
NO aspirin, Motrin, Advil, or any medication that can thin the blood (prescription, herbal, or
otherwise) is to be taken for 10 days before/after surgery. Take only the pain medicine and
antibiotics prescribed by Dr. Morrow.
Other medications that you routinely take are fine as
long as they do not impair the clotting process.
• Prior to surgery, arrange for someone to take you home. It is a good idea to make sure
someone is available to care of you the first night after surgery. • Avoid foods that are hard to chew or may upset your stomach.
Keep a stiff upper lip. The upper lip is a key area in rhinoplasty, so try not to move it too much
Avoid bumping your nose. Exercise caution around young children and pets. Don’t lean on your
nose when you sleep; it may be pushed crooked. Place pil ows around your head to prevent this. • Avoid sniffing.
Use sunscreens (SPF 15 or more) if staying outside in the sun or snow for at least the first three
Don’t blow your nose for 10 days after surgery. If you have to sneeze, keep your mouth open.
After this period, blow gently through both sides at once. • Your throat may become dry due to mouth breathing. Drink plenty of water. A humidifier may • Closed approach. If no incision was made between the nostrils, your first post-op appointment
will be in six days (Wednesday). The exception would be if packing was required; this would be removed the day after surgery. • Open approach. If an incision was made between the nostrils, the fine microsutures will be
removed in four days (typical y a Monday). The scabs that form at the suture line and in the nostrils can be softened with hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab before applying an antibiotic ointment (polysporin, bacitracin). This should be done 2-3 times per day. The drip pad, which can be changed as often as necessary, will be soiled the first few days following surgery. Please call if there is a constant flow of bright red blood. This may require additional packing. • A silastic splint is placed inside the nose, secured with a blue stitch, if the nasal septum was
repaired. Occasionally the splint will have an air tube attached to it to provide extra support,
especially if valve reconstruction was performed. The splint, typically removed six days after
, may be maintained in place for an additional week. This is often necessary if the
portion of the septum that was repaired is critical for tip support or maintenance of the height
of the nasal bridge.
• A cast is placed if the nose was re-shaped (rhinoplasty), and sometimes following a closed
reduction of a nasal fracture (treatment for a broken nose). The cast helps keep the nasal bones in proper alignment, as the swel ing inside the nose has a tendency to push the bones apart.
Once the cast is removed (six days after surgery), you wil be instructed on how to perform
finger exercises. Like a retainer after orthodontic treatment, these exercises help keep the nasal
bones in proper alignment. They are performed 6-8 times a day, for one minute in duration, for
4-6 weeks.
• Typically no packing is placed. Rather a biodegradable, resorbable dressing is used. Whatever
has not been resorbed by six days post-op (typical y a Wednesday) wil be suctioned out at the same time the silastic splints are removed (a painless office procedure). The use of saline nasal rinses, three times a day, will provide a moist environment to facilitate healing. Occasionally packing is required if bleeding is persistent throughout or at the end of the procedure. This packing can cause additional discomfort, and will be removed in the office the day after the surgery. • Severe pain is not anticipated. Mild to moderate pressure is most easily control ed with Tylenol # 3 (codeine); 1-2 tabs taken every four hours with food/milk will suffice. • Avoid heavy lifting or straining for 10 days in order to reduce the chances of post-operative
bleeding. If this occurs, packing may be required. • Bruising, which varies from patient to patient, is expected if the nasal bones were gently
fractured and the nose was re-shaped (rhinoplasty). Ice cool compresses (such as frozen corn),
gentle and dry, placed over the eyes (and not on the cast) is critical in minimizing bruising and
swelling. It is not unusual for the bruising and swelling to look worse the second day after
surgery. Keep the head/head of bed elevated.
• Although the nasal bones, if fractured, are stable two weeks after surgery, it takes six weeks for
them to completely heal. Those patients actively involved in athletic activity are advised not to
engage in contact sports for six weeks following surgery. Most patients may resume sports
activity two weeks after a closed reduction with relatively little concern of re-injury so long as
they use the proper protection. It is always best to proceed on the side of caution.
• If an open approach was performed, the incision will look “lumpy, bumpy and red” for the first month. It will gradually fade into an inconspicuous scar by three months, and completely mature after one year. The nasal tip will feel firm and numb for the first six weeks, gradually softening and reverting to its original state by 3-6 months after surgery. RESUMING ACTIVITIES
Contact Lenses: may be worn after surgery. You may notice some swelling in and around the eyes for a
few days, especially if the nasal bones were mobilized.
Eyeglasses: may be worn as long as the cast remains on the nose. Afterwards, tape the bridge of the
glasses to the forehead so they are not resting directly on the nose (two weeks).
Bathing, showering, shampooing: as soon as you feel strong enough. The cast must be kept dry.
Return to work or school: typically after 7-10 days.
Jogging, tennis, weight-lifting, aerobics, cycling, sex: two weeks
Competitive sports, skiing, diving: six weeks
Driving: have someone drive you to the first post-op appointment. You may resume driving (short
distances at first) as soon as you do not require narcotic pain medication.
Please call if you have any questions or concerns: 973.243.0600. We are here for you.

Source: http://www.njfacialskincare.net/pdfs/Post-Nasal_Surgery_Instructions.pdf


Randomized controlled study of 3 different types of hemoclipsfor hemostasis of bleeding canine acute gastric ulcersDennis M. Jensen, MD, Gustavo A. Machicado, MD, Ken Hirabayashi, BABackground: Mechanical closure of bleeding vessels is clinically appealing, and several types of hemoclips arenow marketed for endoscopic hemostasis of nonvariceal lesions. No comparative data have been reported onea

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE General information : Name: Ali Last Name : Taghizadieh Address: Emergency Department, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Daneshgah Street, Imam Reza Hospital , I.R IRAN. Phone: +984113330066 Fax: +984113352078 Cell phone:+989144126103 Email: [email protected] Date of Birth: 7/4/1971 Place of Birth: Tabriz-Iran Marital Status: Married Citizenship:

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