than E. coli tend to tibiotic resistance markers to laboratory adapted to free-living existence. Plasmid den to Enterobacteriaceae (Zund and Lebek, 1981). It seems likely that a (Lacey, 1975). A rather recent study by well-adapted organism like E. coli is Platt and co-workers (1986) , reveals that in vivo transfer may occur in hospi- talized patients, particularly in E. coli such as Serratia (Platt and Sommerville, 1981) and Klebsiella (Smith, 1976) may sistance was not found (de Vies-Hos- confer sufficient genetic flexibility to re- pers et al., 1981), despite the fact that duce the benefits of plasmid carriage.
Bacteroides spp. are themselves capable not prevented (Dekker et al., 1981).
to be a rare event (Bawdon et al., treated group in a study by Anderson tion (Rozenberg-Arska et al., 1983).
amongst the bacteria of the faecal floraof a subject who had not received an- (Petrocheilon et al., 1976). Most other taking antibiotics, transfer is much more likely during antibiotic treatment with a plasmid transfer (Bawdon et al., 1982; LITERATURE
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Source: http://www.old-herborn-university.de/literature/books/OHUni_book_3_article_1.pdf

Anitibiotikaleitlinien - engl. fassung

Guidelines for the prudent use of veterinary antimicrobial drugs -with notes for guidance- Guidelines on antibiotics Supplement to the German Veterinary Journal 10/2010 Guidelines Antibiotics1 are only to be used for bacterial infections. Any use of antibiotics (e.g. in human and veterinary medicine) can cause the development of antimicrobial resistance. The risk increases if antibiotics ar

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