The Prostate 44:111–117 (2000) Modulating Effect of Estrogen and Testosterone on Prostatic Stromal Cell Phenotype Differentiation Induced by Noradrenaline and Doxazosin
Paul Smith,1* Nicholas P. Rhodes,2 Youqiang Ke,1 and Christopher S. Foster1
1Department of Cellular and Molecular Pathology, University of Liverpool,2Department of Clinical Engineering, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United KingdomBACKGROUND. Noradrenaline (NA) has been shown to enhance expression of the contrac- tile phenotype of human prostatic stromal cells in tissue culture. This study examined the possibility that changing levels of sex hormones in elderly men with BPH may modulate the differentiating effect of NA and hence the efficacy of ␣ -adrenoceptor-blocking drugs. METHODS. Confluent, quiescent stromal cell cultures from 6 different patients were treated with combinations of 20 M NA, 1 M doxazosin, 0.1 M -estradiol, and 0.1 M testoster- one, over a period of 10 days. Harvested cells were labelled with fluorescein-conjugated antisera to ␣-smooth muscle actin and myosin to identify cells of contractile phenotype which were thereafter analyzed flow-cytometrically. RESULTS. NA increased mean immunoexpression of both actin and myosin. Enhancement of myosin expression was highly significant (P Յ 0.02). This effect was incompletely opposed by doxazosin. Neither estradiol nor testosterone influenced mean expression of contractile fila- ments and did not significantly enhance or inhibit the effects of NA or doxazosin. However, both sex hormones exhibited a differentially powerful effect on cell lines from individual patients. The expression of myosin increased by NA was further elevated by addition of estradiol in four of the cell lines and by testosterone in three. CONCLUSIONS. The data suggest that levels of estrogens and androgens, either alone or in combination, are unlikely to predict the development of obstructive symptoms in patients with BPH or their response to doxazosin. Nevertheless, prostatic stromal cells from individual patients may be exceptionally sensitive to both sex hormones, with enhanced modulation towards a contractile phenotype. Since ␣- and -subtypes of the estrogen receptor are differ- entially expressed between the stroma and epithelium of the early fetal prostate, it is likely that interaction between sex hormones and noradrenaline is an important factor in determin- ing the phenotypic composition of prostatic stroma at this early stage of development, and possibly predisposition to BPH during later adult life. Prostate 44:111–117, 2000. 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc. KEY WORDS: human prostate; smooth muscle cells; flow cytometry; doxazosin; estro- gen; androgen; noradrenaline; differentiation INTRODUCTION
Grant sponsor: Pfizer Research International; Grant sponsor: Engi-
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is frequently as-
neering and Physical Science Research Council.
sociated with symptomatic urinary outflow obstruc-
*Correspondence to: Dr. Paul Smith, Department of Cellular and
tion accompanied by urinary retention. Although
Molecular Pathology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GA,
much of this obstruction may be due to physical oc-
clusion of the urethra by the enlarged prostate gland,
Received 12 May 1999; Accepted 10 March 2000
2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Smith et al.
it is also exacerbated by contraction of stromal smooth
is required for successful functional development of
muscle cells surrounding the urethra. This contraction
prostatic epithelium [23]. However, the role of estro-
is mediated, in part, by noradrenaline which binds
genic stimulation is complex with respect to prolifera-
␣1A-adrenoceptors expressed on plasma membranes
tion and to expression of other differentiation pro-
of stromal smooth muscle cells and myofibroblasts
teins, including the androgen receptor. Depending on
[1–6]. In recent years, ␣1-adrenoceptor antagonists
the stage of intrauterine growth and relative levels of
have been employed clinically to successfully oppose
hormone achieved, estrogen exhibits a biphasic re-
the influence of noradrenaline (NA) and hence im-
sponse on prostatic enlargement in mice. While low
concentrations modulate the actions of androgen to
Recently, we showed by in vitro studies that nor-
stimulate a 40% growth in epithelium through a two-
adrenaline not only induces contraction of prostatic
fold induction of androgen receptors, high concentra-
stromal cells but also induces expression of a more
tions of estrogen cause a reduction in prostatic size
contractile cell-type [10]. Such phenotypic modulation
is most pronounced when cells are plated out sparsely
Since estrogen and noradrenaline, independently,
and are in a logarithmic phase of active proliferation.
appear to influence the phenotype of prostatic stromal
Furthermore, addition of the ␣1-adrenoceptor antago-
cells in a similar manner, this current study was per-
nist, doxazosin, to the medium largely reverses this
formed to test the hypothesis that a synergistic rela-
phenotypic modulation [11], particularly when the
tionship between these two humoral agents may re-
cells are confluent and proliferatively quiescent, as in
sult in enhanced differentiation of a population of
the intact hyperplastic gland. These findings suggest
stromal cells. Following our previous observation that
that ␣1-adrenoceptor antagonists may not only inhibit
the selective ␣1 adrenoceptor antagonist, doxazosin,
contraction of prostatic stroma, but may also reduce
inhibits, or partially reverses, the differentiating effect
its initial capacity to contract. However, despite giving
of noradrenaline, we predicted that any synergistic
valuable insight into one important aspect of the in-
estrogen effect should be diminished in its presence.
teraction between noradrenaline and prostatic stromal
Although androgen receptors are found in the stroma
cells, these particular experiments did not address the
as well as the glandular epithelium [25,26], little is
possible modulating role of sex hormones on the re-
currently known about the effect of testosterone on the
sponse of hyperplastic prostatic tissues to NA. It is
phenotype of stromal cells. Therefore, the final aim of
generally acknowledged that an imbalance between
this study was to analyze the interactive effect of tes-
the relative levels of estrogens and androgens, conse-
tosterone with noradrenaline and doxazosin on the
quent upon a declining secretion of testosterone from
phenotypic differentiation of cultured human prostat-
middle age onwards, is an important factor in the eti-
ic stromal cells, as assessed by flow cytometry. The
data from this study confirm the initial hypothesis that
Studies of rat early fetal prostate have shown that
a synergistic effect between estrogen and noradrena-
estrogen receptor (ER) subtypes are differentially ex-
line modulates the differentiated phenotype of stro-
pressed between the epithelium and stroma [16], such
mal cells derived from adult human prostate. How-
that ER␣ is expressed by stromal mesenchymal cells,
ever, this interaction is not one of simple synergy but
while ER is differentially expressed by epithelial cells
is complex and likely to be influenced by other factors.
within different lobes of the gland. In the nonneoplas-tic mature adult prostate, estrogen receptors are lo-
cated almost exclusively in stromal cells which are,therefore, able to respond to any relative estrogen ex-
Prostatic tissues were obtained from 6 patients who
cess [13,17–20]. One such response in vitro is an in-
had undergone transurethral prostatic resection for
creased density of intracellular desmin and myosin
BPH. Stromal cells were isolated from the tissues by
filaments [21]. Stromal estrogen receptors also modu-
collagenase digestion, as previously described [10].
late the mitogenic effects of estrogen on prostatic epi-
Cells were grown in RPMI-1640 medium supple-
thelium [22]. Neonatal exposure to low-dose estrogen
mented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), 2 mM L-
regulates estrogen receptor expression in the develop-
glutamine, 100 units/ml penicillin, and 0.1 mg/ml
ing and adult rat prostate stroma and epithelium [15],
streptomycin (Gibco, Life Technologies, Paisley, Scot-
thus providing mechanisms for genetic imprinting
land, UK) in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 and
or for possible development of hyperplastic/prolifera-
air at 37°C. Cells were passaged 4–5 times to provide
tive diseases in later life. In fibroblasts known to ex-
six different cell lines for study. Cells from each line
press ER, exposure to estrogen increases levels of the
were seeded into 16 tissue culture dishes (9-cm diam-
androgen receptor. Furthermore, functional interac-
eter) at a density of approximately 6 × 103 cells/cm2
tion with androgen receptor-expressing stromal cells
and maintained in the above growth medium until
Sex Hormones and Stromal Differentiation TABLE I. Mean Fluorescence Intensities of Alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin and Myosin Expressed by Six Prostatic Stromal Cell Lines†
†C, untreated control; D, doxazosin at 1 M; T, testosterone at 0.1 M; N, noradrenaline at 20 M; E, estradiol at 0.1 M. Numbersin parentheses are ± one standard deviation from the mean. *Significantly different from control (C). **Significantly different from noradrenaline (N); P < 0.05.
they had proliferated to confluence. The medium was
Cells from each treatment were then divided equally
then replaced with 10 ml RPMI-1640 containing 2 mM
into two microcentrifuge tubes and rehydrated with
L-glutamine, antibiotics, and 1% (v/v) dialyzed and
PBS for 30 min, and the supernatants were replaced
carbon-stripped FCS (to remove exogenous steroid
with 200 l of blocking buffer, comprising PBS con-
hormones) to render cells quiescent. The dishes were
taining 1% (w/v) bovine serum albumin, and left
then divided into four groups of four dishes each, to
overnight. After centrifugation, supernatants were re-
which noradrenaline bitartrate (Arterenol, Sigma
placed with 100 l of monoclonal antibodies to either
Chemical Co., Poole, Dorset, UK), -estradiol, testos-
␣-smooth muscle actin (Sigma clone 1A4, dilution 1:
terone (Sigma), and doxazosin mesylate (Cardura,
640) or to smooth muscle myosin (Sigma clone hSM-V,
Pfizer, Ltd., Sandwich, Kent, UK) were added with a
dilution 1:200). Cells were incubated at 37°C for 40
micropipette, according to the scheme summarized in
min with periodic agitation to maintain cells in a dis-
Table I. The final concentrations of each substance in
persed state. The antisera were then withdrawn and
the medium in each case were as follows: noradrena-
the cells were washed in 1 ml of blocking buffer for 10
line, 20 M; -estradiol, 0.1 M; testosterone, 0.1 M;
min, followed by the addition of 100 l of sheep anti-
and doxazosin, 1.0 M. This is higher than the plasma
(mouse IgG) conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate,
concentration of approximately 0.075 M of doxazosin
diluted 1:250 in blocking buffer. Incubation was for a
in a man taking 4 mg of the drug daily [27].
further 30 min at 37°C, after which supernatants were
An extra dish of untreated cells was reserved as a
replaced with 200 l PBS. Negative control cells from
negative control for subsequent immunolabeling. The
each cell line were treated with an antibody of irrel-
medium, hormones, and doxazosin were replaced on
evant specificity but of the same isotype as the pri-
alternate days for a total of 10 days.
mary antibody, followed by the fluorescent secondary
Cells were released from each of the 102 dishes by
exposure to trypsin/EDTA for 5 min, followed by agi-
The fluorescence intensity of each sample of cells
tation until a monodisperse suspension of cells was
was measured in a Becton Dickinson FACsort flow
obtained. Trypsin was inactivated by addition of 1 ml
cytometer (San Jose, CA) in which the sensitivity was
FCS, and the cells washed with phosphate-buffered
adjusted so that 95% of the negative controls fell
saline (PBS) and centrifuged, and the pelleted cells
within the first log decade. A total of 20,000 events
resuspended in 1 ml of 70% (v/v) chilled methanol.
was counted, with electronic noise and subcellular de-
Smith et al. TABLE II. Percentage Increases in Fluorescence Above Baseline for Actin and Myosin in Each Stromal Cell Line Treated With Noradrenaline, Estradiol, and Testosterone
Percent increase in filament expression for cell lines:
bris excluded by setting a threshold on forward light
hormones (TE) to the medium induced negligible
scatter. Data were recorded as frequency distribution
changes to mean fluorescence of either actin or myo-
histograms and as mean fluorescence intensity units
sin, as shown by ratios close to unity. Similarly, both
derived from cells with a fluorescence greater than
hormones exhibited little effect on the ability of nor-
that of 95% of the negative control cells. Data were
adrenaline (N) to alter the expression of myofilaments.
analyzed statistically by ANOVA and paired t-tests,
Thus, although EN, TN, and TEN were all higher than
and were considered to be statistically significantly
the control (significantly so for myosin), in no instance
were they significantly different from N or from oneanother.
Doxazosin alone (D) was associated with reduced
expression of both myofilaments, which was signifi-
Flow cytometric fluorescence intensities expressed
cant for mysoin and also for the ratio of actin:control.
as the mean of the six stromal cell lines are shown in
Similar reductions occurred in groups 2 and 3 (ED and
Table I. To aid comparison, the data are also normal-
TD) and were significant in several instances (Table I).
ized by expressing each fluorescence as a ratio of the
In group 4 (TED), there was little change from control
untreated control (C). Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
values. Doxazosin in conjunction with noradrenaline
was performed on the data derived from the four
(ND) induced a significantly higher immunofluores-
treatments collectively in each experimental group, as
cence than control values (C) for both actin and myo-
defined in Table I. For cells labelled for ␣-smooth
sin. Similar increases were obtained from groups 2
muscle actin, differences in the variance of fluores-
and 3 (NED and NTD). These values, particularly
cence intensity were not significant and, when ex-
those for myosin, were lower than the corresponding
pressed as a ratio of control, were significant only in
values obtained from noradrenaline in the absence of
group 1. Similarly, ANOVA of myosin fluorescence
doxazosin (EN and TN), indicating that the drug had
intensity was not significant but, when expressed as a
incompletely reversed the influence of noradrenaline
ratio of control, all four of the experimental groups
on myofilament expression. However, only in two in-
showed a significant difference (group 1, P < 0.001;
stances (ND, actin ratio; and TEND, myosin fluores-
group 2, P < 0.05; group 3, P < 0.025; group 4, P < 0.01).
cence) were these values significantly lower than those
The data were also analyzed by paired t-tests which
for noradrenaline alone (N). Sex hormones did not
compare the arithmetic differences between related
significantly enhance or inhibit the influence of dox-
pairs of data. The results of this analysis are indicated
azosin plus noradrenaline, despite the fact that testos-
in Table I. Addition of noradrenaline to the medium
terone (NTD and TEND) appeared to prevent doxazo-
increased the mean fluorescence of ␣-smooth muscle
sin from reducing the effect of noradrenaline on
actin above control values in each instance, although
this was statistically significant only for group 1. For
Although sex hormones had little effect on mean
myosin the increases were more pronounced and sig-
fluorescence values from the six cell lines, they had a
considerable effect on myofilament expression by
Addition of estradiol (E), testosterone (T), or both
some individual cell lines. Table II shows the percent-
Sex Hormones and Stromal Differentiation
age increases above baseline (C, E, T, and TE) for each
minimal dose dependency over the concentration
stromal cell line treated with noradrenaline in con-
range of 0.001–10.0 M [11], suggesting that the drug
junction with estradiol, testosterone, and both hor-
may have an action other than that of a simple adre-
mones, respectively (N, EN, TN, and TEN). In cell line
noceptor antagonist. This possibility is supported by
C there was a 28% increase in fluorescence of actin
the observation that doxazosin, when administered to
induced by noradrenaline alone, which was raised to
patients with BPH, enhances apoptosis of prostate
34% in the presence of estradiol, to 45% with testos-
cells, particularly those of the stroma [28,29]. Also,
terone, and further to 50% with both hormones. The
mitogenesis and migration of vascular smooth muscle
increased expression of myosin was further raised by
in culture are inhibited by doxazosin, even when there
addition of estradiol in four cell lines (A, C, D, and F)
is prior ␣1-adrenoceptor blockade by phenoxybenza-
and by testosterone in three cell lines (A, B, and C).
Cell line A in particular showed a 122% increase in
Recently, Boesch et al. [31] demonstrated a change
myosin expression with estradiol and a 139% increase
in the relative proportions of mRNA encoding the two
with testosterone, as contrasted with a 42% increase
isoforms of smooth muscle type myosin heavy chain
with noradrenaline alone. In other cell lines, sex hor-
(SM1 and SM2) in cultured prostatic stromal cells ex-
mones failed to augment, or even reduced, the influ-
posed to doxazosin for 6 days. Thus, the ratio of
SM2:SM1 was increased 10-fold, suggesting a changefrom a secretory to a more contractile phenotype. Thisfinding is at variance with our own observations and
also with the authors’ earlier paper [32], both of which
The data from this study confirm our previous re-
imply that doxazosin reduces the contractility of stro-
ports that noradrenaline promotes expression of con-
mal smooth muscle. The anti-smooth muscle myosin
tractile filament proteins in prostatic stromal smooth
antibody which we employed does not distinguish be-
muscle cells [10,11]. The study further supports our
tween SM1 and SM2, but demonstrates instead a re-
observation that the ␣1-adrenoceptor antagonist, dox-
duction in total myosin immunoexpression induced
azosin, reduces expression of myofilaments actin and
by doxazosin. Furthermore, Boesch et al. [31] demon-
myosin within these cells [11]. Doxazosin, in the ab-
strated that stimulation of stromal adrenoceptors by
sence of noradrenaline, induced a fall in the mean
phenylephrine for 6 days had a negligible effect on the
expression of actin and myosin, an effect which was
myosin heavy-chain ratio, though we have shown re-
greater and significant for the latter filament protein in
peatedly in this and previous papers [10,11] that nor-
experimental groups 1–3 (see Table I). This reduction
adrenaline consistently increases the quantity of myo-
in contractile filaments was greater than that recorded
sin in stromal cells. Clearly, the SM2:SM1 ratio and the
in our earlier study [11], in which neither actin nor
total myosin content are independently modulated by
myosin showed a significant fall. Doxazosin also par-
tially reversed the increase in myofilament expression
In the present study, additional modulating effects
induced by noradrenaline in most of the experimental
of estrogen and androgen were tested concurrently
groups (the exceptions being NTD and TEND labeled
with noradrenaline and doxazosin. Since the concen-
for actin). However, this response was incomplete and
trations of sex hormones change during the aging pro-
varied greatly within the six cell lines examined, so
cess [12–14], we reasoned that they may modify the
that statistical significance was reached only in two
influences of noradrenaline and doxazosin on the
instances (Table I). In a previous study of 10 stromal
prostatic stromal cell phenotype. This effect appeared
cell lines, we found a greater and more consistent re-
likely following the report by Zhang et al. that estra-
sponse to doxazosin, such that the level of actin fluo-
diol (and to a lesser extent testosterone) increases the
rescence and the ratios of actin and myosin to control
density of myosin and desmin filaments in cultured
values were significantly lower than their correspond-
human prostatic stromal smooth muscle cells [21]. We
ing levels with noradrenaline alone [11]. These find-
found no such enhanced fluorescence as assessed by
ings suggest that noradrenaline may enhance the con-
flow cytometry in the mean values from six stromal
tractile phenotype of prostatic stromal cells in BPH,
cell lines, despite the use of identical concentrations
with the potential effect of increasing their contractile
(0.1 M) of estradiol and testosterone. However, an
force and thus exacerbating urethral obstruction.
important methodological difference may be respon-
Moreover, doxazosin may not only inhibit noradren-
sible for this apparent discrepancy. Zhang et al. [21]
ergic contraction of stromal smooth muscle cells but,
added hormones while their cultures were in a prolif-
by reducing their quantity of myofilaments, may re-
erative phase and then fixed them at confluence. In
duce their original capacity to contract. The effect of
our experimental model, cells were allowed to reach
doxazosin on the expression of myofilaments shows a
confluence before the addition of hormones, and were
Smith et al.
then prevented from any further growth by replacing
program grant on biocompatibility. We thank Mrs. Jill
the serum in the medium with 1% dialyzed and car-
bon-stripped FCS. The purpose of this treatment wasto more closely simulate the normal physiological
state of stromal smooth muscle cells in the intact hy-perplastic prostate in which the stromal cells are com-
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CURRICULUM VITTORIO PACE, PhD Department of Drug and Natural Products Synthesis Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna Austria Ernst Mach Postdoctoral Fellow Junior Professor of Organic Chemistry (“Habilitation” of the Spanish Ministry of Education, October 2010 ) EDUCATION: Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Chemical Sciences PhD in Chemistry ( cum laude ) Advisor: Pro
JCR Affirmed BBB+/Stable and J-2 Rating on GS Yuasa Corporation Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) announces the following credit rating. Rationale (1) GS Yuasa Corporation (the "Company") is a holding company established in 2004 through a merger between former Japan Storage Battery Co., Ltd. and former Yuasa Corporation. It handles automotive and motorcycle batteries as we